HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 49 Report

When pirates encounter treasure chests, they will bring them back to the ship.

This is one of the true portrayals of the Age of Navigation.

And the treasure chest is also a thing that can evoke the emotions of pirates in an instant.

Maud is curious about this heavenly treasure chest.

But in this situation, he didn't have the heart to open the treasure chest, so he took it to the cabin and put it away.

After coming out of the cabin, Maud first glanced at Lafayette, who was concentrating on observing the weather, and then looked again at the huge waterspout that broke through the clouds in the sky.

A treasure chest flew in when you rolled it. This encounter was really dreamy, but it really happened.

Opportunity is something that is unclear.

There was once a drunken-eyed pirate who, after having a banquet with his companions on an uninhabited island, had a bad stomach, so he found a hidden place on the island to solve it on the spot.

Coincidentally, the fluid excrement that rushed out of his intestines happened to be poured on a devil fruit.

After the pirate lifted his pants, he habitually glanced at the excrement, and also noticed the Devil Fruit that was occupied by the excrement.

Then, the pirate's drunkenness was eliminated by three points on the spot.

No one knew how the pirate was feeling at the time, only that the pirate used the fastest speed in his life to fish the indescribable Devil Fruit from the mess of excrement.

Then, without thinking about it, the pirate swallowed the devil fruit that had been drenched in excrement in two mouthfuls.

Such is the wonder of the Great Channel.

In this world with tens of millions of islands, whether it's a devil fruit or a treasure chest, they all sleep somewhere in an unknown way.

When luck comes, you don't have to look for it, the devil fruit or treasure chest will be delivered to you.

Maud was thinking about the contents of the treasure chest, and at the same time paying attention to the climate change on the sea.

After changing the direction of the left rudder just now, it was a dangerous and dangerous way to get rid of the whale-sucking current behind him, thus reducing the chance of capsizing the boat.

Then, under the correct command of Lafayette's decision, after several changes of direction, the mast ship completely avoided the threat from the huge waterspout.

A few dozen minutes later, the mast ship managed to break out of the storm and came to the sea in the sunny weather.

After escaping, Lafayette frowned slightly.

"The boat is so bad..."

He sighed inwardly.

There were two near capsizes just now, both because the "response" of the mast boat was too slow.

However, Lafayette's brows widened when he thought that he could order a good ship of hundreds of millions on the next Leviathan island.

Mast boat sails on calm sea.

As soon as he escaped danger, Maud couldn't wait to go back to the cabin to take out the treasure chest that was tied in a knot with iron chains.

Lafayette and Jim were surprised when they saw the treasure chest.

They were so focused on fighting against nature that they didn't notice that Maud had picked up a treasure chest.

Everyone came over and looked down at the rusted treasure chest.

"What could it be..."

Maud was looking forward to it and took off the chain.

After the treasure chest took off the chain, the rusted keyhole was exposed.

Maud put his hand on the treasure chest, and with a slight force, he opened the lid of the treasure chest.

More than half of the turbid seawater remained in the treasure chest, and pieces of soaked paper floated in the water.

Maud gently poured out the seawater in the treasure chest, and with a light sound, an hourglass-shaped permanent pointer fell out.

In addition to this, there is a slender capped small wooden tube.

"Permanent pointer?"

Maud picked up the permanent pointer, and inside the transparent glass ball surrounded by three small wooden pillars, a pointer pointed steadily in a certain direction.

Generally speaking, on the wooden frame of the permanent pointer, there will be a series of engraved words indicating the destination.

But this permanent pointer does not engrave the name of the destination.

Just as Maud was looking at the permanent pointer, Jaya picked up the small wooden tube that covered it and shook it lightly, and there was a slight crash in the wooden tube.

Jaya then opened the cover and poured out a rolled up parchment.

Seeing this, Maud gently lowered the permanent pointer and looked at Jaya's unfolded vellum.

This is a map that briefly depicts the terrain of an island, and it looks unremarkable.

However, a red cross was drawn near the center of the map.

"Treasure Map?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Treasure chests and treasure maps, even if they are not pirates, will immediately generate interest.

Lafayette picked up the permanent pointer and smiled: "This is really a surprise."

With this treasure map, the permanent pointer is likely to point to the island where the treasure is located.

Jaya glanced at the treasure map in his hand seriously, his eyes stopped on the skull in the upper right corner of the treasure map, his face was full of curiosity.

Contacting this kind of thing as a pirate gave her a wonderful feeling.

Maud probed and took the treasure map in Jaya's hand, and said curiously: "I don't know what kind of treasure it will be."

"It's usually treasure."

Lafayette plays with the permanent pointer.

Treasure means a lot of money, and a lot of money can be used for many things.

You know, a good place like the dragon's territory is rare, even in the great waterway.

"Just go after the boat change!"

Maud looked expectantly.

Picking up this treasure map is like winning the lottery.

And treasure hunts can always provoke sufficient motivation.


seven days later.

The story of the Maud Pirates slaughtering all the pirates in the town of Twin Island occupied a section of today's newspaper.

These newspapers are dispatched all over the world by the industrious delivery gulls.

"It's ruthless, Maud Pirates..."

"I remember that the Twin Island is the starting island of one of the routes. These guys are really incredible. They are so domineering when they first entered the great channel?"

"It's definitely not a rookie pirate group that can do such a thing. If you encounter it in the future, it's best to stay away."

"How dare a rookie pirate group be so arrogant?"

"The rookie pirate group is very hostile!"

"This is the first time I've heard of such a thing."

"It's really hard to imagine that just a few people killed all the pirates on the island?"

"Bacardi Maud..."

All over the world, many pirates are talking about this.

This twin island massacre incident will not cause an uproar in this world that has been quiet for a period of time, but it has also caused a lot of ripples.

Therefore, the Maud Pirates officially entered the field of vision of many pirates on the Great Channel.

East China Sea, Rogue Town.

Taotu looked calmly at the photos in the newspaper.

At his fingertips, he squeezed the newspaper into folds, showing the owner's emotions.

She didn't expect to wait for Maud's news in this way.

It turned out...has already gone to the great waterway.

Taotu's mentality is a little broken.

Smog and Dasqi stood behind Taotu, their eyes fell on the black and white photos in the newspaper.

In the photo, Maud is standing among the piles of corpses with a long knife in hand.

The technique of the photographer is very good. Although he chose a side face angle, he still clearly captured the cold eyes of Maud at that time.

Such an expression, coupled with the background board full of corpses, made a burst of awe-inspiring suffocation come out.

Looking at the content of the report below the photo, Dusky's heartbeat gradually accelerated.

She was still young, and was frightened by the brutal actions of the Maud Pirates.

Smog frowned, with a look of fear in his eyes.

:. :

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