HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 51 Notorious

Leviathan Island is also known as the City of Daylight.

But in fact, the name of this city of day has nothing to do with the capital of King Ahab on the top of Leviathan Island.

It comes from the only city under the rule of Ahab Kingdom - Dick City.

A thriving city "inside the whale's mouth" on Leviathan Island.

Because Dick City is located in the belly of the island, it is nicknamed "Cave City".

The mast ship that Maud and his party were riding sailed into the huge harbor.

Different from the dark environment in the imagination, the space inside this island is bright as day.

On the top of the rock formation in the belly of the island, vine-like branches as thick as pillars hang down.

There are quite a few light balls hanging from each branch.

These balls of light are the same size as basketballs, but they are more numerous.

It is precisely because of the soft light emanating from these light spheres that the interior of the island is as bright as day.

Under that soft light, the masted ship smashed into the calm waters of the harbour.

From the ripples of the sea water drawn on both sides of the keel at the bottom of the boat, there are bright spots of light.

Bailey crouched on the railing, looking curiously at the waves swaying across the sea.

Maud and the others looked up at the light ball vines above the island.

The light covering his body is not only not dazzling, but even like the sun, it can bring a little warmth to the skin.

"What an amazing plant..."

Maud thought to himself.

With the existence of this extraordinary plant, it is no wonder that a prosperous city can be built in the belly of Leviathan.

Jaya looked at the light ball vines, raised her finger to her chin, and said to herself, "I don't know how it tastes, but can it be used as an ingredient."


Hear the whisper,

Maud couldn't help but glance at Jaya.

Those light ball vines are obviously the lifeblood of Dick City, and there is a high probability that they will not be easily touched by outsiders.

After a while, the mast boat arrived at the berthing spot provided by Dick City for foreign ships.

It is located on the left side of the harbor, and there are about fifty or sixty ships of various sizes moored here.

Among them, there are as many as twenty pirate ships alone.

Being able to let pirates freely enter and leave Dick City is also one of the characteristics of the Ahab Kingdom on Leviathan Island.

For this country and its people, frequent pirates can bring chaos and income.

Therefore, Thomas Shipyard, whose customers are mainly pirates, can become a tax giant in the Kingdom of Ahab, paying an astonishing amount of taxes to the Kingdom of Ahab every year.

As for what the pirates will do in Dick City, as long as they hide in the sewer, the greedy king who lives on the head of the whale will just turn a blind eye.

But if it goes too far, the army of Ahab Kingdom will not be polite.

After the mast ship docked, Maud and several others disembarked one after another.

Before disembarking, Maud had packed all the funds on the ship.

A rough calculation, about 600 million.

With this amount of money, even if Thomas Shipyard is notoriously ruthless, it is enough for Maud and the others to change to a top-notch ship.

There was a lot of people on the pier, but as Maud and a few people got off the boat, it gradually became quiet.

"It's the Maud Pirates..."

The people around were all looking at Maud with different expressions.

Their eyes are mostly focused on Maud.

Because of the massacre on the Twin Islands, in the eyes of others, Maud has become an unreasonable murderer.

Maud ignored the glances from around him and looked up at the surrounding environment, trying to find out where the Thomas Shipyard was located.

Generally speaking, the site of the shipyard will be in the port or in the vicinity of the water.

But Maud glanced around and saw nothing like a shipyard.

"Just ask someone."

Maud muttered to himself and looked at the crowd around him.

At a glance, he saw a naked bearded man with a strong presence in the crowd, and he walked towards the big man.


The big man saw Maud staring at him, his body trembled, he turned around and ran away.


Maud stared blankly at the bearded man who had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

What's the situation?

While puzzled, Maud turned to look at a beautiful woman nearby.


After the woman's eyes met Maud's, she screamed first, then lifted the corner of her skirt and ran away.


Maud's eyelids jumped.

Don't you just want to ask the way, as for?

Maud, who was confused, could only look at the others.


He glanced around in a circle, and in less than ten seconds, the crowd dispersed.

In such a large area, only Maud and the others are left.

"What's the situation?"

Maud was stunned.


Lafayette could probably guess what was going on. After a chuckle, he said seriously, "Our captain is now notorious."


Maud was powerless to refute.

This dock for foreign ships is only part of the Dick City harbor.

Originally, it was quite lively with people coming and going.

Now there is not a single figure in sight, but there are a few more shoes on the ground that I don't know who has fallen.

"Forget it, let's advance to the city."

Maud shook his head slightly.

He just wanted to ask about the road, he never thought that it would turn out like this after scanning around.

Maud led the way.

Behind them, Jaya and the others looked at the back of their captain with a smile on their faces.

Maud and his party just walked a distance, a boy came out from behind a warehouse on the side of the road, and stopped Maud and the others alone.

The boy had an inch head, and there were several smudges on his face and clothes. When he opened his mouth, the two gaps in his teeth were very conspicuous.

After stopping Maud and the others, the toothless boy took out a folded small book from his satchel.

"Sir, I have here a tourist brochure for Dick City. If you are willing to buy it, I think it will help you a lot."

The boy looked calm, but his legs were swaying.

I don't know if I'm nervous or scared.

Maud watched with interest the boy who took the initiative to sell to the door.

He wanted to ask for directions just now, but inexplicably persuaded a group of people to retreat.

On the contrary, this boy who looked only eight or nine years old had the courage to stand in front of him.

"Have a map?"


"How much?"

"A thousand Baileys!"

When Maud heard this, he took out a thousand Baileys and bought the so-called tourist brochure.

The toothless boy accepted the money, but did not leave directly, but watched Maud open the tourist brochure.

"What? Is there anything else?"

Maud looked down at the toothless boy as he opened the tourist brochure.

The toothless boy's legs were still swaying, and he pretended to be calm and said, "If you are not satisfied with the 'Sightseeing Brochure', I can immediately return it for you."

Maud couldn't help laughing when he said this in a big voice.

On the other hand, Jaya and the others are the same, they just think this little boy is a little interesting.


Maud nodded at the toothless boy, and immediately read the manual.

To his surprise, the maps in the manual were hand-painted.

However, it can be understood.

Maud glanced at the map and immediately saw the location of Thomas Shipyard, which turned out to be the innermost part of Dick City, which seemed to be built along the mountain wall.

"Did you draw this manual yourself?"


The boy with missing teeth asked nervously, "Are you, are you still satisfied?"

"pretty good."

Maud put away the manual.

Seeing that Maud did not intend to return it, the toothless boy was relieved.

Maud looked at the boy with missing teeth and suddenly asked, "We lack a guide, are you interested?"


The toothless boy widened his eyes.

Soon, he reacted, without even asking for the reward, he nodded like a garlic.

Maud smiled and promised a suitable payment in a few words.

Led by the toothless boy, Maud and his party walked into Dick City.

After Maud and the others are far away.

Many eyes in the dark looked at their backs.

The masters of these eyes, some have Maud's reward orders, some have assassination orders, and some even have newspapers that reported the Twin Island incident some time ago.

"Morde Pirates, shouldn't it be for the Devil Fruit?"

A man with two chains wrapped around his body and his hair and beard combed like a fan blade whispered to himself.

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