HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 73 Snatching Devil Fruits (2 in 1)

the next day.

The hanging lights above Dick City are still there.

It was early morning, and a thin layer of water vapor was floating on the stone pavements around the block.

The soft yellow light penetrates into the water vapor, reflecting a hazy light perception.

On the street, pedestrians walked to and fro, making ripples from the hazy water vapor.

At this point, there are still two hours before the finals of the battle of beasts begin.

However, there were already many people on the long street heading towards the Colosseum.

After all, it is a large arena that can accommodate more than 100,000 spectators.

If you go early, you will save the queue to get in.

This is their idea.

Luo walked through the stream of people, squinting at the pedestrians hurried past.

Bepo held [Ghost Cry] and walked side by side with Luo.

In the game some time ago, Bepo lost to Bailey, and it was a disastrous defeat.

The cruel reality has made him depressed until now.

For this reason, he just wanted to leave this sad place quickly.

And today, the captain of his own family is finally going to take action against the national treasure of the Ahab Kingdom.

As long as they can get a lot of hanging lamp vine roots, they can leave Leviathan today.

Get out of this sad place! ! !

Bepo shouted in his heart.

"Captain, when are we going to grab... um, take away the roots of the hanging lamp vine?"


Luo twitched the corners of his mouth, looked up at the hanging lamp vine, and said lightly: "When the cheers of the Colosseum are the most enthusiastic..."


Bepo nodded.

"Then... shall we say hello to Brother Morde before we leave?"

"Brother Morde???"

Luo tilted his head,

Looking at Bepo with a strange look.

"Can't I call him brother~?"

Bepo twisted his fingers shyly.


Luo was speechless.

Before leaving, he did not intend to say hello to Maud.

Without going to pick up Bepo, Luo walked forward.

This bear at home is fine.

Just can't stand praise.

Sometimes he doubted that the bear might one day be abducted by rhetoric.

Two hours passed.

The hazy water vapor on the road dissipated, leaving a water mark on the ground.

Outside the Colosseum, a large number of soldiers were stationed.

A square with a huge broadcast screen hanging in the distance was also crowded with people.

The eyes of almost everyone in the city were focused on the upcoming beast fighting final, which was an unprecedented event.

In the Colosseum, the heads of people in the auditorium were shaking, except for a small empty seat in one area.

There, sat Maud, Lafayette, and Jim.

With them as the center point, no one dared to sit in the dozens of seats around.

Bizarre phenomena make them very conspicuous.

In this regard, Maude is also helpless.

"Boss, hasn't the game started yet?"

Bailey squatted on Maud's lap, yawning in boredom.


Maud looked up at the VIP box standing at the top of the Colosseum.

A square transparent crystal box hangs in the sky right in front of the box.

The bottom of the crystal box is cushioned with a layer of red soft cloth.

A devil fruit with a dark green wavy pattern on the skin and three sharp horns raised at the top rests on a soft cloth.

That devil fruit is the champion prize of the Beast Fighting Competition.

Maud stared silently at the Devil Fruit.

In the auditorium, most of the audience are people in Dick City.

Their attention was basically on the iron fence gate at the end of the two stone paths in the north and south of the arena. They wanted to see the contestants on the stage as soon as possible, and then bring them a hearty beast fight.

And there are not a few audiences like Maud who come to the Devil Fruit.

They are also silently paying attention to the devil fruit in the crystal box hanging high in the sky.

People such as Buffalo of the Don Quixote family, from the beginning, did not intend to win the Devil Fruit by participating in the competition.

Stealing it directly is the quickest and most rude method.

Pirates who had the same idea as Buffalo and the others were just a few more in the audience.

The malice that was brewing was hidden under the warm atmosphere in the arena.

Maud retracted his gaze towards the Devil Fruit with a calm expression, and said, "Next, in what way will it kick off?"


Lafayette smiled coldly.

Just by glancing at the surrounding auditorium, you can easily identify a group of ill-intentioned peers.

And their goals are self-evident.

At that time, the clear grab will only be expected.

Maud said lightly: "The chaos that the revolutionary army wants to see, it seems that someone will serve us."

"Hoho... Not only that, that devil fruit is really in a good place."

"That's right."

Maud smiled.

Like him, there are moon steps.

And Lafayette has the ability to fly.

In this way, no matter how those eager colleagues will start the prelude to snatch the Devil Fruit, he and Lafayette can also rely on the ability of air travel to get close to the Devil Fruit for the first time.

Now, they just have to wait patiently for the time to come.

As for whether the Devil Fruit is an ancient species, it has become meaningless in the current situation.

"Ancient species, huh..."

There was a glimmer in Maud's eyes.

This type of devil fruit, in terms of rarity, is not comparable to the natural system.

The maddened people who are attracted by this existence will not be less.

What kind of "grand occasion" will it lead to then?

Maud doesn't care.

What he wanted was prey and devil fruits.

That's all.


With the Colosseum final kicked off.

There were significantly fewer pedestrians on the street.

At this moment, most people are watching live broadcasts at home or in pubs.

Luo took the [Ghost Cry] from Bebo and walked straight towards the [Human Ladder Box] in the center of the city.

Those royal aristocrats who have only been active in the royal capital above the whale's head for a long time are basically in the VIP box in the Colosseum at this moment.

Along with them were 70% of the soldiers who were recruited from the capital.

That is to say.

The current Royal Capital is not very strong, and it is also the right time to take away a large number of hanging lamp vines.

If it weren't for the strict requirements for the [activity] of the roots, Luo wouldn't have to go to the top of the whales to face the forces of the capital, and just attack the inactive roots in the Colosseum.

Hearing the warm cheers coming from the Colosseum, Luo smiled disdainfully and came to the central stone pillar where the [human ladder box] was located.

He came here in time, and he was ready to fight.

However, what caught my eye was a group of fallen soldiers.

"Someone got on first?"

Looking at the soldier who fell to the ground, a strange color flashed in Luo's eyes.

At this moment, an old sneer came from the back of the other side of the stone pillar.

Hearing the familiar laughter, Luo's face darkened slightly, and he looked coldly at the side of the stone pillar.

The sneering laughter that came from the back of the stone pillar gradually stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Rao G came out tremblingly from the back of the stone pillar.

"I didn't expect it, Luo...!"


Looking at the person who came, Luo's eyes flashed with chills.

Pointing the handle of [Ghost Cry] to the group of fallen soldiers, Luo asked indifferently, "What did you do?"


Rao narrowed his eyes.

He didn't lie.

Before he came here, this group of soldiers had already been knocked down.

Luo glanced at the [human ladder box] hanging on the stone pillar, and could see many traces of damage.

That means, he will not be able to go to the royal capital above the whale's head through the [human ladder].

Whether it was done by Rao G. does not seem to matter anymore.

After being silent, Luo used his thumb to open the handle of [Ghost Cry].

"Bepo, step aside."

"it is good!"

Bepo stepped back decisively.

Rao looked at Luo, who was in an attacking stance, and said coldly, "Luo, don't you think you can beat me?"

"How would you know if you didn't try it?"

Luo smiled coldly.

When Rao heard the words, he raised his head and laughed out loud, and even almost flashed his old waist.

There was contempt in that laughter.

And he also has the capital to scorn Luo.

After all, he had trained Luo, but he beat Luo into a swollen lump countless times.


Also at this moment, a violent explosion suddenly came from the Colosseum, which interrupted Rao's contemptuous laughter.

"It's started."

Rao restrained his laughter, looked past Luo, and looked at the billowing black smoke coming out of the Colosseum.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another violent explosion.

Luo frowned slightly, and did not look back at the Colosseum, his eyes always fell on Rao.




In just a few seconds, more than ten explosions sounded one after another.

As the sound of the explosion faded away, a loud noise intertwined with various panic and screams spread from the Colosseum to the streets.

An explosion was triggered in such a crowded Colosseum. Even if Luo was not there, he could almost imagine the tragic situation there.


Luo turned his back to the Colosseum where the smoke billowed, and looked at Rao G with cold eyes.

"The Don Quixote family has always been keen to collect Devil Fruits, and the prize for this Beast Fighting Competition is said to be an ancient Devil Fruit. It's not surprising that you will be here."

"Call the family by name! Luo, you really have lost your sense of awe now."

Rao, who was short and withered, held his old waist with both hands and twisted it twice, as if he was warming up.

"However, you are right, we are indeed here for the ancient species, and finding you here is a pleasant surprise."

"Unexpected joy...?"

Luo pulled out the ghost cry, his tone full of cold killing intent, and said, "Don't be a surprise to let you die here."


Rao's bald head had several blue veins bursting out, his upper body leaned forward, and his hands that were separated from his old waist formed a "G" shape with his fingers.

"You stinky bastard! Don't forget who taught your physique!"


Luo didn't say more and waited.

Rao G stared at Luo's offensive and defensive posture, and sneered: "Don't worry, in order to pry the fruit of the surgery out of your body, I won't kill you directly here."

Hearing Rao.G's confident words, a ray of light flashed in Luo's eyes.

Since leaving the Don Quixote family, he has been secretly paying attention to everything the Don Quixote family has.

And this sentence of Rao.G inadvertently revealed a piece of information to him.

Has the current Don Quixote family already mastered the technology of how to recover Devil Fruits?

If so...

The man who once wanted to get the fruit of the operation at all costs, after this, he will only try to catch himself, right?

Thinking of this, Luo seemed to have the first chance to win.

With his current ability to achieve surgical results, he is indeed not sure to be better than Rao G.

However, the difference between fighting to the death and being captured alive is very different.


Luo directly used the ability of the surgical fruit.

A hemispherical space appeared out of thin air and suddenly enveloped him and Rao.

"Rao.G, you have stepped into the dead zone."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Chudao slashed forward.

There was no sign of it. A wave of air suddenly erupted from the waist of Rao G, who was more than a dozen meters away, and there was no other movement.

This knife did not cut Rao G, who was in the field of surgical fruit, in half.

The expected phenomenon did not happen, Luo's eyes changed slightly.

Seeing this, Rao G sneered: "It seems that my armament is better than your 'sharpness', the mark of G!!!"

Suddenly, Rao G's old body rushed towards Luo with lightning speed.

The speed of the run was so fast that no afterimage was left.


Luo couldn't see Rao G's movements at all, and he didn't even have room to think, so he directly used the exchange ability of the surgical fruit to exchange himself with a soldier's body not far away.


Luo's body teleported to the ground more than ten meters away, but where he was originally, an unconscious Ahab Kingdom soldier appeared out of thin air.

At this time, Rao G's figure suddenly appeared, and the hands that drew the shape of "G" were severely engraved on the soldier.


The extremely powerful force suddenly bombarded the hapless soldier into pieces.

"so close……"

Seeing this extremely tragic scene in front of him, Luo An was shocked.

If he was hit from the front, with his defensive power, although it would not be so miserable, it would definitely be seriously injured and unconscious.

"Hide away."

Rao.G maintained the attacking posture just now, and the old body trembled very quickly with a small amplitude.

He slowly moved his body and looked at Luo with a dignified face.

In Rao.G's view, this is a no-suspense battle.

Because, Yi Luo's strength is absolutely impossible to surpass him.



The auditorium was in chaos.

Just a minute ago, Conan of the Raging Fang Pirates defeated his opponent and won the Beast Fighting Championship as a strong man.

The audience who witnessed the final result of the beast fighting with their own eyes responded with the warmest applause and cheers.

On the ring, Conan in beast form squinted and enjoyed the cheers from the audience.

But at that time, dozens of violent explosions without warning swept through many places in the auditorium in an instant.

Thick black smoke billowed, and nearly a thousand spectators were killed on the spot.

This sudden upheaval suddenly stopped the warm atmosphere in the Colosseum.

Immediately afterwards, the panicked audience fled, and between shoving and shoving, countless people were caught under the soles of their feet.

The surrounding chaos did not affect Maud, who was sitting quietly.

Despite his expectations, Maud did not expect that those who wanted to seize the Devil Fruit would start the prelude in such an inhuman way.

Maud looked up and looked at the crystal box still hanging quietly high in the sky.

After this, I am afraid there will be thousands of more victims in the Colosseum.


In the chaos, a gunshot pierced the air.

The bullet shot from a corner of the auditorium accurately hit the rope tied to the crystal box.


The rope snapped.

The crystal box containing the devil fruit fell from the sky to the ground.

"Oh oh oh!"

Almost at this moment, bursts of excited and excited roar broke out in the audience.

At this moment, a slender fishing line was thrown towards the crystal box that was in free fall.

The hook at the end of the fishing line actually successfully hooked the small round opening above the crystal box.

"Haha, the devil fruit is mine!"

An excited voice suddenly resounded throughout the audience.

People staring at the Devil Fruit watched in amazement as the crystal box was hooked out of thin air by a fish hook, and turned to look around, only to see a slender man pulling back the fishing rod in his hand.

"It's the sea fisher Gelila with a bounty of 66 million!!!"

Someone instantly recognized the man who used the fishing line to snag the crystal box.

Maud saw this too.

There is always a shortage of strange people in the world.

While thinking about it, Maud took out the dark crow and pulled the trigger against the sky.

The hot buckshot flew out, breaking the slender fishing line that was moving at high speed.

"What, what!?"

Sea angler Greila stared in disbelief as the fishing line was interrupted.

That thin fishing line?

how can that be? !


Maud stepped into the air with a burst of gas, and caught the crystal box containing the Devil Fruit under the gaze of many astonished eyes.

At this time, the muzzle of the flintlock pistol in his other hand was still smoking white smoke.

It seems that he is telling a fact to the owner of the countless gathering gazes.

Just now, it was he who shot and broke the fishing line.

Therefore, it is also qualified to get this much-anticipated loot.

"It's Bacardi Maud!!!"

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