HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 78 The Best Hunting Ground

Ruined Colosseum.

The sound of gunfire scattered everywhere.

There are also those who have suffered unwarranted disasters and lost their lives.

Everything, like a farce, appeared in front of Digal's eyes.

The national conditions that he created to be able to consume pirates were not worth the natural influence brought by a devil fruit.

This made him very unhappy.

After all, he still far underestimated the greed and bottom line of pirates.

Just to compete for a Devil Fruit, this group of pirates dares to ignore the army he feeds a lot of money every year.

"Pirates are pirates, they do things recklessly and have no brains at all."

Digal looked down at the elite soldiers pouring into the Colosseum from various entrances and exits.

On and off the field, there are a total of 10,000 elites.

This kind of force is enough to wipe out all the outlaws who are doing whatever they want in the Colosseum.

However, Digal did not let the army directly act, but let them guard the various passages, forming a situation in the urn.

A thick-browed general in armor came behind Digal and said solemnly, "Your Majesty, the soldiers are all in place."

"Put them on standby."

Digal raised his gaze to Lafayette who kept dodging lead bullets in the air.


General Thick Eyebrows responded and turned to leave the box.

He didn't need Digal much to explain, he realized Digal's idea.

Right now, the pirates in the Colosseum are fighting each other for a Devil Fruit.

In this case, the army does not have to rush into the arena at all, just guard the entrances and exits and block all the pirates in the Colosseum.

When the pirates stop and even want to escape from here, it is the time for the army to take action.

At that time,

They won't let any of the pirates go.

After General Thick Eyebrows left, Digal turned his attention from Lafayette to Maud, who was chasing pirates in the arena.

This kind of fight between "beasts" is something Digal loves to see.

But for some unknown reason, when watching Maud's slaughter, Digal suddenly felt a little uneasiness in his heart.

"Just a pirate."

Digal shook his head slightly, soothing the strange feeling in his heart.

In his opinion, 10,000 elite soldiers in the arena, plus several top domestic powerhouses in the box who are responsible for protecting him, are enough to solve this group of lawless pirates in the Colosseum.

Inside the Beast Arena.

The large number of soldiers who suddenly poured in, like a basin of cold water, slightly suppressed the high emotions of the many pirates and bounty hunters present who wanted to seize the Devil Fruit.

"These soldiers...?"

"What's the situation now?"

Many pirates and bounty hunters stopped, frowning at the soldiers who exuded chills.

The entrances and exits as far as the eye can see are blocked by this group of soldiers.

Meanwhile, Maud was rushing through the audience to kill prey who had the impression of writing down information.

Other than that, he has no interest at all.

And his bloody murderous posture is also stirring the nerves of the pirates all the time.

Gradually, the pirates felt something was wrong.

If it goes on like this, let alone grab the Devil Fruit, it is estimated that the fate will be handed over here.

Several pirates who reacted suddenly rushed to one of the passages that were heavily guarded.


The soldiers stationed near the passage resolutely raised their muskets and fired a salvo at the pirates.

Those pirates actually had two brushes, and they used the corpses that could be seen everywhere on the audience stage to block the soldiers' first round of shooting.

However, the nearly 100 soldiers who then surrounded them directly stabbed the pirates into beehives with their spears.

Many pirates and bounty hunters in the field watched this scene, and their hearts were shaken.

Previously, he had been patronizing and grabbing Devil Fruits, but he had ignored the iron-blooded tactics of the Ahab Kingdom army.

In addition, there is that unreasonable Bacardi Maud...

With the two-pronged approach, the originally crazy pirates gradually calmed down.

"Hoho, are you trying to catch them all in one go? The army of the Kingdom of Ahab..."

Lafayette's body hovered in the air, looking down at the nearly 10,000 Ahab Kingdom soldiers guarding the passage.

In terms of numbers alone, the number of soldiers was five times that of the pirates in the arena.

However, rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry, not to mention these cold-blooded pirates.

If the two sides clashed head-on, maybe the pirates would be wiped out, but the army would definitely not feel better.

Under the attention of Lafayette, some pirates in the field directly abandoned their luck and began to form a group to kill the soldiers guarding the passage.

Their purpose is obvious, that is, to tear open the encirclement and escape.

Except for this part of the pirates who acted decisively, the rest are still standing and watching the Devil Fruit in Lafayette's hands.


There was a dangerous gleam in Lafayette's eyes.

The devil fruit in his hand is the bait for keeping the pirates in the Colosseum.

Now, the army of the Kingdom of Ahab is standing still, guarding the passages and surrounding everyone in the arena.

This restraining behavior, on the contrary, calmed down those who were going to snatch the Devil Fruit, and split into two factions.

One faction is those who give up the Devil Fruit and want to break through and leave here, and the other faction are those who are waiting for the opportunity and still not giving up on the Devil Fruit.

Lafayette was in the air and had a clear view of the situation on the field.

Knowing the situation, he suddenly grinned.

Immediately afterwards, he flew towards Jim and Bailey, who were hiding in the corner as much as possible to hide their presence.

Looking at Lafayette's futile actions, those pirates who were still unwilling to give up on Devil Fruits shot Lafayette again without thinking.

At the same time, they all jumped off the audience stage and ran to the position where Lafayette might fall at the fastest speed.

Sadly, all the buckshot they fired were dodged by Lafayette.

Lafayette landed in front of Jim like this, and immediately shattered the crystal box with his bare hands, and put the Devil Fruit in the box in front of Jim's mouth.

Jim was mentally prepared for a long time, and he opened his mouth to take a bite of the Devil Fruit.


Seeing this, Lafayette retracted the arm holding the Devil Fruit, and then Shi Shiran turned around, looking calmly at the group of pirates chasing after him.


"My devil fruit...!"

Looking at the bitten devil fruit, the pirates who tried to get the devil fruit were all unwilling.

Without this Devil Fruit, they lost their motivation to stay in the Colosseum.

However, the passage out of the Colosseum was blocked by the army of Ahab Kingdom...

In other words, the only option left to them is to break through the encirclement of the army.

For a while, the pirates and bounty hunters in the arena unanimously aimed their spear at the surrounding soldiers.

It's not that they didn't think about looking for trouble with the Maud Pirates, but the presence of the surrounding soldiers reminded them that they were out of time.

Get out of here first...

The goals of the pirates in the arena gradually became the same.

As Lafayette expected, in just a few minutes, all the pirates on the field attacked the surrounding army.

The two sides suddenly started a melee!

As the initiator, Lafayette was just smiling and watching.

His eyes flew towards Maud's figure.

This melee situation is the best hunting ground for Maud.

Maud seemed to have a feeling, and tilted his head to meet Lafayette's gaze from a distance.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Then, Maud saw that the firepower was full, mixed into the chaos, and efficiently harvested a bunch of experience.

A new level is gradually taking shape.

Standing in the box at the top, Digal's gaze was locked on Maud.

He watched Maud in the scuffle, and he couldn't understand Maud's motives.

Obviously, you can leave the Colosseum with that kind of air-walking skills, and the devil fruit has been eaten.

Why still...?

Inexplicably, Digal felt a chill in his heart, and subconsciously looked back at the box door.

Around, the members of the noble royal family who were admiring the chaos and slaughter below, did not notice Digal's strangeness at all.

They're also following Maud, but they don't waste brain cells anticipating what Maud might bring them.

Inside the Colosseum.

As soldiers and pirates fell one by one.

This endless melee fighting is gradually coming to an end.

Maud, who was covered in blood, looked excited.

Profits exceeded expectations.

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