HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 122 Both ruthless and fast.

As the puppy head zombie said earlier, Moria did sleep on a balcony on the top floor of the castle during this time period.

Then, the movement caused by Maud in the cemetery directly disturbed Moria's quiet time.

His body that was nearly seven meters high slowly got up and looked down at the direction of the cemetery.

With the domineering look of seeing and hearing, his eyes passed through the fog and discerned the identity of Maud.

With a bounty of 360 million, it is also the hottest new star pirate this year.

Still, in Moriah's eyes, Maud is just a fledgling kid.


Moria's eyes flashed with chills, but she had no intention of taking action.

He likes to rely on others to do everything for him.

This is one of his mottos.

Therefore, even if Maud, a bad visitor, made a scene in the cemetery, Moriah did not intend to take action on the spot.

If you want to get the shadow of Maud, there will be his lovely subordinates to do it for you.

Thinking so, Moria did not continue to sleep, but continued to pay attention to the movements of Maud.

within the cemetery.

On the right side of the central passage, hundreds of zombies who lost their shadows lay quietly on the soft soil.

On the left side of the central passage, another group of cemetery zombies seemed to be deterred by Maud and stopped besieging Philo.

Philo was puzzled at first, but when Maud came to his side, and then saw the hundreds of zombies lying motionless on the ground in the distance behind him, he understood.

"So fast."

She only killed a few zombies, but Maud has already killed nearly a hundred.

This efficiency gap...

There really is no comparison, no harm.

Maud first looked at the dull-eyed zombies in front of him, then turned his head to look at Philo and asked, "Let's leave it to you to practice?"

"no need,

I didn't like fighting. "

Philo shook his head, rejecting Maud's proposal.

There was a strange look in Maud's eyes.

Don't like fighting?

But the skills you use in battle are... joint skills.

That type of skill itself is specifically used for fighting.

Maud shook his head slightly and drew out the double gun that Bailey had turned into.

"Bang bang..."

After a burst of intense and violent gunfire, the group of zombies ambushing in the cemetery ended in annihilation.

The first battle of the weapon fruit was successful, which made Maud very satisfied.

For the gunman, the mechanism of not filling the bullet is itself a qualitative leap.

As for the hardware conditions such as rate of fire, accuracy, power, etc., as long as Bailey's ability proficiency is improved, the follow-up will inevitably be improved, and the update of firearms is not a problem.

You know, it has only been about three days since Bailey ate the weapon fruit.

Give him another half a year or a year, that's when the fruit of the weapon can really exert its value.

The initial use now is just for convenience.

Maud put away his guns and glanced at the corpses all over the floor before leaving.

The two walked out of the cemetery in stride, one after the other, towards the ancient castle building not far away.


"The sound of gunshots?"

Inside the mansion, Hogbark, a genius surgeon who was one of Moria's three weirdos, sat at the long table and slowly put down the fragrant teacup in his hand.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Hogbuck got up, came to the floor-to-ceiling window, and calmly looked at the fog-shrouded forest outside the window.

It's just that he can't see the color, can't perceive the specific situation in the cemetery, and it is even less possible to realize the existence of Maud in advance.

"Judging from the frequency of gunshots, a lot of material came this time, sizzle sizzle..."

Hogbach was very calm to the intense gunshots coming from the direction of the cemetery.

He is full of confidence in the army of zombies on the island, besides, he also has a famous master - King Qiwuhai Moonlight Moria.

In front of such a lineup, everyone who came to the island boat would eventually be taken away by Lord Moria, and then fend for themselves.

This time, of course, is no exception.

Hogbuck put his hands behind his back, as if thinking of something, and whispered to himself: "Everyone has already come here, but that guy Abrosam hasn't come back yet, should he be hooked by another beautiful woman? Has it passed?"

Thinking of this, Hogbach's head hurts slightly.

Although he was accustomed to Abrossam's unprofessional work, every time he encountered serious business, he would inevitably have to bury a few words.

After all, the command of the Zombie Army, the most powerful general on the island, is in the hands of Abrosam.

If the prey is strong, it is necessary to dispatch the general zombie army in time.

Hogbuck shook his head.


There was a sudden sound of plates being smashed from behind.

Zombie maid Xin Duoli stood in front of the long table and looked indifferently at the plate of refreshments on the table. She raised her hand and swept the plate to the ground.

Another sound.

The remains of a second plate were found on the ground.

Hogbach was accustomed to Xin Duoli's deliberately breaking the plate, and did not turn around.

At this moment, there was a sparse sound of footsteps in the hall.

A group of small mice with spider legs stepped over the debris of the plate and gathered at Hogbuck's feet.

"What's wrong?"

Hogbuck looked down at the group of spider rats who were in charge of reporting and transmitting information.

One of the spider mice came out more and more, raised his head and opened his mouth and said, "Master Abrosam has been killed!"


Hogbach seemed to have heard something incredible, and his expression changed suddenly.

Abrossam, who mastered the ability of transparency, actually died?

"Who did it!?"

Hogbuck reacted with difficulty and blurted out questions.

When the spider mice were preparing to report in detail, a calm male voice came from beside them, interrupting their thoughts.

"it's me."

Maud, who came to the scene silently, looked blankly at Hogbuck in front of him.

From Hogbag's coquettish mesh top, as well as the features of sharp nose, sharp mouth and small sunglasses, Maud immediately recognized Hogbag's identity - one of Moria's three weirdos.

However, Maud couldn't remember Hogbark's name. It was certain that among the three weirdos, Hogbark was the weakest, even inferior to ordinary zombie soldiers.

To put it simply, it is a technical flow.

"You are Baka..."

Hogbuck looked in horror at Maud who broke into the hall at some point.

Before he could finish speaking, a cold light flashed before his eyes.

Hogbuck suddenly felt the world turn around, and his thoughts suddenly stopped.

His head was directly slashed by Maud.

Both hard and fast.

There is no room left.

The horrified color on Hogbuck's face condensed like frost.

To death, he never imagined that he would die so suffocating.

Maud put away his long knife and turned to look down at the group of shivering spider mice.

Behind him, Philo, who came with Maud, used a knuckle skill to instantly knock Sindori down before the maid zombie Cintoli attacked, and then spit out a shadow, freeing herself from the situation where she was being manipulated with a corpse.

"It's time to come, Moriah..."

Maud did not attack the group of spider mice responsible for delivering messages, but instead looked up at the ceiling.

That gaze seemed to be able to pass through the floor and see Moria's figure.

Moriah was targeted not only because of the sea salt's ability to restrain zombies, but also crucially.

That is, Moriah's character flaw.

Just like now.

Maud came righteously, but Moria didn't show up for the first time.

The final result is the meaningless annihilation of the zombies in the cemetery, and Hogbach who received the lunch box without even saying a word.

Their sacrifices are essentially inseparable from Moriah.

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