HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 29 1 Nothing

The muzzle was quickly aimed at the figure.

Before he could see his face clearly, Maud pulled the trigger decisively.


The lead bullet flew straight to the brow of the figure.

The figure didn't expect Maud to be so ruthless, and he didn't even give room to talk, so he shot directly.

Although the incident happened suddenly, the figure, with his unusual reaction and sense of danger, slammed back and narrowly avoided the lead bullet that was shot between his eyebrows.

Rao flashed a lead bullet, but he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.


The figure was the wolf rat who came out of the bar to check the situation after hearing the movement.

He was onlookers, but he was almost killed, and he yelled in anger.


Another buckshot flew towards the werewolf's body.

At this time, it was the time when the werewolf just straightened its body.

But he is an animal fruit ability person, and with his excellent physical fitness, he twisted his body abruptly.

However, it was too late to twist away, because after the first shot failed, Maud decisively placed the second shot on the body with a higher hit rate.

The second buckshot just hit the left side of the wolf rat's abdomen, spattering a flower of blood.

"Your uncle's, I'm just watching, what about you!!!"

Werewolf clutched his bleeding stomach and looked at Maud wearing a mask in disbelief.

If it wasn't for "sniffing" Maud's identity by smell, he wouldn't be talking nonsense now, and he would directly teach Maud what it means to be polite and then soldiers.

Maud stared blankly at the wolf rat who he didn't know at all.

He casually threw away the two flintlock pistols that he had copied from the prey at his feet, then squatted down slowly, and pulled out the dagger inserted into the back of the man carrying the knife.

"It's on fire."

Then, Maud suppressed his voice and gave a perfunctory explanation, and slowly stepped back.


The wolf squirrel laughed in anger.

If it wasn't for dodging bullets, his conditioned reflex turned his abdomen into a beast to increase his defense...

The shot just now, at such a close distance, will make him suffer no matter what.

"You are so interesting."

Werewolf looked at Maud, who was slowly retreating, with complex eyes.

He first made his body completely human, and then used his fingers to dig out the bloody lead bullet and pinched it between his fingers.

Transforming into a human-beast state is not to prepare for an attack, but to speed up the body's self-healing power and suppress the pain.

"Animal Devil Fruit Ability...!"

Seeing the wolf rat suddenly turning into a beast, while being vigilant, Maud looked at the wolf rat's obviously bulging body, and a look of longing appeared in his eyes.

However, the only five guns on the scene were shot empty by him. In this case, there was obviously no room for reloading.

And without the key gun, Maud does not think that a dagger alone can subdue this person who seems to be eating the fruit of the animal system.

That is to say.

When the time is not right, it is better to slip first.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at?!"

Seeing Maud like this, the wolf rat couldn't help shuddering.

I don't know if it was because the beastization changed his thinking habits, so that for a moment, he felt as if he was being treated as food.

Maud did not speak, and while facing the wolf mouse, he continued to retreat slowly.

The werewolf took a deep breath when he saw this, and frowned slightly when he was involved in the wound.

He struggled to calm down the mentality that made Maud almost explode, and softened his expression as much as possible.

"It's me who's wrong, I shouldn't make a sudden noise behind you, so I don't blame you, and I have no ill intentions."


Maud looked at the werewolf in confusion, and his back footsteps stopped.

Noticing that Maud stopped, the werewolf was overjoyed.

He really has no ill will towards Maud,

The reason why he suddenly spoke from behind just now was just a bad habit he had developed over a long period of time.

In any case, from the moment Maud stopped, it heralded a good start.

Next, he must take this opportunity to befriend Maud.

If you can become friends smoothly, it is naturally the best!

"I really don't have any malicious intentions. Don't look at me as a beast. It's not to attack you or anything. It's just because I can increase my self-healing power in a beast-like state."

"Of course, I explained it that way, and I don't want you to be responsible for anything."

"Because you were absolutely right to shoot. Anyone would shoot in that situation."

"So I don't think it's anything, and it's impossible to get angry about such a small thing."

"Just seeing your skill is so powerful, there is a kind of feeling in my heart, um, you know, that kind of admiration for the strong."

"I think I already admire you, so I want to recognize, recognize, get to know you...?"

Werewolf raised his hands high, then stared blankly at Maud who didn't give himself a chance to finish his words, and disappeared at the end of the alley in a few seconds.

The cool night wind blew past, and a few scraps of paper whizzed past his stiff face.

The reason why the bastard, feelings, feelings, stopped, not because he was willing to listen to a few words from himself, but to take away the smoothbore flintlock gun that was thrown away at the beginning.


Werewolf is angry and aggrieved.

Was it not me who was hurt?

Why are you running?

Is it that hard to hear me finish?

I don't know when Tatamu came to the door of the bar, looked at the wolf rat who had nowhere to vent his emotions, and asked, "Don't chase?"

"Chase a thread."

Werewolf glanced at Tatamu, extremely depressed.

"Not like you."

Tatamu was a little puzzled.

Werewolf sighed: "Because that guy is the perpetrator that the Sharp Bull Pirates are looking for, how could I chase after him? Even if that guy shoots me one more time, I will still have to endure it."


Tatamu couldn't help being silent when he heard the words.

He wanted to ask the wolf rat: Even so, you didn't need to lick so much just now, did you?

After thinking about it, he still felt that silence was better.

Werewolf looked down at the gunshot wound in his stomach, gritted his teeth and said:

"But that guy is really ruthless, Tatamu, you know? I just made a noise behind him just now, and the guy shot me between the eyebrows without saying a word!"


Tatamu nodded, expressing his agreement with the wolf mouse.

Such ruthless people are rare.

But it is this kind of person who can live longer.

"Damn it, if I hadn't reacted fast enough, it would have been cold."

The wolf rat was more afraid the more he thought about it.

"Forget it, go in and continue drinking, um, wait."

Werewolf suddenly thought of something, and he couldn't help but look at the three pirates who had died on the ground.

A few seconds later, the wolf rat retrieved the money bag from the body.


Playing with the purse, Werewolf let out a breath of resentment.

"You're really going back as you live, Rat."

A female voice suddenly sounded in the alley.

It's not Tatamu's voice that leans towards a girl, but a more mature female voice.

Suddenly, the werewolf stood up abruptly and looked in surprise at the direction the female voice came from.

Tatamu, who was still at the entrance of the bar, focused his gaze and quickly entered a state of battle.

When the sound came, neither he nor the wolf mouse realized that there was a third person at the scene.

Looking towards the source of the sound, there stood a woman wearing a hooded cloak, but still able to accentuate her figure.

The woman is tall and slender with a long knife on her waist.

Just standing there, there is a strong aura invisibly.

Tatamu has never seen such a No. 1 figure in Mad Hatter for many years, except for alertness.

But the werewolf seemed to know the woman.

"How...how can you come here!"

"When did you decide this kind of thing?"

The woman raised her head slightly, revealing a beauty mole on her chin.

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