HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 149 Have you ever seen a turning bullet?

It was at the moment when Maud's attention was attracted by the uproar that the lead bullet came with murderous intent.

timing, angle.

Tricky and ruthless.

It can be seen that the shooter was already prepared.

It's a pity that the person he faced was Maud.

Before the buckshot was about to hit his temple, Maud tilted his head back.

call out--

The lead bullet swept past Maud's forehead, fell diagonally to the ground, and punched a hole with white smoke.

A shot that was bound to be won, just like this, it was lost with hatred.

Eight hundred meters above the tree island highland, a man with a messy bird's nest head and dark circles knelt down on one knee, holding a single-shot flintlock spear with obvious traces of transformation in his hands.

The shot just now came from this man.

"Good guy..."

With one shot, the man's expression changed.

He believes that the timing is very good, not to mention the accuracy, so he is very confident in this shot.

Before pulling the trigger, he couldn't help but make up the picture of Maud's head blooming in advance.

However, reality gave him a slap in the face.

"Captain Oliver, did you hit?"

Aside, the companion of the man with the gun looked at him with hope.

Oliver shook his head, and while filling the ammunition swiftly, he kept his eyes on Maud in the distance.

The flintlock spear he remodeled by himself, even if it is not equipped with a scope, can still guarantee the hit rate within one kilometer.

The power and stability of the firearm is one aspect, but more importantly, he was born with some special eyes.

With these eyes, he can clearly see a grain of sand in the distance, and can also capture the trajectory of bullets with the naked eye.

so talented,

Let him become a highly skilled sniper and make a name for himself.

110 million.

This is Oliver's worth as a supernova, and it is also the lowest bounty among supernovas this year.

Even so, Oliver firmly believes that he is the most "lethal" supernova.

And his confidence is naturally the pair of innate eyes and a high-end firearm that has benefited from the transformation.

"Humph, let me see your reaction..."

Oliver finished refilling his ammunition and looked at Maud in the distance with flickering eyes.

I saw that although Maud looked in this direction, he did not make any substantive actions.

"I've determined the approximate position, but don't plan to chase after it?"

Oliver murmured to himself, put a gun on his shoulder, and aimed at Maud's vital point.

"Even if you catch up, you can only obediently become my living target."

As a gunman, Oliver has a self-confidence that is different from ordinary people.

If Maud catches up, he will immediately quit the battle circle and find the next suitable sniper who can guarantee safety, or simply give up sniping.

On the other hand, if Maud stayed put, or didn't know where he was, he would pull the trigger recklessly, treating Maud as a living target that could be ravaged at will.

However, when the most assured first shot was missed, Oliver completely understood one thing-if it was a normal sniper, he would never even think about killing Maud.

Therefore, Oliver did not fire the second shot hastily, but was waiting for the second "Jeff" who came to trouble Maud.

As long as Maud fights with others, Oliver can find the bloody gun line that can kill in one hit!


Suddenly, Oliver's eyes narrowed.

He saw that the short white gun in Maud's hand turned into a sniper rifle with a long barrel in an instant.

inside the field.

Maud held Bailey's deformed sniper spear and pointed his gaze directly at Oliver's location.

Thanks to the detailed information provided by Xia Qi, Maud probably guessed the identity of the shooter when the shot was fired just now.

That is, the supernova Spencer Oliver with a bounty of 110 million, known for his one-handed sniping.

"It's a good calculation."

Maud sneered, ignoring the group of onlookers who brought the uproar, raised the muzzle, locked his eyes on Oliver who was 800 meters away, and then pulled the trigger.


Gun smoke filled the air, bullets flew out, and came to Oliver in an instant.


Oliver was slightly startled, and tilted his head in time to avoid the shot from Maud.

If he hadn't been able to see the trajectory of the bullet clearly and responded in time, the shot would have hit his forehead just now.

"Want to shoot at me?"

Oliver's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of contempt at the corner of his mouth.

He really wasn't afraid of anyone at such a distance.

With his gifted eyes alone, he is invincible.

"You guys, find a good cover."

Oliver glanced at the crew members who were standing beside him.


According to the angle of Maud's shot just now, the crew members each found suitable bunkers, which could not only pay attention to the situation of their own captains, but would not be within Maud's shooting range.

After all, he was someone who could follow Oliver, and he seemed quite experienced in dealing with such emergencies.

inside the field.

Oliver's action of dodging the bullet was "watched" by Maud.

Have you seen the color...

With a thought, Maud fired a second shot at Oliver.

In the distance, Oliver easily dodged the buckshot that shot to the vital point again.

Because he can see clearly enough, when he is dodging bullets, his movements are not large, and he has a calm attitude.

"It's useless, within my 'line of sight', no matter how accurate your marksmanship is, you can't hit me."

Oliver smiled to himself.

He has faced guns countless times in the past, and the reason why he has never been shot is because of these eyes.

The members of Oliver's flag looked at the captain's dashing gesture of dodging bullets, with expressions of admiration on their faces.

It is this kind of magic that makes them firmly follow Oliver's beliefs.

Maud shot several times.

There was no problem with the accuracy, but after a few shots, even Oliver's shirt could not be touched.

"If you don't support armed colors, the deterrent effect of shooting is pitifully low."

Maud said to himself, but he didn't want to waste his domineering power on Oliver.

Compared with wrapping the armed color on the fists and cold weapons, the shooting is to release the domineering of the armed color, so it consumes more domineering and physical strength.

It's just to deal with a guy who hides in the distance and shoots cold guns...

"Have you ever seen a rounded bullet?"

Maud smiled slightly, raised the muzzle to aim at Oliver's heart, and then drew a wisp of the shadow that had returned under him and blended it into the ferret flintlock gun.


Maud pulled the trigger, and the buckshot flew out.

There was something different in the shadow of the buckshot that was almost invisible to the naked eye and fell parallel to the ground.

The lead bullet wrapped in high temperature came to Oliver's chest in an instant.

"I said it, it's useless!"

Oliver moved sideways, perfectly exiting the trajectory of the lead bullet.

At this moment, the lead bullet that should have been shot from Oliver's chest turned in vain in mid-air, as if it had been lightly hit by someone's finger.


In Oliver's special eyes, the bizarre phenomenon of the lead bullet's turning was clearly reflected.

He didn't have time to react, he could only watch the lead bullet hit directly into his chest.


A dazzling flower of blood spattered from Oliver's chest.

"Why... change direction...?"

Oliver was shot in the heart and fell to the ground in shock.

His face was full of shock and wonder.

"Captain Oliver!!!"

The crew watched Oliver fall to the ground in horror.

They are familiar with firearms, but unlike Oliver, who can see lead bullets flying at super high speed, they can only see a vague gun line at most.

And they clearly saw that the lead bullet was coming from right in front, but somehow, suddenly changed direction and hit Oliver who made a sideways dodging action in advance.

How is such a thing possible?

They are unbelievable.

above the roots.


Rayleigh and Shaqi watched in amazement as they maintained their gun-lifting movements.

redirected lead bullets...

Under the premise of knowing that Morde is a shadow fruit person, Rao is the first time they have seen such a scene.


Rayleigh's eyes gleamed behind the lenses.

Thinking of the shadow fruit owned by Maud, he was extremely knowledgeable and experienced, and soon understood the mystery of the sudden change of direction of the lead bullet.

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