HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 43 Sell, sell me? ? ?

Maud's reaction and speed alone can achieve the effect of six-style paper painting.

No matter how fierce and intensive Ai Bei's stabs were, he was like a paper boat that drifted along in the tide. Although he looked extremely dangerous, he would never capsize.

The werewolf was even more surprised when he recognized that Maud's dodging technique was not on paper.

This kind of strength is completely different from what he saw in the lane last night.

"Usopp... definitely has a close relationship with the 'Strange Spear'."

Werewolf's eyes flickered, and he directly attributed the skills that Maud showed to Thor.

He knew that one of the most difficult things about the spear was its ability to save lives.

According to the intelligence, not only is the escape ability first-rate, but it can even easily retreat under the siege of a hundred people.

"Now is not the time to think about that."

The wolf rat calmed down, and after confirming that Maud would not have an accident in a short time, he turned his attention to other places.

The shot that Maud just shot at Ai Bei was like a horn of battle, causing the gunmen of the Sharp Bull Pirates to subconsciously pull the trigger.

In a blast of gunfire, several buckshots flew towards Maud and Abe.

At the critical moment, Aibe's men formed a human wall and used a long knife to forcibly block the flying lead bullets.

This was Abe's order to them by snapping her fingers - no one should interfere with her murderous pleasures.

Generally speaking, the composition mode of the pirate group can be roughly divided into three types.

The first is quantity-based, the second is quality-based, and the third is focusing on both quantity and quality.

The formation of the Sharp Cow Pirates is the first, and the Aibe Pirates is the second.

Therefore, even if the number of Ai Bei's side is at a disadvantage, it will not be easily crushed by the Sharp Bull Pirates.

It is worth mentioning that the total number of members of the Aibe Pirates is thirty-one, and Abe only brought ten men to the Tomahawk Tavern this time.

While Wells was waiting for the gunman to reload the bullets, the melee members of the Sharp Bull Pirates pressed towards Abe's men.

In an instant, the Sharp Cow Pirates and the Aibe Pirates fought together.

However, the blood of this battle was not produced in the two pirate groups.

The one who died first was the unlucky one who was killed by the stray bullet shot by Maud.

The surrounding pirates cursed in their hearts, just wanting to leave the right and wrong place as soon as possible.

Seeing that Kaszt was determined to block the door, they could only find another way out and started the [Break the Wall] operation.

Within a few seconds, driven by the desire to survive, the pirates in the wooden walls of the tavern were broken through several large holes.

One by one, the pirates drilled into the half-human-sized hole and escaped from the tavern one after another.

Kaszt glanced at their actions, and Quan Dang ignored them.

He took two thick stacks of Baileys from his pocket and threw them on the pub counter.

The head of the tavern hiding under the counter looked at the two stacks of Baileys flying in front of him, and could only return a wry smile.

After paying the compensation in advance, Kaszt first looked at Abe's subordinates who were restrained by his subordinates, and after confirming the advantage, he then looked at Maud, who was chased and assassinated by Abe.

He could see that Aibe really wanted to kill Maud, but he didn't bother to investigate the reason for the situation.

Anyway, Maud must die!

Covered with thick black hair, with a face like a black cow, Kazette with two horns on top of his head strode towards Abe and Maud.

He has the upper hand at the moment and has many options.

For example, kill Abe's subordinates first.

Another example is sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, waiting for Ai Bei and Maud to decide to die.

But his choice was to take advantage of the situation to attack Aibe and Maud directly, and try to kill one of them first.

No matter who died first, it is a situation that he can accept, but only if he does it himself.

In the face of Abe's stormy offensive,

Maud could only concentrate on dealing with it, not paying any attention to Kaszt's movements.

And the difficulty level of Maud also made Aibe a little bit overwhelmed.

She thought that she could stab Maud into a hornet's nest in a short period of time, so she asked her subordinates to cover first, and she would not consider the risks.

Never thought that this little brother in front of him is just like a loach, no matter how fast or hard he stabs, he just can't hit.

Along the way, has Abe ever encountered such an enemy?

It's obviously not threatening, but it's slippery that makes her sick.

With a surge of anger, Ai Bei no longer believed in evil.

However, Maud gradually adapted to Abe's rhythm.

A fast-attack strategy like Aibe that sticks to stabbing attacks is very threatening at first glance, but it lacks the versatility of swordsmanship, so it is essentially no different from a three-pronged axe.

As long as the strong period is passed, it will be nothing after that.

Obviously feeling that the pressure and threat given by Ai Bei is gradually declining, Maud can't help but regret.

Because of the lack of [portraits], Maud couldn't pre-write Aibe's name in the book.

In other words, even if you take the risk to find an opportunity to kill Aibe, you will not get the slightest profit.

"Forget it, let's think about how to get away."

Maud thought to himself.

The two of them, like glue, were so caught up in the battle of offense and defense that they didn't notice the threat from Kaszt.

Werewolf watched the situation from the sidelines and quickly realized what he had to do for Maud.

He immediately stepped forward and blocked Kaszt.

"Wolf Rat."

Kaszt looked coldly at the werewolf standing in front of him.


The wolf mouse was silent, and his body and even his face turned into a beast in an instant.

His facial features were ratified, his body bulged in a circle, and his hands had sharp claws.

Also from the animal department, Kazette looked at the wolf rat whose body was a large circle smaller than himself, and said disdainly: "Just because you are a rat, you want to block me?"

After sneering, Kaszt suddenly moved, and his tall body pressed down.

However, he directly ignored the defense and slapped the wolf rat's face with a hoof.

In the state of beastization, his strength is multiplied, and the hardening attribute of his hoof is often used to smash the enemy's head with one hoof.

Dark and heavy hooves came with the strong wind.

The wolf rat's eyes narrowed, and his claws were raised to block the black hoof that was printed.


The powerful force not only smashed the wolf mouse's two claws, but also knocked the wolf mouse back a few meters.

Kaszt got the upper hand unforgiving, and chased away, again with a mighty hoof.

Werewolf was forced to parry again.

This time, although he was not repelled, he was smashed and one of his paws was broken.

The wolf rat clenched his teeth, enduring the pain like a severed finger.

"Dog thing, if not..."

Resisting the urge to use the sixth form, the wolf squirt struggled to withstand the fierce attack from Kaszt.

In just one minute, the werewolf's hands were almost shattered by Kazsit.

Battles between fauna are often like that.

In the absence of physical skill bonuses, the competition is about strength and defense.

In this respect, the wolf squirrels of the rat fruit branch are inherently weaker than the katzit of the cattle and ox fruit branches.

"In terms of strength, how does a mouse compare to an ox?"

Kaszt smiled coldly.

In the face of the threat of life and death, the wolf rat took a deep breath.

He'll try to save Maud, but he won't give his life.

"I don't know what happened to Usopp."

Taking advantage of the gap between Kaszt's words, the wolf rat glanced at Maud.

What caught his eye was Aibe, who was standing in a daze while covering his red and swollen cheeks.

And - Maud who runs faster than a rabbit.

"Sell, sell me???"

Werewolf is stupid.

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