HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 71 It's Just A Scourge

The higher the object is off the ground, the larger the shadow range will be reflected on the ground.

on the contrary,

The closer an object is to the ground, the smaller the range of shadows reflected on the ground.

When the fifth island fell from the sky, the shadow reflected on the ground was shrinking at a fairly fast speed.

What Maud did was to insert "shadow nails" at the edge of the island's shadow, so that the shadow of the island could not continue to shrink.


Under the influence of the characteristic ability of the shadow fruit, when the shadow of the island no longer changes, it means that the island itself is already in a static state.

It is this ability principle that makes the rapidly falling island suddenly freeze in mid-air.

"What a terrible ability~~~"

Kizaru seemed to see something inconceivable. Rarely, he raised his strength and looked carefully at Maud who was standing in the center of the shadow of the island.

Aokiji was also looking at Maud, and recalling Maud's performance so far, he couldn't help but sigh: "What a man full of 'surprise'."


Akainu said nothing and looked serious.

His attention was not on Maud, but on the large fleet of the Golden Lion Pirates above the sky.

Successfully stopping the island is just the beginning.

By the time the Golden Lions put the forces of this large fleet into the battlefield, their side will no longer be in a position to win.

Surrounding the top of the wall.

Hawkeye slowly retracted the knife, silently looking at Maud, who once again attracted countless eyeballs, and a thought quietly appeared in his eyes.

He was trying to recall the memories related to Moonlight Moriah.

It seems that in memory, Moonlight Moria didn't have so many tricks when using the shadow fruit ability.

"Furfur... actually used the abilities of the 'Shadow Fruit' to such an extent. If that bat bastard climbed out of the cemetery to see this scene, he would probably be ashamed and go back to the cemetery again."

Doflamingo looked at Maud coldly, if not for the grievances that could not be resolved between them.

As an awakener of the ability to play the fruit of the thread, he may also feel a little sympathy for Maud.


Some just want to kill Maud's mind as soon as possible.


All five islands were stopped.

The navy who had a false alarm finally breathed a sigh of relief.


There are also dozens of pirate ships floating in the sky, as well as the legendary golden lion.

"Whitebeard and Golden Lion, such a combination..."

"Damn, I finally pushed the Whitebeard Pirates into a corner, and now a golden lion has appeared..."

"Don't think about it so much, here we have 'legends' too!!!"

"Well, there is also the reliable Qiwuhai..."

When talking about the Qiwuhai,

Many navies directly ignored Doflamingo and the others, and looked at Maud who pinned the shadow of the island.

Before this war started, how could they have thought that a pirate with the identity of Qiwuhai would have such a reliable performance.

Only high-ranking navy officers like Vice Admiral Crane who know Maud's background can understand the reason why Maud always kills pirates.

high in the sky.

The golden lion saw that the specially prepared "meeting ceremony" was intercepted in the middle, the laughter gradually stopped, and his eyes became as fierce as a beast.

"The ability to make people uncomfortable."

Fierce eyes stared straight at Fujitora in the square.

This is the second time.

The golden lion wanted to kill Fujitora's mind, so strong that he wanted to smash all the troops on Fujitora's head.

in addition,

And that kid!

The golden lion turned his eyes and looked at Maud who was standing below the island.

He probably knew the ability of the blind man, but it was this little devil who somehow stopped the fifth island.

Wouldn't it be another kind of ability that would restrain him somewhat?

The Golden Lion suddenly realized that in the past, he would always be especially vigilant against those who could restrain his own abilities, but he never thought of completely solving these threats.

Just like now,

This blind man's heavy fruit ability will greatly weaken the attack power of the fluttering fruit.

In this case, as long as you kill this person, and then find a way to find a lot of fruits and hold them in your hands, won't you be able to solve the threat from the root?

On the occasion of the battle, the golden lion clapped his hands like an epiphany, looking very happy.

"It's better to kill you first than to destroy the naval headquarters."

The golden lion looked at Fujitora from a distance, killing intent in his eyes.

The meeting gift could not go on, and the Golden Lion was not in a hurry to send the flying fleet.

"This height has little impact..."

The golden lion withdrew his gaze from Fujitora, and turned to look at the violent creatures on the five islands.

It was something he had been preparing for twenty years.

It was originally intended to destroy the East China Sea, but the latter is obviously more meaningful than destroying the Navy headquarters.

"Next, just feel the despair, stupid navy!!!"

The golden lion raised his hand and was about to use his ability to turn the island sideways when the fifth island stopped by Maud suddenly moved towards the harbor.


The golden lion was slightly startled.

He hasn't moved yet, so why did the island move on its own?

on the square.

Most of the navies near the encircling wall immediately noticed the island's movement.

"Is it out of control?"

"No, it's Maud who is controlling the island!"

Soon, the navy noticed that Maud was further manipulating the shadow nail, pulling the shadow of the island in the direction of the harbor.

"What does he want to do?"

Questions arose in the hearts of the navy for the first time.

"Could it be..."

They noticed that the direction the island was moving was the harbor where the Whitebeard Pirates and their fleet were.

After thinking of a certain possibility, expressions of surprise flashed across the faces of the navy.

So cruel!

"Ah la la, this is not a joke."

Aokiji looked up at the island that was moving towards the harbor, and then looked at the icebreaker and the deputy ship Moby Dick that were moving away from the surrounding wall in the harbor.

Seeing this, he intends to retreat to the entrance of the harbor.

It shouldn't be to take the opportunity to escape, but to have other plans, right?

Thinking of this, the palm of the green pheasant quietly seeps cold smoke.

Kizaru touched his chin and looked up at the moving island.

Like Aokiji, he was aware of Maud's plans.

This is to smash the fifth island on the head of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Young people now~~is really scarier than the last~~"

Kizaru felt like he was going to treat Maud differently.

This young man is simply a scourge.

"It's a rare opportunity, do you want to help? Aokiji..."

Kizaru tilted his head to look at the green pheasant not far away.

at this time,

Aokiji has already pointed his palm soaked with cold smoke at the sea in the bay.

"Ah la la, that's exactly what it means."

Before he finished speaking, a slender icicle condensed in the palm of the green pheasant and fell straight into the sea.

Ice Age!

The chill released by the end of the icicle froze the sea water in the harbor once again.

The icebreaker and the deputy ship Moby Dick, which were rushing towards the entrance of the harbour, were naturally not spared, and the bottom was directly frozen by the thick ice layer.

"The ship is frozen!"

"Damn, it's Aokiji's ability!"

"The surrounding ice must be broken to make room for the icebreaker to accelerate!"

Ice Witch Whitebee's eyes narrowed, and she quickly gave a solution.

And at this moment,

A sudden large shadow, like a pitch-black rain cloud that came quickly from a distance, silently covered the entire harbor.

"This is--!"

"The island is moving... The Golden Lion, do you want to kill us?!"

On the deck, the pirates looked up in amazement at the island that had moved above their heads, breathing a little hard for a while.

"No, not the golden lion..."

"Damn, it's that bastard Qiwuhai again!"

This group of pirates from the new world soon discovered that the man who controlled the island was not the golden lion, but Maud who repeatedly caused them trouble.

For a while, the pirates under Whitebeard couldn't help but swear, and greeted Maud cordially.

"What an unpleasant bastard."

Whitebeard's cold eyes pointed directly at Maud who was manipulating the shadow of the island.

Facing the unfriendly gaze of the world's number one man, Maud was unafraid.

"Don't let down the kindness of the golden lion."

Maud smiled, waved his hand, and pushed the shadow nail that was pulling the shadow of the island to the last position that would ensure that the entire island would be smashed on the harbor.


Quickly remove the shadow nail.

The island that lost its [Fixed] effect just smashed straight into the harbor.


There was a commotion on the deck of the icebreaker and the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard took a deep breath, his arm muscles bulging in a large circle.

"Use some 'bug carving tricks'."

Shadows came over him, and a circle of light floated from Whitebeard's fists.

on the square.

Fujitora focused on keeping the four islands in the air, so naturally he couldn't suppress Marco with all his strength.


Marco resisted the attack of the surrounding navies, and while Maud controlled the island and smashed into the harbor, he rushed to the execution platform again.

Just like Whitebeard believed that he could survive in the square, and he also believed that Daddy could save himself from danger.

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