HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 77 Just because you can dodge bullets doesn't mean you can dodge death.

This is a real world that shows cruelty at all times, not a paper picture that only shows a corner.

Little Oz's huge body slammed heavily on the square, easily taking the lives of hundreds of marines.

Compared with the cruel scene where the warships were crushing a road of flesh and bones on the ice, the navy who were crushed by the corpse of Little Oz at this time could at least die quietly in the darkness.

Maud quickly looked back at the situation in the square.

Whitebeard's powerful blow instead used Little Oz's corpse to open a gap on the edge of the square.

However, in terms of military strength, the navy still has the advantage.


The advantage of the navy in terms of geography has disappeared.

Next comes the real tough fight.

"Have the opportunity!"

The captain of the Whitebeard fleet, Draxy, is also the pirate who was shot by Maud and smashed the ship as soon as the battle began.

At the moment when Maud turned his head, he quickly approached and slashed at Maud's vital point with a long sword covered with armed colors.

Silent step!

When the long knife was slashed, red light floated in Maud's eyes, and his toes touched the ground and turned, and his figure disappeared out of thin air.

In the next second, he appeared in mid-air more than ten meters away, and his idle left hand was already holding the flintlock pistol that Bailey had turned into.

The captains of several large fleets who blocked the retreat space of Maud in advance suddenly looked at Maud who chose to retreat directly into the air.

This unexpected response made them miss an opportunity to attack Maud together.

"Even if you can moonwalk..."

Draxy, who remembers Maud, will not end the attack here.

A cold killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he raised his sword and was ready to attack Maud with a leaping slash.


Maud was apparently shooting faster than he did.

"Bang bang...!"

Maud first fired a shot in the direction of the square, then quickly turned the muzzle, and fired several shots at Deraxilian from top to bottom.

The lead bullet shot out of the gun chamber went straight to Draxy's face.

Draxy's eyes flashed red, and under the influence of the domineering look, he clearly grasped the trajectory of the lead bullet.

Immediately, Draxy's face quickly swayed to the left and right, and with such a handsome action, he precisely avoided the three lead bullets shot by Maud.

"too slow."

After escaping from Maud's shooting, a look of disdain appeared in the corners of Delacxi's mouth, and his arm muscles were agitated, just as he was about to slash out...


Delaxy was stunned to find that his body could not move.

Concentrating on the front, he didn't even notice that the three lead bullets that he had avoided handsomely before turned into shadow nails and stuck on the shadow that was slanting behind him.

"Is that the buckshot just now...!!!"

After all, Draxy is a pirate who has been employed in the New World for a long time.

Even if he couldn't turn his head to check the shadow's situation, he quickly understood the reason.


Everything is too late.

When he dodged Maud's gunshots with minimal movement in order to seize the opportunity to attack, the result was doomed.

Maud, who was in the air, suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

He switched positions with one of the shadow nails that pinned Draxy's shadow, and then teleported behind Draxy.

Draxy's face changed drastically, and the sudden shadow of death loomed in his heart, turning into a chill that spread all over his body in an instant.

"It's a bit slow, but that's okay."

At the same time, Mord's voice without any emotional ups and downs came from behind.

Hearing that voice, Delaksy felt a chill in his chest as his lips twitched.

Looking down, he saw a blood-stained long knife pierced through his chest.

"you this……"

Draxy struggled to speak out, but as Maud suddenly drew back his knife, he stopped abruptly halfway through his words.

Blood spurted out from the wound pierced by the Qiu Shui Dao, and Delaksy's upper body leaned back slightly, his eyes revealing a strong sense of unwillingness.

But with the loss of energy, even if he is not reconciled, he can only fall to the ground powerless.

"You can dodge bullets, but that doesn't mean you can dodge death."

With a flick of his wrist, Maud shook off the blood on Qiu Shui Dao's body and retracted the shadow nail at the same time.

This is the third one.

Not having time to feel the benefits of Delacxi as a big pirate with a bounty of more than 500 million in the New World, Maud glanced at the white-bearded pirates who came from all directions.


The captains of several large fleets who joined forces with Draxy to intercept Morder, saw that Morder stabbed Draxy with a knife, and there was substantial anger on their faces.


Those captains of the Great Fleet, who were no less powerful than Drakexi, rushed towards Maud with anger.

The pirates attacking from all directions put Maud in a heavy siege.

This is also the inevitable result that Maud must face when he rushes into the enemy line.


He is the power of the shadow fruit.

In the face of attacks from all directions, Maud looked calm.

Shadow flow, shapeshifting.

Maud, who was surrounded by heavy siege, disappeared out of thin air once again.

This time, he switched positions with the shadow bullet that was shot in the direction of the square in advance.

As Maud disappeared out of thin air, the attacks led by several large fleet captains were all in vain.

The corpse of Draxy lying on the ground seemed to be laughing at the fact that they swarmed towards Maud but couldn't hurt half a hair.

"It disappeared again..."

"How can this damn ability be so difficult to deal with."


"What exactly should be done to limit his abilities?"

Looking at the corpse of Delac Xi Yuwen, the pirates gritted their teeth, only to feel that there was nowhere to send out an evil fire.


At this moment, a gunshot came from the team.

The person who fired the shot was obviously Izang, the captain of the 16th team.

Amidst the smoke of gunpowder, a lead bullet entwined with armed colors pierced the air, swept past Delacxi's corpse, and went straight to a ground in the direction of the square.

There, a shadow the size of a baby's fist was moving fast on the ground.

The armed colored lead bullet slid down from the air, and at an extremely clever angle, it accurately pierced the shadow group that was moving fast on the ground.

at the same time.

Maud, who had just retreated to the square, was torn apart without warning from his clothes and even his skin on his right waist.

Suddenly, the clothes burst, and blood splashed from the wound.


The gunshot wound that was "born" out of thin air made Maud frown.

He looked down at the gunshot wound on his waist and said to himself, "I was noticed."

Despite being shot like this, Maud was very calm.

There is no invincible ability in this world.

Being targeted by the enemy and attacking is an inevitable situation in battle.

And how to overcome the risks brought by weaknesses is the basic combat literacy of a top capable person.

Where Draxy's body is.

As the gunshots faded away, the pirates looked at Maud, who had already retreated to the square, but was suddenly injured, and suddenly became thoughtful.

Holding two spears in his hands, Izang strode to the vicinity and looked down at the body of Draxy.

"I'm sorry, I didn't stop him in time to make a move on Draxy..."

"There's no need to apologize for this kind of thing."

The captains of the Great Fleet shook their heads.

Izang let out a sigh of relief, and then, his expression gradually became solemn, and he looked at Maud in the square from a distance.

"I've been 'observing' his abilities, and just now, it's almost certain that no matter what he can do with the shadow, just attacking his shadow with the armed color can directly cause damage to him!"


The surrounding pirates suddenly realized.

As long as I can attack that bastard's shadow...

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