HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 48 Bailey

My name is Weasel, and I'm a skunk born with a natural beauty and distinctiveness.

I don't know why I am fragrant.

I don't know why I'm white.

I don't even know why I'm so smart.

All I know is that cuteness is a capital and a weapon.

And I have such capital and weapons.

So, human beings are willing to let me live.

Because the living me is worth more than the dead me.

I am well aware of this.

Therefore, even if I lose my freedom, I don't panic at all.

Until... I met the man who made me speechless.


In the empty weapon store, Maud and Sunny watched the ferret lying limply on the counter.

Sunny said regretfully, "So this is not edible?"

"It's not about whether you can eat it or not, but it's a waste if you eat it."

Maud opened the ferret's legs and glanced at it, and said thoughtfully: "It's only a male."

Sunny looked at Maud suspiciously and asked, "Does it matter if it's a male or a female?"

"It's nothing, I just considered the possibility of using him for breeding, but just thinking about it makes me feel troublesome, so I'd better sell it directly."

Maud explained, and suddenly thought of something.

"Sunny, is the auction brochure still there?"


"Show me."

Sunny heard the words, opened the cabinet and looked through it, and soon found the booklet.

Maud took the booklet and turned it over.

Last time, because Sonny had no interest in exotic beasts, she turned quickly.

At that time, Maud peeked behind him and hurriedly glanced over, only to see a brief two-line description.

"found it."

Maud quickly turned to the page that registered the introduction of the ferret.

There are no pictures, but a full page is full of introductions about ferrets.

Maud immediately looked at the introduction and browsed it line by line. Only then did he know that the stoat is a hybrid animal, so the body structure and coat color are different from ordinary skunks.

Aside, Sunny also came over to watch the introduction.

After a while, the two read the introduction of the ferret.

It is probably a skunk whose coat color and sweat glands are different from normal, especially the sweat glands, which can emit a good smell.

Therefore, the ferret has the value to be auctioned.

However, creatures like this that can emit strange fragrances are often the existence of perfume companies.

However, the ferret was thrown into a group of pirates, and it was only a pirate like Aibe who wanted to keep a pet on a whim, and would spend money to buy it.

"No ordinary skunk indeed."

Maud looked at the ferret on the counter as if looking at a brand new sharp knife.

"It's really a pity to eat."

Sonny was also looking at the ferret on the counter, as if looking at a bulging purse.

Feeling the gazes of the two, the ferret who had given up struggling was like a pool of dead mud, not moving.

"Sunny, treat this little thing first to save it from being maimed. Besides, are there any chains or the like in the store?"

"Yes, I'll get it right away."

Sunny also realized at this time that the ferret is a mobile money bag, and immediately became interested.

She went to the basement and pulled out medical tools and a bundle of knuckle-thick chains.

Back in the store, I first took care of the ferret's injury, and then tied the ferret's upper body into a zongzi with chains, as if afraid that the ferret would run away.

After doing this, more than half an hour has passed.

Sunny looked at the results and nodded with satisfaction, but she also thought of a more important question.

"Where to put 'Berry'?"

in a short time,

Sonny had picked a fitting name for the ferret.

Maud glanced at the empty weapon shop and said, "Why don't you put it in the shop?"


Sunny shook her head, rejecting the proposal.

Maud pondered for a moment, and suddenly thought of a suitable breeding place.

"Just hang it in the toilet, how about it?"

"The toilet..."

Sonny thought about it seriously.

Considering the fragrance of Bailey's sweat emanating from the sweat glands, I immediately felt that this proposal was very good.

That is, when you go to the toilet, you need to take Bailey out and take it in, which will be a little troublesome.

But compared to air purification, this trouble is nothing.

"Well, then put it in the toilet."

Then, she made a final decision.

On the counter, the ferret, who has been forced to bear the name of [Bailey], can no longer see the future of white.

【Why do you want to harm me like this? 】

【If there is hell, it must be here. 】

Three minutes later, Bailey was hung in the toilet as a scent to soothe the air.

Maud then went to the room, put the weight on his lap, and went back to the store, exercising and watching the store with Sunny.

It was also at this time that Sunny later asked about Bailey's origin.

A rare and exotic beast that was auctioned off, how did it fall into the hands of Maud and was injured.

She was still curious.

"It's a long story."

Maud did not deliberately hide it, and told Sunny everything that happened in the afternoon.

It made Sunny look at him, and it became a little strange.

"Bailey is a pleasant surprise. When I picked him up, I didn't expect him to be valuable. If I knew, I wouldn't throw it out at that time. Fortunately, he finally returned to my hands."

Speaking of which, Maud was very emotional.

Really almost missed out on a fortune.

As for the follow-up threats from Abe and Kazette, as long as they return to the store, they will have Thor's thigh.

Sunny nodded and said seriously, "Fortunately."

Time passed slowly.

In the evening, the Sol Weapons Store ended another day of business with no income.

Sonny went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for tonight.

Maud closed the door of the store and cleaned the sanitation in the store.

After cleaning, Maud went to the kitchen to help Sunny.

Although his cooking skills are not as good as Sunny's, the things he makes are still delicious.

"Don't forget to prepare one for Bailey."

Maud remembered Bailey hanging in the toilet and couldn't help reminding him.

"Well, I almost forgot."

After being reminded by Maud, Sunny took out two more steaks and a handful of vegetables from the refrigerator.

Maud glanced at the meal Sunny had prepared for Bailey.

It can only be said that in terms of food, Sol Weapons Store has never been ambiguous.

The two were busy in the kitchen.

On the other side, Sol, who had just woken up, walked downstairs.

With tired eyes, he went straight to the toilet.

After dozens of seconds, a shrill scream came from the toilet.


The voice sounded as young as a teenager, and the voice was full of panic.

Hearing an unfamiliar cry for help from the toilet, Maud and Sunny, who were busy in the kitchen, stopped at the same time, looked at each other, and then put down their things and went to the toilet.

The two rushed to the toilet as soon as possible, and saw that Sol was pinching Bailey's head with one hand, as if the force would be in vain in the next second.

Bailey looked at Sunny with frightened eyes, and spoke with difficulty.

"Mom, mom, save me!!"


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