HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 99 Maud is dead

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The knife that stabbed Whitebeard's chest.

It was supposed to retain a ray of vitality so that Luo Jiang, who was on call at any time, could take out the Zhenzhen fruit.

But the arrival of the Blackbeard Pirates made Maud change his mind instantly.

You can don't have the Zhenzhen fruit, but you must get the experience points of Whitebeard.

This is the primary purpose of Maud's efforts to participate in the war on the top.


This knife that temporarily changed his mind directly pierced the vitality of Whitebeard.


Whitebeard looked down at Maud, who was willing to use his body to resist several shots, but also insisted on stabbing himself with one knife.

When the countdown to his life began, he vaguely felt an unusual and clear purpose from Maud.

Not just to rob him of the fame he'd spent all his life galloping on the sea...

It seems, there are other unknown purposes.

"My life... it's over..."

Whitebeard raised his head with difficulty, and glanced at Titch, the culprit who caused all the troubles, from a distance.

If his life is not coming to an end, he will kill Tiki no matter what.

But it was too late.

Whitebeard turned to look at the chaotic battlefield, his eyelids slowly drooping and closing.

The darkness was gradually squeezing his vision.

At the end of the last,

The picture he saw automatically filtered out the smoke, the shadow of swords and swords, and the smoke of gunpowder, leaving only the figures of his sons.

The darkness that eroded his vision suddenly stopped.

"Listen, Whitebeard Pirates...!"

Whitebeard looked at the sailors in the war,

It was as if the light was returning, even when the heart was pierced by the blade, he still had the strength to speak.

A look of astonishment appeared in Maud's eyes, and when he was about to turn his wrist to completely kill the vitality of Whitebeard...

But when he saw Whitebeard muster his last strength and wanted to continue what he just said, Maud paused.

He gave Whitebeard the opportunity to express his [last words].

"This is the last captain's order...you...you must go back to the new world alive!!!"

The words that were said with the last ounce of strength were spread throughout the entire Marin Vatican in an instant.

Whitebeard's eyelids drooped as the last syllable faded into the sea breeze.

The darkness stopped for a moment and began to erode his vision again.

Until there was only a white line left in the light in front of him, Whitebeard looked at Maud in front of him.

He was aware of Maud's deliberate pause just now.

Weird little devil...

Whitebeard finally closed his eyelids.

There is no resentment, no anger, only the calmness of accepting death.

As the last trace of Whitebeard's vitality dissipated.

The huge and unmeasurable benefits are like a turbulent river, rudely pouring into Maud's body.

The pain from the wound disappeared in an instant.

The expected huge income still surprised Maud.

Meanwhile, the single-digit countdown begins for the remaining duration of the Shadow Rendezvous.

on the battlefield.

Hearing Whitebeard's last order, the group of pirates headed by the captain was dumbfounded.

"Last order!?"


"It's not true!!!"

They stared blankly at the lost white beard, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Such a reaction would undoubtedly be fatal in an impending battle.

Moreover, the navy would not tell the pirates any morality. Taking advantage of the distraction and negligence of the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, they all seized the opportunity to kill.

In just a few seconds, a bunch of pirates were cut to the ground.

If it wasn't for the Whitebeard's attention, the captains who fought with them would have been defeated in an instant.

"I really didn't expect that, he was still succeeded by him..."

Doflamingo restrained the smile that always hung on his face, and looked coldly at the multiple serious gunshot wounds on Maud's body, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes behind the sunglasses.

"Such injuries are no different from death on the battlefield."

Doflamingo's killing intent skyrocketed.

When Maud successfully took away Whitebeard's head, his desire to kill Maud was stronger than ever.

And now, it is obviously the most unmissable opportunity.

"You're dead, Furou..."

The many concerns brought about by his identity and position have been unable to restrain Doflamingo's strong killing intent.

"Is it dead, Whitebeard..."

Hawkeye tilted his head to look at Whitebeard's unstoppable corpse, his eyes turned slightly, and fell on Maud's body.

A ray of fighting spirit quietly emerged.


Looking at the injury on Maud, Hawkeye and Doflamingo's judgments are basically the same.

To seize Whitebeard's head at such a price would certainly gain a reputation that would shock the entire world from now on, but it would also push himself into the abyss called death step by step.

"To do this for the sake of fame, a creature like a man..."

The Empress looked at Maud expressionlessly, as if she was looking at a dead man.

The Qiwuhai stopped naturally.

As the representative rowing players in the war, they can feel at ease if they don't work hard.

"Whitebeard was killed by Shichibu Haimod...!!!"

"The strongest man in the world, just died like this..."

There was also a part of the navy that was closer, shocked by the scene of Maud's stab to kill Whitebeard.

before the execution stand.


Ace was stunned.

His heart seemed to stop beating at this moment, making him feel breathless.


At this crucial moment of escape, Sabo and Luffy looked worriedly at Ace who was hit hard.

On the high platform in front of the Navy Headquarters.

The members of the Blackbeard Pirates are based here.

Pretty much the same as in the original.

Blackbeard, who is bound to win the trip to Imper Prison, still brought out several vicious world-class criminals, as well as Shiliu the long rain, the former guard of Imper Prison who was against the water.

They debuted in a high-profile fashion, only to be overshadowed by Whitebeard's death.

"Hey, my dear old man was killed like this?"

Blackbeard looked at Maud, who was going to kill Whitebeard at the cost of bullets.

It was a gunshot with a domineering look of armed arrogance.

Although the key points were avoided, four shots were shot through Maud's left hand, right hand, left leg, and waist and abdomen.

Multiple penetrating injuries are enough to cut off Maud's back path.

This made Blackbeard really unable to understand Maud's behavior.

With what he knew about Maud, even in order to gain the honor of "being able to solve the strongest man with his own hands", he did not think that Maud would do such an irrational and stupid act.

But the facts lay before us.

But it doesn't matter.

"Get rid of him first."

From the corner of his eyes, Blackbeard glanced at Fan Oka, who was wearing a black hat, an eye patch on his right eye, and a black cloak.

Whitebeard is dead.

He had to get the ability to shake the fruit before the demonic power that resided in Whitebeard left the body.

Fortunately, the integration of Whitebeard and Zhenzhen Fruit is extremely high.

So even if Whitebeard dies, it will take some time to get rid of Whitebeard's body.

Time is not enough, but Blackbeard has the confidence to do it.

Hearing Blackbeard's order, Van Oka, who filled his favorite gun with ammo, raised his muzzle again.

There was basically no preview, and he fired three shots at Maud, who he had identified as dead.

Bang Bang Bang! Lingdu eBook

Three lead bullets wrapped in armed colors pierced through the gunpowder smoke and went straight to the vital point of the motionless Maud.


At this moment, a huge hemispherical space appeared out of thin air, directly covering half of the square near the harbor.

Luo, who had been on standby for a long time, took action.

"Turn around."

Luo raised his index middle finger and swapped a stone beside him with Maud.


Maude, who was seriously injured to the point of being disabled, flashed to Luo's side in an instant.

And the three lead bullets landed in the empty space, and with a bang, three big pits were made on the ground.

Seeing the hemispherical space that suddenly appeared, the other people didn't react, and Doflamingo's face collapsed first.


It was almost a voice that came out of Doflamingo's teeth.

this moment,

On a massive battlefield called Marin Vando.

The thing the world government wants most - Luo's surgical fruit.

The target that the world government wants to eradicate the most - Fire Fist Ace, who inherited the blood of One Piece.

The most feared existence of the world government - Nico Robin's ability to interpret the original text of history.

Under the influence of the butterfly, Maud, these three people, each of whom bears some kind of significance, gathered together on the battlefield that was about to lead the change of the times.


Maud opened his eyes and looked at Luo beside him.

The waste mentioned in the words refers to Luo's behavior of wasting his physical strength and even his life to expand the space in the field of surgical fruits in order to help him eliminate the crisis.

Luo, who knew enough about Maud, understood it all at once.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he glanced at the serious gunshot wound on Maud.

"You're so badly injured that if you get two more shots, even I can't save you."

The implication is not to waste physical strength or even life, you will have to explain it here.

"It is indeed a very serious 'injury'."

Maud, who was "severely injured", smiled nonchalantly and said seriously: "So much so that they think I will probably die here. I mean."


Luo Wenyan looked at Brother Doflaming, who was two or three hundred meters away, with murderous intent floating in his eyes.

"Maud, am I a step late?"

"Strictly speaking, it's not that you came a step late, but the Blackbeard Pirates came a step earlier."

Maud glanced at Whitebeard's corpse.

With the ability of Yiluo's surgical fruit, in order to perform the [operation] to remove the devil fruit, the precondition that the target of the operation is [a living person] must be satisfied.

In other words, Whitebeard got the benefit, but missed the Zhenzhen fruit.

Maud's regret is for not being able to get the Zhenzhen fruit.

Ke Luo's regret is because Maud is now seriously injured.

Luo sighed lightly, slowly restrained the killing intent towards Brother Doflamingo, and said solemnly: "Maud, I'll help you deal with the injury first, and then...let's leave here first."

He knew very well that with Morde's current situation, it was no longer suitable for fighting, and he couldn't provide him with any substantial help.

That is to say...

Now is not a good time to kill Doflamingo, but to think about how to get out safely.

Maud looked at Luo who resolutely gave up the original plan, and chuckled: "Do you see me as a seriously injured person now?"

Luo Wenyan frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "Isn't it, you... eh?"

He looked at the four injuries on Maud's body in amazement. The penetrating wound with the size of the bowl that was visible to the naked eye was already intact.

"Your injury..."

Luo was dumbfounded.

But he soon realized that this might be the result of the Devil Fruit's ability.

Suddenly, Luo's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of shock when he looked at Maud.

"Is it the ability of the shadow fruit? But how did you do it?"

"It's nothing, I just repaired the shadow."

A smile flashed in the bottom of Maud's eyes. While speaking, his body shape and complexion were gradually returning to their original state.

Luo Wenyan said in disbelief: "By repairing the shadow, the injury on the body can be recovered in an instant? How can the shadow fruit be used like this?"

Such a perverted ability made him wonder...

The real fruit worth 5 billion should be the shadow fruit, not the surgical fruit he has now.

Maud said no more.

Now, he has not only recovered from his injuries, but also filled up his physical strength and domineering.

But this is not because of the ability of the shadow fruit, but because of the ability of the hunter's note.

It is because of the benefits of Whitebeard and 500 prisoner shadows that his injuries can be recovered in an instant.

This is also the reason why he dared to carry the gun and accept Whitebeard's experience points.

Maud won't reveal the existence of the Hunter's Note to Luo, so he uses the ability of the shadow fruit to block the gun.

But this time blocking the gun seems to make Luo begin to doubt his life.

"The effect of the shadow gathering place is powerful, but the conditions of use are too harsh, and there are many restrictions..."

Maud looked down at the body that had returned to its original state, thinking silently in his heart.

With Whitebeard's income support, in fact, he doesn't have to harvest the shadows of all the prisoners, and he can recover from his injuries in an instant.

However, due to the "one-time" limitation of the shadow gathering place, these prisoner shadows that have been used once cannot be used for the second time.

So Maud simply harvested the shadows of all prisoners.

As for the principle of this restriction, it is probably also related to the reason why the shadow gathering place can only last for about ten minutes.

When Maud converts the shadows absorbed into his body into power, the shadows will gradually repel Maud's soul within ten minutes.

Once the repulsion between the souls reaches a certain level, the shadows will forcibly leave Maud's body, and after that, due to the existence of repulsion, they will no longer enter Maud's body.

It may also be because of the various conditions and restrictions of the shadow gathering place that Moria will focus on the development of the zombie army.


It is assumed that the shadow set does not have these restrictions.

Then, Moriah only needs to be patient to collect high-quality shadows, and after the quantity and quality reach the standard, with a single trick without strict restrictions, it is no problem to become the fourth emperor.

Despite the many limitations of the Shadow Gathering, Maud still feels that this is an extremely powerful ability.

At least Maud had a good time this time.

The only pity is that there is only one place in the world where thousands of high-quality shadows can be collected at once like Imper Prison.

"If there is a need for shadows in the future, find a time to visit Imper Prison, just..."

Maud glanced at a few world-class criminals in prison clothes on the high platform from a distance.

He remembered that these prisoners were selected after Blackbeard let the sixth floor prisoners kill each other.

This also means that the number of prisoners on the sixth floor is estimated to be only a few and a half.

never mind……

Maud shook his head and stopped thinking about the future.

"Luo, it's time to fulfill what I promised you before."

Maud walked towards the battlefield, his eyes fixed on Doflamingo.

Luo took a deep breath, restrained the mood disturbed by the shadow fruit ability, and quickly followed Maud.

He has waited long enough for this day.

At this moment.

Countless eyes once again gathered on Maud.


Doflamingo's arrogant walk towards Maud suddenly stopped.

"His injuries...recovered?"

"Hey, what are you kidding?"

Blackbeard and the others, who had rushed to the edge of the battlefield, looked in amazement at Maud who had no wounds all over his body.

"This is also... the ability of the shadow fruit?"

Most people who thought Maud might die on the battlefield were also stunned.

Among the countless eyes looking at Maud, there was a golden lion in the sky.

"Whitebeard, you are actually planted in the hands of such a young brat..."

"This kind of situation seems to be destined to be 'replaced', even if I look at it, I will be unhappy!"

The golden lion's eyes were gloomy.

In front of the world, Maud defeated Whitebeard.

This is equivalent to proclaiming to the world that the old times are over!

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