HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 142 Who Inherited

In the war on the top, countless people witnessed the end of many strong men headed by Whitebeard.

The balance of power is broken.

Whitebeard's territory turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The sea became turbulent.

This is the inevitable result of what is on the table.

And secretly, countless eyes are directly staring at the Zhenzhen fruit that will end up in the end.

Not only that, but also the Devil Fruits of the strong such as Golden Lion, Joz, Doflamingo, and Devil Fruits such as Rusty Fruits that are not very expressive and only produce a small splash...

Due to the limited viewing angle of the live broadcast, no one knows how many capable people were killed in the war on the top.

What is certain is that after this battle, many Devil Fruits, including the Zhenzhen Fruit, have started a new cycle.


Compared with plundering the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, finding the whereabouts of these Devil Fruits has become the goal of more people.

In order to get the Zhenzhen fruit, Kaido has ordered the establishment of an intelligence network.

But before the Hundred Beast Pirates took action, all forces in the underground world had actually been mobilized in all directions.

in addition,

Countless pirates and bounty hunters, as well as the world government, all act to find the fruit of the shock.

The current whereabouts are unknown, but it has epoch-making significance. In the current turbulent situation, it has aroused the coveted hearts of countless people.

Some people with a keen sense of smell vaguely felt the bloody storm that was about to start again after the end of the war on the top.

Peaceful, balanced?

That kind of thing is broken.

A certain site under Whitebeard's command.

The time will be night.

The fire soared into the sky, illuminating the entire sky.

The once prosperous town is now ravaged by a burst of fire.

One after another corpses were lying on the ground, the blood flowing from the gradually cold flesh and blood, like countless streams, converged into a pool of blood, reflecting the shadows of the moving firelight.

No one in the entire town survived the fire.

Asura hell, nothing more than that.

"Mama! Mama! Am I taking revenge like this?"

Under the light of the fire, a man holding a Naginata was standing in a pool of blood with excitement on his face, shouting loudly.

The man was burly and fat, but his feet were slender.

On his face, he had a white beard that had the same crescent shape as the white beard, but was thinner and longer.

On the body that is different from ordinary people, there are two shocking scars, which are distributed around the entire neck and the entire elbow.

Judging from the traces of stitching, there is quite a bit of stitching strange demeanor.

This person, named Edward Weibull, called himself Whitebeard II outside.

In front of Weibull was a short, wrinkled woman wearing sunglasses, thick red lips, and a leopard-print coat.

The pitch-changed Mama in Weibull's mouth was referring to this woman.

"Stupid boy, it's long overdue for revenge. The important thing is money, so we must find a way to inherit the huge legacy left by your father Newgate as soon as possible."

Ba Jin bent down, and regardless of the blood on the ground, he happily packed up the money he had just collected from the town.

Weibull looked down at Barkin's back and hesitated:

"However, I still want to take revenge, especially Maud who killed my father. If possible, I will take out his bones and pile them into a small shelf."

"Clap clap."

Bakin swung the cane covered in armed color with his backhand and hit Weibull's leg hard.

"It hurts so much!"

Weibull took a small step back and cried out in pain.

Bakin looked up at Weibull and reprimanded: "It's all said that revenge is not now, you have to listen to your mother's words, you know?"

"I'm sorry, Mama, I know now."

Weibull whispered pitifully.

"now it's right."

Ba Jin said with relief: "You are his biological son who truly inherited the blood of the once strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, so don't talk about revenge, because you still have to be busy inheriting the legacy left by Whitebeard! "


"Then what do you do now?"

"Um... um... Mum, I forgot."


"It hurts, Ma Ma!"

"Listen, what you have to do now is to find out the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates headed by Marco the Phoenix and Fire Fist Ace, including the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, and kill them in one fell swoop! "

"Because these people are all the biggest obstacles for you to inherit your father's estate!"

"Of course, the most important thing... is to find a way to get your father's shock fruit!!!"

"Only you who have inherited the blood of Newgate are the most qualified to eat the shocking fruit!!!"

Speaking of excitement, Bakin kept waving his cane, as if he had seen Weibull eat the shocking fruit, and then recreate the picture of Whitebeard's glory in a short period of time.

At that time, as Weibull's mother, she can use Weibull to make a lot of money.

Just imagine, Ba Jin is wet for a long time.

"Yes, I am the man most qualified to eat Zhenzhen fruit!!!"

Weibull is obviously also very fond of the shock fruit, and believes that as long as he can eat the shock fruit, there is no need to use force to tear up those who dare to question his identity.

"But Mama, the sea is so big, what do you guys have to do to find the Zhenzhen fruit?"

"Don't worry, my baby."

Ba Jin restrained his thoughts, and a cold light erupted in his eyes under the sunglasses.

"Once the Zhenzhen fruit appears, it will inevitably cause an uproar in a short period of time. At that time, all we have to do is to grab the Zhenzhen fruit!"

"Yeah, but Mama, what if someone has already eaten the Zhenzhen fruit?"

"Then kill the person who ate the shaking fruit."

"I see!"

"Oh, by the way, I have some friendship with Shi Kee, so...if you can do it, let's get the fluttering fruit by the way."

"Okay, Mama!"

Under the darkness of night, the light of the fire showed a bloody path.

Two figures, one big and one small, carrying the blood-stained harvest, talked loudly about the beautiful future as they drifted away.


They don't know what terrifying obstacles lie ahead.

Blackbeard, World Government, Kaido the Beast.

and Maud...

These powerful existences are bound to win the Zhenzhen Fruit.

Whoever it is will be the enemy.


In the surging undercurrent, the Zhenzhen fruit and the fluttering fruit exist, forming an unimaginable action force that spreads to the whole world.


The world doesn't know that the fluttering fruit that made the Golden Lion Flying Fleet's reputation was taken away by Maud when the war was over.

And then, Maud is also bound to get the Zhenzhen fruit.

Above the cloudless sky.

The size and scale of the world's largest terrifying three-masted ship is floating above the sky, heading towards the Chambord Islands.

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