HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 194 Are you too surprised to forget the ability to use the shock fruit?

Bang, bang—!

Over the sea, a dull sound peculiar to Moonstep resounded.

When Smog was defeated by Vergo and Runti, the navies led by the tea dolphin, who were walking on the moonwalk, seized the opportunity and landed on the port smoothly despite their anger.

But standing in front of them were not only the cadres of several famous Don Quixote families such as Vergo, but also hundreds of elites led by Jack Drought of the Beast Pirates, as well as Runti and Drake of the six sons of Lingkong.

Not to mention, there are fifteen or sixteen ships in the sea near the port.

The combat power of the two sides is simply worlds apart.

As the most powerful one on the navy side, the tea dolphin felt a lot of pressure.

"Among the enemies, the strongest is... the drought of the Beast Pirates!"

The tea dolphin looked solemnly at Jack who was not far away.

This pirate with a bounty of one billion, just standing there, exudes a powerful aura that cannot be underestimated.

I just don't know why, from the time they left the warship to the smooth landing, the people of the Beast Pirates were unmoved and did not stop them.

It was Smog who was unlucky, and flew right to where Runti was.


The sight of many navy, over the raised dust, fell on Smog covered in blood, all of them couldn't hide their dignified worry.


Tea dolphin's eyes flashed red, and he interrupted his colleagues' rescue thoughts.

In such a situation where there is a huge gap in combat power between the two sides, if the rescue is motivated, it will only speed up the collapse of one's own side, and completely lose the chance to come back.

Vergo landed on the ground, and paced to Smoog's side.

Afterwards, under the alarmed and angry gazes of the navy of the tea dolphin, Vergo held Smog's head with one hand, and picked up Smog who was so angry.

tick, tick-

The blood that flowed from Smoker's body,

Along the body, it slipped to the sole of the shoe, and finally dripped on the ground, splashing dazzling blood flowers.

"I'm curious."

Virgo nodded slightly, and in the eyes behind the sunglasses, there was a cold and winter-like luster.

"What is the reason for you to rush over to die?"

This question is obviously impossible to answer.

"Let go of Smoker...!!!"

Tina glared at Vergo, and the blue veins that opened from the corner of her eyes showed her anger wantonly.

"Oh? Let go of him? Is that so?"

Hearing this, Virgo held the right hand of Smog's head, suddenly raised it high, and immediately pressed Smog's head into the ground.


Smog's head and even his body slammed into the ground again, shaking up a lot of gravel and dust.


Tina's eyes narrowed sharply.



Tina's figure disappeared out of thin air.

In the next instant, Tina flashed to Vergo's side.


Tina swept her arms horizontally and swept towards Vergo's shoulders.

But Virgo's back hair was faster, reaching out like lightning, and strangled Tina's neck first.


Virgo activated the armed color and dyed his palm black, thus suppressing Tina's threshold fruit ability.

Tina suffered a heavy blow to the neck and vomited blood, and was firmly restrained by Vergon's armed palm.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you one by one."

Virgo looked at Tina indifferently, his palms suddenly exerted force, ready to break Tina's neck directly.

Just at this critical moment, the tea dolphin dodged and came behind Vergo.

His fist, under the effect of the ability to return life, became the size of a basketball, and was dyed pitch black with the armed color.

Dolphin strike!

A straight punch, carrying an astonishing strong wind, hit Vergo's spine.

Virgo's eyes flickered with red light, and he decisively released the palm that was holding Tina's neck, then turned around, and crossed his hands to block the punch that the tea dolphin hit straight at the spine.


Layers of annular air waves spread out from where the fist fell.

Amazing punching power poured fiercely on Vergo's arms.


Vergo frowned and turned around in a hurry, making him unstable in the next game.

For only a second or two, he couldn't completely resist this heavy punch, and he flew out.

After repelling Vergo, the tea dolphin twisted his waist and kicked two giant feet behind him.

"What a quick response!"

Torrepol and Diamanti looked at the giant lanterns flying towards them, and their eyes could not help condensing.

They wanted to take advantage of the situation to sneak attack on the tea dolphin, but they did not expect that after the tea dolphin had repulsed Vergo, it would be able to use the remaining momentum to make such a smooth and aesthetically connected attack.

Come to think of it, if there is no existence of the two of them, I am afraid that these two languid feet will go straight to Vergo who flew out.

"Sticky pull!"

Torrepol stopped the idea of ​​attacking the tea dolphin, and threw out a sticky mucus with his bare hands, which firmly stuck to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Torrepol pulled the mucus puller back, and the thick slate lifted up, like a yo-yo, and was flung by him to the oncoming Lan's feet.

And Diamanti only made a move of putting the red cloak on his body in front of him.

This red cloak looks very ordinary, but in fact, it is made of steel, but it was turned into a flag-like existence by Diamanti's ability to fly fruit.


Diamanti released the flying ability that was cast on the red cloak.

The red cloak that was fluttering in the wind instantly turned into a red steel plate.

Two streaks bombarded the slate wrapped in mucus and the red steel plate in front of Diamanti.

Accompanied by two explosions, the air wave was lifted.

Torrepol and Diamanti blocked the tea dolphin's feet, but were forced back a distance.

"This guy's strength is extraordinary."

After stabilizing his body, Diamanti looked coldly at the tea dolphin who forced the three of them back in a few seconds.

"Yes, yes, it must be the strongest one in this group of navy."

There was a sticky liquid flowing under Torrepol, and he nodded in agreement.

Just based on the offensive and defensive methods that Tea Dolphin had just revealed, the two of them could conclude that Cha Dolphin was an extremely powerful physique master.

The scattered smoke and dust slowly fell to the ground.

Tea dolphin ignored Diamanti and Torrepol, and focused most of his attention on Drought Jack and others.

Until now, there has been no obvious reaction from this group of Beast Pirates.

However, as long as they stood there, even if they didn't move, they were like sharp swords hanging above their heads, always making the tea dolphins highly vigilant.


Tina coughed violently a few times, and the first action after she came over was to check Smog's situation.

The faint sound of heartbeat and pulse coming from the palm made Tina's face pale.

"The breath is very weak, if you don't hurry up and rescue..."

"Tina, recognize the current situation."

Tea dolphin interrupted Tina's words very simply.

He is always smiling and very kind. In this situation, he perfectly displayed the quality of decision-making that a general should have. When making decisions, he is not affected by the slightest emotion.

Tina's eyes trembled slightly when she heard the words.

In fact, she also knows very well...

In this case, how to protect oneself has become a problem, and how can it be possible to help colleagues.

She bit the corner of her lip and didn't continue to say some stupid words.


The more than 30 navy who came ashore with moon steps came to the tea dolphin one after another, forming a situation of swaying horns.

at the same time.

Two warships are about to dock.

This is also thanks to the people from the Beast Pirates who are just watching from the sidelines.

Otherwise, let alone the landing of the cover warship, maybe they even have a problem landing smoothly.

However, chasing after the warship, there were also 2,000 enemies of the Don Quixote family, as well as more than ten cadres with decent strength.

For the Navy, the situation is quite bad.

Virgo landed steadily from mid-air, and looked at the navy who were tangled in horns with no expression on his face.

Then, he glanced down at his arm.

It hurts a bit.

But no big deal.

However, the tea dolphin alone is worthy of his careful treatment.

As for the others, don't mention it.

Jack watched indifferently, and with his eyesight, he could naturally see the ability of the tea dolphin, which was obviously a tough bone to chew.

In order not to delay the time for boarding and leaving, Jack said coldly: "Vergo, I will deal with the yellow clothes, but you have to deal with other navies within five minutes, so it is best not to waste my time."

The yellow clothes refer to the tea dolphin.


Hearing Jack's words, Vergo sullen and said nothing.

Tea dolphin's eyes changed, and he secretly said that he was in trouble.

After making the request, Jack raised his hands, looked behind his neck, and grasped the Schotter knife stuck in his neck.

This is a straight knife-shaped lower body and a sickle-shaped upper body weapon.

The degree of bending of the blade is destined to be a weapon that cannot be equipped with a scabbard.

However, Jack didn't need a scabbard at all, he just hung the sharp Schotter knife around his neck.

With his powerful body surface defense, unless it is against a powerful enemy, there is no need to worry that the blade will cut through the skin.

It doesn't matter if this hanging knife hurts him.

He is an ancient animal type ability, has super resilience, and can improve the accuracy of the fruit's ability through self-mutilation methods.

After taking off the SCHOTTEL knife, Jack took heavy and powerful steps and walked towards the tea dolphin.

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"Hey, Jack, then we can just stand here and watch the play, shall we?"

Runti folded her arms and looked at Jack's back.

"As you please."

Jack said without looking back.

Runti curled her lips and stayed where she was, without any intention of stepping up.

The main reason is that except for a tea dolphin who can watch this group of navy, other people can't make her interested at all.

Drake silently looked at the navy in a critical situation, his eyes drooping, hiding a touch of unnoticeable worry.

"Drake, I remember you were a rear admiral, right?"

Runti suddenly looked at Drake beside him, and asked with great interest, "What made you defect from the navy and become a 'fallen' pirate?"

"Runti, if you're too busy..."

Drake coldly greeted Runti's inquisitive eyes, he attached both hands to the handle of the axe and sword, and said lightly, "I don't mind spending time with you here."


Runti's eyes narrowed, the corners of her mouth curved, and she said slowly, "Good suggestion."

The eyes of the two became more and more fierce, and bursts of invisible sparks were intertwined in the air.

The hundreds of elite members of the Hundred Beast Pirates who were also on standby looked nervously at Runti and Drake, who seemed to be fighting in the next second.

At this time, they should have persuaded them aloud to calm down the two Lingkong Liuzi, who were second only to the Three Disasters in front of them.

But they dare not.

In the Beast Pirates, strength represents the power of life and death.

If they offend the six sons of Lingkong, they are very likely to get on fire.

Runti and Drake were battling each other, and Jack was already facing the tea dolphin. The fierce confrontation directly drove the others out of the battle circle.

Virgo watched the fight between Jack and the tea dolphin silently.

After a few rounds, Vergo found that Jack's speed was not outstanding, it could even be said to be cumbersome, but his strength and defense were extremely amazing.

Just now, Vergo crossed his arms to block the punch of the tea dolphin, and then suffered a little skin injury, and Jack used his body to forcibly take the continuous attack of the tea dolphin, and it looked as if nothing happened.

With such a stark contrast, Virgo officially came into contact with the unique fighting style of the Beast Pirates.

This is a terrifying force that has gathered countless monsters...

Virgo was silent for a few seconds, then he stopped thinking about it and stared at Tina.

Aside from the tea dolphin, this female navy is the strongest among the remaining navies.


Virgo smashed the ground with one foot, and his figure disappeared in a flash, rushing towards Tina at a very fast speed.


Tina noticed something, and suddenly waved her arms.

Feather threshold!

The fence-shaped black sill extending from the arm crossed in front of him and turned into a grid-like black sill net.

Vergo's figure was revealed in front of the black sill net.

"If you can't even call a 'wall' a move, don't show it off."

Looking at the sill with a lot of gaps, Virgo's mouth outlined a contemptuous arc. He did not use the ability to shake the fruit, but shot three flying finger guns with his fingers.

The flying finger gun, whose power and speed are better than lead bullets, accurately passed through the gap in the grid exposed by the sill, and flew to Tina behind the sill.


Tina was startled, and only had time to dodge two flying finger guns, and the third flying finger gun went straight through her thigh, bringing up a bloody arrow.

The thigh was injured, and Tina's body suddenly lost her balance.

A killing intent flashed in Virgo's eyes, and he stepped on the moon and rose into the air, drawing an "inverted V" trajectory in the air, crossing the feather threshold and arriving in front of Tina.

The ghost bamboo held in his hand was wrapped in a solid armed color, and immediately hit Tina's head with the sound of breaking the sky.

If this stick is solid, it should be enough to crack Tina's head.


Tina, who fell back, was too late to pull back the black threshold, so she could only stare wide and watch the menacing pitch-black ghost bamboo fall.

At this instant, the flow of time seemed to slow down several times.

All the sounds in the ears seemed to suddenly enter a vacuum and became silent.

A dark figure, like a meteor, suddenly fell straight down from above.

Speed, momentum.

Suddenly, the slowing down time was shattered—

at the same time.

The voice came back, and a head drilled into Tina's ear.

Then, in her eyes, a tall figure standing in front of her was reflected.

That figure raised his right hand, put his index and middle fingers together, and touched the end of the Ghost Bamboo.

Just like this, the mighty Ghost Bamboo could no longer advance an inch.

"Mo, De..."

Tina was extremely shocked to see Maud who landed in front of him from the sky and blocked the attack for himself, and his head stopped turning for a while.

As for Virgo, his eyes narrowed sharply, looking at Maud who blocked his full blow with just two fingers in disbelief.

But the most unbelievable thing for him was that Maud would appear in front of him in such an unreasonable way.

Mo De opened his other fingers, gently held the end of the ghost bamboo, and said calmly: "Are you too surprised to forget the ability to use the shock fruit?"

Before he finished speaking, Mo De suddenly exerted his strength.

Click, click...!

The ghost bamboo shattered every now and then, turning into pieces and falling toward the ground.

It was actually crushed by Maud.

Virgo's heart was shocked, and he retreated back like a conditioned reflex.

At this moment, a cloud-like cold air surrounded the area where he retreated.

"Freezing time."

Aokiji's cold voice sounded beside Virgo's ear.

Virgo didn't even respond, and was frozen by the ice sculpture by the green pheasant.

The green pheasant, with a calm face, stood behind the ice sculpture with his hands in his pockets.

Wisps of white cold air spilled out from the corner of his mouth.

"Maud, Aokiji!!!"

"The two of them...how could they be here!!!"

Maud and Aokiji appeared side by side, like a bomb that exploded in everyone's heart.

So much so that everyone stopped tacitly, and then looked at Maud and Aokiji in shock.

"Blue pheasant..."

The tea dolphin stopped and stepped back, looking at the green pheasant in surprise.

"Bacardi Maud!"

Jack and Runti both stared fiercely at Maud who appeared out of nowhere.

This man is exactly the guy Kaido boss named to kill.

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