HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 199 Sugar disguise (Zhang Weiyu is the most handsome!)

Gathering all the Devil Fruits recorded in the Devil's Pokédex sounds like a fantasy.

Luo, who tends to be the most rational, retains a little uncertainty.

Just because the person who said it was Maud.

"Why do you suddenly remember this?"

Luo shook his head slightly, came to Arthur, and looked at the unconscious Don Quixote family officials who were tied tightly by Arthur with thin strings.

Glancing over the limbs of the cadres, with his eyesight as a doctor, he could easily see the fractures and injuries of these former colleagues.

Arthur noticed the change in Luo's eyes, and took the initiative to explain: "I interrupted, just in case."

Luo Wenyan nodded towards Arthur, and immediately pulled out Ghost Cry and opened up the domain space.

Swish swish--!

Roche cut the bodies of the Don Quixote family cadres into a dozen pieces in the air like a fruit.

Looking at the broken limbs all over the floor, Arthur was dumbfounded.

Luo slowly put the ghost cry back into the sheath, and said lightly: "This is more secure."


Arthur opened his mouth, speechless.

After cutting the Don Quixote family cadres into a dozen pieces, Luo took out the heart one by one, then turned and left.

Arthur looked at Luo's back in horror, and asked subconsciously, "These...how do you do it?"

"Which ones?"

Luo stopped and looked back at Arthur suspiciously.

Arthur twitched the corners of his mouth and pointed to the cut pieces all over the floor.


Luo glanced at the fragments of the officials of the Don Quixote family that he had cut open, and said calmly:

"If you think it's too messy, tie them up in a pile, if you feel sick, find a bag to put them in, as long as you don't kill them.


After speaking, without waiting for Arthur's reaction, Luo jumped to the top of the warehouse building in the port and looked at the situation on the field.

Under the siege of Brook and his hungry wolves, the last cadre of the Don Quixote family, Dellinger, fell tragically to the ground in less than two seconds.

As his eyes turned, Luo looked at Jaya against Runti, Lafayette against Drake, and Urki Hawkins against the crew of more than two hundred Beast Pirates, and finally stayed in the Beast Pirates' battle. On Drought Jack.

"Three disasters..."

Luo put his thumb against his chin, and there was a look of pity in his eyes.

Even if it is one of the three famous disasters of the Beast Pirates, in front of the two mountains of Maud and Qingzhi, you have to lie down obediently.


Luo extravagantly opened the domain space and teleported directly to the side of Vergo, who was seriously injured and comatose.

After all, the victory has been decided, so there is no need to consider the loss of physical strength.

Luo lowered his head and looked indifferently at Vergo lying on the ground motionless.

Some pictures that I don't want to recall, involuntarily surfaced.

"That's it, Vergo."

Luo said coldly, using his ability to pull out Vergo's heart.

So far, the hearts of the downed Don Quixote family officials have been taken out by Luo.

In the battle circle not far away.

Facing threats from Maud and Aokiji, Drought Jack faces the most dire situation ever.

"Huh, huh..."

Jack was breathing heavily, and every breath he exhaled was wrapped in a chill that was visible to the naked eye.

On his body, there are many places where ice has condensed.

The surrounding ground was turned into ice and snow by Aokiji's ability.

If it weren't for the fact that his ancient mammoth ability was born with the [antifreeze] demonic factor, he would have been frozen into an ice sculpture by Aokiji's ability during the recovery period.

Although tenaciously withstood several waves of Aokiji's offensive, the situation is still very bad.

In a one-on-one situation, he can't beat Aokiji or Maud, let alone, Aokiji and Maud are fighting him together now.

It seems to be because Aokiji's [Ice Bath] came down, or because Jack finally recognized the reality.

In a situation that felt bad, he not only calmed down, but also deeply realized that the idea of ​​killing Maud just now was as stupid as it was.

But even if you choose to avoid its edge in the first place...

In front of the terrifying three-masted ships floating over the harbor, and the ability of Aokiji to freeze all the masted ships in the harbor in an instant, they had no chance of escaping here.

From the very beginning, they had only one choice, and that was to fight to the death!

Jack quickly adjusted his breathing, and with a thought, he directly transformed from a human-beast form to a complete mammoth form.


With the increase in size, the ice cubes condensed on the surface of the body shattered and fell off.

In less than a second or two, Jack transformed into a huge ancient mammoth covered in thick fur.

The thick and long nose, slightly curled, hangs low on the ground.

Two curved white ivory, at least four or five meters long, looked very rough.

"The 'persistence' of the ancient species is really better than seeing it. It's very tricky."

Aokiji raised his head slightly and looked at Jack, who had turned into a full body, with his hands in his pockets, and a chill appeared on his face, which condensed into frost in silence.

not far away.

Maud, who was watching the play, couldn't help but glanced at Aokiji's hands in his pockets after hearing Aokiji's words.

If it's really tricky, then you use your hands?

Kuzan, old Versailles.

While complaining in his heart, Maud turned his eyes and stared at the mammoth's tusk.

Jack looked at the green pheasant with a solemn expression, out of the corner of his eyes, he had to be alert to the threat from Maud.

Suddenly, Aokiji took out his hands from his pockets as if he heard Maud's inner complaints.


Seeing Qingzhi's movements, Jack suddenly realized that when Qingzhi fought him just now, his hands were always in his pockets.

For no reason, Jack seemed to be insulted, and his face was bloodshot with anger.

Aokiji didn't have any self-knowledge at all, and looked at Jack who suddenly blushed with some doubts.

He just wanted to be a little more serious, so he released his hands, and he never thought that this behavior would cause a very effective mental blow to Jack.

Without thinking too much, the green pheasant crossed his hands, released cold air, and condensed ice thorns in the air around him.

"Kuzan, wait a minute."

Just when Aokiji was about to completely eliminate Jack, Maud's voice came.

Hearing Maud's words, Aokiji didn't look back, still staring at Jack.

However, the ice thorns that had just condensed turned into ice slag quietly and fell to the ground.

Aokiji canceled the attack.

But Jack didn't have to obey Maud's orders, he swung the elephant trunk wrapped in armed color with force, and slammed it towards Aokiji's body.

"Ah la la..."

How can the green pheasant be hit and retreat.

The elephant trunk, which was thrown with a thousand strength, passed in front of him, and the strong wind that blew out cracked the ice layer on the ground into cracks that were visible to the naked eye.

Jack shook his head back, retracting his trunk.


The red light in Jack's eyes trembled slightly.

Through the feedback of seeing and hearing, Jack sensed the breath coming from the left side in front of him.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jack suddenly shook his head again, forcing the trunk to slash to the left side in front of him.


The elephant trunk slapped in the air, making a deafening air explosion.


As soon as the hit was missed, Jack's heart froze, astonishment appeared on his face.

Seeing and hearing brightly...

"Don't be so surprised if you miss."

On the right side of Jack, Maud's voice sounded.

"Because you're too slow, but elephants are understandably cumbersome."

Maud pulled out the autumn water and slashed at Jack's tusk.

Jack's face changed drastically.

As Maud said, between the lightning and flint, the bulky body had no time to respond to Jack's defensive thoughts.

The knife light flashed by.

The ivory snapped.

Maud reached out and caught the ivory.

"How much is such a big ivory worth? By the way, with the resilience of ancient species, this ivory should be able to grow again, right?"

Maud held a knife in one hand and a huge ivory in the other, talking with great interest.

Listening to Maud's words, it was like Jack, who had been closed for a while at the gate of hell, was so angry that he was almost swallowed by a mouthful of old blood when his back was cold.

Aokiji, a few meters away, looked at Maud silently, not knowing how to describe his mood at the moment.

This captain is really unusual.

Maud is not short of money, but it does not prevent him from collecting ready-made benefits.

Just now, when he saw that Jack turned into a complete mammoth, he quickly noticed the pair of wild tusks of the mammoth.

At that moment, just talking about the value of Jack himself, Maud didn't think of Jack's worth bounty for the first time, nor the ancient devil fruit that was about to be taken out of Jack's body.

It was...a pair of ivory that was worth a fortune.

After throwing the question, Maud did not give Jack a hard blow, but looked forward to watching the ivory next to Jack's trunk.

If the ivory can grow in a short period of time, it can take advantage of this and turn the ivory into a renewable resource.

Not only can they be used for their own use, but they can also be put into the market and sold to the nobles of the world who need ivory appliances.

"Go away!"

Jack saw what Maud was thinking, and he was instantly furious. He stepped on his forefoot, dragged his body, and charged towards Maud extremely angrily.

"It's okay if you don't say it, I can confirm it myself."

Morte smiled nonchalantly and turned his toes on the ground.

Shadow Spoon.

Walking with the shadow, Maud's body, in a strange posture like a spoon spinning in circles, bypassed Jack who collided, and set a shadow mark on Jack's body without a trace.


Immediately afterwards, Maud took advantage of the situation to swing his knife and cut off Jack's other ivory neatly.

Jack's huge body rushed out for a distance, but the tusks on both sides of the trunk remained in place.

Maud looked at the back of Jack rushing out, smiled, a shadow wave appeared in his palm, and he stuffed two large ivory into the shadow box, barely able to put it down.

Jack stabilized his body, turned to look at Maud, just saw Maud put his ivory into the shadow wave, and suddenly his body trembled slightly with anger.

This feeling of being hunted as a beast is not pleasant.

The more and more intense emotional fluctuations caused the red light in Jack's eyes to be intermittent, and it was difficult to maintain a stable and domineering look.

"Is the breath chaotic..."

Maud was keenly aware of the change in Jack's breath, his eyes widened, and he switched positions with Shadow Mark without hesitation.


Maud's figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

In the next instant, Maud appeared by Jack's side and slashed out like a stream of water.

Jack lacked the help of the knowledge and color, and his reaction was obviously slow. When he saw Maud, a knife light was already reflected in his eyes, and his pupils shrank suddenly.


Blood flashed.

Maud chopped off Jack's trunk with a knife, and immediately activated his ability again, returning to his original position in an instant.

The trunk of the elephant that was cut off by him rolled and flew into the air with the blood spilled.

Jack roared in pain, his limbs stomped on the ground frantically, and a lot of smoke was thrown up.

Compared with the physical pain, being played with like this by Maud made him even more painful.

He never thought that the ancient mammoth form he had always been proud of would have such an inconvenient ability.

Maud looked at the irritable Jack with a calm expression, shaking his arm, clearing the blood on Qiu Shui Dao's body.

All aspects of the abilities of the ancient animal species are all powerful, especially the huge size in the form of beasts, which is not comparable to ordinary animals at all.

But in contrast, the huge size brings a very obvious disadvantage, that is, it is bulky.

In ordinary battles, mammoths in the form of beasts, although bulky, have excellent defensive power, which will make up for this shortcoming.

But if you encounter an enemy like Maud who is fast and can attack and penetrate the defense, the cumbersome shortcomings of the ancient beast form will become a fatal factor.

After being cut off by Maud's tusks and trunks one after another, Jack was irritable, and obviously deeply realized Maud's terrifying strength.

Enduring the pain, Jack changed back to the human-beast form of a mammoth, with blood dripping from his face, and blood gurgling out.

Maud looked at the bloody Jack and said regretfully: "It seems that it won't grow."

With that said, Maud directly returned the autumn water to the sheath.

"I've had enough, I'll leave the rest to you, Kuzan."


Aokiji looked helpless.


Jack's mind collapsed.

Since he became the Three Disasters of the Beast Pirates, how has he been so humiliated?

Maud didn't care about Jack's feelings. After handing over the finishing task to Aokiji, he dodged a few times and walked towards the town.

Most of the Don Quixote family's fighting power was over, but some of the strongholds in the town still remained.

Since it is cutting grass and rooting, it is natural to be thorough.

On the way to town, Maud gestured towards Robbie.

Luo Huiyi, with the hearts of all the cadres, quickly followed Maud.

The two walked side by side towards the entrance of the town.

on the port.

The navies, led by the tea dolphins, who had withdrawn from the battle circle, silently watched the one-sided battle on the field.

"Morde Pirates, so strong..."

Some navy, whispering to themselves.

No one answered the call, but most of them had the same idea.

In a team, there are two monster-level combat powers, Maud and Aokiji.

Can it be strong?

The battle on the port continues, but it is coming to an end.

Maud and Rowe crossed the boulevard to the streets of Dressrosa.

I didn't see the young women dancing in the streets, nor did I see the toys that live in peace with human beings.

On the street, it was so deserted that no one could be seen.

I think it was because of the fighting coming from the port that the residents of the town took refuge.

"Let's find a place to take out the devil fruit first."

The matter of taking out the Devil Fruit is more important before going to deal with the people in the Don Quixote family stronghold.

A flash of red light flashed in Maud's eyes, and he sensed a breath of air from the buildings on both sides of the street.

These breaths should be the residents who were scared to hide by the fighting.

Ignoring these breaths, Maud quickly found an unmanned building.

"follow me."

Maud went straight to the empty building.

Luo followed closely.

Soon, the two walked into the building one after the other.

In the center of Dressrosa Town, near the King's Heights.

On the wide square, stands a cartoon-like castle, which is Dressrosa's famous toy home.

On the bright side, it was the place where Dressrosa's toys lived after nightfall, but in the dark, it was the passage leading to the underground factory.

In front of the passageway in the depths of the Toy House.

Violet, who stared at fruit, was staring at something.

Beside her, stood a little girl with green hair.

The little girl was wearing a red hooded cape, holding a basket of grapes in her hand, and was eating grapes while looking at Violet.

This little girl is the childlike fruit ability sugar sugar that Doflamingo regards as the most important cadre in the Don Quixote family.

The childlike fruit ability she possesses can directly turn anyone she touches into a toy.

Those who are turned into toys will be forgotten by relatives and friends and become a being that never existed.

That is to say, no matter who it is, as long as it is touched by sugar, it will directly become a toy to be slaughtered.

In a sense, this is the only one of the Devil Fruit's many abilities that can ignore defenses and achieve instant kills.

It is precisely because of this incomprehensible feature that the Don Quixote family has achieved the utmost in confidentiality, and has never exposed the existence and ability of Sugar.

"What's the matter, Violet?"

Sugar swallowed the grapes and looked straight at Violet.

Violet didn't answer Sugar's question right away.

With the ability to stare at the fruit, she saw the one-sided battle in the port, and also saw Maud and Luo walking into a building side by side.

I even saw an unidentified team with bad intentions landing from the mushroom-shaped rock on the edge of the island.

In that team, there was a giant clan, who used a shovel to easily dig a passage on the mushroom rock, thinking that he was an able person.

But compared to this discovery, Violet's attention has been completely focused on the battle situation in the port.

The Don Quixote family is over...

Seeing the disastrous end of the officials of the Don Quixote family, Violet suddenly trembled with excitement.

She had waited too long for this day.

Sugar looked at Violet's strange reaction, and a coldness flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Violet realized that something was wrong and tried to force herself to calm down, but found that she couldn't do it at all.

She was so anxious that she could only follow her uncontrollable excitement and said with a trembling voice:

"There are only more than 300 people in the navy, which can't stop the family's strength, and the people from the Hundred Beast Pirates have also helped. Now there are only a dozen people in the navy to resist."


The sugar face didn't change and looked at Violet, snorted, and swallowed another grape.

Violet continued to report: "In addition, five minutes ago, a team of 17 people landed from the mushroom rock on the west side of the island. Among them is a giant family, who should be a devil fruit person who can easily use a shovel. Dig a tunnel."

She deliberately concealed the movements of Maud and Luo.


Sugar frowned slightly.

Digging out the tunnel, it is easy to imagine that this is aimed at the underground factories and ports built under the Toy House.

"This is not good, we must contact Torrepol and the others quickly."

Sugar pretended to be anxious while quietly observing Violet's reaction.

Hearing Sugar's words, Violet's expression changed slightly.

Seeing this, Sugar's eyes flashed, and she calmly stretched out her small hand towards Violet.


Before Violet could react, she was turned into a rag doll by the sugar, dropped from mid-air, and landed on the ground.

"I hate liars."

Sugar looked at Violet who had turned into a ragdoll, and said coldly.

Underground port.

In a corner where empty wooden boxes were stacked, the ground suddenly swelled, and a gap was immediately opened.

A pair of big hands stretched out from the gap and cut the gap into a hole.

A few seconds later, the head of the revolutionary army commander Jasmine came out of the hole, red light flashed in her eyes, and she sensed the situation in the port with the color of knowledge.

After confirming that the port was empty, a flash of joy flashed across Jasmine's eyes.

Although there was no one in the port, Jasmine cautiously got out of the hole, curled up and hid behind the wooden box.

"Come out, there's no one here."

Jasmine lowered her voice and said towards the entrance of the cave.

After a second or two, Sunny and the others emerged from the hole.

They looked at the quiet port with joyful expressions on their faces, and doubts at the same time.


Everyone looked at Jasmine.

Jasmine nodded and said, "Well, they have already confirmed it with 'sight of seeing and hearing'."

"Why is there no one?"

Hearing this, Kerla said strangely.

Tatamu guessed in a low voice: "It may be because of the chaos in the east port, and the toys will only come back to the Toy House at night."

"Time is running out, so hurry up and transfer the 'goods' away."

Sonny urged.


Everyone nodded and walked towards the wooden boxes piled into hills on the shore.

"woo woo woo woo……"

They only walked a few dozen meters when they heard the faint cry of the little girl and looked at each other.

Looking in the direction from which the sound came, a petite figure slowly emerged in the dark and lightless passage in the distance, accompanied by a cry of panic.

"Mom, where are you? Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Sugar was holding the rag doll that Violet had turned into in her hand, crying and looking very pitiful.

"It's a little girl."

The revolutionary army couldn't help but startled when they saw the sugar that was crying so much.

Although the sugar seemed harmless to humans and animals, Jasmine cautiously used her knowledge to sense the intensity of the sugar's breath.

Not strong, even weak.

"Is there a problem?"

Kerla looked at Jasmine.

Jasmine shook her head and said, "No problem."


Kerla nodded.

Sunny suggested, "Don't let her cry anymore, just knock her unconscious."


Everyone was stunned.

Of course, they also knew that if the little girl was allowed to continue crying, there was a high probability that the Don Quixote family would be attracted.

It would be too violent to knock out the little girl directly.

Someone said weakly: "Such a small child, just calm down."

"All right."

Sonny didn't insist.

The crowd greeted the sugar.

Kerla looked at Sugar and said softly, "Little sister, why are you here?"


Seeing the revolutionary soldiers walking by, Xia Tang suddenly stopped crying, pretended to be frightened, and took a few steps back.

"It's okay, we're not bad people."

Seeing Sugar's reaction, Jasmine hurried over and showed a friendly smile at Sugar.

"Wow ah ah ah!!!"

Sugar suddenly cried louder.

"Jasmine, you scared her!"

"It's not intentional."

Jasmine said aggrieved.

Kerla waved her hand to signal Jasmine to step back, and immediately continued: "Little sister, don't be afraid, we are really not bad people."

"Woooo, woo... Really? Tangtang wants to find her mother."

Sugar rubbed her red and swollen eyes, and looked at Kerr and pulled them pitifully.

Kerla smiled and said, "Don't worry, we will help you find your mother."

"Thank you big sister."

Sugar rushed over and hugged Kerla, a malicious look flashed across her deeply buried face.

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