HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 205 Go to hell, 0 plus Maud!

The ice bird's sharp beak, which is condensed from ice cubes, is the most impactful and the fastest among all the moves of Aokiji.

With the reference of Blackbeard's use of one move [Dark Water] to easily resolve Ace's Great Yan Emperor, Stormy Cone Mouth became Aokiji's first choice.

call out--!

With a powerful impact, the ice bird attacked Blackbeard at an extremely fast speed.

"In front of me, all abilities are nothing, not only that..."

There was a flash of red light in Blackbeard's eyes, and his raised right palm was facing the oncoming stormy mouth.


A vortex of black mist suddenly appeared in the palm of Blackbeard's palm, and a ray of fire lit up from it, which instantly turned into a prairie fire and spewed out, facing the violent cone mouth.

The flame wave and the storm cone collided violently in mid-air.


Between the fusion of ice and fire, a large amount of water vapor rose up.

After a while.

The flames and ice cubes disappeared almost at the same time, leaving only a large amount of water vapor in the air.

"Thief haha, returning everything is also one of the most special abilities of the dark fruit!"

Using the Great Yan Emperor, who had just inhaled for a few seconds, to defuse Aokiji's violent mouth, Blackbeard raised his head and laughed proudly.

Different from the low-key style of the top war, Blackbeard repeatedly resolved the methods of Ace and Aokiji's powerful natural attacks, so that many of the powerhouses present saw the first-hand ability of the dark fruit.

Absorb everything, return everything!

It is no wonder that the dark fruit will be called the most ferocious ability in the history of devil fruit.

on mushroom rock.

Marko, Ace, and Vista looked at the black beard who was looking up and laughing with anger.

The source of all misfortunes started from Blackbeard's killing of Thatch and stealing the Dark Fruit.

"Why did Lao Tzu take the Dark Fruit from Saatchi... You should understand now, right?"

Blackbeard restrained his laughter and looked up at Marco, Ace, and Vista on the mushroom rock.

Ace shrank his eyes and glared at Blackbeard: "Tiki, you bastard..."

"Why are you so angry, Brother Ace."

Blackbeard sneered: "In order to get the dark fruit, I have endured for more than 20 years. What is the point of killing someone?"


When Ace heard this, he was so angry that his whole body burst into flames.

Marko and Bista didn't look good either, glaring at Blackbeard.

After further angering the three of Ace, Blackbeard sneered and turned his attention to the more troublesome three people in the field - Maud, Fujitora, and Aokiji.

Although he showed off his dark fruit ability, Blackbeard never thought of fighting to the death here.

Aware of Blackbeard's gaze, Fujitora slowly opened his eyes, revealing the whites of his eyes.

While staring at Blackbeard, Fujitora quietly used his knowledge to perceive the situation in the battle circle.

After confirming that there are no civilians within the circle of war,

Following Ace and Aokiji, Fujitora finally made his move, pulling a knife and slashing a purple thread towards the sky.

Pulling the meteorite down and smashing people is his usual operation.

Looking at Fujitora's actions, Blackbeard raised his brows and looked up at the sky with a sense of awareness.

A burst of fire suddenly appeared in the dark cloud layer, and then, a huge meteorite wrapped in flames pierced and fell from the cloud layer.


Blackbeard's face was slightly condensed, and in his slightly surprised eyes, a picture of a meteorite falling rapidly was reflected.


Fan Oka looked up at the meteorite and asked, "Captain, at this distance, I can shoot through it directly."

"I'll do it myself, it's simpler."

Blackbeard's shoulders, arms, and palms each had a black mist.

No matter what you are, in the face of the darkest gravity, everything will be swallowed up.

Hearing Blackbeard's words, Van Oka nodded, turned the muzzle slightly, and continued to aim at Maud.

Shiryu of the Rain also stopped the thought of drawing a knife to cut off the meteorite.

"Horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...the captain is really reliable."

Crescent Hunter's right hand clings to the handle of the knife, squinting and smiling.

Just a few words in the gap, the meteorite is already close at hand.

Dark cave!

As Blackbeard waved his hand, the flowing black mist greeted the meteorite like a tidal wave.

The meteorite slammed into the black fog with a thousand strength, but did not produce any impact phenomenon, but slowly sank into the black fog.

"Can it absorb even the 'shock force'..."

Looking at the scene of the meteorite sinking into the black fog, Aokiji suddenly had a certain degree of understanding of the absorption ability of Blackbeard.

He used the sharp cone on Blackbeard before, intending to use the impact force of the sharp cone to hurt Blackbeard.

Now it seems that Blackbeard can even absorb the impact of meteorites, not to mention the violent cone mouth.


Perceiving the situation with his knowledge, Fujitora groaned.

Like Aokiji, he learned the principle of Blackbeard's ability from Blackbeard's method of defusing the meteorite offensive.

In this way, for Blackbeard, whether it is absorbing huge fireballs or absorbing meteorites, there is basically no difference.

That is to say, no matter how many meteorites he pulls down, it cannot do any substantial damage to Blackbeard.

"Thief haha!"

After easily defusing the attacks of the powerhouses one after another, Blackbeard seemed to swell a bit.

This is also excusable.

After all, it was Fire Fist Ace, the former general Aokiji, and the current general Fujitora, who were powerful monsters who attacked him.


Just when the meteorite was about to completely sink into the black mist, Maud also launched an attack on Blackbeard.

He raised the flintlock pistol that Bailey had transformed into, pointed it at Blackbeard, and pulled the trigger.

The lead bullets, which were burned red by the high temperature, passed through the diffuse smoke and went straight to Blackbeard.

But at the moment when the gunshots sounded, Fan Oka, who was already prepared, raised the muzzle like a conditioned reflex, and quickly pulled the trigger with the help of advanced knowledge.


The lead bullets shot from the gun chamber collided with the lead bullets shot by Maud in mid-air, and then shattered each, bursting out sparks.

For almost a second or two, sparks flickered seven times in the air.

Then, Van Oka emptied the bullet.

Since he suffered from Maud's loss in the war on the top, he has spent sleepless nights modifying the Ai Gun Qianlu, and finally increased the capacity of the ammunition to as many as 7 rounds.

Even so, Qianlu, who has been specially modified, is still a younger brother in front of Bailey's weapon fruit ability.


Realizing that Van Oka deliberately increased the capacity of the firearm after being on the top, Maud sneered and continued to pull the trigger. In the follow-up shooting, he was wrapped in armed color.

Faster and more powerful lead bullets shot at Blackbeard's body with icy murderous intent.

At this moment, Fan Oka, who was rushing to load bullets, once again deeply experienced the unique dimensionality reduction blow from Maud.


Without Fan Oka's shooting interception, Shiliu of the Rain pulled out the famous sword Thunderstorm and did his part in front of Blackbeard.

His upper body leaned forward slightly, and he slashed a half-moon-shaped blade in front of him with his knife, intercepting all the armed colored lead bullets shot by Maud.

"Don't get in the way."

Seeing this, Mo De clenched Qiushui's hilt with his idle right hand, and while firing, he slashed toward Shiliu with a white light-filled hegemonic slash.

In the face of the Overlord Slash from Morde, Shiliu showed a cold smile, facing the mighty Overlord Slash, he slashed without flinching.

The thunderstorm blade wrapped in armed color just slashed on top of the hegemonic slash that contained a powerful shock wave, completely blocking it.

But judging from Shiliu's forehead and even the blue veins that appeared on the palm of his hand holding the knife, it was obviously not an easy task to forcefully take down Morte's hegemonic cut.

After suppressing Shiliu with Hegemony Slash, Maud mixed one or two shadow bullets into the buckshot he shot at Blackbeard.

At this time, Blackbeard finally sucked the meteorite into the black hole, and immediately twisted his body a few times to avoid the bullet fired by Maud.


Maud activated his ability instantly, and in the next instant, he appeared beside Blackbeard.

Shadow flow, very dark.

The black ink-like blade slashed a dark trajectory towards Blackbeard's side.

At the critical moment, a waning moon-shaped Western-style knife slanted in, blocking the pitch-black trajectory towards Blackbeard.

But it was the Crescent Hunter who shot in time and drove the waning moon with the saber to help Blackbeard block Morde's attack.


The intense sparks shot out when the blade of the autumn water and the blade of the waning moon collided, flashed through Blackbeard's slightly dignified eyes.

"Although the dark fruit belongs to the natural department, it cannot be immune to physical attacks through elementalization like other natural departments. This is one of the most fatal shortcomings of the dark fruit."

"You seem to have noticed this, Bacardi Maud!"

"However, you are really too conceited!"

"Your teleportation ability that can freely exchange positions with the shadow, I have seen it countless times."

Between the lightning and flint, Blackbeard's mind flashed a sentence of self-talk, and while a hideous smile appeared on his face, a black mist appeared on his palm, but he quickly used the dark water.

"You can't imagine that Lao Tzu's 'dark water' can not only neutralize the attack of the ability person, but also produce the same effect as the sea floor stone, making the ability person unable to use the ability of the devil fruit."

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the crescent hunter to restrain Maud, Blackbeard grinned and stuck out his right hand that was covered in black mist, passed through the intersecting autumn water and the waning moon, and held Maud's wrist.

Maud's body was slightly shocked, his eyes moved down, and he looked at Blackbeard's hand holding his wrist.

"Thief haha, Bacardi Maud, are you wondering why you can't use your abilities?"

Blackbeard laughed wildly with excitement, and instead of explaining the reason to Maud, he shouted to his companions: "Hurry up and kill him!"

Van Oka, who had just loaded his bullets, Shiliu, who struggled to counteract the Dominion Slash, and Poison Q, who had untied the scythe, all attacked Maud, whose ability was limited by his own captain, without the slightest stagnation.

"Bang bang...!"

"Poison Thunder!"

"Cold cut!"

The attack of the three men hit Mode almost at the same time.

Not only them, but Ace on the mushroom-shaped rock also seized the fleeting opportunity, and the lower body turned into a soaring flame, soaring into the sky.

"fire punch!"

The furious flaming fists, from top to bottom, attacked the Blackbeard Pirates and Maud.

This is an indiscriminate attack.

Jaya opened his eyes slightly, looking at the flame fist that fell like a comet. With a thought, the surrounding sand and gravel condensed into a barrier in an instant, blocking the fire fist.

The ultra-high temperature flame fist slammed hard on the barrier constructed of sand, gravel, and gravel, and spilled into a curtain of flames that spread out in all directions.


Ace frowned and saw Jaya who used his ability to block the Fire Fist.

Facing Ace's gaze, Jaya looked calm.

If Ace were to attack the Blackbeard Pirates, she would naturally not interfere.

But Maud is also within the reach of Fire Fist, so how can she let Ace mess around.

at the same time.

All the attacks of Shiliu and the three bombarded Maud's body.

"Go to hell, Bacardi Maud!"

Under the anticipation of Blackbeard, Maud's body was directly torn to shreds by the joint attack of his companions.

This scene between the electric light and flint suddenly shocked everyone present. They couldn't believe that Maud was so easily shattered by the joint attack of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Blackbeard couldn't hide his excitement at being able to solve Morde so smoothly, as if he had accomplished a very difficult task.

But in less than a second, Blackbeard saw that Maud's torn body turned into pitch-black pieces like catkins in mid-air, and the excitement on his face could not help but solidify.

On the other hand, the Crescent Moon Hunter, the hero who restrained Maud, was also stunned after seeing the dark fragments flying in the sky.

The ability of the shadow should have been blocked by the [seal], right?

How could this be?

After being stunned, it was a question that could not be answered.

In the extremely short period of time when the Blackbeards and the crowd were stunned, a shadow quickly shaped into the appearance of Maud behind them.

"What can be so strange, Blackbeard, I already know your abilities, how could it be possible to send the 'main body' to you..."

Maud muttered to himself in his heart, holding the handle of the autumn water knife tightly in his right hand.

Shadow stream, all blades cut.

Qiu Shui suddenly unsheathed, Maud's figure flashed, and at the moment when he crossed the black beard crowd, the sharp and finely shattered knife light fell silently on various positions on the black beard's body.


In the red eyes of the Blackbeards, there was the figure of Maud with his back to them.

Chi Chi Chi...!

At the same time, the bodies of Blackbeard, Shiliu, Van Oka, Crescent Hunter, and Poison Q shook at the same time.

A trail of tiny blood arrows sputtered out from all over their bodies.

"Is it a shadow that I caught just now..."

In addition to being stunned, Blackbeard suddenly screamed out under the negative influence of double the pain.

far away.

The twists and turns that happened in just one breath made everyone, including Lafayette and the others, invariably showed expressions of shock or astonishment.

From Maud's rash attack, to being caught by Blackbeard, and then being torn apart by the Blackbeard Pirates.

When the whole process came to an end, everyone who was so quick to see this scene couldn't even keep up with their thoughts.

It wasn't until the Blackbeards spewed blood arrows that everyone reacted.

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