HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 219 4 items 9 stars (2 in 1)

"Pirate's Scourge ()"

While watching Violet, Maud manipulated the shadows to roll up the four strong men who fell to the ground, not even letting go of the other five strong men who were knocked down by the Hot Iron Tear-Eyed Whale not far away.

This is equivalent to 9 coolies in the account.

Violet stared blankly at Maud, puzzled.


Maud looked at Violet strangely.

He recognized this woman as someone with the ability to stare at the fruit.

As for identity, he didn't care at all.

However, staring at the fruit is a rare auxiliary ability.


The woman in front of him did not meet the conditions for him to shoot.

Faced with Maud's second inquiry, Violet finally came back to his senses. He obviously had a lot to say and wanted to ask, but in the end, what he could say was only the shortest and most heartfelt sentence.


Violet said sincerely.

If it weren't for the man in front of him, the country he loves, I don't know when it will be able to break free from the darkness of the Don Quixote family.

Although the city is full of riots, it is sure to restore the peace and prosperity of the past.

Maud looked at Violet quietly, without speaking.

Being looked at by Maud like this, Violet's eyes trembled slightly, and his heartbeat gradually accelerated.

After a few seconds, Maud did not accept Violet's thanks and turned to leave.

He came to Dressrosa on purpose to get the fruit of the shock and to clear the tail of the Don Quixote family, not for Violet to save her and her country.

Dragging along with nine unconscious coolies, Maud looked for his next target.

When passing a shop that was engulfed by a raging fire, Maud stopped for a while, and the shadows around him flowed like a wave, extinguishing the fire in the shop, and then strode away.


Violet's eyes were full of Maud's back, and he didn't care about Maud's actions to put out the fire.

She wanted to mention the "repayment" to Maud, but in the end she was speechless and could only watch Maud leave the street silently.

Until Maud's figure disappeared at the end of the street, Violet could still see Maud's figure through his ability, and just stood there for a long time.

After a while, a rustling sound was suddenly heard in the dark smoke shop.

Soon, the sound gradually became louder.

Violet was attracted by the sound, and looked towards the shop that was blackened by fire ash.

The two people, covered in black ashes from the smoke, staggered out of the store, supporting each other.

On their faces, the joy and ecstasy of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe could not be concealed by the black and gray.

Violet looked at the two people who came out of the store, and couldn't help but froze again.

Because she didn't hear a call for help, she didn't know that there were two residents in the store who were facing the merciless fire.

"The act of putting out the fire just now was for..."

Violet thought of Maud's seemingly trivial act just now, and he thought that he had noticed that there were two residents trapped in the fire in the store, so he took action to put out the fire.


This man is obviously a big pirate whose notoriety has spread all over the world.

Although his actions have saved the country, it cannot erase this fact recognized by the world.

"Such a thing...is it really something that 'Bacardi Maud' would do?"

Violet's eyes were full of disbelief.

Who would believe such a thing?

But in fact, in the world's perception, Maud, who regards human life as a must and kills like a thorn, will not attack ordinary people for no reason, no matter what needs are there.

Under the influence of Sunny, sometimes when encountering existences such as slave boats, they will even come to the rescue.

The so-called murderous reputation is basically built up from the corpses of pirates.

It's not because Maud has benevolence and righteousness, but if the target of beheading is a wicked person, it will be more peaceful to kill.

In the final analysis, the world's perception of a certain big pirate depends on various reports in the newspapers.

And well-known newspapers all over the world, in order to increase sales and stabilize their reputation, have always reported bad news to the world.

Therefore, in this chaotic and disorderly era of great pirates, topics of national security and peace, and world peace, basically do not appear in the newspapers.

Every newspaper is keen to publish some explosive events that will cause anxiety.

As for the source of these unease, it is naturally the [evil] of the pirates.


After leaving the street, Maud used his knowledge, and with excellent efficiency along the way, punished the pirates and outlaws who did whatever they wanted in the town.

After a while, the number of people who were tied by him with shadow ropes and dragged on the ground directly broke through a hundred.

In this way, under the incredible gaze of many residents and soldiers of the kingdom, Maud became the most peculiar scenery in the chaotic town.

"The 116th."

Maud glanced back at the hapless bastard who had just been bound by the shadow rope.

The goals encountered along the way have only two fates.

One was beaten to death by him, and the other was taken prisoner.

"Let's stop when we get 500."

Maud muttered to himself, and immediately looked in a certain direction.

Under the perception of seeing, hearing, and color, Fujitora's breath is as conspicuous as the scorching sun.

Originally, Fujitora was chasing him, but there were many tragic scenes along the way.

In this case, Fujitora simply gave up the pursuit, and turned to protect the personal safety of the persecuted residents.

"As expected of a smile uncle..."

Maud laughed.

Then, Maud ignored the shocked gazes from all directions and walked towards the next street.

Twenty minutes later.

Maud finally got 500 coolies, so he didn't stay for long, left the town and returned to the port.

The small number of navies stationed at the entrance of the town were all dumbfounded at the five hundred people dragged by Maud.

"what's going on?!"

"Didn't General Fujitora go after him?"

"Who are those people?"

"do not know……"

The navy looked at each other in dismay, and retreated together with a tacit understanding, as far as possible to widen the distance between them and Maud.

Maud ignored the small group of navy and joined his comrades.

within the battle circle.

The battle between Aokiji and Marco is not over yet.

Aokiji still has the upper hand, but it is still unable to end the battle.

The tricky part of the phoenix ability is obvious.

During the half hour that Maud was collecting [coolies] in Dressrosa City, his companions had complied with his request and picked out the bodies buried in the ruins.

There are a total of 200 corpses, basically all of which are completely preserved, and the body strength exceeds the horizontal line.


Maud glanced at the gathered corpses, and threw the 500 coolies he had just collected onto the pile of corpses.

After doing this, Maud looked at Jaya.

"Sister Ya, put these coolies and corpses on board first."

After speaking, Maud turned to Lafayette.

"Lafayette, contact the people on the ship and get them ready to receive these corpses and coolies."


Lafayette pulled out the phone bug and dialed the number.

And Jaya directly used the ability of the fluttering fruit.


A ring-shaped crack spread around the ground where the corpses and coolies were lying, and along with the dull rock friction, the ground in the part was lifted up and floated straight to the terrifying three-masted ship suspended in mid-air.

Maud watched the boulders drifting toward the Dread Barque.

After a while.

Maud retracted his gaze and looked at the green pheasants and phoenixes who were still fighting fiercely.

If the two of them are allowed to continue fighting, it is estimated that it will not end in a long time.

"never mind……"

After Maud pondered, he shot decisively.

Shadow Stream, Curtain Blade!

A large number of shadows that expanded sharply, like a curtain falling from the sky, brutally cut open the messy ground and separated the Aokiji and Marco who were fighting.

"Ah la la."

Aokiji tilted his head to look at Maud who was not far away, and slowly put his cold hands back into his pockets.

When the shadow curtain fell, he knew he didn't need to fight anymore.


Compared to Aokiji's calmness, Marco stepped back cautiously, away from the dark curtain that made him uncomfortable.

After all, the sudden extension of various forms of attack from the shadow of a large area is already Maud's usual trick.

Marco, who has a certain understanding of Maud's shadow ability, will naturally take precautions.


Just after Marco was mentally preparing for a one-to-two battle, the pitch-black curtain that had just cut through the ground in front of him, like a spring snow melting, slowly disappeared into bits and pieces.


Marco raised his brows and looked silently at Maud who took the shadow back.

Maud didn't care about Marco's reaction, but shouted at Aokiji: "Go, Kuzan."

"Ah la la, it looks like it's over."

Aokiji pulled out a hand and scratched the back of his head, and walked towards Maud.

"Well, it's over."

Maud nodded at the green pheasant, glanced at Marco out of the corner of his eyes, and after a pause for a second or two, he looked away, turned and walked towards his companions.

The green pheasant followed behind Maud, and his posture when walking was as sloppy as ever, as if he would fall asleep immediately as soon as he lay on the bed.

When all the members arrived, Jaya activated his ability again and directly lifted the ground under his feet.


The separated rock blocks, carrying Maud and his party, slowly floated to the terrifying three-masted ship above.

tick, tick...

The dark clouds that had been brewing for a long time in the sky finally began to rain.

Raindrops the size of a bean crossed Maud's eyes and landed on the cheek of Marco, who was looking up at them on the ground. In the blink of an eye, the green flames evaporated and turned into a plume of blue smoke.


Marco clenched his fists, his eyes full of unwillingness.

He neither had the power to take back his father's body, nor did he have the qualifications to pursue him.

With difficulty retracting his gaze towards Maud and his party, Marco rushed to Bista's side as quickly as possible.

At this moment, Bista was in a severe coma, and his breath was so weak that it seemed that he would die at any time.

"Hold on, Bista..."

Marco's heart tightened, and while helping Bista to stop the bleeding, he attached the regenerative blue inflammation that can increase the speed of self-healing to Bista's wound.

But it seems to be too late.

at the same time.

Ace woke up.

What he saw when he opened his eyes was a rock block that had already risen into the air, his expression couldn't help changing.

He endured the pain and struggled to get up.

In the process of getting up, he suddenly found an empty square gap in his chest.

"The heart...was taken."

Looking down at the corner of his chest that was missing, Ace's breathing couldn't help stagnating.

The rain was getting heavier and pouring down.

The icy rain ruthlessly extinguished Ace's flames.

Inside Dressrosa.

The heavy rain that fell in time extinguished the fires all over the city.

The riots are gradually subsiding.


In the rain curtain, people welcomed the stable people, and only then did they have the mind to pay attention to the behemoth hovering above the port and the rock that carried the Morde Pirates.

Eyes with various emotions passed through the rain curtain one after another, and were fixed on the silhouette paper on the rising rock.

Tina, Tea Dolphin, and even Fujitora and other navies also stood in the heavy rain, raising their heads and silently watching the Maud Pirates who left facing the heavy rain.

The rain fell on their faces, like a stream sliding across their cheeks along the nose, falling to the ground, splashing endless ripples, which seemed to indicate their mood at the moment.

city ​​center.

The soldiers stood upright and surrounded the wall, protecting Dressrosa's royal family in the middle.

Violet was among them.

She raised her head and stared at the figure standing on the rock that became increasingly blurred in the rain.

Only she can see clearly.

"Aunt Violet..."

Rebecca, who already knew all the truth, came to Violet's side.

Hearing Rebecca's call, Violet slowly withdrew her abilities, and an unrealistic thought came to her mind.


The rain is still increasing.

The rock carried Maud and the others back to the Dreadmast.

At the same time, in the offshore waters of Dressrosa, pirate ships emerged from the rain screen.

It was the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, there were five ships in total.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates suffered heavy losses in the top battle, the world also knew that Ace was the son of the pirate king Roger.

Therefore, many pirates came to join the Whitebeard Pirates with their famous names.

Although Roger's enemies also heard the news, but only a small part.

After all, even if Roger made many enemies during his lifetime, it was more than 20 years ago.

The enemies who can survive in the end are few.

From this point of view, when the Blackbeard Pirates with unlimited potential fell in front of Maud, the Whitebeard Pirates that were recognized by the New World Four Emperors as the remnants of the party still had a chance to recreate their glory.

above the sky.

The terrifying three-masted ship folded its sails and flew into the distance, disappearing into the rain in a short while.

After Maud handed over the placement of the corpses and coolies to his companions, he hurriedly led Luo and Lafayette back to the room, naturally not forgetting the prey such as the Three Calamities Jack.

After returning to the room, a set of standard procedures went down and successively took out the Devil Fruits of Jack of the Three Calamities and the Crescent Hunter Dimei.

The head was naturally taken by Maud.

As Jack and Dimei died, Maud's body suddenly trembled at an extremely fast frequency.

A lot of experience fed back into his body.

At this moment, muscles, blood vessels, cells... all seemed to be throbbing with joy.

Since he was promoted many times, it was the first time that Maud experienced this feeling and slowly closed his eyes.

In the dark vision, the hunter's note with white light floating on the edge jumped into his eyes.

The three stars representing swordsmanship, domineering, and devil fruit ability, after accumulating in the top war, actually filled the star frame at this moment and were promoted to nine stars together.

Four Nine Stars——

An endless stream of power is galloping in the body.

The wonderful feeling made Maud uncontrollably release an amazing terrifying aura.

At the same time, black and red arcs that were visible to the naked eye erupted on the surface of his body.

This is the image of the overlord color, which is directly integrated into the aura, sweeping towards the entire terrifying three-masted ship.

Including Qingzhi Xiaqi, everyone on the boat was shocked.

"This is……?!"

Then, the indiscriminate momentum erupted, stunned the weaker crew members one by one.

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