HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 65 [Usopp]

After grounding Maud, Sol no longer went to Huajie for morning exercises.

Instead, he stayed in the weapon shop throughout the day, supervising Maud's training at all times.

As for the reason, it was naturally the prototype knife that Maud played that morning.

And Sol will not question Sunny's judgment, so it can only show that after getting the Dark Crow, Maud stepped into the swordsman threshold in only one day, and let the Dark Crow see blood.

At that moment, Thor saw a precious thing called talent from Maud.

There is a talent for learning guns and a talent for learning knives.

This shocked Sol, but on the surface, the wind was calm, but he was actually panicked in his heart.

Out of selfishness, he didn't want Maud to go down a "road of no return", but to let Maud go the way of the gunman.

So he threw the dark crow on the shelf and became a commodity on sale.

Fortunately, Sunny had a good conscience and secretly set the price of Dark Raven at 2 million Bailey.

This black price is enough to dissuade any potential buyer without eyesight, so there is no need to worry that the dark crow will be bought by others.

From that day on, Maud could only stay in the weapon shop honestly.

Under Saul's supervision, Maud spends almost all of the time in intense physical training during the day.

The training on the legs, in particular, was insane.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or intentional, but Maud discovered that this sudden increase in training volume was the highest peak he could endure after his physique rose to one star.

After a few days of training with different patterns, Maud realized that Saul must have seen the clue, so he arranged these just right training content for him.

Otherwise, the training contents that were so elementary that they couldn't be more elementary before the ban would be of no use at all to him whose physique had risen to one star.

At first, having established this, Maud hastily envisioned a number of explanations.

But what he didn't expect was that Sol just supervises his physical training every day.

Even in the evening firearm modification teaching course and the training course to speed up the reloading of ammunition, he was never asked questions about physical changes.

It went on like this for a while, and Sol still ignored it, but it made Maud feel uncomfortable.

To be honest, Maud prefers Sol to put the problem directly on the table, and then he will try to prevaricate as much as possible.

Even if he can't convince Thor, it's better than just inattentive.


time flies.

Two months went by in a blink of an eye.

Sol has never been to Flower Street once, and spent almost all of his time on Maud, perfectly fulfilling his duties as a master.

Under this kind of all-round training, although Maud cannot go out to harvest experience points, his physical strength has also increased to a certain extent.

However, compared to the intuitive benefits brought by the hunter's notes, such high-intensity and boring training is slower.

In fact, Maud prefers to have both, and can hunt while training.

However, he didn't dare to sneak out the door at all.

After two months, if it wasn't for Sunny's newspaper every day, it would be truly isolated from the world.

However, under the guidance of Sol, Maud has mastered a lot of firearm modification, maintenance and other knowledge, and has been able to perform preliminary modification of the flintlock pistol.

At the same time, the reload speed has also made great progress.

According to Sol, the Navy would ask soldiers to reduce the reload speed to under ten seconds.

And the time value of ten seconds is only the most basic qualifying line.

In contrast, Thor's requirement for Maud is that the musket be loaded within three seconds, while the rifle is loaded within five seconds.

When Maud finally met this requirement,

Thor didn't insist that Maud continue to improve the speed of reloading.

This lousy old man only used one practical action to tell Maud what it means to be [the original intention does not change].

That is the superb skill of reloading ammunition in an instant in front of Maud.

Maud didn't even see the process of how Thor put the right amount of gunpowder into the barrel. He only saw that Thor used one finger to perfectly press the soft lead bullet into the rifled barrel.

It's really a dazzling effort.

Ammo reloading is complete.

This skill of reaching the realm is on par with Jesus.

Perhaps, this is already the fastest reload speed.

Maud thought at that time, not to mention the realm of instant reloading, as long as he can complete the reloading within 0.5 seconds to 1 second, then he can completely disgust the enemy to death.

After the emergence of this method of warfare, Maud really realized the importance of the gunner's leg training.

It is one thing to flee when the situation is not good, and it is not a battle.

But firing guns while running can really make melee-type enemies despair.

One day, Maud modified two rifled pistols to add a little more power.

Later, Maud wanted to try to strengthen [Usopp], but found that he could not start.

Knowing that his modification technology was not in place, he took [Usopp] to Sol, asking Sol to help enhance the comprehensive performance of [Usopp].

Facing Maud's request, Sol just glanced at [Usopp] and came to a conclusion.

"The style of this gun is too old. After the hands of Subu, there is no room for modification."

"That's it."

Maud was a little disappointed.

After gaining an in-depth understanding of firearms, Maud began to be dissatisfied with the power and range of [Usopp].

Since there is no room for modification, the idea of ​​changing guns has arisen.

Maud knew that Thor was always generous when it came to firearms.

So as long as he opens his mouth, it is estimated that the guns on the shelf can be picked at will.

Sol's eyesight is so powerful that even if Maud did not show any signs of changing guns, he could see at a glance Maud's idea of ​​changing guns.

"Don't think about changing the gun, even if it's old and old, it's better than the ones on the shelf."


Maud is no longer a gun noob.

With his eyesight, just a few rifled spears on the shelf, in terms of power and range, can already completely explode [Usopp].

"You know shit."

Sol scolded, then picked up [Usopp] and said, "For you, it's a matter of time before you change your gun, but it's definitely not now."


Maud doesn't understand.

He has used [Usopp] several times, and he knows that the power and range of [Usopp] are really flawed.

"You kid, you really don't know your happiness in the midst of happiness."

"Do you know that such an old gun that has been 'hardened' by top gunmen is the dream of many new gunmen? Not to mention that this gun is an old partner of Jesus since his preaching."

"Why do you think Kidd is so obsessed with Keanu's guns?"

"Because Keanu's gun and Jesus' gun are both rare 'old guns', they have the 'special feel' that the previous gunman has gradually refined over a long period of time."

Having said that, Saul deliberately glanced at Maud and continued:

"When you're using this gun, don't you think it's easy to use? Don't you feel like you're shooting where you are pointing?"

"Listen to you..."

Maud only felt a stream of torrent flowing through his limbs, and a look of surprise gradually appeared in his eyes.

No wonder it felt so comfortable when using [Usopp] for the first time.

It's no wonder that he has never touched a musket, but it does not affect the performance of his spear skill in the slightest.

Until this moment, Maud did not understand the value of this [Usopp].

Between the change of thoughts, Maud suddenly thought of something, and suddenly, his eyes were shining brightly at Sol.



Sol's face twitched.

This is the first time Maud called him master, so it must be nothing good.

Immediately afterwards, Maud said seriously: "Then can I take a look at your 'old gun'?"

Even honorifics are used.

"My gun was broken by a guy a few years ago."

Sol said with an expressionless face.


Maud asked a question ignorantly.

In an instant, Sol's face sank.

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