HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 242 Dominate the country, kill the dragon! (2 in 1)

The giant dragon lying in the sky is a heavenly monster that can never compete with weak people.

But to Maud, it is nothing more than an enemy whose attack area has been increased by himself.

As soon as the hegemony went down, Maud did not stop there, and moved towards Kaido, who was rolling backwards, and cut off another hegemonic country.

With a sharp whistling sound, the white light carried by the shock wave illuminated the night sky.

In the face of that huge body, there is no need to adjust the angle at all to ensure the hit rate of the hegemony.

Kaido was able to stabilize his body, and the dazzling white light approached him, and in the next instant, the dragon suffered another hegemony on the face.

The ferocious power made Kaido's dragon face slightly distorted.

"Is Weiguo..."

In a trance, the figure of Charlotte Lingling flashed across Kaido's mind.

Before he could think about it, another hegemony flew over and bombarded his slightly bent neck.

The successive hegemonies sent Kaido's body flying into the distance.

It was not until the light of the seventh way of hegemony disappeared in the distance that Maud stopped.

In his eyes, the red light flowed smoothly, and he could see the star power above Kaido's head in the distance.

Physique: ★★★★★★★★★★☆

Demon: ★★★★★★★★★☆

Unlike others, Kaido's head showed two ability stars at the same time.

And the two ability stars are nine and a half stars.

Not only that, but at the edge of the star emitting a rich orange light, there is golden light flowing.

This is the first time that Maud has seen someone with two star-level attributes after activating the exploration ability.

Whether it's because Kaido is too powerful, or because Kaido's physique and Devil Fruit abilities are comparable, Mord can't be sure.

On the contrary, it is the golden light flowing at the edge of the star that represents Kaido's ability.

Gives Maud reason to believe that is a sign of progress towards ten stars.

In any case, the monster known as the Four Emperors is undoubtedly one of the few people who are closest to the apex.

Of course, it is impossible to be defeated by a few hegemonic powers.

Maud put away his dark wings and landed firmly on the ground.


Aokiji came to Maud at the right time and looked up at Kaido's figure in the far distance of the sky.

"Are you venting, Captain."

Withdrawing his gaze towards Kaido, Aokiji turned to look at Maud beside him.

From the side face of Maud, what Aokiji saw was calm without the slightest turbulence.

But he could feel the restlessness that Maud showed between his moves.

Although he doesn't know why...

"Ah, almost."

Maud nodded.

Originally concerned about the safety of the elders, Kaido came to him at this juncture.

This made Maud a little irritable.

Therefore, the hegemonic country that sent Kaido abruptly flying just now is more of a vent.

He looked up at the dark clouds that were rolling sharply in the distance.

The sudden change in the sky seemed to reveal Kaido's mood at the moment.

Being ridden by the hegemony in the face continuously, it is inevitable that Kaido, who is masochistic, will be angry.

"Kuzan, I just checked it out with the look and feel. There are no enemies in the waters near the island for the time being, but just in case, please keep an eye on it."

While watching Kaido's movements, Maud stretched out his left hand and held the handle of the long-barreled sniper rifle that Bailey had transformed into.

This new sniper rifle form was also transformed by Bailey based on the appearance and internal structure of Van Oka's sniper rifle.

Needless to say about the power and range.

With the characteristics of the biological gun, it can even be said that it is only stronger than the sniper rifle of Van Oka.

Speaking of which, Maud originally wanted to ask Frankie about Pluto's weapon system.

Not only can this knowledge be applied to the yet-to-be-revamped Dread Barques, but it will also increase Bailey's variety of shapeshifting weapons.

Hearing Maud's order, Qing Jue nodded slightly and said, "No problem."

Maud asked him to put some effort into marking the sea, in order to ensure that he could use the ability of the frozen fruit to block the forces that Kaido's subordinates might come to help at the first time.

Of course, it would be much easier if Kaido came to the door alone.

With the current strength of the Maud Pirates, even if they can't kill Kaido, they can still beat Kaido back.

simply put--

Kaido, who came alone, can deal a devastating blow to the vast majority of pirates in the New World.

But in front of the Maud Pirates, there was no storm.

"Kuzan, if conditions permit, even if it costs me, I don't mind killing Kaido here."

Maud returned the autumn water to the sheath, held the gun with his right hand, and immediately put the gun body on his left arm, making a cross gun posture.


The dark armament color was released from the palm of his hand, circling around like a dragon, and then slowly sinking on the sniper rifle.

The entire sniper rifle was instantly dyed jet black, and under the moonlight, it shone with a cold black luster.

Aokiji tilted his head to look at Maud, who seemed to be trying to make a real move.

"Ah la la, you're the captain, so... whatever you decide to do, I'll fully support it."

"Well, it's because of you..."

Maud's index finger pressed lightly on the trigger, and said calmly, "I have enough confidence."

Before he finished speaking, Maud pulled the trigger.


Gunshots sounded.

A lead bullet pierced through the smoke, cut through the night sky, and came to Kaido in an instant.

The trajectory of the buckshot was directed towards Kaido's eyes.

Compared to the body covered in scales, the eyes are obviously a little more fragile.

Therefore, in front of Maud's lead bullet wrapped in a solid armed color, Rao Kaido didn't dare to care, and quickly closed his eyes.


The buckshot hit Kaido's closed eyelids, sending a spark.

In front of this amazing defense, the powerlessness of the New World sniper was completely highlighted.

It's like Thor against a bodybuilding monster like Karp or Barrett.

If there are no gaps created by teammates, it is difficult to cause damage to this type of enemy.

If his mobility is not strong, he will become the first person to be killed in battle.

But Maud is no ordinary sniper.

After hitting Kaido's eyelid, a shadow escaped from the shattered remains of the lead bullet.

This is the medium through which Maude switches positions.

Shadow Stream, Shapeshift!


Maud instantly crossed the kilometer distance and appeared on Kaido's dragon head.

Qiushui was already unsheathed and held in his hand.

Life is returned, strengthened!

The right arm holding the knife suddenly expanded in a circle.

Shadow flow, Pisces circulation is locally strengthened!

The shadow wave was attached to the reinforced and expanded arm, and a flame-like pattern appeared.

Armed color, strengthen!

With a snort, the armed color burst out of his body, tightly wrapping his arms and even Qiu Shui Dao.

Instant triple reinforcement.

Maud volleyed his sword in the air, and flashed on the thick sword of autumn water through the black and red arc of the overlord color.

Hegemony, cut?? Flash!

Black and red arcs flashed away.

Autumn water cut through the long night and slashed on Kaido's dragon head.

A dazzling white light bloomed at the blade, oscillating a circle of violent air waves that swept all around, pushing the rolling black clouds into the distance.

In an instant, the night sky was as bright as day.

The furious breath ripped apart the night sky like claws.

"This kid..."

Kaido's heart trembled as he felt the ferocity that flowed from the top of his head incessantly.

In the next instant, Kaido's body fell to the ground like a shooting star.


The mighty and unyielding dragon body fell heavily, and the terrifying impact force that came together smashed the ground into a huge deep pit.

The bursts of air that set off rolled up a lot of dust.

outside the battle circle.

Looking at the power of Maud's slash, Sanji opened his mouth and was speechless, his face full of shock.

Sauron, who had been stitched up by Arthur to stop the bleeding, struggled to open his eyelids and stared blankly at the night sky where the white light disappeared.

And, that incomparably overbearing figure standing in the sky, bathed in the bright moonlight.

Mingming swore that he would never lose again——

But since he stepped into the world of the strong, he has ushered in complete setbacks again and again.

"I'm not reconciled..."

Like a revolving light before his death, Sauron's mind flashed scenes of being crushed and defeated by the enemy.

Hawkeye, Maud, Kaido—

The lustre in Sauron's eyes suddenly turned gray like a candle in the wind.

Tired and powerless.

Various negative feelings brought about by the injury are eroding Sauron's consciousness.

Zoro struggled to hold his eyelids, facing Maud who was standing in the sky.

Such a move seems to be engraving that domineering aura into his heart before the darkness engulfs his consciousness.

He also wanted to...

Get stronger and stronger, and then become such a strong man.

But how to achieve that level?

Obviously never let up...

Sauron was unable to lower his eyelids, and the last inch of consciousness was deprived of darkness.

"Is he dead?"

Arthur looked at Zoro with his eyes closed.

Sanji, who was in a state of shock, was suddenly startled by what Arthur said.

He turned sharply and looked at Sauron, who had a weak breath.

"Hey, stop joking, you...how can you die in such a place?! Even if you break your hands and feet, you have to support me!"

"I used to work in the undertaker industry. For the sake of your friendship with the captain, I can help you beautify your body for free. Don't worry, if you have broken hands or feet, you will definitely be able to sew them up until you can't see the slightest trace."

Arthur glanced at Sanji and said in a working tone.

Sanji's face changed.


Philo, who was without a mask, rarely gave a strong scolding.

"It's okay to be dizzy, save me the effort to dizzy him..."

Filo first took out a tube of medicinal liquid and poured it into Sauron's mouth.

"Although I don't know what makes you insist on keeping your consciousness, it's really stupid... Although, I don't hate people who grit their teeth and persist."

While speaking, Philo took out the ointment and spread it evenly on Zoro's wound.

"Sauron he..."

Sanji looked at Philo nervously.

"Can't die."

Philo turned his back to Sanji and said softly.

She originally wanted to say that as long as she could save her life, breaking a limb or something would not be a big deal at all.

But thinking that "the initiative" is not in his hands, he stopped comforting Sanji.

However, for Sanji, it was enough to hear that Zoro could save his life.

far away.

Lafitte, Jaya, Shiliu, Brook, Jim, Hawkins, and Urki entered the battle circle one after another.

"Yohoo, the captain is so strong."

Brook looked up at Maud, who was slowly falling from the sky.

His eyes were filled with admiration and admiration.

Jim muttered: "Brooke, everyone knows this kind of thing, you don't need to explain it."

"Your incomprehensible style is really set in stone, Jim."


Jim was expressionless.

"Hoho, Hawkins, Urky, you two don't have to fight."

Lafitte held a stick flower and squinted at Hawkins and Urky, who were still young.

"Haha, this can't be done."

Urki maintained his usual smile and said seriously:

"Lafitte, even if you are a senior, you can't deprive me of the opportunity to fight side by side with the captain... Not to mention, the enemy is still the Four Emperor Kaido, who is known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air. Even if I die, I don't want to miss this opportunity. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

"Don't worry, you are not dead tonight."

As Hawkins walked, he drew a card and said in a flat tone: "And, my opinion is the same as Urky's."


Lafitte smiled and said no more.

Shiliu of the Rain attached his right hand to the handle of the thunderstorm knife not far from the demon knife, and looked up at Maud with a bright gaze.

"A fascinating knife, maybe... the intersection between me and the Blackbeard Pirates is for this moment...I can be here."

Shiliu slowly pulled out the monstrous thunderstorm, and the smoke rising from the end of the cigar made his eyes see a burst of boiling aura.

He was a little impatient.

As Urki said, he wanted to quickly experience what it was like to fight alongside Maud.

I also want to quickly experience the oppressive feeling of fighting against the Four Emperors.

within the station circle.

Aokiji exudes an icy cold air.

The knife that made the night sky suddenly turn into day, although it was terrifying, it could not cause fatal damage to the four emperors.

This point, Aokiji, who was a naval admiral, is very clear.

"Can you do it, take care of Kaido or something here..."

Aokiji pulled out his hands from his pockets and looked back at the teammates who seemed to be quite reliable who stepped into the battle circle one after another.

at the same time.

In the smoke that gradually dispersed, a tall figure was revealed.

That is Kaido in human form.

After being slashed by Maud as a target in the form of a blue dragon, he chose to change back into a human form to fight.

After all, that body is too bloated, and when facing an enemy of equal momentum, it can't be fun at all.

Kaido, who changed back into human form, had a bloodstain on his forehead, and held a mace full of shocking power with purple arcs coiled on it.

I don't know how many super rookies who are ignorant of the sky and the earth, all fell under this mace in one face-to-face.

But Kaido knew that Maud was never on the list.

"When was the last time there was bloodshed... Ooh, tonight, it seems like it won't be boring anymore."

Kaido didn't mind the wound on his forehead, he suddenly swung the mace surrounded by purple thunder, and put on a thunderous gossip.

In the eyes full of anger, a red light lit up.

The aura of a ferocious beast burst out unscrupulously, blowing the sand and gravel on the surrounding ground into the distance out of thin air.

Maud's eyes narrowed.


The shadow behind him twisted.

In an instant, Maud's body gradually increased in size, but the forced shaping ability of the shadow fruit was unlocked.

Shadow gathering place!

Immediately afterwards, Maud opened the shadow box, released the shadows of Runti and others, and then stuffed it into his body...

At the same time, the Pisces circulation form opens, and the shadow waves flow through the body.

In Maud's eyes, a dark iris suddenly appeared.

Kaido looked at Mord's changes, and a surging fighting intent suddenly appeared on his rough face.

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