HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 274 Treatment of the 4 Emperors (2 in 1)

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There are no words to describe Charlotte Lingling's current mood.

It was the first time she was so angry and gaffe since hitting her.

At this moment, in her head, there is no other thought other than killing Maud.

"go to hell!"

Charlotte Lingling stepped on Zeus, clasped Napoleon, the emperor's sword entwined with flaming flames, with both hands, and pulled it up in a gesture similar to that of a hegemonic country.


The voice full of cold and stern killing intent instantly covered up the thunder.

The Emperor's sword Napoleon, which was held high by Charlotte Lingling, slashed down with the sound of thunder, and a huge purple cylindrical sword was born in response to the situation and flew straight to Maud.

"Hey, what a joke..."

Seeing the mighty and powerful country coming straight in, Luo's pupils shrank sharply, and his heartbeat quickened.

On the other hand, Brook, who was ready to take action, also showed a horrified expression that others could not see.

gotta stop...

Although shocked by the power and momentum of the mighty country, Luo and Brock's first thought was that the mighty country could not be allowed to destroy the mast of the terrifying three-masted ship.

But when their idea just came into being, Maud was already facing the mighty country.


A red light flashed in Maud's eyes, and the autumn water on his shoulder suddenly slashed forward with a shock wave wrapped in dazzling white light.

boom -

In the surging clouds, there was a sudden thunderous sound.

When the sound of thunder fades away.

Above the sky, two shock waves collided violently.

The purple and white rays of light were twisted into a ball, containing the energy in it, and turned into dangerous air blades visible to the naked eye, as if to split the sky, pouring frantically around.

The black clouds surging above also seemed to be affected, and the speed of the surging was obviously much faster.


The two tangled shock waves seemed to have reached a critical point, and suddenly burst like a balloon filled with water.

The violent air waves generated suddenly rushed towards each other.

With black wings hanging from his back, Maud stood firmly in the air facing the incoming air waves.

Charlotte Lingling stepped on Zeus, and the air waves coming from the front made her flaming hair even more violent.

"Stinky brat...!"

Wei Guo was blocked from the front, and Charlotte Lingling stared at Maud.

on the mast.

Luo and Brook looked at Maud's back and breathed a sigh of relief.

"As expected of the captain, yo hoo hoo!"

Brooke patted his sternum with a lingering fear.

Just now, I was thinking of taking action against Charlotte Lingling's mighty country, but whether it can be stopped or not is another matter.

Now that he has seen with his own eyes the results of the confrontation between the hegemony and the mighty country, Brook is extremely fortunate that he has a captain who can face off against the four emperors.

If he had just pushed it up, the entire skeleton would probably have been torn apart by Wei Guo.

The aftermath of the collision between the hegemonic country and the prestige country dissipated, and the clusters of black clouds surging in the sky quickly surged, and thunder snakes wandered among them.

"Zeus, send the old lady over there!"

Charlotte Lingling, with a terrifying expression, stomped on Zeus under her feet.

"Okay, Mom!"

Zeus, who was covered in pitch black, with a slight pain, mustered up all his strength, and quickly rushed towards the terrifying three-masted ship.

The Myriad Kingdoms, which were created with great effort, were demolished by the Maud Pirates to tear down more than ten islands.

Charlotte Lingling was full of anger and killing intent.

Now that I have finally caught up, if I don't kill the Maud Pirates, how could Charlotte Lingling give up?

And the dreadful barque that she was going to sink into the sea.

Looking at Charlotte Lingling who was approaching aggressively, Maud turned his head and glanced at Brooke quickly.

"Brooke, get ready, Luo, watch us order."


Maud's black wings fluttered behind him, and he faced Charlotte Lingling fearlessly.


Brook stepped on the moon to keep up, and the light body volleyed, like an arrow from the string, so fast that only a string of afterimages could be seen.

Charlotte Lingling, who has always loved exotic animals, chose to ignore it even if she noticed the peculiar existence of Brook.

Now she just wants to kill Maud.

"Fire in the sky!"

When there was still a distance, Charlotte Lingling raised the emperor's sword Napoleon, and the flames clinging to it turned into a surging wave of flames without warning.

Compared to Ace's Great Yan Emperor.

No matter the scale or temperature, the fire in the sky is more than that.

"Even Akainu's 'magma' can't help my shadow, let alone your fire."

Maud lifted Qiushui, and the shadow wave that flowed from the knife swelled extremely quickly, and then re-engraved Charlotte Lingling's move - the shadow of the sky in the blink of an eye.

A wave of shadow flames of the same scale bombarded Charlotte Lingling's heavenly fire from the front.

The two suddenly entangled into a ball, turning into a huge black and red fireball high in the sky.

The flame does not go out, neither does the shadow go out.

The two are indistinguishable.

Seeing that Maud used the shadow ability to recreate the fire in the sky, Charlotte Lingling's already very ferocious complexion became even colder.

As the distance got closer, she didn't bother to use the elemental power of Soul Hormiz anymore. All she wanted was to use the emperor's sword Napoleon in her hand, and let Maud learn what the four emperors are.

Maud also did not take long-range attack methods and flew upwards.

Under the light of the fire, Maud, who had raised his height, looked down at Charlotte Lingling condescendingly. The autumn water in his hand snorted softly, and was dyed in ink by the armed color.

Charlotte Lingling looked up at Maud, and the flames on the Emperor's sword Napoleon soared.

The eyes of the two were intertwined in the air for about a second.

Maud moved suddenly, dived from top to bottom, and immediately raised his knife and slashed at Charlotte Lingling.

"Do you think you can beat me in 'power' by doing this? Dream!!!"

Charlotte Lingling's eyes widened in anger, and she clenched the emperor's sword Napoleon with both hands.

"Emperor Sword. Broken Blade!"

With a movement like a swing of a bat, Charlotte Lingling swung the Emperor's sword Napoleon towards the chopped Qiushui.

Just when the two swords were about to touch.

A light ghostly afterimage passed through Zeus at Charlotte Lingling's feet.

But it was Brook who shot at the right time.

The cold light passed quickly.


In an inaudible sound.

Zeus, who was stepped on by Charlotte Lingling, suddenly split into two.

When Charlotte Lingling noticed the difference, the emperor's sword Napoleon in her hand was already against the body of Qiushui's sword.


The harsh clanging sound instantly drowned out the rumbling thunder.

The swords collided tightly, and the sparks burst.

One after another black and red arcs galloped away in midair.

But this fierce confrontation only lasted for a moment...

As Zeus was split into two, Charlotte Lingling stepped on the air.

Having lost her foothold, she was unable to express her power at all, and was immediately suppressed by Maud.

"Get off."

Maud suddenly exerted his strength and pressed down with the knife.


Charlotte Lingling, who could not effectively resist the pressure, suddenly changed her face.

Before she could react, the power transmitted from the knife, including the split Zeus, slapped her down heavily.


The fat and bloated body suddenly fell rapidly, knocking out a stream of air visible to the naked eye.

As Maud in the field of vision became more and more distant, Charlotte Lingling's facial features were distorted and terrifying, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

But just staring at her angrily didn't stop her from falling.

"Bacardi Maud!!!"

Charlotte Lingling's voice full of endless resentment reverberated throughout the sky.

Maud was unmoved, slowly returning the autumn water to the sheath, looking down at Charlotte Lingling, who was falling into the sea at high speed.

In just a moment, Charlotte Lingling's figure turned into a black spot.

"Yohoo, is this the 'treatment' of the Four Emperors?"

Relying on the convenience of a light body, Brook walked to Maud's side in the air, looking down at Charlotte Lingling who was about to disappear at the end of his vision with interest.

so-called treatment.

It was cut into the sea by Maud with a knife.

Kaido is, and so is Charlotte Lingling now.

Maud understood the ridicule in Brook's words, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't want to talk about it here.

"Go back to the boat."


Maud put away his black wings and, like Brook, stepped on the moon and chased the Terror Barque.

The confrontation with Charlotte Lingling only lasted less than five or six seconds.

In such a short time, the Dread Barque did not go very far.

Soon, Maud and Brooke were back on the boat.


The people in the pirate group gathered in the open space and looked at Maud and Brook who fell from the sky.

As soon as they heard the movement, they immediately gathered outside to prepare to meet Charlotte Lingling.

I thought it would be a dangerous battle, but I didn't expect that the aggressive Charlotte Lingling was beaten so simply by Maud.

"Why does this scene seem similar?"

"Kaido, who came to the door some time ago, seems to have been repelled like this..."


Everyone immediately looked at Maud with admiration.

Luo, who came down from the top of the mast, came to Maud and said calmly: "I didn't expect...the 'BIG.MOM' could be beaten back so easily."

Originally planned to use [room] to support Maud and Brook, but he didn't have a chance to perform at all.

"She was stunned by anger, and her awareness of prevention was too weak. This result was expected."

Maud looked calm.

From the moment she saw Charlotte Lingling stepping on Zeus and coming in a rage, Maud had already seen the result of how Charlotte Lingling would be repelled by him.

"Hoo hoo hoo, Maud, I took it."

Perona, with a camera phone bug in her hand, floated to Maud's side and looked at Maud with a complimenting look.

"Really clever."

Maud smiled slightly at Perona.

The incident happened suddenly, and he did not instruct Perona to take pictures.

Unexpectedly, Perona actually took a picture of Charlotte Lingling being slashed by him.

Presumably it was the reason why she was in charge of filming Kaido's defeat last time.

So much so that she felt that Maud might need such a video to disgust and destroy Charlotte Lingling's reputation.

"It's just that the lens is a little far away, so it may not be very clear."

Perona smiled and handed the camera phone bug to Maud like a treasure.


Maud took the camera phone bug and smiled, "Good job."

"Huh huh..."

Perona smiled very happily.

Maud then put the camera phone bug away.

If it wasn't for the advance city next, he would definitely take the initiative to push the results of today's victory to Morgans, and then use the news agency's report to discredit the BIG.MOM pirates and damage their reputation.

So, for now, let's put this disgusting BIG.MOM image aside for now.

"Let's all go back to their respective positions."

Maud glanced at the crowd gathered in the clearing.


Hearing Mo De's words, the crowd quickly dispersed, and only the relatively idle key members remained, including Aokiji.

There was such a big movement just now, no matter how he fell asleep, it was impossible to turn a blind eye.

"Ah la la, first Kaido, then BIG.MOM, you completely angered these two monsters."

Aokiji scratched his messy hair and yawned.

He really just woke up.

So this will still be in pajamas.

Maud said calmly: "It's been a long time since death, it's no big deal."


Aokiji raised his fingers and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes from yawning.

From his point of view, he doesn't mind seeing the Morde Pirates and the Four Emperor Pirates fighting head-on, and they are the kind that never die.

When it came time, he said that he would also help Maud to bring down the four emperors.

For this, even at the cost of his life.

"Kuzan, come with me, I have something to tell you."

Maud said suddenly.

After that, regardless of Aokiji's reaction, he turned and walked towards the castle.

Qingzhi was slightly startled, but did not ask what to say, but followed behind Maud.

The two came to the hall on the first floor of the castle one after the other.

Naturally, Perona and the others would not stand outside foolishly and followed into the hall.

What you want to say to Aokiji is not something you can say when you are alone.

In front of his companions, Maud looked at Aokiji with calm eyes, and the tone of speech did not contain the slightest emotion.

"Kuzan, I'm going to advance to the city. At that time... there may be a war with the Navy Headquarters."


When Qingzhi heard the words, his heart was slightly shocked, and he looked at Maud in surprise.

The people next to him reacted differently. First they looked at Maud, and then they all looked at Qingzhi.

And Shiliu of Rain, who was once the chief guard of the city, showed a weird smile, as if in memory, and revealed a bloody hint.

"Ah la la, so..."

Qingzhi scratched the back of his head, spread his hands and said, "Captain, are you worried about my original 'identity'?"


Maud shook his head slightly and said calmly: "I just give you a choice of 'follow' or 'no follow', then, which one do you choose?"

"Of course the former."

Qingzhi replied without hesitation, and immediately said seriously: "I am now... but a member of the Morde Pirates. If I can't advance and retreat together, I am not qualified to stay here."

"Good, but you need to break the bad habit."

"What bad habit?"

"Put water."


"When you were in Mad Hatter, you also let the water go."

"Ah la la..."

"So, can it be done?"

"Since it's the captain's order, let's do it no matter what."

"That's good."

The people on the side looked at Maud and Aokiji, who were just talking about the release of water, and they seemed a little speechless.


Shiliu suddenly said: "After advancing to the city, can you start a killing spree?"


Maud looked at Shiliu.

Shiliu showed a dangerous smile, with sharp eyes flashing in his eyes, and asked again: "If I kill too much and can't stop..."

"Then leave none of them."

Maud looked calm.

"Ha ha!!!"

Shiliu was startled for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"Yes, my captain..."

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