Xihai, the base of the 158th branch of the Navy.

In the dojo, Gion was sweating like rain.

When she finished the last set of training exercises, she was dripping with sweat, as if she had just come out of the water.

As a rare strong woman in the Navy, daily high-intensity training like this is inevitable.

After the training, Gion returned to the room, put the saber away, and immediately rushed to the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Gion sat on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Since she received the request from the two elders, she has basically stayed in the West Sea for the rest of the time, including vacations, except for the need to go back to the Great Waterway to perform official duties.

This kind of life has been going on for more than two years.

But in her opinion, whether it is at the headquarters or the branch, it will not affect her tempering of her own strength.

If I really want to tell the difference, that is, Colonel Robbie, who was recently transferred to the 158th branch, and she is always gallant, which makes her annoyed.

"Boom blah..."

The voice of the phone bug made Gion suddenly open his eyes.

She got up, took her long legs, came to the table where the phone bug was placed, and reached out to pick up the receiver.

After the connection, the voice of the wolf rat came from the other side of the microphone.


"very good."

Hearing the wolf squirrel's report, Gion's eyes lit up, and he said solemnly: "This is the last test, do you have the confidence to grasp the 'time point'?"


Werewolf could not help but be silent.

Gion waited patiently for a reply.


After a while, the Werewolf's determined tone came from the microphone.

"Then, the timing of the action is up to you."

Gion directly gave the wolf mouse the greatest trust.

Even through the phone bug, the wolf rat can feel the heavy trust that blows in his face.


Werewolf gave a clear answer.

The phone bug then hangs up.

Gion slowly put down the phone bug, pondered for a moment, and then dialed Lieutenant General Crane's number.

This time, it may be the closest opportunity so far.


Mad Hatter.

Werewolf hides the phone bug well.

Recalling the reaction of Maud when the bait was thrown just now.

If it wasn't for Maud later entrusting Tatamu to investigate the gang's behavior, otherwise, the wolf squirrel once thought that Maud was really just an outsider named Usopp.

It is also this commissioning behavior that allows the wolf rat to determine that the fish is hooked.


Werewolf suddenly muttered to himself.

Through the information provided by Gion, the wolf squirrel knew the identity of Maud and what happened to Maud.

It was this information that made the wolf squirrel understand the reason why Maud attacked and killed the town pirates for no reason.

Therefore, in his view, Maud, who was used as a bargaining chip to deal with the spooky gun, was essentially an innocent victim.

But Gion made no statement.

Therefore, it is impossible for the wolf rat to talk too much.

He's in the Navy, and it's his job to obey orders to get things done.

But also because of this, the resentment that was miserable by Mo De before has long ceased to exist.

After a moment.

The wolf mouse left the room and went to the first floor, came to the bar, and sat in the original seat.

"Tatamu, hurry up and get another bottle of Baka rum."

The wolf mouse drank most of the bottle just now, but he fell in love with the taste of this wine.

"You haven't paid yet."

Tatar pointed to the empty wine glass.

"Isn't it just money?"

The wolf rat groaned and took it out of his pocket.

After a pause, he said embarrassingly, "I owe it first."

Tatamu shook his head helplessly, after a while, he looked at the empty bottle of Baka rum and thought for a moment.

Werewolf noticed Tatam's move,

Eyes flickered.

After getting along day and night, he knew that under Tatamuna's bear-like appearance, he had a very delicate mind.

The deliberate behavior just now, I am afraid that Tatamu guessed something.

But even so, he would not reveal the slightest information to Tatamu.


After Maud left the Night Bar, he didn't stay outside and went straight back to the weapon shop.

Under Sunny's eyes, he started daily training.

It might be fine to sneak out, but if you are lazy and don't train, you will definitely be hung up and beaten by Thor.

Bailey sat on the counter, holding hot tea, leisurely looking at Maud who was sweating.

He was raised by the food in the store for two months, and he gained a whole lot of weight. If he curled up, he would be no different from a meat ball.

Sunny put down the teacup and said lightly, "Pour tea."

"Okay, eldest sister!"

Hearing this, Bailey quickly put down the hot tea in his hand, and immediately lifted the teapot to fill Sunny with tea.

Under the threat of Sunny, Bailey has long stopped calling Sunny's mother, but changed her name to eldest sister.

Sunny took a sip of the hot tea and continued to read the newspaper.

Bailey put down the teapot gently, for fear of making a sound that would disturb the eldest sister's head to read the newspaper.

After putting away the teapot, he picked up the teacup again and looked at Maud in training leisurely.

Such a life is not impossible.

Mainly...the food is amazing!

It wasn't until noon that Maud finished today's training and Sunny had lunch.

However, when it was time for dinner, Sol did not come back.

The two people, who are commonplace, have no plans to wait for Sol.

After they finished their lunch, they continued to look at the store.

As for cleaning up the dishes, it's Bailey's job now.

In the afternoon, Maud began his boring reloading training.

Time passed, and until night fell, Sol was still not seen.

"Why hasn't Saul come back?"

Maud stood at the kitchen counter, helping Sonny with the ingredients for dinner.

"It's probably going to move wine."

Sonny stirred the broth in the pot with a spoon.

"Move the wine? Where to move the wine?"

"An uninhabited island called Little Cutie, where Sol's wine is stored. By the way, the name Little Cutie was chosen by Sol himself."


Maud was speechless.

"Then when will he come back?"

"As short as five days."

Sunny scooped the soup and tasted it, and said immediately, "He's always been like this. When he wants to go to the wine by himself, he always leaves without a word."

"All right."

Maud nodded.

I was thinking in my heart, what a coincidence?


late at night.

Sol still hasn't returned.

Obviously, as Sunny said, most of them really went to the cute island to move wine.

Time was not lost, and Maud was ready to go to the store shelves.

He looked left and right, and immediately took the dark crow into his hands.

Holding the knife again after a lapse of two months, I felt a little strange.

"Tonight, let's have a good time hunting."

Maud pinned the dark crow to his waist, walked out of the weapon store, and headed for the block.

The stack of bounty orders that came from Tatamu in the morning have all been recorded in the hunter's notes as names.

These names are basically all pirates with a bounty between 5 million and 15 million, and it is not worth spending energy to investigate intelligence.

Although the overall income will be less, it can be compensated by the quantity.

Maud crossed the winding alley and came to the street.

"Just go to the Tomahawk Tavern."

After walking a few streets, Maud came to the door of the long-lost Tomahawk Tavern.

Pushing open the door, the tavern was full of people, and the smell of wine and hot breath came.

Maud stood at the door and looked around the pub where business was booming.

To outsiders, he looked like he was looking for a seat.

In fact, he was looking for "familiar" prey.

At the wine table near the gate, a pirate recognized Maud and raised his hand to pat his partner at the same table.

"It's Usopp..."

While surprised, the pirates at the table whispered.

As if affecting a chain reaction, more and more pirates in the tavern recognized Maud.

For a while, the noise slowly subsided.

Most of the pirates present looked at Maud who was standing at the door.

This is the effect brought by the blessing of fame.

No matter where you go, as long as your identity is recognized, you will naturally attract attention.

Pirate circle, probably so.

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