The shock wave that pierced the battlefield through a huge gap, deterred the vast majority of the navy in the field.

This terrifyingly powerful move is definitely not something they can compete with.

After all, even General Kizaru was seriously injured——

If it were them, I'm afraid they would be wiped out in an instant.

Countless navies looked at Maud who seriously injured Kiabou in shock.

They know that Maud is strong and a monster through and through.

But Kizaru, who is the navy's top combat power, is not far behind, and it only took a long time for him to lose in front of Maud.

"Bacardi Maud..."

"We take the initiative to provoke this kind of monster, is it really worth it?"

"Don't say such words that will sully the two characters behind you, we... but the Navy!!!"

"Feel sorry……"

The commotion caused by Maud's departure from the advance city made the navy's mood turbulent and it was difficult to calm down.

Until this moment, they were finally able to appreciate Marshal Sakaski's determination.

No matter how much it costs, Bacardi Maud must stop here!


Let this monster continue to move forward!

Many navies looked back on Maud's triumphant progress along the way, with a heavy weight that seemed to weigh a mountain on their minds, almost breathless.

For a monster whose growth curve is indescribable in words like Maud, in their opinion, in terms of threat alone, it has far surpassed the four emperors who have long been famous in the new world.

as well as--

Escaped from the infinite hell, such as the evil spirit successor Barrett, the lonely red Redfield, and the world destroyer Waldo headed by many legendary ferocious people.

The hidden dangers and threats brought by these thorny characters are not as heavy as the heavy shackles that the man in front of him has put on the hearts of the navy.


In a few years,

How high will the strength of Bacardi Maud, who made them terrified, reach?

"Be sure to keep him here!!!"

Although shocked by the deterrence displayed by Maud, the navies participating in this war, regardless of their strength or spirit, are the elite of the elite, and they have not retreated because of this.

What they thought in their hearts was that they must not let Maud leave here.

Even the crew of the Red-Haired Pirates couldn't hide their shock after seeing the power of the hegemony.

"Hey, was Maud this fierce before?!"

"If you mean 'before' a few years ago, then I can definitely answer you, Maud would still be a little bit..."


The pirate was speechless for a moment.

"I've seen the mighty country of ' ', but compared to the trick that Maud just did, it really pales in comparison."

An older red-haired pirate crew member swung a knife to kill an attacking admiral, and looked at Maud in the distance with a strange look.

"Can Little Maud's current strength be comparable to that of the boss?"

"Why do you feel this way?"

"Don't you have it?"

"Uh, a little bit..."

"Compared with the strength of the boss? It should not be so, although Maud also has the power of 'that level'..."

"You know, a few years ago, this guy was a little beanie."

The people of the Red-haired Pirates looked at Maud who became the focus of the audience, and couldn't help recalling the image of Maud that stayed in their minds a few years ago.

The young boy who showed his youth everywhere is now a top pirate who can be compared with his boss in a trance.

Shanks and Akainu, who had divided an independent circle on the battlefield, stopped their hands while being quite tacit, and both silently watched the shock wave running towards the end of the horizon.

"Is it possible to do this already..."

Shanks looked a little complicated and sighed: "I didn't expect it."

"Is the overlord color..."

Akainu's eyes were filled with icy cold light.

Although it was only a hasty glance, it was enough for him to clearly see the domineering tyrannical arrogance entwined on the tyrannical barrier-breaking move just now.

If it weren't for this, with Kizaru's high-level armament, even if he was hit in the front, he would still be seriously injured.

Shanks held the knife in his right hand, and Griffin's blade seemed to hang casually by his side.

"I thought for a long time that with the potential of Maud, sooner or later, he will come to our position, but I didn't expect him to come so fast, tyrannical entanglement... A strong man who can master this skill , a handful.”

"So what? This will be his grave!"

Akainu looked at Shanks coldly, with hot and boiling lava flowing on his face, but his tone was full of cold killing intent.

Shanks lifted the Griffin slowly, and the jet-black blade covered with the color of the weapon flashed a black-red electric arc embodied in the color of the overlord.

"Akainu, since I'm here, do you think I'll let this happen?"

"This is not the new world!"

Akainu punched Shanks.

A large amount of lava drawn by his ability gathered on his fist, and the high temperature radiated caused the surrounding air to be slightly distorted.

Shanks slashed the huge lava fist oncoming with a knife, then turned his wrist, and slashed a flying slash with black and red arcs towards the scattered lava wreckage with his backhand.

The leaping slash with terrifying power instantly ran over the lava wreckage and came to Akainu.

In the face of this blow from the Four Emperor Shanks, Akainu was extremely fierce, with a fist flowing with magma, and hit the leaping slash that came to him in an instant.


The lava fist collided violently with the leap slash.

The black-red electric arc spread to the surroundings like a spider web, and the hot magma fell to the ground like a spray of water.

Immediately afterwards, a violent wave of air emerged in response to the situation and swept all around.

One is the Four Emperors and the other is the Admiral of the Navy.

They both knew the trend of the war, so they didn't leave the slightest bit of energy in the confrontation.

But compared to Shanks who fought more with the idea of ​​containment, Akainu was fighting with the idea of ​​killing Shanks.

if it is possible.

The Admiral, who has always advocated extermination of pirates, hopes to exterminate the Maud Pirates, Shichibukai, and Red-haired Pirates in this war.

Another battle circle.


Lieutenant General Crane glanced at the yellow monkey who seemed to be seriously injured from a distance, frowned, and ripples slowly appeared in his eyes that were as quiet as a deep pool.

With their first-class powerhouses in high places, they have a clearer understanding of the strength of Maud, who had shown his trump card in the war on the top.

Why did Whitebeard, known as the strongest man in the world, fall in front of Maud.

They know the bottom line.

And now, after the end of the war on the top, it has only been almost half a year...

But Maud did the feat of knocking the Sengoku off half of the battlefield and seriously injuring Kizaru in a short period of time.

The original cognition seems to be being subverted.

General Crane's heart became solemn for a while, and there was a vague premonition.

Jaya controlled the ground dragon made of rock blocks, and repelled the besieging navy elites, and then looked at Lieutenant General Crane, who had a strange face, and showed a faint smile while panting.

"Haha, haha... Maud, far more powerful than you think."

"This kind of thing doesn't need your special explanation."

Smog's arms turned into billowing white smoke, and he said expressionlessly: "Now, you should worry about yourself."

As his voice fell, there was a sound of heavy footsteps nearby.

Several humanoid war weapons with specifications very similar to those of the pacifists walked to Smog's side, and Jaya's figure was reflected in the lens-like eyes.

On these humanoid war weapons, there are various forms of beastization characteristics, which are very similar to the local beastization ability of animal-type capable people, and are integrated with the cutting-edge weapons and equipment loaded on the body.

It has both the cold texture of machinery and the wild power look and feel of creatures.

This is a new type of pacifist that Dr. Bergapunk has greatly improved on the original basis using the [IQ plant] left by the golden lion found on the top of the battlefield.

Although it is still an unfinished product that lacks a crucial material, it has a fighting force far superior to that of the pacifists.

Jaya quickly glanced at the new-style pacifists, and his heart was slightly condensed.

Compared with the old-style pacifists, these new-style pacifists exude a powerful aura under the feedback of seeing and hearing.

With the entry of a new type of pacifist, the Maud Pirates face a more dire situation.

The crew members of the three affiliated pirates, including the Monk Pirates, Hawkins Pirates, and Heart Pirates, have already fallen a lot due to their poor strength.

On the other hand, many main forces headed by Hawkins, even if they face the team led by the elite lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters, at least they have the ability to deal with them and will not fall down easily.

But with the intervention of the new type of pacifists, even Hawkins and the others are gradually feeling overwhelmed.

These new types of pacifists, with more powerful strength and defense, are already qualified enough to enter the new world of armed color crawling.

On a cluttered rock.


Sengoku pushed aside the large amount of gravel buried in his body and got up from the smoke.

His body was mixed with blood and dust, and he looked quite embarrassed.

"That was...!?"

Sengoku, who was the first to be blown away by Moder, although he didn't see with his own eyes that Moder's move was more terrifying than the mighty kingdom of the Four Emperors. Heaven-destroying momentum.


Soon, the Warring States saw the yellow ape who was half-kneeling and vomiting blood.

With Kizaru's strength, how could he be injured in such a short period of time.

In the short period of time when he was hit by Maud and flew most of the battlefield, what happened?

on the island debris.

Kizuna felt slightly dizzy, and his vision shifted back and forth between clear and blurred.

After a second or two.

The sight gradually became clearer.


Kizaru lowered his head and silently looked at the large pool of blood that bloomed on the ground.

The frivolous color that had been on his face since the start of the war no longer existed at this moment.

When was the last time I was injured at this level...

It's been too long.

It's been so long that the yellow monkey can't remember it.


Kaizuka let out a sigh of relief, stood up slowly, and immediately looked at Zhan Taomaru, who was dying in the distance.

Although he had done his best to protect Zhan Taomaru just now, the power of the shock wave far exceeded his expectations.

Even if he blocked most of the damage, just a little prestige was enough to make Zhan Taomaru almost die on the spot.

As Kizaru looked at it, a pacifist implanted with the relevant action logic program was rushing towards the dying Zhan Taomaru at the fastest speed.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yuan quickly retracted his gaze.

"Is it entangled with the attack of the 'overlord color'... tsk."

After confirming the situation of Zhan Taomaru, Kizaru turned his eyes and stared at Maud, who had put away his sword posture.

After confronting the hegemony head-on and breaking the barrier, Kizaru noticed the domineering arrogance poured into the attack.

In that case, even if he left Zhan Tao Wan to elementalize his whole body, he could not avoid the damage.

In contrast, it is better to use the armed color defense.


Able to use the overlord color to attack, in this sea, people who can do it can be counted on one hand.

Maud did it!

In addition to his amazement, Huang Yuan was filled with solemn meaning.

far away.

Urki and others who were retreating to the advance city, as well as Cavendish and Perona who went to support their companions, were all shocked after seeing the mighty momentum that Maud had just cut out.

"That bastard, Maud, can make such an eye-catching (powerful) move!!! Damn it!!!"

Seeing that Maud became the focus of the audience, Cavendish began to grit his teeth with jealousy again.

Perona floated behind Cavendish and said in surprise: "I have never seen Lord Maud use this move... Could it be a new move that I just mastered during this period of time!"

"This time? How long?"

Cavendish looked up at Perona.

Perona tilted her head slightly and thought for a while, and said, "A week or two at most."


Cavendish felt a crit.

Urki, who was still some distance away from the advancing city, looked back at Maud's back and said with emotion:

"I just don't sleep in my life, and I don't even think about catching up with the captain. Fortunately, I chose the captain, and the captain also chose me."


Luo, who was lying on Bebo's back, glanced at Urgi with a strange look in his eyes.

That look, as if saying—

You have the unrealistic idea of ​​catching up with Maud.

Urki seemed to be able to sense Luo's inner thoughts, raised his eyebrows and said, "Luo, are you trying to laugh at a man with a dream?"

"There's a big difference between a daydream and a dream."

Luo, whose confidence was defeated by Maud a long time ago, turned his real feelings into a poisonous tongue and gave Urgi a bit of sarcasm.

"If it weren't for the circumstances, I really wanted to punch you."

Urki sighed deeply.

However, he actually agreed with Luo's statement.

As for catching up with Maud—

It can only be achieved in a dream.

Urki thought to himself.

Luo ignored Urki, but quietly watched Maud's back.

With the current situation, getting out of the battlefield as soon as possible is the most important thing.

But he could vaguely feel that Maud must be planning to make a scene next.

"But don't be too messy, Maud..."

Luo muttered to himself in his heart.

Advance to the city.

Bucky's eyes were round, and his mouth was wide open, occupying almost half of his face.

"What was that just now!!!"

He was really frightened by Maud's strength.

In his impression, not to mention Uncle Rayleigh, or even Captain Roger, he has never played such a terrifying move.

"What an incredible man..."

Jinping's face was full of shock that could not be concealed, and his eyes looking at Maud were full of solemnity.

Maud, whom he now saw with his own eyes, quickly replaced the Maud he had seen in the Chambord Islands.

Jinbei was suddenly curious about what happened to Maud during the time he was locked in the push city...

So that the strength soared to this level.


Jinbei suddenly looked to the side, and saw Hancock strut his long legs and headed straight for the battlefield.

"Hancock, what are you doing?"


Hancock ignored Jinbei's words and went straight to where Maud was.

What to do?

Do you need to ask such a thing?

To fight alongside Maud, of course.

Hancock's eyes were already filled with the shape of Maud.

Maud, who was in the distance, suddenly felt a little strange.

Since it wasn't a sense of crisis, he didn't care too much.

"Although it's the first time I've used this move... I still think that it will make you lose your combat effectiveness."

Maud looked at the severely injured Kiwi, and said coldly: "Sure enough, the proficiency is still not enough."

Despite the distance, Kizaru still heard Mo De's words, and there was a rare dignified expression on his slightly wretched face.

Maud did not intend to waste the second hegemony on Kizaru. Breaking the barrier, out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Jaya's location.

With the effect of seeing and hearing, you can see the situation Jaya is facing at a glance.

The thought moved slightly, and the shadow clone holding the ferret immediately ran towards Jaya's direction.

If you want to get everyone out of the battlefield, you have to rely on Jaya's fluttering fruit ability.

Therefore, the shadow clone must first help Jaya to clear the siege, and bring Jaya to the advancing city.

Whether it's out of the war, or destroying the entire advancing city.

Jaya's ability is the key.

This is also the reason why Maud decisively separated from the shadow avatar.

It's just that before the shadow clone is sent to support Jaya, he can take a shot and seriously injure Kizaru with Baguo.

"If it goes well, the next step is..."

After sending the shadow clone over to support Jaya, Mode looked at Fujitora who was fighting fiercely with many officers of the Red Hair Pirates from a distance.

The only person in the arena who could prevent them from escaping was Fujitora.

Maud's mind turned, and he had already decided that he would stay alone before his companions left the war.


Kizaru took the initiative to close the distance and came to the front of Maud.

"That move just now was really cruel, but..."

He glanced at the distant shadow clone and said calmly, "Without the shadow, you wouldn't be able to use the move just now."

Maud did not speak, but raised his hand to take out the many shadows collected from the advancing city.

Kizaru looked at the shadow ball hovering over Maud's palm, and his eyes couldn't help changing.

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