HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 306 Three Seconds (2 in 1)

The tested new pacifists have shown extremely strong defense.

At the same time, it also brought great confidence to the navies such as Smoker.

In an instant -

The arc-shaped sword qi that Maud cut out actually cut all the new pacifists in the arena into two halves.

The sudden turn of events surprised the navy.


Jaya looked at the back in front of her with a shallow smile.

Still the same shape and appearance, but the ferret has turned into autumn water.

This means that Maud and the shadow clone just switched places, and there is a scene where all the new pacifists are destroyed with one stroke.

Although Jaya didn't notice the change of the weapon in Maud's hand for the first time, from the moment Maud slashed the knife, she knew that the Maud in front of her was not a shadow clone, but herself.

"Go to Urki and I will cover you."

Maud turned his back to Jaya and used two things with one mind. While observing the situation on the field, he was always paying attention to the situation on Kizaru's side.

Swapping positions with the shadow clone means that he can come and go freely between the two battle circles.

Wherever it needs combat support, the main body can go wherever.

But the opponent on the other end is Kizaru after all, and the comprehensive strength of the shadow clone alone cannot suppress Kizaru.

That is to say—

Every time Maud's shapeshifting changes, it can't be delayed for too long.

If the delay is too long, the reins tightly held in his hands will be freed by Kiabou.

After speaking to Jaya, Maud simply switched places with the shadow clone.

In a tremor, the long knife in his hand changed from autumn water to a ferret.

The attention of the navy in the field was very concentrated. Looking at the black and white double knives that changed, they suddenly understood.

"It was me who cut off the new pacifists just now..."

"And now it's back to shadow!!!"

Although I know what's going on,

But the hearts of the navy were still trembling.

Even the defenses of the new pacifists can't stand up to Maud's knife, so they can't stand it either.

"Don't give the enemy a chance to breathe, and don't forget that the damage applied to the shadow can be fed back to the body synchronously!"

Lieutenant General Crane looked solemn.

In a short period of time, the highly respected naval staff officer, not only was not intimidated by the powerful destructive power displayed by Maud, but also saw the drawbacks of Maud's tactic at a glance.

Hearing Lieutenant General Crane's reminder, the surrounding navies reacted.

That's right.

Compared with the difficulty of inflicting damage to Mord's body, it is obviously easier to inflict damage to the shadow clone.

As Lieutenant General Crane said, this was an opportunity before them to defeat Maud.

Although Maud's body may exchange positions with the shadow clone at any time, they have no reason to retreat.

"Lan feet!"

"Black Wind Slash!"

"White fist!"

"Black threshold matrix!"

Immediately, various long-range attacks flew towards the shadow clone and Jaya.

Facing the various attacks from the front, the shadow clone guarded Jaya and slashed out a hegemony with a knife.

The powerful circular column shock wave destroyed all kinds of attacks flying in the sky in an instant, setting off a violent air wave.

After destroying the all-round attack of the navy with the hegemony, the shadow clone closed the knife and placed it by his side, facing the undisturbed air waves, and rushed straight towards Smog and other navies.

If the shadow clone is hit by an attack wrapped in the color of the weapon, it will indeed feed back the damage suffered to Maud synchronously.

And such a proactive move will undoubtedly bring great risks to Maud.

But in order to cover Jaya's advance to the city and gather with Urgi and the others, Mod can only do this.

As long as Jaya can successfully reach the vicinity of the advance city, she will be well protected.

Seeing the shadow clone rushing to the enemy line fearlessly, Jaya took a deep breath and tried to adjust the rapid breathing.

Immediately, Jaya used the ability of fluttering fruit, and her body flew into the air.

She must seize the opportunity created by the shadow clone for her, to bypass the navy directly with the fastest efficiency, and then go to advance the city and Urki to gather together.

A second more delay means a greater risk for Maud.

At this moment, it is time to race against time.

"Don't try to succeed."

Lieutenant General Crane removed his gloves and looked up at Jaya who was lifted into the air.

Bang bang!

She used the moon step, stepped on and made a burst of air, and her body was like an arrow, rushing from bottom to top to Jaya.

Jaya, who was in the air, immediately looked at Lieutenant General Crane who was chasing after him.

And the shadow clone, who was fighting with the navy below, also noticed Lieutenant General Crane's move for the first time.

Without any hesitation, the shadow clone carried out the instructions to cover Jaya, ignored the threats from the surrounding navies in the chaos, and stepped on the moon step to launch into the sky, ready to take down Lieutenant General Crane.

"It's just a shadow... don't look down on people!!!"

Seeing the shadow clone so big, Smoker's eyes became as sharp as knives.

His arms instantly turned into billowing white smoke, tightly entangling the shadow clone that had just been launched into the sky.

"Don't worry about me, attack him directly with 'Domineering'!!!"

Smoker's cold shout reached the ears of many admirals.


Almost at the moment when the last syllable of Smoker fell, the navy's fists or swords were wrapped in armed colors, and they immediately rushed towards the shadow clone wrapped in smoke without fear of death.

"Hit me!!!"

In his eyes, many figures of his colleagues attacking the shadow clone were reflected, and Smog shouted in his heart.


At this critical moment, the snow-white long knife wrapped in white smoke turned into a black and red autumn water.

This is the second time that Maud has exchanged positions with Shadow Clone.


Seeing the autumn water with a full sense of existence, all the navies, including Smog, were suddenly shocked.

Maud looked calmly at the many navies who flew over, and within the dark iris, there was a red edge floating.

The billowing white smoke wrapped around his body, as if being torn apart by a pair of invisible, invisible hands, suddenly burst into countless pieces of debris.

Immediately afterwards, black and red arcs flashed on the body of the autumn water blade in Maud's hand.

Applying the overlord color to an attack can produce stronger power than the armed color domineering.

Relatively, the consumption of each attack will be several times that of the armed color.

It is precisely because of this multiplied consumption that Shanks, Kaido, and powerhouses who can skillfully use tyrannical attacks will consciously restrain themselves in fierce battles of the same level to prevent excessive consumption.

But Maud, who holds nearly 400 shadow supplies, has no such concerns at all.

Whether it was an attack that killed all the new pacifists face to face just now, or now he will not hesitate to wrap the overlord color on the autumn water.

Before the Shadow Supplies are consumed—

Maud can do whatever he wants!

Looking at Qiu Shui Dao's black and red electric arc manifested by the color of the king, the faces of the navy, invariably showed the color of fear.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

The blade, which was wrapped in the color of the weapon and turned pitch black, slashed forward horizontally.

The flashing black and red arcs are like fine cracks all over the space, carrying the slashes and spreading to the many navies ahead.

The sky-splashing attack that was intended to defeat the shadow clone, in front of this slashing slash with a tyrannical color, was like hitting a stone with an egg, and it seemed extremely fragile.

The slash crushed all attacks and bombarded the many navies that passed along the way.

How fast it flew in the first second, and how fast it was bombarded by the overlord's slash in the next second.


Smog's eyes widened as he watched in awe as his colleagues turned into corpses in mid-air, and then fell to the ground like a rag bag from mid-air, shaking out a circle of blood mist.

The sudden change made him feel like he was struck by lightning, and he froze both mentally and physically.

After this blow.

There were about a hundred general-level naval elites in the field, and there were only less than twenty left at this moment.

And among the twenty or so, more than half were seriously injured and dying.

Just one hit.

It crushed all the new pacifists.

Just one hit.

It will defeat this elite team composed of colonel, brigadier general and major general.

But it was not just their team and their bodies that were defeated, but their spirits as well.

The existence of Maud, like a shadow so huge that no boundary can be seen, weighed heavily on the hearts of the surviving navies.

"2 seconds..."

Maud muttered to himself and came to Smog who couldn't hide his horror.

At this moment, a gust of wind came.

Tina's fist was wrapped with a layer of black sill, and a layer of armed color was wrapped around the black sill, and she punched Maud's temple from her side.

Maud didn't seem to see Tina's right fist, and slashed at Smog with a knife.


A bloody arrow splattered into the air.

At the same time, Maud's other hand went up and squeezed Tina's fist with all her might.

The fist that once defeated countless pirates——

At this moment, in front of Maud, he is weak and unable to be effective.

The team that collapsed in an instant, and the sense of powerlessness that came from the fist, suddenly turned into an indescribable sense of despair, which enveloped Tina's body.

She looked at Maud with a pale face, and in the corner of her eyes, there was Smog, who was bleeding and slowly falling to the ground.


"3 seconds."

Maud continued to count the seconds, and turned his head to meet Tina's desperate eyes that revealed a deep sense of powerlessness.


The blood-stained Qiushui blade turned into a ferret.

Three seconds after the exchange of positions, Maud moved back to suppress Kizaru.

Tina stared blankly at the shadow clone that switched back.


Lieutenant General He, who was chasing Jaya, slowly showed anger when he saw that it took only about three seconds for Mod to defeat the elite team, and his face was engraved with traces of time.

The last time I was angry with Maud was when Gion died at the hands of Maud during the Battle of the Top.

Although from then on, General Crane kept reminding himself that he could not be influenced by the personal feelings intertwined with anger and hatred, and kept reminding himself that before making any decisions and plans, he should focus on the overall situation.


She is human after all, not machine.


"Let you escape!!!"

The anger in General Crane's eyes turned towards the cold killing intent.

at this time.

Maud, who exchanged with the shadow clone, could not see Lieutenant General Crane's reaction, and continued to suppress Kizaru.

"Do you think 'procrastination' alone can stabilize the situation?"

The lingering sword light that Mo De cut out shrouded the yellow monkey.

Kizaru avoided Morde's attack, his face was rather ugly.

The reason why Lieutenant General Crane suffered tragic battle losses was entirely because of his inability to contain Mord.

If he can contain Maud.

Then, Maud must not be able to exchange positions with the shadow clone unscrupulously.

3 seconds……

This is the time limit for the exchange of positions between Maud and the shadow clone recorded by Kizaru.

He couldn't stop Maud and the shadow clone from swapping positions, but after Maud and the shadow clone exchanged positions, the only way to restore his disadvantage was to cause damage to the shadow clone within 3 seconds.

But embarrassingly...

In the time limit of 3 seconds, when he is injured, he can only suppress the shadow clone, but cannot pose a threat to the shadow clone.

After 3 seconds have passed.

Maud, who came back from the exchange, took the advantage back.

If Maud switches positions for more than 3 seconds, he might get his chance.

But the premise is-

Will Maud give him the chance?

Yellow Ape is unknown.

If you can't stabilize the situation, you can't find a breakthrough point.

Could it be that I can only let Maud consume physical strength and domineering, and then look for opportunities later?

Judging from Maud's reckless application of high-level skills, whether it is physical strength or domineering, it must not last long.


Kizaru's face became more and more ugly the more he thought about it.

As the navy's top combat power, how could he be so passive.

"The reins, but in my hands."

Maud looked at Kizaru indifferently.

Who is holding back who?

From the process point of view, it is obvious that he is more at ease.

Until the companions all withdraw to the advance city, he will tightly hold the reins around Kizaru's neck, and at the same time, he will use the mechanism of shapeshifting to support his companions who are struggling.

"Lord Maud, really strong..."

Perona floated over the battlefield, taking in the situation on the field.

In her spirit state, she is not afraid of any threat, and it can be said that she is the only person on the entire battlefield who does not have any burden.

Cavendish is going to help Philo, while Perona is going to help Jaya who is being besieged by the navy.

But before she could arrive, she saw that Maud showed a strong dominance.

Even while suppressing the general Kizaru, he was still able to support Jaya, and defeated the new pacifists with powerful combat power and an elite navy team.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes...

Perona couldn't believe that in this world, someone could achieve this level.

"Really strong..."

Perona murmured softly, her heart full of admiration for Maud.


She didn't patronize and worship Maud, and withdrew her gaze towards Maud, and flew to Jaya's position at the fastest speed.

The key to escape is—

Escort Jaya sister to the advance city!

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