HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 384 Momo nosuke? Who is that?

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Rabbit Bowl, Prisoner's Quarry.

The sky was pouring rain.

The members of the Beast Pirates stationed here, without exception, lay on the empty stone field.

The body that loses its vitality is left to be beaten by the wind and rain.

This tough battle is not difficult for Maud's side.

Despite the large number of opponents, the battle was over in less than ten minutes.

Lafayette tilted his head slightly and looked at the cell where many prisoners were being held, with a flash of red light in his eyes.

"Hoho, there are quite a lot of people."

Lafayette narrowed his eyes, thinking that there was just enough ready-made labor to help them clean the battlefield and loot the spoils.

Thinking of this, Lafayette turned to look up at the sky.

Maud and Jaya are falling from the sky.

After a while, he landed in front of Lafayette.

"Captain, there is a lot of free labor locked up there."

Lafayette pointed in the direction of the prisoner labor.

Maud looked in the direction Lafayette pointed, and used the color of knowledge, and red light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

With a normal field of vision, it is naturally impossible to see anything in such bad weather.

But seeing and hearing can get enough information.

With the help of the ability of seeing and hearing, Maud "sees" many prisoners crowded in the cell, and also "sees" a few prisoners who are held in isolation.

"Lafayette, go and let them out. If they are willing to help, let them help, and if they don't, let them leave."


Lafayette had no opinion and went straight to the cell.

After a while.

many people,

Prisoners of various identities came out of their cells.

"Kaido's people...!!!"

They came outside in the wind and rain, and at a glance, they saw many people from the Beast Pirates lying on the ground, and their faces suddenly became shocked.

When they were in the cell, they had already seen the floating island, and could vaguely hear the battle.

Despite being mentally prepared, seeing the people of the Hundred Beasts Pirates die with their own eyes is unavoidable.

"Hoho, the gate is there, those who don't want to 'help' can go now."

Lafayette, who brought the prisoners to the stone quarry, raised the crutch in his hand and pointed to the open door ahead.

Hearing Lafayette's words, the prisoners looked at each other and whispered.

On the way to the gate, the corpses of members of the Hundred Beast Pirates were lying all over the place, which invisibly put a lot of psychological pressure on the prisoners.

No one knows whether these guys of unknown origin are really kind enough to let them go, or are they toying with them.

A minute has passed.

Most of the prisoners are watching, only a small number of prisoners are just around the corner.

Time passed second by second.


Another few minutes passed.

Not a single prisoner came out.

A small group of prisoners wanted to leave quickly, but they always felt that the man next to them who released them was dangerous.

So that even if they have a strong mind, they dare not act rashly.

Lafayette squinted at the prisoners standing obediently, with a dangerous smile on his face.

"It seems that you all want to stay and help, so hurry up and don't waste our time."


After a brief silence, the prisoners moved quickly.

According to Lafayette, the sooner they get to work, the sooner they will be free.

far away.

Maud, who was visiting the quarry, looked back at the busy prisoners.

Just now he walked around in a circle, and his thoughts changed a little.

Originally, he planned to let Jaya use his abilities to directly pry away the Rabbit Bowl, an area with a high probability of being rich in minerals.

But now that I think about it, I don't think it's necessary.

From mining, processing, forging.

It takes a lot of time and manpower to turn mineral resources into value.

And Moder has no such demand for the time being.

Now prying this area away will only increase Jaya's load.

Anyway, it will come later.

Now it's just a matter of taking the Onishima and the untold amount of money and weapons.

These are all readily available resources.

With the help of the prisoners' laborers, it didn't take much time for all the Rabbit Bowl's weapons to be gathered into one place.

"You are free."

The prisoner laborers did their job, and Maud fulfilled his promise, throwing a large string of shackle keys before the prisoners.

Afterwards, Maud, regardless of the reaction of the group of prisoners, returned directly to the Island of Ghosts with a large amount of loot, and then left here.

It is worth mentioning that among the prisoners detained here, there is a member of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes named He Song.

This accident surprised Kinemon and the others.

In the pouring rain, the other prisoners stared blankly at several islands that had gone away in the wind and rain.

Freedom came so quickly and suddenly that it was like a dream.

Ghost Island.

Lots of weapons piled up in mountains.

Although it has not been counted, the number is probably around 100,000.

In a world where weapons are in high demand, 100,000 weapons is a staggering amount.

To know.

Even a behemoth such as the World Government, which stands at the top of the world, often trades with pirates and outlaws in private because of the need for weapons.

This is also the reason why Doflamingo can mix well in black and white.

And the black charcoal snake in the flower capital is one of the private transaction objects of the world government.

Over the years.

Under the premise of mutual benefit and mutual benefit, Orochi secretly provided the world government with a large number of weapons, as well as the rare sea tower stone in the world.

Through the transaction, the world government got the desired weapon resources from the big snake, and the big snake made a lot of money from the pocket of the world government.

Maud's next purpose is to go to the flower capital again to find the trouble of the big snake.

As for the reason-

Denjiro, one of the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath, resolutely revealed Orochi's family background to Maud after seeing Maud's behavior of collecting weapons.

Not only the innumerable money, but also the large amount of elite equipment of the army under Orochi.

Denjiro believes that these things are enough to attract Maud to trouble with Orochi.

Maud also knew Denjiro's motive for taking the initiative to ask him to reveal the information, but he didn't care, but he had to thank Denjiro for providing the information.


He had just lost a part of the island to the flower capital at will, so he probably had to miss out on the rich family of Orochi.

The course changed slightly, heading towards the flower capital.

The heavy rain that lasted for a day and a night finally turned from torrential rain to drizzle.

Maud led Jaya to the mountain of weapons.

After the heavy rain washed away, blood was rarely seen on the weapons.

"That's a lot."

Jaya carefully looked at the mountains of weapons.


Maud nodded with a smile and said seriously: "Roughly estimated, there should be about 100,000."

"It's the first time I've seen so many weapons."

Jaya tilted her head to look at Maud, who was in a good mood with a smile on his face.

Maud smiled and said, "Anyway, Sister Ya, try it out. If it works, it's the best. If it doesn't work, don't force yourself. If necessary, you can drop the weight of the two islands first."


Jaya nodded lightly and looked at the mountains of weapons again.

There are many types of weapons, most of which are cold weapons.

To classify, it is not a small project.


An hour passed.

The weather finally cleared up.

The blue sky was cloudless and the sun was shining brightly.

When I just learned about the mood of the big snake who had been captured by the rabbit bowl, it was not so bright.

The existence of the enemy is like a sharp sword hanging over the head, which will fall at any time.

In order to protect himself, when Orochi was destroyed in the flower capital mansion, he gathered all the troops under his command that could be dispatched at the fastest speed.

Including the Yuting Fanzhong, there are a total of 7,000 people.

But Orochi felt that it was not enough, so he promised a lot of money to let the ronin and samurai from all over the country of Wano arrive in the country of Wano overnight.

With the addition of these money-loving fighting forces.

After a day of preparation, the big snake has gathered about 12,000 troops.

Although a team of this size has been dispatched, Orochi is still uneasy.

All because the island that fell from the sky has become one of the indelible shadows in his heart.

If there are more attacks like that, even if he dispatches tens of thousands of troops, it will always be of no avail.

The only thing that can ease his anxiety is the Momonosuke amulet that he takes with him anytime, anywhere.

After one day, even the defecation, the big snake took Momanosuke with him.

Momonosuke, who was seriously injured and tied into a zongzi, couldn't understand the behavior of the snake. He only felt that the experience of this day was called purgatory, not only the body, but also the spirit became extremely haggard.

If circumstances permit.

Several times, Momonosuke thought that he would just die, so as not to suffer this kind of torture.

"General, it's not good again!!!"


Hearing the familiar words, the suspicious big snake was startled and knocked over the tableware again.

"What's wrong? Has the enemy attacked?!!"

The big snake suddenly stood up, and with such a big movement, it bumped the Momonosuke amulet he was carrying with him.

The sudden collision caused Momonosuke to scream.

Orochi ignored Momanosuke's reaction and stared at the subordinates who rushed into the room.

"Yes, the enemy is coming!!!"

The subordinate barely kept his calm, but his voice still trembled visibly when he reported.

"So fast……"

The big snake's eyes trembled, and his heart was full of fear.

Without thinking much, the snake suddenly picked up the Momonosuke amulet and ran along the stairs to the top of the attic.

As soon as Orochi reached the top of the building, the members of the Yuting Fanzhong suddenly came to his side and protected him heavily.

Yuting Fanzhong is a ninja army directly under the general, with a total of eleven people.

They are the leader Fulu Shou, as well as Daikoku, Hanzo, Sarutobi, Kazekage, Hell Benten, Wind Blade, Thunder Blade, Bishamon, Qiaoya, and Yazaemon.

Don't look at the fancy names of these people, but the strength is still good.

Coming to the top of the building, the big snake immediately saw the floating island coming from the distant sky.


The tragic scene of yesterday flashed through his mind, and the big snake was so nervous that his legs swayed slightly.

Fortunately, a total of 12,000 troops scattered around the attic point can give him some confidence.


Orochi looked up at Hanzo, the tallest among the Yuting Fans.

"Subordinates are here."

Hanzo responded.

Orochi threw Momonosuke away.

Hanzo subconsciously raised his hand to take Momanosuke, and looked at the snake with a puzzled look.

The big snake gritted his teeth and said, "Raise this little devil's head a little higher, the higher the better, and it must be seen by the other party, otherwise... if another island is smashed down, no matter how many people we have, it will be meaningless."


Hanzo takes the lead.

Nearly six meters tall, he hung Momanosuke on a stick about four meters long, and then raised the stick high.

In order to carry out the order of Orochi, Hanzo waved his stick left and right, making Momanosuke dangling on the stick, so as to make Momanosuke more conspicuous.

And Momanosuke, who was dangling, screamed in pain because of the wound.

"General, this kid is a little noisy, do you want to stop his mouth?"

A member of the Imperial Court Fan community glanced at the noisy Momonosuke and suggested.

"are you an idiot!"

The big snake glared at the proposed members of the Royal Court Fan, and said coldly: "I just want him to scream, so as to attract the attention of the other party as soon as possible."

"My subordinate understands."

The member of the Royal Court Fan bowed his head and replied.

Ten seconds passed.

In the spotlight.

The terrifying three-masted ship that was flying in the air, and several islands, including the island of ghosts, slowly came to the sky above the capital of flowers.

Residents in the Flower Capital City who have not recovered from the disaster yesterday, when they saw the reappearance of the [natural disaster], they were frightened and fled outside the city.

For a while, panicked voices were everywhere in the capital of flowers.

But a few minutes passed.

The expected [natural disaster] did not fall again, but quietly hovered over the flower capital without moving.

On top of the attic.

"Bet right...!!!"

The big snake saw that the other party did not leave the island, and the tense nerves loosened slightly.

"General, look!"

Suddenly, a Yuting Fanzhong pointed to the air.

I saw several large stones flying out of the island and falling vertically.

As the height decreased, the Orochi group saw the Morde Pirates standing on several large rocks, as well as the Red Sheath Nine Heroes and the Fur tribe.

"The ghosts of Guangyue...!!!"

Seeing the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath, the big snake's face showed signs of beastization, with faded scales appearing, and the teeth gradually became sharper.

On the rocks that have not yet landed.


"Despicable snake, how dare you do this...!!!"

Seeing the miserable-looking Momonosuke hanging on a stick, the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath were instantly stunned, and they wanted to chop the big snake into dozens of pieces.

The reaction of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes was seen by the big snake.

"When I slaughtered the Black Charcoal clan, I never saw you so kind!"

Orochimaru's eyes were gloomy, and he passed on "the past" to everyone in the Guangyue family.

Maud was not interested in listening to these conversations, and released a breathtaking aura.

In an instant.

Orochi, Yuting Fanzhong, and fully-armed warriors suddenly looked at Maud as if they sensed some danger.

Countless eyes gathered, and Maud looked calm.

The big snake endured the fear in his heart, pointed to Momonosuke hanging on the stick, and said with a trembling voice: "Momonosuke is in my hands, if you don't want him to die..."

"Peach nosuke?"

Maud interrupted Orochi without the slightest wave in his tone: "Who is that?"

Orochi looked at Maud who didn't seem to be joking, and was stunned.

Maud and Orochi were too lazy to talk, and motioned Jaya to do something with their eyes.

Jaya nodded knowingly and used her ability.

Clang clang...!

In the higher sky, there was a sudden clanging sound.

When the nearly 10,000 people below didn't understand what was going on, they saw a dense mass of sharp knives, guns, swords and axes flying out from the island of ghosts, and they were immediately suspended in the sky like a formation.

Nearly 100,000 sharp weapons shone dazzlingly under the sunlight.

"This is……?!!"

Everyone looked up at the hanging swords, spears, swords and axes that covered the sky and the sun, and they were all dumbfounded.

Not to mention the people on the side of the big snake, even the nine warriors in the red sheath and the fur tribes on the stone were dumbfounded and looked at the swords, swords, swords and axes around them.

At close range, they only felt a shiver in their hearts.

Everyone in the Maud Pirates, except Maud, looked at the nearly 100,000 sharp weapons controlled by Jaya with shock.

This scene is truly spectacular.

Before that, they didn't know Jaya would use such a spectacular move.

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