HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 79 Grass

That's right.

That man is of the same kind.

And finding the same kind is undoubtedly a joyful thing to do.

The light in Lafayette's eyes faded like a tide, and the black cane in his hand danced a few beautiful stick flowers, and immediately used the tip of the cane to gently lift the brim of his hat.

There was no light in his eyes, replaced by the figure of Maud fighting.

"Have to hold back..."

Lafayette's red lips grinned, struggling to suppress the desire to shoot.

It's hard to see a similar kind, and the violent factor in his body can't help but boil.

However, that prey is Maud's.

So, can't take action.

Once you snatch it, it is tantamount to smashing the beautiful picture with your own hands.

Lafayette resisted the desire to shoot, but could not restrain the high killing intent that came out of his body.

Suddenly, a chilling aura oozes from his body.

The pirate who was still some distance away from Lafayette was taken aback.

At that moment, it was as if dozens of needles were stabbed on the sides of their bodies.

what's the situation?

While paying attention to the battle on the field, they involuntarily looked at Lafayette.

In a trance, he seemed to see a tyrannical face condensed by killing intent behind Lafayette.

With a slight change in their expressions, they quietly moved away from Lafayette.

Although they were already far enough apart...

In the distance, on top of a building.

Werewolf and Tata Mu squatted behind the eaves, carefully watching the battle on the long street.

"So strong."

Tatam comes from the heart.

Werewolf silently looked at Maud, who pushed Becky into danger with just a knife on the long street, his eyes full of surprise.

He thought that Maud's strengths were marksmanship and thick skin, and now it seems that his attainment in swordsmanship is not low.

Despite its appearance, it has quite powerful lethality.

But these are no longer important.

The important thing is that the spear shot.

Such strength is truly terrifying.

No wonder that naval legend is so obsessed with the spear.

This kind of ruthless man must have the blood of a lot of colleagues on his hands.

But the most terrifying thing is that the tricky gun has no reputation...

The werewolf was terrified.

After a while, the wolf rat shook his head gently and broke free from the shadow brought by the spear.

From the moment the sly gun was shot tonight, his mission began to come to an end.

Maud and the girl in the weapon shop.

These two chips alone are enough.

"After that, I don't care about my business..."

The werewolf thought so.

Immediately, he subconsciously touched his pants pocket.

There's a phone bug in there.

The verification was over, and after that, it was nothing more than to inform Gion about it.

After that...

To leave, or to stay to witness the end of the spear?

The wolf mouse silently looked at the figure on the long street.

Perhaps, prefer to stay.


On the long street, corpses were scattered all over the place.

The blood pooled into streams and rivers, spreading everywhere.

Becky has had enough.

He can not care about the life and death of his younger brother, but he can't bear the same situation.

It shouldn't be like this.

The surprise that the Devil Fruit ability brought him at first should not be so exhausting.

This ability obviously fits his identity and status so well...

But why?

Is it too weak?

Do not.

It was because he was too weak to exert the power of this weapon.

In the case of not being able to do it well, relying on weapons will only suffer from it.

Becky suddenly woke up.

When getting the Castle Fruit ability,

He persistently believes that this ability will make him invincible in the future.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with his eyesight.

This should have been a foregone conclusion.

But Maud taught him what the present and the future are with practical actions.

After waking up, Becky's eyes flashed cruelty.

The next second, several loyal younger brothers who jumped out of the castle no longer carried knives and guns, but each held a black cannonball.

This is Becky's strategy after awakening.

The worst is to die together.

Better to just get hurt.

And he still has plenty of manpower in his body.

So no matter what the result is, when these cannonballs explode at close range, he will inevitably usher in a situation of [disparity in strength].

That is his usual style, that is, the chance to win.

When Becky saw Maud slashed towards the younger brother, a fierce smile appeared on his face.


Maud's eyes changed.

When he reacted, the dark crow had already chopped on the cannonball.

There is no way, chopping and chopping have become habitual, how can I stop in time.


The violent explosion instantly involved Maud and Becky.

The scorching air waves bombarded them, knocking them off each other, landing on the ground, and rolling several times before stopping.

"Cough cough."

Maud clutched his chest and stood up slowly.

With the physique that has risen to one star, he only had a few lacquers on his body, and he was scratched by shrapnel with wounds of different depths.

In addition, that is, the air wave bombarded the body, like being punched in the front.

Nothing serious, just a little pain.

That's the benefit of physique.

"Really cruel."

Maud secretly said.

In a necessary moment, only such a ruthless means can break through and break through a ray of life.

Worth remembering.

Maud first checked the injury, and then looked at Becky who fell to the ground.

At that time, Becky was closer to the center of the explosion. If there was no physical attribute higher than the power of the explosion, even if he didn't die, he should have suffered a lot of injuries.

And the hunter's note did not return the income, indicating that Becky was still alive.

Without the slightest hesitation, Maud rushed to Becky, who fell to the ground and couldn't move, trying to make up for the last blow and get Becky's experience points.

At this moment, a group of gang members emerged around Becky.

But Becky resisted the dizziness and released the younger brothers one by one.

Before implementing the self-destruction method, Becky had expected the same situation of injury on both sides.

Unexpectedly, the end result was that he lay down, while Maud could still stand.

That's fine, the special code can still run.

But no matter what, he finally got out of the quagmire.

Maud looked at the gang members who emerged from the castle one by one, and couldn't help but stop.

"It's troublesome."

Maud sighed softly.

Instead, he was not worried about the situation in front of him, but considered the possibility of people's heads being robbed.

"It shouldn't be so unlucky, right?"

Maud's gaze passed through the gangster boy and fell on Becky, who fell to the ground.

He knew that Becky must be seriously injured.

In this case, it's just a matter of time before Becky bleeds to death.

But there are a lot of people watching the fun around, and there is no guarantee that there will be Becky's enemies among them.

If I was dealing with the gang members, someone suddenly appeared and killed Becky.

Well, it's no wonder Maud doesn't vomit blood.

Becky, no matter what Maud was thinking, roared out in anger.

"Kill that bastard!"

After the order was given, the gang members raised their guns in unison.


The sound of bullets whizzing.

The sniper in the distant night was disconnected and reconnected at this time.

Gang members, like dominoes, were shot one after another and fell to the ground.

Becky watched this scene in amazement and almost swallowed her last breath.


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