HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 445: Aftermath

Before meeting Roger...

Barrett has always been alone.

But after joining the Roger Pirates, his concept has changed.

In order to become stronger, in order to defeat the man who stepped on the top of the pirate.

At a young age, even though he was already on par with Rayleigh, he was not proud of it.

In order to achieve his goals, he has been burying his head in becoming stronger.

But until the end, he still failed to defeat the man.


He decisively abandoned the changed concept and returned to the original starting point.

He wants to prove that as long as a person's strength reaches the extreme, he can do anything.

Only in this way can we truly surpass Roger.

This has become his obsession.

Therefore, even if he was defeated by [Group Power] more than 20 years ago, his views would not change.


He used his own strength to face the fighting power of a Four Emperor Pirates by himself.

But such a move-

It might be called a feat, but in Charlotte Lingling's eyes, it was ridiculous.

This is the cruelest new world in the entire sea!

Here, one's power is absolutely limited!

Therefore, whether it is a natural monster like her, or a monster of the level of white beard, red hair, Kaido, or even Maud, if you want to dominate the new world, you must develop a group that you can rely on.

This is also a prerequisite for reaching higher peaks.

How can you become the Pirate King if you are alone! ! !

"I don't even understand the truth..."

Charlotte Lingling stared coldly at Barrett's huge body.

She recognized Barrett's strength.

But she can also assert that Barrett will fall in front of her pirate group.

The fierce battle continues!


Horror barque.

The news of the demise of the Hundred Beast Pirates caused an uproar in the world.

This is thanks to the handwriting of Morgans.

Although Lafayette and the others could already anticipate the reaction of the world, they were still excited from the moment they saw the newspaper.

This time, their names were also in the newspapers.

Perhaps to thank Maud for providing the news for the first time, Morgans introduced the main members of the Maud Pirates in the report.

"My young master's name...!!!"

Cavendish looked at the belated newspaper and was moved to tears.

"It's a pity that the date was three days ago, so I couldn't feel the emotion for the first time!"

Glancing at the publication date of the newspaper, Cavendish muttered to himself regretfully, and soon became excited again.

He felt that his decision to join the Maud Pirates resolutely was the right one.

In the future, as long as the Morde Pirates reign at the top of the new world, his name and title can also resound throughout the world, and leave an echo that will not subside for a long time.

"Why is the old lady's name on it!!!"

Just as the members of the Morde Pirates were enjoying the contents of the newspaper, an angry female voice came from outside.

The crowd looked away.

I saw Bonnie rushed into the hall with a newspaper and went straight to Maud.

"When did the old lady become your subordinate!!!"

Bonnie came to Maud, raised her finger angrily, and touched a certain paragraph of description in the newspaper.

Maud glanced at the passage she was referring to.

That was the content of the report introducing the members of the Maud Pirates, including Bonnie's name.

It is thought that Morgans unilaterally believed that Maud had conquered Bonnie, so with a stroke of a pen, through this major event of the destruction of the Beast Pirates, this strictly inaccurate news was revealed to the world.

As a party, Bonnie was confused at first, and then became angry.

She got on Maud's ship temporarily to get news of the bear, but she never said she wanted to become Maud's subordinate.

So after seeing the contents of the newspaper, she came to ask Mo Dexing to inquire.

Facing Bonnie's questioning, Maud raised his eyebrows slightly and said calmly: "I never said that you were my subordinate, and I didn't write this report."

He also did not expect that Morgans would skip the [verification] step and directly publish such non-existent news in the newspaper.

Maybe in Morgans' view, it is a matter of course that Maud, who has already conquered several supernovas, will bring Bonnie, who is also a supernova, and the Straw Hats under his command.


The introduction to the main members of the Beast Pirates in the newspaper not only included Bonnie, but even Luffy and the others were not spared.

In this headline newspaper that published the annihilation of the Beast Pirates, they were all "became" Maud's subordinates.


Hearing Maud's words, Bonnie's eyes widened, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Should she go to Morgans, and then let the damned news king publish a clarification report as quickly as possible?

I'm afraid that she did just that, and she could only get Morgans's eyes.

Or, she couldn't contact Morgans at all!

"I don't care, you are responsible for this matter, so you are responsible for solving it!"

Bonnie was heartbroken, put the responsibility on Maud's head, and asked Maud to be responsible.

Everyone present looked at Bonnie, with a little strangeness in their eyes.

Maud did not shirk, nodded and said, "I will tell Morgans."


Bonnie didn't expect Maud to agree so easily. After a slight start, she turned her head and said, "That's good."

I just don't know why, there is a subtle feeling of emptiness in my heart.

"When did we become your subordinates!!!"

At this moment, Luffy's loud voice entered the hall from outside.

Hearing the voice, Bonnie's eyes twitched a few times, while the others in the room looked at Maud with a smile on their brows.

What they saw was a helpless Maud.


The halls were pushed open.

Luffy rushed into the hall in a hurry, and locked Maud at first sight.

Everyone's eyes turned to look at Luffy.

At this time, they noticed that Luffy was holding two different newspapers in his hand.

Luffy didn't care about their gazes, and strode to Maud with an aura of asking for guilt.

"What's going on with this newspaper!!!"

Luffy held up the newspaper in his right hand and, like Bonnie just now, stared at Maud with wide eyes.

"Show me another newspaper."

Maud did not answer Luffy's question, but asked for another newspaper that looked brand new.

"Oh, for you."

Hearing this, Luffy obediently handed another newspaper to Maud.

Maud took the newspaper and read it.

This is a just-released newspaper, not handled by Morgans' news agency.

I don't know how Luffy got this newspaper.

Maud glanced at the content of the report, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Is the nations that Barrett attacked?"

"Both losers?!"

After seeing the report, Maude was surprised.

And Luffy also came back to his senses and shouted beside him.

It's just that Maud's thoughts were all on this report, and he ignored Luffy's reaction.

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