Those big guys out there who are holding small bricks or staring at big bricks know that what Maud lacks now is the Lv.1 slime, not the lv.99 red dragon.

But before Maud went to the former to have fun, the latter came to the door inexplicably.

The Four Emperors, the red-haired Shanks.

No matter if Maud wants to break his head, he can't think of why the red-haired Shanks would come to such a bad shop.

He just wanted to be lewd and grow up. He never thought that in less than two days, all kinds of ruthless horns would come to the door one after another.

When he was caught off guard, he couldn't control his emotions and let them show on his face.

Shocked, in disbelief.

He couldn't even reply to Shanks' words for the first time.

Shanks saw some clues from Maud's reaction, but he didn't care. He turned to look at Sunny in the counter and raised his hand to say hello.

"Yo, Xiao Nini, long time no see."

"Okay, long time no see."

"Why did you cut your hair?"

"That's, um, Sol said my hair was too long and it took water to wash, so I cut it."

Sunny's eyes drooped, her heart beat a little faster, and she made a random excuse to put it off.

[At this time, Sol was walking slowly down the street carrying the packed leftovers when he suddenly sneezed fiercely. He wiped his nose with his hand and thought for a while, but in vain, he had an ominous premonition, and subconsciously accelerated his pace. . 】

Inside the store, Shanks smiled helplessly and said, "Sol is really as always... diligent and thrifty."

"Uh, are you here this time...?"

Sonny changed the subject at the right moment and asked Shanks's intentions.

"It's still the same, come and buy some hometown wine."

Shanks laughed and passed Maud to the counter.

It was also at this time that Maud finally came back to his senses.

The curly-haired man Jesus glanced at Maud indistinctly, and immediately followed Shanks with Laki Lu who was holding the chicken leg.

Maud watched their backs silently, restrained his mood, and closed the store door, then stepped aside and watched Shanks and Sunny who were chatting.

From the content of the conversation, Shanks seems to be a regular in the store.

What makes Maud unable to complain the most is that Shanks came to the store to buy wine, not weapons.

By the way, does the store sell alcohol?

Maud suddenly thought of the basement entrance downstairs.

Shouldn't there be a wine cellar there...

Behind the counter, Sunny changed her routine and seemed to have stage fright.

However, as soon as it was mentioned that Shanks came here for the sake of wine, she remembered Thor's unequivocal and heart-wrenching instructions before, and immediately strengthened her position as a member of Thor's weapon shop.

She looked up at Shanks, and said sternly: "Since you emptied the wine last time, Saul told you to sell it to anyone, but I can't sell you any more."


Shanks was startled, turned his head to look at Lackey Road, and asked suspiciously, "Did we not pay the last time we came?"

"There is payment, that is... When moving the goods, I took the two barrels of wine that the boss deliberately left behind."


Shanks was silent for a while, and sighed: "So this happened before."

After sighing, he moved closer to Sunny, changed his focus, and asked in a low voice, "Is Sol at home?"

Sunny said bluntly, "Not here."

"That's easy."

Shanks looked serious.


Sonny's eyes widened.

Without waiting for Sunny's next words, Laki Lu, who understood what Shanks meant, put the wine money on the counter first, and then walked towards the stairs with ease.

Watching Lackey Lu walk towards the wine cellar, Sunny subconsciously walked out of the counter and followed him to stop it.


Just then, there was a slight noise from the counter.

Sunny followed the sound, but Jesus Bu went to the shelf to get a smoothbore flintlock and a short-handled flintlock between the conversations.

Then lightly put the sound on the counter.

"Xiao Nini, how do you sell these two guns?"

Jesus cloth leaned forward and crossed his hands on the table.

The timing was indescribable, but the expression didn't seem to be joking, it was really planning to buy a gun.

Sunny looked at Lackey Lu's back, then looked at the two guns placed on the counter, gritted her teeth and sighed in her heart, and quoted the price like a dead ash: "Smooth bore 1.2 million bailey, short handle 3.8 million Bailey."

At this time, Lackey Lu had disappeared from the visible range, and he had already gone down to the wine cellar.

"call out--"

Hearing the price quoted by Sunny, Jesus Bu whistled, did not raise any objection to the seemingly unreasonable price, and directly took out the money.

Shanks glanced at the musket that Jesus cloth carried behind him, and asked, "So it's decided? Maybe Thor can fix it."

Jesus cloth curled his lips and said, "Boss, do you want to wait for Mr. Saul to come back in the store?"

"Ha ha."

Shanks smiled indifferently: "It's okay, we can move the wine away first and come back."


Jesus Bu was speechless, shook his head and said: "Forget it, let it stop here, as an old man, it has done its best."

With that said, he took off the musket from behind him and put it on the counter.

This gun was the original old buddy he brought out from the Windmill Village. Along the way, it could not withstand the tempering of the years.

Even if you consciously use [Armed Color Domineering] to nurture it, in the end it's just a patchwork.

After all, he is a sniper, specializing in [Knowing and Domineering] rather than [Arming and Domineering].

Furthermore, the acquisition of [Armed Domineering Domineering] is a matter of several years after going to sea, and by then it will be too late to realize that it is too late to use domineering to cultivate a love gun.

Over time, the original old man can only be reduced to a backup gun.

Until now, it has become more and more aged, and it is difficult to even become a backup gun.

This point, Jesus cloth has been deeply aware of when he is usually overhauling.

In desperation, he could only go to the last option - changing the gun.

Sunny glanced at the old muskets that Jesus put on the counter, and said calmly, "Sorry, we don't accept second handguns, especially bad ones!"

When she finally said the word "bad gun", she gritted her tone.

"It's not broken, it's just aging."

Aware of Sunny's targeting, Jesus Bu felt helpless.

"Ageing is not accepted!"


"Ha ha."

This is Shanks' happy laugh.

Jesus Bu shook his head and said, "If you don't sell the money, just tell Mr. Sol that I left it."

"Can't you just throw it away? It's not easy to use anyway."

"That won't do!"

With a serious face, Jesus cloth said, "Let Mr. Sol keep it, maybe one day he is interested and will change the old man's 'scheme' to another gun. At that time, at least he can use another gun. way to keep going.”

"Actually, you have another option."

The person who spoke was Maud who had been watching.

Hearing Maud's words, several people present couldn't help looking at him.

Facing the gazes of several people, Maud, who had calmed down, was not at all stage fright, and his tone was solemn and serious.

"Give it to me, and I'll take it for a ride."

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