HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 87 Departure and Arrival

Kidd was not there last night.

But listening to the chatter around, I probably understood what happened last night.

Compared with Maud who cut down the gang and Aibe with one knife, he was more concerned about the sniper who escorted Maud.

"That old man, did you make a move..."

Kidd picked up a bottle of wine, raised his head and poured it.

The clear wine slipped from both sides of the lips, and there was a mellow wine smell in the air.

Kira sat aside, silently looking at Kidd, who was not in the right mood.

Under the mask, no one could see his expression at the moment.

After a while, Kidd drank all the wine in the bottle.

With a flick of his arm, the empty wine bottle flew to one side, smashed onto the adjacent table, and shattered on the spot.

The scattered glass fragments flew all over the pirates in front of the table.

"Damn things!"

The few pirates suddenly became furious, clapped the table and stood up, their fierce eyes swept to the initiator.

As the initiator, Kidd looked at the past with murderous intent.

The originally aggressive pirates suddenly slumped, shrank their necks and sat back in their chairs, not daring to look at Kidd again.

Seeing the other party so acquainted, Kidd coldly retracted his gaze and turned to stand up.

The movement was so great that the chair fell backwards, making a muffled sound.

The sudden sound made several pirates at the adjacent table tremble.


Kidd ignored the clowns and strode towards the door.

Kira dropped a few Baileys and got up to follow Kidd.

The two walked out of the pub one after the other, and then walked side by side.

Kidd looked ahead, and as far as he could see, there were some pirates who were drunk and greedy for pleasure.

"Kira, this kind of place... there's no need to stay any longer."

Kidd's eyes were full of cold light.

I did meet some amazing guys here.

But more than that, it's just rubbish that's not worth mentioning.

"In terms of manpower..."

"There will be."

Kidd's steps forward abruptly quickened.

"But not here, we still have a lot of places we haven't been."


The two walked towards the pier.


While walking, the weak figure flashed in Kidd's mind.

Kill Usopp.

This was the first time he felt the need to do something since he went to sea.

However, Saul's existence made him absolutely refrain from this idea.

Kidd and Kira crossed the wine street and came to the pier, which was quite lively during the day.

The two stopped and looked at the many ships moored at the mouth of the bay.

After taking a few glances, I picked a pirate ship that looked more pleasing to the eye.

Afterwards, they walked side by side through the stream of people towards the pirate ship.

Two figures passed by them.

These two figures are Sabo and Kerla who have returned to Mad Hatter.

After walking a distance, Sabo suddenly looked back at Kidd's back.

"What's wrong?"

Kerla asked suspiciously.


Sabo withdrew his gaze and looked forward.

Kerla looked at Sabo strangely.

The two walked forward.

After walking 100 meters, there was a sudden loud noise behind him.

Sabo and Kerla looked back, but what caught their eyes was the chaos between the pirates.

"Are those two people just now?"

Kerla looked at Kidkilla who killed a pirate ship.

"Let's go."

Sabo didn't look much, and picked up the pace.

Kerla nodded, then quickly followed Sabo.

When Sabo and Kerla left the pier at the mouth of the bay, Kid Kira, who grabbed a boat by means of killing, set sail and drove the boat slowly out of the mouth of the bay.


The Great Waterway, Marine Headquarters Marine Vando, Marshal's Office.

The current Admiral Sengoku is sitting on an office chair, staring down at a reward order.

"What is the origin of this 'D'..."

Warring States whispered to himself.

On the desk sits a cute white goat.

It is looking at the bounty in the hands of the Warring States.

It knew that in a few minutes, or dozens of minutes, the Warring States Period would stuff the reward order into its mouth.

It has always been so.

"Dong dong."

Someone knocked on the office door.

"Come in."

Sengoku looked up at the door.

A schoolmaster with a beard pushed open the door, strode to the desk, first gave an extremely standard salute to the Warring States, and immediately reported:

"Marshal, just now, Lieutenant General Garp's warship left the Inner Gulf without notice."


The Warring States face was as usual.

After the subordinates left the office, Warring States sighed softly and rubbed his forehead helplessly.

In the entire navy headquarters, Garp could do something like that.

Although it is very unruly, the Warring States period has long been accustomed to it.

Casual and random is Karp's consistent style, but when it comes to business, he has never neglected, and can complete tasks well every time.

"What does Karp want to do this time? Forget it..."

Warring States muttered to himself, and immediately looked at the reward order in his hand.

After a long silence, he sent the reward to the mouth of the little goat.

The little goat happily put the reward in his mouth, chewing it slowly and swallowing.

At this time, Lieutenant General Crane came to the Marshal's office.

The arrival of Lieutenant General Crane interrupted the contemplation of the Warring States Period.

"Ahe, why are you here?"

Warring States got up and walked out of the desk, slightly surprised to look at Lieutenant General Crane with a calm face like water.

Lieutenant General Crane said softly, "Tikapu is here to tell you something."

"What's up?"

"Karp's voyage this time is to go to the West Sea to encircle and suppress the spooky guns. If you count the voyage, you won't be able to return in a short time."


The face of the Warring States changed slightly, and when he heard the second half of Lieutenant General He's words, he couldn't help but have a headache.

No wonder he had to let Ah He come over.

This is no longer within the scope of [Vacation].

"Kapp that guy..."

"Warring States, your focus."

Lieutenant General Crane reminded at the right time.

"Oh, you mean the trick gun."

Warring States looked at Lieutenant General He and said calmly: "The reason why Garp was able to find the whereabouts of the spear, you must have contributed a lot, Ah He."

Lieutenant General Crane nodded slightly.

"Since you didn't stop Garp, Ah He, there's nothing to worry about. Besides, Garp knows how to deal with the spear. If you bring too many people, it will only increase your sacrifices."

Sengoku's eyes drooped, recalling the memory of the spear.

Although the spear was very inconspicuous on that pirate ship, there was no doubt that it was one of the man's most powerful backings.

He performed his duties perfectly, and in obscurity, he kept clearing the way for that man.

In the countless contact battles at that time, it was also a trick gun that caused countless colleagues to lose their lives.

Looking at the Sengoku in his memory, Lieutenant General Crane suddenly said, "Kuzan is on the Garp ship."


Warring States was taken aback.

Then, he remembered that Aokiji was on vacation now.


The Warring States smiled helplessly.


Above the calm sea, a dog-headed warship broke through the waves.

on the deck.

The green pheasant lay on a sun lounger and said lazily, "By the way, where are we going?"

"Western Sea."

Garp responded with a conditioned reflex, and then turned back to look at the out-of-tune Aokiji.

"Kuzan, why are you here!!!"


Aokiji tilted his head, confused.

The soldiers around were silent for a while.

Are you there already?

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