HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 94 Wonderful Similarities

Inside the night bar.

Seeing that Maud and the others were eating so deliciously, the wolf squirrel was not hungry, but he asked Tatamu to help him make a steak.

By the time Tatam brought the pan-fried steak that the wolf squirrel asked for, Maud and the others had almost finished eating.


After eating the last piece of beef, Maud praised.

"Well, it's delicious."

Sunny wiped her mouth and was quite sure of the taste of the steak.

Hearing the praise of the two, Tatamu smiled silently, and immediately put away the empty plate and walked to the back kitchen.

Bailey looked at Tatamu's back and hesitated.

He wanted another one.

Not only is the food delicious, but the wine is also delicious.

Such a comfortable experience is completely different from the trepidation when I came here last time.

What a great place.

Bailey thought so.

Sonny shares his thoughts.

This is the first time she has come to the night bar, aside from someone sitting not far away, she has a very good impression of this bar.

After eating and drinking, Maud was not ready to stay long, and took out a few Baileys and put them on the bar.

When Tatam came out of the back kitchen, he saw a few banknotes that Maud put on the bar for the first time.

"Going?" he asked.

"Well, it's quite late."

Maud smiled at Tatam.

Tatamu nodded silently.

Sunny looked at Tata Mu and said seriously: "The steak is delicious, and the wine is also delicious. We will come again next time."


A smile appeared on Tata Mu's face, but soon, the smile faded a little.

Maud, who was getting up and preparing to leave, did not notice the slight difference in Tatamu.

Sunny wasn't familiar with Tatam, so she didn't take it seriously.

"Won't you stay for a while?"

Werewolf looked at the two who got up, and said politely.

"Next time."

Maud responded casually.

The wooden chairs on the bar were too high, he stretched out his right hand towards Sunny, letting Sunny get down.

"Let's go, see you later."

Maud waved his hand towards the Tata Wood Wolf Squirrel, and immediately lifted the reluctant Bailey off the chair.

Then, under the gazes of Werewolf and Tatam, the two of them walked towards the door.

When approaching the door, Sunny had a smile on her face and asked, "When are we coming back?"

"As long as you are free, you can come back anytime."


The two pushed open the door of the bar and walked out.

Inside the bar, Tatamu looked sideways at the reopened store door with a complicated expression.

Werewolf glanced at Tata Mu's expression, and suddenly felt that the fried steak on the plate was tasteless.

He wanted to say something to Tatamu.

For example, the target of the naval legend's crusade is Thor, so Maud and Sunny may not be in trouble.

But due to his responsibilities, he could only put down his knife and fork in silence, and then raised his glass to drink.

In a few days, Mad Hatter will experience unprecedented unrest.

At that time, it is very likely that this place will cease to exist within a day.

As a navy, the wolf squirrel not only doesn't care about the life and death of these pirates and underground world personnel on the island, but hopes that none of them will be left.

But he didn't want something to happen to Tatamu.

Therefore, after his colleagues arrived in Mad Hatter Town, he must protect Tatamu well.

It's just that Wolf Squirrel could never have imagined that the person he had been with for two years in front of him would have an identity that would subvert his cognition.

Such a mutual relationship, just like some time ago, Tatamu did not expect the wolf squirrel to be born in the navy.


Maud and Sunny leave the Night Bar and walk down the alley.

Bailey followed closely behind, and when he was leaving, he looked back at the door of the night bar shop from time to time, and his reluctance was undoubtedly revealed.

At the end of the alley, Sabo and Kerla watched in silence as Maud and Sunny came out of the dark bar.

When they saw Maud, the two did not react.

They had actually met Maud, it was just that Maud was wearing a mask at the time, so they didn't recognize Maud at this point.

Maud quickly noticed the two figures standing still at the end of the alley, and he couldn't help but secretly vigilant and slowed down.



Sunny also slowed down, secretly vigilant.

Only Bailey was still thinking about the taste of the steak, and he didn't notice the two figures in front of him.

Aware of the vigilant hostility from Mordesanne, Sabo knew that people in the out-of-zone were basically more sensitive, so it wasn't surprising.

However, it is precisely because of the sensitivity that in this environment, a little misunderstanding and friction may lead to disputes.

So, Sabo took the initiative to take a few steps forward, and came to the area covered by the faint light.

He didn't speak, but spread his hands, signaling to Maud and Sunny that he was unarmed.

Kerla also stepped forward at this time, standing silently beside Sabo.

At this time, they did not have any means of disguise on their faces and bodies.

In the dim light, Maud saw Sabo and Kerra clearly.

For a moment, the strange color in Maud's eyes was fleeting.

He picked up his pace slightly, keeping Sonny behind him, and kept his eyes on Sabo and Kerla in a calm manner.

Even if he recognized Sabo's identity and felt no hostility, Maud did not let up.

He protected Sunny like this, passing Sabo Kela.

After walking some distance, Maud looked back at Sabo.

Coincidentally, Sabo also looked back at Maud.

Their eyes were intertwined in the air for a moment.

Afterwards, they each withdrew their gazes with different expressions.

After Maud and Sunny disappeared around the next corner, Sabo pressed his chin, his eyes brooding.

"Sabo, do you know him?"

Kerla sensed Sabo's strangeness.

"I don't know. I just feel that the man is a little familiar. I seem to have seen him somewhere, but I can't remember it."

Sabo shook his head, and when he looked at Maud just now, he felt a sense of familiarity.

"And...that man is very strong."


Kerla's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just now, when Maud walked over, her vigilant attitude that might burst out at any time put a lot of pressure on her.


Maud and Sonny walked down a few lanes.

Sunny saw Maud's actions just now and couldn't help asking, "Do you know them?"

"Well, the two people just now were the revolutionary army."

Maud had nothing to hide, and directly revealed the identities of Sabo and Kerla.

"Revolutionary Army?"

Hearing Maud's words, Sunny stopped involuntarily.

Bailey, who was walking behind, accidentally bumped into Sunny's hind leg and couldn't help but look up, looking at Sunny strangely.

Maud also stopped, looked back at Sunny, and asked, "What's wrong?"


Sonny took a few steps forward and rejoined Maud.

Maud glanced at the strangeness on Sunny's face, it didn't look like it was all right, and couldn't help but ask.

"Why, you seem to care about the revolutionary army."

"Well, I paid attention."


Maud was a little surprised.

Sonny looked back at the end of the dark alley.

"I was rescued by the revolutionary army."


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