Hyaku Ma No Aruji
52 episodes:
Elma's ear captured the twin's voice.
I impulsively wanted to invert the horse.
But I couldn't.
If you do it, I'm sure you'll waste Salman's death.
I waste everything.
"Huh! - Ahhhhh!!"
Soon the horse had almost broken through the siege of the Mouseg Cavalry Army.
But the cry was filled with frustration and sadness.
It was not an exalted cry that broke through the siege net.
Anyone can do it.
"Help me!!"
There is no one anywhere who can reach out to the Demon King.
This world is cruel.
I know.
"I don't care if you're alone...!
the horse moved forward, slashing and laying down the last stuck Museg soldier,
"Somebody... you're not here...!!"
Finally, I broke through.
◆ ◆ ◆
"Even if I am. Let's save him and show him. So save your highness."
◆ ◆ ◆
It was the moment I raised my face.
There were multiple men running in the opposite direction, right next to Elma.
Elma didn't have a voice.
The same was true of the other demon kings.
A dozen cavalry members storm into Mooseg's army, as they reverse the path they have now followed.
Elma looked back at the battlefield with amazement in her face, rebelling many times behind her head with words that she couldn't help but wear her ears.
The whimpering roar was rising.
I still don't have a voice.
I didn't know what was going on.
◆ ◆ ◆
"Sergeant! I'm new!!"
Salman heard such a Mooseg soldier shortly after he waved his arms wide.
Then there was another voice.
The Mooseg soldier in front of me is still sticking a spear at himself, but his consciousness is obviously pointing back.
Salman looked over there mixed in with Mooseg soldiers for something.
I was one step ahead of death, and I was no longer surprised at what happened.
I was even stunned at myself for being able to wait for that anomaly in a crisp mood.
And I don't know anything about Salman's patrol.
The anomaly came with a strong voice.
"Get out of the way, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!!"
It was the voice of a wild man.
Coming after my voice were a few cavalry men.
I'm not a Mouseg cavalry.
The men are shaped to be warring warriors or to be dressed in martial bone armor and taken by the neck of a ghost.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa."
Salman no longer knew what was happening.
Still, in an instant, I had an unexpected grin of exaltation when I perceived that they could save enough for me.
And, at the next moment, I saw eye to eye with one of the cavalry that had penetrated me.
He looked like an old man.
But temper is not the beginning of old age.
"Clear the way!! Run, young man (almost)!!"
"Ha! I don't know - I just figured it out here!!"
"That's good!! We can't go if you don't!!"
"Ouch! Then follow me properly! Sweet for your word, I'll go first!
Said, Salman ran away.
At the same time, the spears of the Mooseg soldiers are slammed against the running body.
It was unconscious due to the current confusion, but Salman must have moved heavily into the attack reflexively.
But Salman punched them with his fists and pushed them forward.
I ignored anything but fatality and whatnot.
A spear stabbed my body.
Still ran.
If you look, there's a slight gap around the old man sticking in with the horse.
It's a thin, tiny gap between Mooseg's armies.
In addition, as a push to widen that gap, another cavalry, believed to be an old man's companion, was swinging spears and engaging.
Overwhelmingly lost in terms of quantity.
But the cavalry of the impatient shapes kept only one man, Salman, in the gap of sliding himself in.
Use the horse's body as a shield, too, so as to make a way with a decisive death.
Salman ran through heartlessly.
'Potential for life', which we see since we were prepared to die, looked unusually radiant.
I thirsted for that possibility.
I no longer needed reason or anything, I left it to my instincts, I just ran.
It fell out.
◆ ◆ ◆
I could see the Elmas.
The moment you get out, now a horse appears in front of you. It was the twins on board.
The two of us are holding the horse's reins and manipulating the horse a little awkward.
"Sal!" "Brother!
"Haha, unify the way you call me, you fucking kids"
Salman laughed and slapped his light mouth, but hurriedly jumped on that horse and saw the Elmas in the distance.
Receive the horse's reins from the twins, keep the girls in their own pockets, and kick the horse's belly.
I heard a Mouzeg Cavalry voice from behind,
"Don't come!" "Silly!
The twins apparently knocked it off using a surgical formula.
So Salman was just looking forward.
Let's get to everyone first and get our attitude in order.
This ensured an escape route to the Lemuse side.
The fact remains unchanged that we are still being pursued by an overwhelming force of war, but a first minimum line would have been crossed.
All you have to do is wait for Melea and Noel to come and work out measures again.
Merea would surely come over that cavalry army if she were alone. It has the ridiculous maneuverability of white thunder and wind wings.
I know that, so I allowed it to protrude.
Salman reached Elma's and now saw Noel coming from the side.
Noel seems to have circled in from another direction at Noel.
Probably attracted other Mooseg cavalry at Merea's behest.
By the way, there are scratches, but they're definitely safe.
So finally, Salman turned his mind on the old men earlier.
You helped yourself, Savior.
The rarest thing in the world, for the Demon Kings - a hero.
"Hey, old man, if you..."
Turning around, Salman looked back as he raised his voice.
Those men - they weren't there.
◆ ◆ ◆
When Salman miraculously broke through the siege of Mooseg and rejoined the Elmas again, Merea was on the back of the ground dragon.
While the other two legs were being severed, it was just here on the dragon that began walking towards the Demon Kings.
I managed to catch up and grab it before the disease hit its highest speed, and climbed all the way over my back at once in the shake.
Further, the momentum kicks the dragon cavalry off the back of the ground dragon and immediately moves toward his head.
"You're not shiatsu...... Huh!
Even when the dragon cavalry fell, the ground dragon did not stop moving.
On the contrary, realizing that Merea rode on her back, now she starts rambling like a confusion.
I spin dragon language, but it was as if I hadn't heard it.
"Calm down......!
Seeing as I don't stop the disease even in this state, maybe the orders I just received from the dragon cavalry are still in my head.
I don't know in what process it is used by Mooseg humans in this way, but I felt I saw the characteristics of the Grounddragon in its discipline.
and Merea, who was in shape with a swinging scaffold, looked ahead toward the ground dragon and confirmed the appearance of her companions there.
- Is it missing...?
It's about a bunch of guys who broke through the Mooseg Cavalry circle.
Seeing that sight appeases me first.
But it also seemed a fact that it was bad enough to leave the ground dragon at your feet like this.
- I won't let you do it.
I feel tired of my body due to the continuous use of the grand operatic ceremony, but more vitality was returning to Merea's body when my friends saw the sight safe.
- I can still move.
"Surgical Expansion...!
The sword of the god of water (Seurat-Euras) dwelt in its right hand.
"- Forgive me.... no - hate me fully"
While spinning so small, Melea shook down Li Knife looking down at the neck of the ground dragon.
◆ ◆ ◆
Merea eventually rendered all three earth dragons irreversible.
It is a serious effect on a single human being.
But the battle is not over yet.
I couldn't be satisfied here.
Relaxed and not caught in the body of a ground dragon that collapsed in a creepy motion, Merea scolded her body and made a huge jump off the spot.
Vision widens at once.
Sometimes the earth dragon was walking towards the demon kings, and his companions were close.
Using the "Six Wings of Wind God (Van Esther)" is likely to be a quick rendezvous.
So convinced, Merea furthermore flew the gaze of observation around her.
While I was in such a high position, I thought I'd check the enemy's situation from above as well.
- Mooseg.
The black crest flag emits a strong presence when it does.
But such Mooseg's cavalry had allowed the Demon Kings to break through and had finally stopped their feet.
Their riches ended in failure.
The demon kings secured a way out in the rear.
Of course, the situation is still the same as being chased by those many people, but it's a hundred times better than being besieged.
The Mooseg Cavalry Army had rebuilt a crumbling line either to prepare for the pursuit of a second blow or in action with the current disease.
If we look at the motionless state from above in this way, we are overwhelmed by its number.
- Is there a thousand...?... No, but this much for just the cavalry who noticed us.
Probably more yet.
If we tell our colleagues who have a siege net elsewhere that we have found ourselves here, reinforcements will now come running through the horses.
Praying that there was no more such thing as a ground dragon there, Melea further flew the gaze of observation.
- What?
Melea found some strange points in the Mooseg Cavalry.
If you look closely, it was where the Mooseg cavalry was doing something densely.
It's moving, but I don't really see what you're doing.
Merea gazed even more.
And I finally captured the details.
- You're stabbing a spear... on the ground?
At least that's what it looked like to Melea.
It's dense, poking several spears to the ground.
Are you digging the ground for some measure, or were even beasts hiding in the earth?
For a moment I thought someone from the Demon Kings had caught me and my guts were cold, but I thought calmly to make sure everyone was safe when I just turned my gaze.
There were enough people.
Melea activated the Six Wings of the Wind God, sidelined by the Mouseg Cavalry, who was abominably poking spears over and over again.
The leap from the back of the ground dragon is in descending orbit at some point, and although it hasn't been able to maintain much height already - it's going to reach my people.
Having confirmed that, Merea turned her gaze towards a group of Mouseg cavalry just one last time.
I was still curious about that, the incredible move that you were stabbing the spear to the ground.
As I turned my gaze with my neck long at the last lift...
On the tip of the spear the cavalry was stabbing on the ground, 'red liquid' was faintly visible.
Is it blood?
Shortly after that thought, around the ground where they were stabbing spears,
I thought I saw something like a human hand.
- Eh.
Though I thought it was my fault, Melea was for a moment - zooped.
But at the next moment, the altitude drops and the details become invisible.
Instead, if I looked forward, I could see the faces of my fellow men clearly.
◆ ◆ ◆
"Are you all right?
Merea came at a sudden speed as she put the wings of the wind together, stopping suddenly in front of the demons as she rolled up the dust.
The arrival of Merea made the other demon kings remember yet another relief, but Merea at the time was somewhat hasty.
With his breath slightly absurd, he checks the faces of the demon kings for a moment.
Salman, who was in close position, had answered such Merea's question briefly.
"... oh"
Hearing that answer, Merea finally snapped, as relieved, "Good... was it because of your mind..."
But at the same time, I notice Salman's anomaly.
"Salman? What's up?
Salman is scratching his body, but from what I've seen, I don't see any big wounds that could reach his life.
Yet the eyes were somewhere wandering.
Salman was over there, looking at the Mouseg Cavalry.
Melea sees it, and looks at it as well.
"Would the ground dragon's 'scream' have worked somewhat"
In addition to the Demon Kings breaking through the siege, it still seemed like they were putting another pursuit on hold over there, whether it was working for Melea to tailor the Ground Dragon.
They're coming closer together, but this one goes away with a twist to accommodate it here.
If you move it out, this one works too. That was the attitude.
"... until Merea came this way - you've seen it. Hey, didn't you see it?"
"You've seen him. Yeah?
When I was laying (putting) moderate tension on my body again and figured out how to move next, I was spinning those words if Salman finally sent Melea a glimpse.
Merea couldn't understand what Salman was trying to say, and asked him what he was talking about with his neck hanging.
"... oh. Me, just now..."
Salman turned his sad eyes to Merea.
"- 'I got help'. Not a Museg soldier, to another cavalry."
Merea didn't realize that.
I was obsessed with my own ground dragon opponent.
The story of someone who doesn't know helped the Demon King deserves honest surprise when we think of our position, but it doesn't look like Salman is lying.
Merea immediately believed the story.
I was upset shortly after.
In the blink of an eye, the anticipation that was in Merea's head was floating.
- No way......
I noticed, but at the same time, a great tremor came from the depths of my body.
Even though there are no grounds, suspicion and suspicion stick together in an instant, causing an elephant to contour a certain clarity.
- Earlier, the "arr"...
I noticed that Merea's hazy expression, and Salman was looking for it again.
"You saw it."
"... eh"
"You saw it! Melea!"
Salman's eyes were filled with sobering sorrow.
Bottomless pity was in my eyes, like I'd never seen it before.
Salman's face, which is drifting somewhere, is still so distorted that he seems to cry.
And Merea, in Salman's words, had gotten a definitive answer to all the questions.
I couldn't tell you.
◆ ◆ ◆
Um, things like people's hands - probably weren't a bluff.
◆ ◆ ◆
Someone who broke into trying to save Salman and let the Mooseg army get away with one of the demon kings was there.
So, abominably, over and over, the spear...
"- Ahhh!! What! What the fuck! What did we do!! Because of me, and because of me again!! People are dead!! It's all because of this demon king what a word!! - Awwwwwwwww!!"
Salman exclaimed.
Perhaps you noticed when you saw Merea distract you.
Salman was crying.
Hands on your knees, kneeling (knees first) in front of your enemies and desperately supporting your body.
That figure didn't cut too much.
A slashing scream kept wearing Merea's ears.
And his screaming was trying to create a trigger in Melea, who had begun to understand the situation.
A monster's fang was trying to finalize its contour.
Sharp, big, different forms.
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