Hyaku Ma No Aruji
55 Stories
Soon before Merea, the demon kings stood on their backs.
It's like defending Melea, who's relied on me all the way here.
Melea looked at them like that and had a small grin.
He had a happy grin.
That grin kept coming to Merea's face for a little while and disappeared after a while.
The next thing I saw there was the expression of a warrior full of strong determination.
"Then I'll stand in front of it again. Let's get back on our feet before those of us who decide to fight. This is my pride, and I swore to my family that I would be a hero."
The shadow of Merea was colorful in the world.
There is no more void (depression) on its back.
The expression that is floating also contours.
Merea went on to ask Hershem.
"We're us, let's just do what we can. So... give me a hand."
"Oh, that's why I've come so far"
"Do you swear by the name of Leilas-Riff-Remusee"
"... you knew"
Harsim slightly rounded his eyes to the name that came out abruptly.
"It's one of my family. I didn't have enough."
"The English Spirit..."
He must have been there, he said. Harsim seemed strangely sure of that himself.
I'm sure it was because Merea had the same white hair as Leilas.
"Is Harsim a descendant of Leilas?
"No. Princess Leilas had no children"
"Oh, speaking of which, you said so."
"I am the genealogy of Princess Leilas' sister. The color of this hair and eyes has been inherited from her sister. - Well, royalty other than me tastes a whole different color. So it would happen."
Harsim remembered other brothers for a moment as he touched his hair with his hand, but soon erased the idol.
"Still, the legacy of Lemuse's hero, Leilas the White Emperor, is going to continue. So, let's swear. on that white hair."
Harsim looked at Merea and thought to himself.
Though the thought was like a child's dream, like an unsubstantiated desire, Harsim believed it.
Perhaps this presence called Merea is the last factor Leilas left behind - 'hope'.
"... that's something that's strange. I really thought it was just a fairy tale. That's about it, it was a strange story. I'd like to ask you a lot of questions."
"Isn't there just enough time to make it that long?"
Look across the wilderness from the gap between the men on the wall.
Mooseg's waves were starting to move a little bit.
- Can you do it?
The demon kings, including Merea, nodded to Harsim's words.
"I give instructions. But if there's anything else I'm used to on the battlefield, I'll accept your opinion. Anyway - you can do it too. Soon there will be reinforcements from the Three Kingdoms. Until then, let us endure together."
No matter how much sacrifice you make, make it endure.
Harsim had such determination on his chest, but he didn't put it in his mouth.
But Harsim's men knew.
That we probably have to put up our bodies to keep the Demon King from dying.
This is the turning point in history.
On that foundation, we become ourselves.
The Fire of Hope came to the place where he thought it would be loosely destroyed by the foolish king.
It is a burning fire that burns lives.
Remusee now.
Don't flicker at the fire.
To make that fire even bigger,
- Burn your life.
◆ ◆ ◆
The sense of urgency increased.
The other side is gradually rearranging itself. Although there had not yet been any decisive movement, it was sufficient that the formation of the command and operations was progressing.
As we follow it, this one forms a command while focusing on Hershem here.
Harsim, in particular, was focused on hearing what the Demon Kings were capable of.
In that,
Merea was asking Hershem.
"You seem to know a lot about Celias-Blood-Mouseg."
Shortly after arriving at this spot, Harsim spotted at a glance that there was no serias on the other side.
That word was still in Merea's brain.
"Oh, there's a connection to him."
"Then there's something I'd like to ask you."
Merea said with a serious look on her face.
"What, say it"
"I'll tell you first for the sake of explanation, - I have a weakness."
Melea's story began with such a confession.
"Weakness to you? I'll use many of the Great Art Ceremonies of the English Spirit on you?
Harsim also received a rough explanation of Merea's abilities during his current command formation.
So I heard that Merea was experiencing a 'particularly symbolic grand operatic ceremony' of the kind of spirit portrayed in the hero Tan.
There was so much strange convincing that I was never too surprised about it, but I had the corresponding consternation to activate it 'at the same time'.
"I still find it incredible to simultaneously activate the work of Thunder God and Wind God."
"That's the weakness."
Melea shook her neck to the side,
"I don't have a 'middle'."
I said.
◆ ◆ ◆
Harsim snapped his neck.
I'm still not sure what to say.
"Why do you think thundergods and windgods received that issue? That's because they were widely specialists in the field. Surgical ceremonies are inherently more flexible, and they are not necessarily the only major ceremonies that retain the name."
"Right. Essentially, those with the issue of the natural event system handled everything cleverly in the art of the field."
But I only inherited part of their technology.
Harsim finally caught up with something in those words.
Indeed, there is no way in the first place that we can get to know so many of the magnificent ceremonies that the English Spirit has produced over the years.
The moment I thought about it,
"Wait, you, how old are you?"
I was impulsively asking because I was concerned about such obvious information.
"It's vague because birth is special, but is it enough that it hasn't been twenty years since I was born in this world"
"Two -"
Hearing that fact, Harsim couldn't help but roughen up his voice slightly.
"You've got all this surgery in just twenty years......!
It's abnormal.
Not decent.
Maybe he looked younger, maybe the contents lived for a long time, or even expected it from the heresy of his birth, but apparently his age was just as good as he looked.
That, in turn, made Harsim remember an unspeakable consternation.
"This is all I could get 'only' if I told you from me. The collection of surgical systems that they have created has been incorporated into these major surgical ceremonies. That's why they learned it first."
"It would be in reverse order. Normally, we go in from the basic theory."
"I didn't have time. They were them, troubled in the narrow between untrained and sublime"
Harsim was remembering the nature of the ghosts said to live in Lindholm Spiritual Mountain.
"Plus, my head wasn't as well made"
"If we can get to meet twenty years or all the English spirits' rituals we've just heard there, it's not human. - God or something."
Harsim said in a true face.
Still, Merea shrugs her shoulders.
"I still can't flexibly use the finesse that comes with the attribute, even if I'm instantly activated with their famous grand opera ceremony. So there's no intermediate. Thanks to this, the fuel consumption is poor, and the attack tends to be a linear one that makes you say something to the performance"
Harsim rather than having such a fine weakness in Merea,
- Is this still... developing?
I couldn't help but be stunned by you.
"If I had a 'surgical feel' as good as Flander-Crowe, I might have gotten to meet something like that right away. But somehow I didn't seem to have the same sense of technique."
"The issue of" Surgical God "has never been given to anyone since Flander-Crowe died and became vacant. It's still empty. - I mean, Flander-Crows was too abnormal. The man was a so-called deviant genius, born alone or not in hundreds of years. You're the wrong person to compare your abilities."
To Harsim's words, Merea laughed a little happily.
"Yes, Flander was amazing. Flander taught me a lot about the procedure, but I couldn't keep up with that composition and creativity. - Just"
Such a Melea had talent that even surpassed Flander with respect to certain parts.
"This is what Flander himself told me, but apparently I'm good at handling a lot at the same time"
"But it's also a genius of art."
"I had that reason, and then I didn't know how long the English spirits could stay in this world, so I was made to remember the 'finished product' at once after being slapped on the initial theory. That's the masterpiece. As I said earlier, the famous surgical ceremony is engraved with the collection of surgical systems produced by its English spirit. If you know the answer to the finished product, you can figure it out later and find out the middle."
"It's a mess. Sometimes the order is the opposite. The technique is" ceremony. "Can you remember those silly, complicated paintings that you can't even paint on the walls of such a grand palace without understanding the theories for derivation one by one?"
Harsim just couldn't believe it.
I had seen a certain demon king's famous ritual myself, but it was so complicated that I dizzied (dizzy) that I gave up getting to see him soon enough. I couldn't even decode it properly in the first place.
"I remember."
"... how"
"It's hard to say in a nutshell what they say, but in a very simple way - by training like an idiot. With a ghostly teacher on his side."
"What can I do with training"
"He thinks I spent years stuck in that spiritual mountain every day, 'just for that matter'. I didn't pull it off while Dada was isolated from the outside world."
Merea shrugged her shoulders and was returning an answer that was too simple.
◆ ◆ ◆
Harsim was right, it was nearly impossible to get to meet the system of surgical theories created by the English spirits proprietary for twenty years and all there, unless they were also holders of genius surgical sensations like Flander.
Those who are far better than ordinary people, it is that which has taken many years to produce a surgical ceremony that, on the contrary, meets more than one.
Indeed, if it could have been possible, the man might even have become God.
Also, not knowing when the English spirits would be gone was what we had in mind for each other.
The presence of Merea was such a great light for them that it would undo its untrained.
In addition, there were many English spirits.
It takes time for each of us to be around Melea.
When that happened, the way they knitted it out,
It was a way of reminding me of a surgical ceremony that packed my theory first, and then unraveling it myself later.
Even though you don't understand the theory in the first place, it's ridiculous to remind Harsim of what he calls' intricate paintings that can't even be painted off the walls of the Great Palace '.
But that's all they thought, they actually moved it into action.
by their ridiculous policies like that. Melea said that
◆ ◆ ◆
It will train you to the point of madness.
◆ ◆ ◆
The finished diagrams of each of the "namesake ceremonies" shown to them only seemed complicated if indeed done for Merea at the time.
If you tell me to remember that, I just want to jump off Spiritual Mountain.
If you can find meaning one by one in the details of that painting, it's still no different for Melea than the leaves of the tree you saw.
Just as I couldn't recall being told to recall the number of leaves later, there was no information left in Merea's head at all.
But still, Merea didn't give up.
I wanted to let the present world somehow bequeath the treasure that the English spirits proudly spoke of when they took care of themselves as much as they did.
Melea then burned each English Spirit's manoeuvres into her eyes every day, at a set time.
In addition, he watched and wrote, watched and wrote again, and over and over again, overlapped such a pattern that he was going crazy.
It is a difficult business to describe in terms of vivid expressions such as remembering. Instead of dreaming, I even hallucinated with my eyes open.
And so finally,
Merea did as if to engrave it directly into her brain - 'burned'.
Exactly that was a distracting task to remember everything perfectly, from the position of the end to the spots on the walls, a maze stunning on the huge walls of the palace.
As a result, Merea had a distorted (snoring) polar (stiff) way of running at two hundred kilometers in an instant from a completely stopped state without even enough aids for acceleration.
It was like a baby walking on all fours swept through the process of walking and running on both feet and suddenly remembered to fly.
Now that I think about it, the English spirits' word 'muscle good' is a tribute to Melea's extreme talent, as well as, again, perhaps best of all, to Melea, so to speak, 'a tribute to humanity', who has completed his training to the point of madness.
Melea was then blessed with a wealth of magic elements to activate those major surgical ceremonies, as well as processing abilities that even exceeded Flander, to the point of simultaneously activating the famous surgical ceremonies.
Melea was the opposite of a regular person.
I met the completion diagram first without understanding how it works.
I remembered the 'ceremony' that nature and the next could lead if I knew how it worked, like a painting.
The recoil was, so to speak, a 'lack of flexibility', expressed because of a lack of understanding of the theory of 'intermediate'.
◆ ◆ ◆
"- Wait, you said you could use God of Art's" Inversion Ceremony. "That would be a surrogate I wouldn't be able to use without a natural sense of technique like Flander-Crowe."
"Oh, my inversion formula and Flander's inversion formula seem similar and 'separate'."
Merea answered Harsim's question by shaking her head again.
"My inverting formula is a 'reflexive' inverting formula. Flander's inverting technique is a 'thought' inverting technique. I mean, I don't really think about inversion."
"Stupid. You haven't thought about it? What do you mean you haven't thought about it?"
"So it's a reflex. It's blowing away the process of thinking. That's how they planted Flanders."
Something's wrong. Harsim thought in his heart.
"Even you, you can't reproduce it yourself, but you'll have the feeling 'I've seen this before'. - This one's still better. You don't need to remember the details completely, and you can often manage somehow from a certain point on. More importantly - with these eyes, we can actually look at the finished picture."
Merea pointed to her own red eyes.
"Magic Eye of the Magic God".
An eye that unravels the formula of the procedure.
At the same time that Merea looks directly at the opponent's surgical formula with it, she blows away the process of thinking and no longer assembles an inverted surgical formula that conforms to that surgical formula as per spinal reflexes.
semi-automatic generation by experience.
It was Flander who planted it that way, but the truth is, it was a feeling that even Flander, the master, could not understand.
The English spirits of the surgical system, headed by Flander, bumped into various surgical ceremonies as to whether this was still the case against Melea until his body ascended to the heavenly sea of the soul.
The number of surgical ceremonies that Merea has seen in its eyes is probably a number that cannot be reached by combining the contents of several national surgical collections.
In addition, flanders had also shown inverting formulas for them.
Naturally, not all of those things Merea remembers rationally.
However, a 'unique feeling' was gradually formed in the melea by specialized experience up to the point of being different.
"Somehow," this kind of procedure fits into this kind of surgical system.
In addition,
Maybe this kind of pattern fits with this kind of 'pattern'.
And finally...
'I can no longer speak in words'.
"But then you'll have to watch them until their surgical ceremony is complete. Pre-reading like Flander-Crowe and using an aggressive inversion technique -"
"Flander did, however, knit himself ahead if he saw 50% of his opponent's surgery. When it was bad enough, it was enough to add 'original improvements' to it. You can't do that to me. - But 80% to 90%, if you look at the procedure, my reflexes are activated."
"So you're gonna make it?"
This is the first time the opponent has started knitting a 90% surgical formula, too.
"You'll make it."
Melea replied in a light tone.
Merea's ability to operate is also in terms of her 'composition speed'.
I was off track.
"If they're not Flanders, I can catch up"
"If the opponent is not the god of surgery, can you catch up? Does that mean it's the fastest thing in the world without a god of surgery?
"No, if it's a start from the same point, I think I'm faster than Flander. Flander said," Be proud. "
"Faster than the god of art......... How many times." How are you doing? ""
While understanding the situation that the battlefield was imminent in front of him, Harsim finally threw his hands out. - I couldn't help throwing it out.
"Instead, the number of English spiritual procedures that can be activated simultaneously while leaving the processing power to knit the inversion technique is two at best so far. - This is my weakness."
"How many people in the world do you think put such a weakness on? I'll count you when I have time. Probably enough to count."
"But Celias-Blood-Mouseg..."
Harsim finally guessed what Merea was going to say.
And as soon as I realized it, I answered.
There was an answer in Hersim.
"... oh. - I notice. Plus, he's probably poking me there."
"I knew it - right"
"At least to the point of realizing it."
Harsim put it that way and went on further.
"By the way, this is a private opinion based on speculation, but Merea would be physically and surgically superior in terms of simple force. Celias was indeed a genius who pulled one or two steps out of a regular person in that respect, but not as much as you. But still - he's" smart. "It is divinely clever to fight. Therefore, there is a strange certainty that even if we lose with simple performance, we will somehow poke at Merea's weaknesses"
Melea was nodding small as she lay her eyes down.
It was the kind of reaction I expected Harsim's answer to myself.
"I also wanted you to aim at Celias' neck itself, if that's possible, but is it just too dangerous to think about it"
Harsim watches and judges Merea.
I can't say that I haven't overrated Celias in myself at all, but I still can't send it out without enough possibilities.
"Sounds like a premise for Celias to come in the first place, but is he really coming? I saw him at Lindholm Spiritual Mountain, but I don't think that's why he's catching up."
The voice belonged to Elma.
She came between them from side to side, letting them hang their necks while sticking the Devil's Sword up to the ground.
"Coming. It is caught without the ground dragon"
Hersim looked again at the remains of the ground dragon.
"There wasn't a dragon in Spiritual Mountain, was there? Well, I guess it was because I was the only one that Mooseg was after first."
"Oh. If you think the other way from there, there's just not enough ground dragons to chase one. I guess those three heads were pretty valuable too."
Harsim cut his gaze from the ground dragon and continued as he turned back to Elma.
"But Celias found out that there were so many demon kings in the Spirit Mountains. If it is a pursuit from there, there is a great possibility of calling the ground dragon from the country to use it. Besides..."
Harsim spun as if to make an obvious joke.
"He's got a good nose. It's like God of War - no, he's so attracted to the smell of war that he thinks he's loved by the demons of war. It doesn't make any sense."
Elma rather felt that it was the unfounded one who stabbed herself.
I had lived on the battlefield as well, but therefore knew that there was such a different race.
"... because I'm here now and then. Those who unintentionally cross the battlefield.... well, then - maybe they'll come. Then again, is it dangerous to send Merea to Celias?"
It was surprisingly Melea herself who spun the word of denial on Elma's words.
The laying eyes were pointed forward at some point, watching Hershem.
"That's why I might have a chance to make a gap in Celias"
◆ ◆ ◆
"I have the technique of limiting my weakness."
◆ ◆ ◆
Merea had measures against it because she had a firm eye for a kind of disgusting weakness from Mizu.
It is, so to speak, a dark vessel that securely lurks within its weaknesses.
Trump cards in the dark that won't even come true for those who don't get that far to see them in the first place.
In Merea's eyes, her will for intense battle was flashing.
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