Avengers Headquarters.

Iron Man said:"I used facial recognition to find the kid named Parker and the guy named Strange.……"


Jarvis popped up a virtual screen, on which was the future Spider-Man Peter Parker and the future Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange.

Looking at the photo of Spider-Man, Black Widow hugged her arms:"Is this still a child?"

Iron Man nodded and said:"Yes, he is still a junior high school student, and he is very thin, but he studies very well, I have sponsored his studies!"

"However, we cannot bring a junior high school student into the battlefield."

"As for this Strange……"

"I finally understand why the Ancient One said that he would become the Sorcerer Supreme in five years!"

"Because he is still a top surgeon, I don't think he can cast spells yet.……"

Captain America said,"What about Bucky?"

Iron Man sighed,"He hasn't been found yet, and the same goes for the girl named Wanda!"

Captain America suppressed his anxiety.

No hurry, no hurry!

As long as Bucky is still alive, one day he will see him again.

Jarvis said,"In those future scenes, I compared the two battlefields and found something unusual.……"

"Captain, Thor, Tony, the battlefield where the three of you faced Thanos together should have been on Earth. Thor was very fat at that time, and Thanos used a spaceship to destroy the ground, forming something like a radiation cloud!"

"In the second battlefield, it is the battlefield where Thanos took the Mind Stone"

"Thanos' spaceship did not bombard the ground, and the dust did not form a radiation cloud."

"At that time, Sol had two eyes and he was very thin."

"So my judgment is that you fought Thanos twice"

"The time when Thor was thin should be the first time, and the time when Thor was fat should be the second time!"

"The second time, you should win!"

"Because Doctor Strange said that he saw the only chance of winning among more than 10 million possible endings."

"He was determined to save Tony's life, even at the cost of handing over the Time Stone. This must be a necessary condition for victory."

Iron Man frowned and ate a few blueberries:"But after the first battle, Thanos snapped his fingers and destroyed half of the population of the universe. How could we win?"

"Could it be that we snatched the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos again and resurrected the others?"

"But isn't this much more difficult than preventing Thanos from getting the Infinity Stones?……"

At this time, Hawkeye pounded his palm with his fist and said,"Is it possible that we traveled through time, got the Infinity Stones from the past, and resurrected everyone?"……"

"You see, the Time Stone can turn back time, so traveling back in time is also possible, right?"

Iron Man let out a long sigh:"Maybe it's possible! If I can analyze the operating mechanism of the Time Stone, then maybe it's possible!"

"But if all the gems were snatched by Thanos, how could I possibly analyze the Time Stone?

Hawkeye was a little frustrated:"Then how did we win in the end? Could it be that we didn't win at all?……"

At this time, Thor said excitedly:"Who cares! My father has declared war on Thanos, and I am ready to join the battle!"

"Don't worry, I can chop off Thanos's head by myself. As long as we kill him, there won't be so much unnecessary work."

After saying that, Thor flew away waving his hammer.

Iron Man and the others also wanted to join the battle, but unfortunately they didn't even have a spaceship.

At this time, Iron Man asked Jarvis to connect Nick Fury's call:"Fury, where is the Mind Gem? Give it to me, I found a way to destroy the Mind Gem."

Nick Fury was stunned:"What method?"

Iron Man said:"The fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better."

His method is to put the Mind Gem in a rocket and launch the rocket into the sun.

Of course, the rocket will melt halfway, but the Mind Gem will be pulled into the sun by the gravity of the sun!

Even the sun can't destroy the Mind Gem, at least Thanos can't find it.

Without the six Infinity Gems, Thanos is just an ordinary villain and can't kill half of the life in the universe!

Nick Fury's eyes changed:"But the Mind Gem is not under my control……"

Captain America's eyes narrowed:"Fury, what are you hiding? Are you going to use the power of the Mind Stone to secretly make weapons like before?"

A dog will never change his nature!

Nick Fury sighed:"Captain, you are still so sharp! The transportation of the Mind Stone had an accident and was stolen."

"I'm still investigating……"

Black Widow was shocked:"Could it be Thanos? He sent someone to secretly steal the Mind Stone.……"

Captain America said:"It's unlikely! But we must find its whereabouts immediately."……"

The major forces in the Marvel Universe declared war on Thanos, and the Earth was also in turmoil.

The same was true in the world of X-Men.

Magneto found Professor X and said,"Charles, let's temporarily cease fire, because we have a common enemy."

Professor X raised his eyebrows slightly. He looked at Magneto who put on his helmet again, knowing that his ability had been restored:"Are you talking about Thanos? He and we are not in the same world, or even in the same universe."

Magneto shook his head and said,"I found that someone is hunting mutants on a large scale!"

Professor X's eyes showed a rare murderous look. He was a moderate mutant, but that didn't mean he could tolerate others hunting other mutants at will:"Who is it?"

Magneto said,"A kind of... robot!"


Professor X was very surprised. How could a robot make Magneto so nervous?

Magneto said:"I met one and managed to escape with great difficulty. These robots have the abilities of mutants and can even ignore my abilities.……"

Professor X's face changed instantly.

Then the two of them formed an alliance and found Wolverine who had just returned from Japan.

The war between the mutants and the sentinels began.……


It didn't have much impact in the Super God Universe.

It was just that the Angel King Kesha changed her research direction and began to study time.

The explosion of the first black bomb proved that the black bomb could be made. This alone was enough for other countries to make black bombs in a short time!

And now the Time Stone has proved that it is possible to control time. As long as it is possible, Kesha believes that she can find a breakthrough direction. Anyway, her life is long, so spending a few thousand years is not too much.……


But in the Star Iron Universe, it suddenly became lively.

Because, in the cyberspace of the entire universe, a video of Ye Bai's interview suddenly circulated.

That was done by Aha. He sent this video to the entire universe, naturally for some fun...

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