Obito was alone looking at the live broadcast room in front of him. When he saw his name appear on it, his heart skipped a beat.

Because he also saw Kakashi's name, Kakashi must be watching it too!

Knowing that he is not dead, will he guess that the Nine-Tails Rebellion was caused by him?

If Konoha is prepared, it will be more difficult to collect the tailed beasts.

The most troublesome thing is the resurrection of Uchiha Madara.

Even now, he still doesn't trust Uchiha Madara so much. If Uchiha Madara is resurrected, no one knows what impact it will have on the plan.

At this time, he heard Ye Bai on the screen begin to introduce:"The ninjas in this world, through practice, can refine the life energy and spiritual energy in their bodies, and fuse them into an energy called chakra, so as to perform ninjutsu.……"

"They can fly, resurrect the dead, create life, and even create planets.……"

Even the ninjas were dumbfounded by what was said? Ninjutsu is okay for flying and escaping the ground, and for bringing the dead back to life, but that's barely acceptable!

But if you say that ninjas can create life, or even create planets, isn't that nonsense? That's too much...

Don't exaggerate like that!

Angel King Kesha:"Interesting world, power is gained through practice, not technology.

" Magneto:"It looks very similar to mutants.

" The Star God of Wisdom, Boshizun:"Gaining such power through practice? I'm really curious about ninjutsu.


"Ninjas in the comments, I wish I could trade some ninjutsu with you using technology……"

Boshizun has a strong curiosity about any unknown things, because he wants to understand everything in the universe.

Wolverine:"It seems that the ninja I mentioned before is indeed different! Or I should take back what I said before!"

Ye Bai continued:"This power is very magical, but I think the ninja is more magical."

He looked at Uchiha Madara and said:"You obviously have such a powerful power, why are you willing to become the sword in the hands of those daimyo?"

"Earn a meager reward by fighting each other?"

"With your power, it should be no problem for you to become the daimyo yourself, right?"

This statement was even more shocking, leaving all the ninjas speechless.

The power of a ninja can indeed reach this point, but this kind of thing is unimaginable for these ninjas, it is like a stamp on their thoughts.

Even Uchiha Madara was stunned:"What are you talking about, how is it possible to do such a thing?"

After all, the emperor of the island country is a single dynasty for generations, and Kishimoto, who created"Naruto", is an islander.

Naturally, he would not draw the kind of characters who would say things like"Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers of different species?""Go to Tokyo and seize the throne of the bird"...

Ye Bai continued:"Most tragedies in the ninja world came about like this"

"Wars broke out between the daimyo, and they hired ninjas to fight each other."

"In the battle, ninjas formed a blood feud with ninjas, and the feud continued from generation to generation."

"Until you and Senju Hashirama appeared, you both longed for peace, so you were able to create the ninja village model."

"This is indeed much better, but I still feel stupid."

This statement aroused the anger of the ninjas, and they cursed in the comment section.

Tsunade:"Nonsense! Do you know how high the death rate of ninjas was before the establishment of the ninja village?"

"Children of all ages will go to war and die on the battlefield"

"After the establishment of the Ninja Village, such things have become less common. Ninjas no longer have to go to the battlefield to fight at a young age and can receive education, which was unimaginable before!"

Tsuchikage Ohnoki:"You are really an outsider. You have never seen what the ninja world was like before!"

"Even though I am not from Konoha, I must say that the establishment of the Ninja Village brought peace to the Ninja World."

Jiraiya:"The peace of the Ninja World is largely due to the First Hokage."

Uzumaki Naruto:"I don't allow you to slander the Hokage!"

Danzo:"You know nothing, you are talking nonsense!"

Joyful Star God Aha:"Interesting! This time the host was actually scolded badly."

Black Widow:"Maybe this is just a gimmick, these news people often do this"

"No matter what the matter is, first come up with an attractive gimmick, whether others praise or scold, it will attract attention!"

Thanos:"Do you really think this guy is interviewing seriously?"

In Thanos's view, Ye was playing tricks on others in the name of the interview.

He himself was one of the ones being tricked.

Even Uchiha Madara couldn't help it:"Do you know what you are saying?"

"You have no idea how cruel the ninja world was before!"

Ye Bai shook his head and said,"I'm not saying that the ninja village model is bad, I'm saying it's not good enough, and you can obviously do better!"

"At that time, with the strength of Hashirama and you, Hashirama also subdued the nine tailed beasts. With such strength, it should be enough to flatten the ninja world and unify the ninja world."

"But he distributed the tailed beasts to each village, saying that this was a deterrent and that there would be no war."

"But what is the result?"

"In just a few decades, three major wars broke out in the ninja world."

"Division will inevitably lead to war, and only unity can bring lasting peace."

The comment section exploded again.

Raikage Ai:"What are you bragging about? We admit that Hashirama Senju and Uchiha Madara are very strong."

"But sweeping across the entire ninja world? What a big tone!"

Mizukage Mei Terumi:"That's true, you've exaggerated their strength too much." Tsuchikage Ohnoki:

"Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara are indeed very strong, but it's really impossible for them to sweep across the ninja world!"

Why are the people outside Konoha Village scolding!

How could they admit that Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara alone can sweep across the ninja world!

Uchiha Madara did not defend his own strength, he just said to Ye Bai:"What you said is crazy!"

"Do you know how many people will die if you unify the ninja world?"

"We established the Ninja Village for peace, not to bring war."

Ye Bai smiled:"What's the result? No more war?"

This made Uchiha Madara speechless.

At this time Ye Bai smiled, and he said several"explosive theories" in succession, finally making the activity level of the live broadcast room reach 30%.

Ye Bai continued:"Many viewers are not convinced, and think that Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara do not have this strength."

"That's great. I'll show you their strength."

"I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce Uchiha Madara to those viewers who don't know about Ninjutsu.……"

Then, a screen appeared in front of Ye Bai, and two people appeared on the screen. They were Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama.

This was a video of their all-out battle...

(The data is too bad. The same number of words is not even half of my last flop. Please give me the data. I'm crying...)

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