In the picture, a group of special forces surrounded a building. At this time, the motherland descended from the sky and said with a smile:"Night, good brothers"

"Sorry for scaring you!"

"Why don't you go have a cigarette first, and then leave this to me"

"One more thing, you are the real heroes."

As he spoke, he gave a classic thumbs up.

Then the motherland man leisurely walked through the terrorists' territory, slaughtered the criminals easily like killing a chicken, and then took away a blue test tube.

Now, even the special forces were frightened.

Because they could see that the motherland man killed those people, just like killing a chicken, without any psychological burden.

At this time Ye Bai said:"I want to defend the motherland man, these people are all traitors, terrorists, and each of them deserves to die."

"If you ask me, they were all killed well!"

"But the Homelanders didn't kill them for justice or for a mission!"

"Vought Corporation has always said that the company's super powers are gifts from the gods, but in fact they are not."

"In the early years, Water Company invented a compound No. 5. As long as you inject this drug, you can become a superpower."

"However, the risk of adult injection is very high, so it is best to start with infants."

"Yes, most of the superpowers in this world have superpowers because they were injected with Compound 5 when they were babies."

"This kind of human experimentation on babies is of course illegal."

"The FBI and the CIA had discovered this before, and the two organizations summoned Madeline on the pretext of this incident, and wanted to use this as an opportunity to stop Vought from passing the military bill and allowing superpowers to join the national defense system."

"So the Homelander gave Compound No. 5 to the terrorists, and then created terrorists with super powers."

"In this case, it is inevitable that the superpower people of Vought Company will enter the Ministry of Defense. Because they need these superheroes to fight against terrorists with superpowers."

The people were stunned. They only then realized that they had been deceived by Vought Company for so many years. Is this how superpower people came from?

The company actually used children for human experiments?

Many people couldn't accept it!

And in order to join the Ministry of Defense and for military orders, they actually created terrorists themselves?

Too much, too much!

However, those senior elites thought it was normal!

Because their country has always done this, and most of the famous terrorists in the world were funded by them in the beginning.

Edgar felt that his hair had turned a lot whiter. He immediately made a decision and still pushed these things onto Madeline to calm the anger of the people.

Comment area.

Orochimaru:"Can one drug give you such a powerful force?"

"Is the power in your world so easy to obtain?"

Think about how much you paid to practice ninjutsu!

Captain America:"The world where the people of Homeland live is very similar to ours, but it is not the same world. Tony said it is probably a parallel universe. I don't quite understand this!"

"But it is true that I also get my strength from injectable drugs.……"

"This is somewhat similar!"

Angel King Kesha:"Is it a genetic medicine? Interesting……"

In fact, angels also play with genes, but they are much more sophisticated.

Not many people are talking, and the activity level in the comment area is still only more than 30%. Ye Bai doesn't care because it's not a critical moment yet.

He said:"To understand a person, you must not only look at his past, but also his future."

"Let's see what Homelander does in the future?"


All the viewers and netizens in the Boys world were stunned, what does this mean?

Then the scene switched again and turned to Madeline's home.

Madeline was wrapped with bombs all over her body, and the butcher Billy Butcher was in her home.

The Butcher threatened Homelander with Madeline's life, but Homelander didn't care. He held Madeline's child and walked around the bomb.

And proudly said that it was not him who forced himself on the butcher's wife, but the butcher's wife fell in love with him.

Finally, he made it clear to Madeline that he already knew that the butcher's wife had given birth to a son for him, and Madeline had deceived him on this point!

He even threatened Madeline's son's life to force Madeline to tell her true thoughts about her.

Finally, Madeline gave in and said,"I'm afraid of you! I'm afraid of you……"

She said it several times, which showed that she was really scared.

Hearing this, Homelander held her face affectionately, and his eyes shot out lasers, completely melting Madeline's eyes, face, and brain.

Madeline in the live broadcast room saw this scene, her whole body went cold, and she almost fainted. She knew it was true!

On the surface, it seemed that she had been playing with Homelander, but in fact, deep down in her heart, she was extremely afraid of Homelander.

Seeing that Homelander could not be moved now, and looking at her son who was threatened, she finally couldn't help but questioned:"You actually threatened me with Teddy?"

Homelander was even more furious:"It turns out that you were all lying to me. I have another son, and you have been hiding it from me."

"You said you would never lie to me again……"

He also believed that this was the future.

This made him feel fortunate, fortunate that he had recognized Madeline earlier.

Moreover, I have a son!

This strange feeling made him extremely happy!

The scene switched again.

A little girl wanted to jump off the building, and Homelander flew upstairs to stop him, but when he saw him the girl hesitated.

But at this time Homelander saw the news of Storm's suicide, and then his expression changed:"You know what? I think you should jump."

The girl was startled and immediately shook her head and said,"No, I don't want to jump now."

Homelander said with a gloomy expression:"It's not up to you……"

The laser pierced the girl, and she fell downstairs and turned into pieces.

In addition, there were scenes where Homelander slaughtered civilians at will in coquettish postures when performing missions...

These crazy scenes finally made the netizens of this world unable to hold back.

Even those who were close had rushed to the Water Company frantically and began to protest.

Edgar pressed his forehead and felt that his blood vessels were about to burst. If Ye Bai continued to do this, Water Company would really be finished.

But his adopted daughter had not arrived yet, and he was helpless against Ye Bai...

However, at this time, Ye Bai said:"From Homelander's past and future, he is a lunatic with an abnormal brain, but in fact, all this is not entirely his fault."

"Let's take a look at his childhood experiences.……"

The people of Water Company were stunned.

What's going on?

They are too familiar with this routine. When they want to whitewash someone, they will do this!

Does this host want to whitewash the motherland after throwing out so many explosive materials?

Ye Bai doesn't know what they are thinking, but it is impossible to whitewash the motherland.

He wants the people of this world to know that the greatest evil in this world is not the motherland, but Water Company!

(Please give flowers)

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