Aizen asked:"Although the host is here to interview me, can I ask some questions?"

Ye Bai really liked such a cooperative and proactive guest. He nodded and said,"Sure, as long as I know."

Aizen asked:"What is outside the world like? What are other universes like?"

His eyes contained endless curiosity and expectation.

This world is too cramped for him, and he is too curious about what other worlds are like!

Ye Bai said:"The worlds that the audience live in are also different."

"Like this countryman, the world they live in is similar to the real world of this world"

"Their world invented a special drug that gave them super powers……"

Ye Bai demonstrated the superpowers of his countrymen, and then said:"In the universe where the Angel Queen Ms. Kesha is, the civilization there is more advanced."

Ge Xiaolun appeared on the screen. He was facing the Taotie King Shihao and issued instructions one by one.

"Activate anti-void, create void defense barrier, add anti-void ability, primary definition of matter, rewrite advanced concepts, change the area around the howl to absolute vacuum, block any energy flow……"

"The target is trying to understand the void barrier, creating a logical dead loop and suppressing the target's thinking.……"

"The target uses bioenergy to resist, counter bioenergy, crush concepts, and solve the target material structure……"

"10%, 60%, 100%……"

After a bunch of verbal attacks, the big sword fell directly and chopped the howling beast into pieces.

"The final ruling was completed, and the concept was restored to its natural state. The possibility of Shihao's survival was defined as 0!"

What kind of fighting method is this?

This scene stunned everyone, including Kaisha.

Ye Bai explained:"This looks simple, just use a sword to chop people into ashes."

"But in fact, this man named Ge Xiaolun redefined all the concepts of Shihao, modified his material energy structure, and completely eliminated him.¨~ "

"In the universe where Queen Kesha lives, they started playing with concepts... If one day, they can erase everything conceptually and create everything!"

"At that time, there was no difference between them and the God of Creation!"

"The universe where the star gods live is also a collection of concepts, a philosophical concept."

"Just like Aha, the god of joy, he can be seen as the embodiment of the philosophical concept of joy."

"The life in that universe is not even life. As long as their behavior conforms to a certain philosophical concept, they will gain a portion of the power of the corresponding star god.……"

"In Iron Man's world, there is a treasure that can manipulate the basic elements of the universe, called Infinity Gems.……"

"In Magneto's world, there are mutants and the Phoenix Force. The Phoenix Force is the most fundamental power at the beginning of the universe, which can modify everything at the level of elementary particles.……"

"Destroying the universe or creating the universe is not impossible!"

"In the world of ninjas, they use the power of chakra to destroy the world.……"

While talking, Ye Bai also showed the images of people from several worlds using their powers.

The comment area was immediately lively!

Iron Man:"Queen Kesha, you guys are really good! Who is that man?"

Angel King Kesha:"I don't know... It looks like a void engine. Someone actually developed the void engine to this extent. It's probably going to happen in the future!"

Professor X:"The power in Jean is the Phoenix Force? Isn't she a pure mutant? It seems that I don't understand her power at all."

He thought of Jean Grey, and his heart was broken. After all, he raised her like a daughter, and she died like that in the end.

Orochimaru:"Modify the concept!? Does it mean, for example, if you are a person, I modify your concept and say you are a pile of sand, then you become a pile of sand?"

Ye Bai looked at the comment area and picked some comments to reply:"It's roughly what you said, Orochimaru."

Uchiha Madara:"This... can it be like this?"

Ye Bai said:"This also requires huge energy support, just like Queen Kesha. Her sacred knowledge treasury uses countless stars to provide her with energy."

Zaraki Kenpachi:"Such power, isn't it a bit too much?"

In his impression, fighting is a fight between swords and swords, how come it becomes a fight between mouths?

Ye Bai smiled and said:"Don't you Zanpakuto also have various abilities? Don't you also control certain laws to some extent?"

Captain General Yamamoto Genryusai:"Shikai and Bankai? Not yet, if you can go further, I'm afraid you can get involved in the field of concepts and laws!"

At this time, Aizen, who was sitting opposite Ye Bai, had bright eyes:"So that's it! So that's it! It turns out that the world is so big and wonderful!"

"Mr. Ye Bai, just ask whatever you want to ask."

He finally understood that what he did was right. It was right to fuse the Collapse Jade. The Collapse Jade embodied the will of the holder, which was also a way to modify the rules.

However, it seemed that the Collapse Jade was not the only choice!

Ye Bai asked:"` 「When did you start to feel that you were out of tune with this world?"

Aizen pushed his glasses and said,"Out of tune with this world? So this is my state, and you know me so well?!"

"When I found myself getting stronger and stronger and no one could keep up with me, I felt very lonely and no one could understand me!"

"And I still have to obey the corrupt rules of Soul Society and accept the arrangements of fate!"

"But even if those insect-like nobles broke the law, they could not be punished by the laws of Soul Society.……"

Ye Bai asked:"What did you want to do then?"

Aizen:"Around that time, I wanted to change this corrupt world."

"I don't want to be bound like this, and I don't want such incompetent people to be superior!"

(Zhao's) Seeing this, the captain of the 7th Division, Komamura Sajin, murmured:"So you hate those people so much?"

In fact, there are many people in the 13th Division who are dissatisfied with the nobles!

Aizen's words now are just a little bit out of line, not too much!

Ye Bai said:"Then what did you do?"

Aizen said:"I collected souls to create the Collapsing Jade, and then framed Urahara Kisuke in order to get his other Collapsing Jade"

"I used Hirako Mako and the others to experiment, trying to break the boundaries of the Shinigami, to make the Shinigami hollow, or to make the hollow Shinigami hollow.……"

Ye Bai was a little surprised when he said this:"So honest?"

Aizen shook his head and said:"I have a feeling that lying to you will have terrible consequences!"


Did you actually feel my"Truth or Dare"?

Or did you just feel something was wrong!

After hearing this, Soul Society exploded!.

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