Furnin's language is becoming more and more exaggerated

"There is no problem in this world that cannot be solved by judgment, as long as you... my people"

"You firmly believe in justice."

"As long as I am in this Opera House of Opikle, before the oracle judges the cardinal, I, the demon god Fukaros, can judge even the gods of the world.~~"

She ended this speech with these passionate words.

Then the people of Fontaine cheered enthusiastically.

Comment area.

Evil God Loki:"Haha, I'm right! This is a madman who likes to watch the trial."

"Even the gods want to judge, who does she think he is? The king of gods?"

Angel King Kesha:"It is a bit extreme to try to solve all problems by judging."

Angels also often judge, so she knows very well that judgment can never solve all problems.

Balance Star God Hu:"Judgment should only be a means, not an end. But you seem to have it the other way around, and regard judgment as the end."

"You said you are the god of justice, not the god of judgment. Alas, impure!"

The gods at the scene were silent.

This scene was 500 years ago, which is amazing, but with the means of this host, it is likely that the original scene can be extracted from the earth veins.

They were silent not because of this, but because of Funina's last speech!

Judging the gods...

In short, the mood is very subtle, and I don't know what to say!

Funina was very panicked. After all, when she said this, the gods were not in front of her.

Even if Villette was here, she couldn't give her much sense of security!

After all, I am just an ordinary human being. If I anger them and let them attack me...

Then the world will find that I am not the real water god.

There is no way to save Fontaine!

I must play the role of the water god until that moment comes!

No, Funina, you must make yourself look more like a god.

So in the face of the silence of the gods, she just raised her hand and shrugged:"I'm just telling the truth."

"I am the god of justice. As long as you violate justice, I will judge you even if you are a god."

This is too arrogant, and it's just a face-off.

Zhongli sighed:"I remember that Eugoliath was not like this. How could his successor be so unreasonable?"

Such an unreasonable god can actually govern Fontaine well. It seems that the chief judge next to him should have made a lot of efforts!

But the people of Fontaine outside cheered because of what Funina said.

"This is our water god."

"This is the justice of the water god."

"Justice will prevail in this world!"

Ye Bai also projected this scene into the live broadcast room. Funina secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At least the people still believed that I was the God of Water.

Ye Bai continued:"From that day on, Ms. Funina would participate in every trial and practice her justice!"

"Looking forward to the judgment in her heart!"

The scene switches!

Funina said to a subordinate,"The judgment I expect is grand, like a drama, a wonderful judgment that can end everything... Hey, you won't understand even if I tell you!"

The subordinate said,"Subordinates can't guess the thoughts of the gods!"

The gods couldn't help but complain, I am a god, I don't understand either!

Ye Bai continued,"In addition, she is the most people-friendly god in the world."

He looked at Wendy and Zhongli:"Her people-friendliness is different from yours. You play in the world as human beings."

"But she treats people with kindness as a god, and she receives a large number of ordinary people almost every day."

In the picture, a middle-aged woman said,"Lady Funina, I don't know what to say, thank you for receiving me."

Funina smiled and said,"You don't need to say thank you, you should thank yourself for having the perseverance to finally wait in line for the day to see me.""

"It seems that the charm I exude as a god has also caused trouble for everyone in some ways."

"Well, your name is Deotilei, right? How is your son's condition?"

The middle-aged woman cried with gratitude:"You actually remembered me? You also know my family affairs.……"

"It's much better now! Actually, my son is your more faithful believer. He insisted that I come to see you and tell him what you said.……"

Finina smiled and said,"Not bad, really good. Next time when this happens, you can tell me in advance. It's not impossible to make an exception and visit people's homes occasionally. It's just to change your mood." The whole of Teyvat was stunned.

The comment area became lively.

Ningguang:"I have to say that Lady Finina is really close to the people."

No wonder He seems to be a little unreliable, but is still loved by the people.

The Emperor also rules Liyue and loves the world, but he only appears as a god once a year.

·· ·······Request flowers···· ·········

·· ·······Request flowers···· ·········

There is always a distance between him and the people.

It is absolutely impossible for him to visit people's homes in person.

Master Liuyunjiefeng:"Humph! The gods have their own things to do, and humans have their own things to do.……"

Fengyuan Manye:"Can the gods be so friendly?"

Why aren't our gods like this?

Shanhugong Xinhai:"It can only be said that even if they are gods, each one is a different individual. Our gods can't see us."

General Lei Dian has always ignored their requests, but other people's gods can visit civilians.

The gap is too big!

Jiujo Sara:"How dare you! You traitor, you dare to speak nonsense and slander the general!"

Ye Bai smiled and said:"From Ms. Funina���In the past, we can see that although she has a set of logic that others cannot understand"



"But she is very friendly to the people and everyone likes her."

"But as a god, it is not enough to just be liked by everyone."

"In Fontaine, there is a prophecy that the sea is swallowing up our memories. In the end, everyone will dissolve in the sea, leaving only the water god crying on the throne! Only then can the sins of the people of Fontaine be washed away!"

"I wonder how you deal with this prophecy, Ms. Funina?"

"How are you going to save the people of Fontaine?"

Hearing this, all the people of Fontaine outside looked at Funina on the light screen.

This prophecy has been circulating in Fontaine for a long time, and no one took it seriously at first.

But now the sea level is rising every year, and the prophecy is being realized step by step.

They really want to know how Lady Funina is going to deal with this matter! At this moment, a deep fear flashed through Funina's heart.

She had done countless investigations on this prophecy, but there was nothing useful at all, and she didn't know how to deal with it.

But she hid her inner fear very well, and just used an exaggerated smile and said:"For ordinary humans, it is indeed difficult to deal with."

"But I am the God of Water, I am the king who controls the water element!"

"This is no problem for me at all"

"Don't worry, people of Fontaine, the prophecy will not come true!"

Yes, it will not come true!

As long as I play the role of the water god well, I will be able to end the prophecy and save everyone. Come on, Funina!

You can do it! Fanfan.

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