No matter how people felt about Funina before, no one in this world could accept the fact that a god actually surrendered to a mortal.

So far in winter.

A group of fool archons looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

The rich man rubbed his brow and said,"A god would actually surrender to his subordinate, a mortal? I suspect that this future scene is fake!"

No one knows better than them how powerful the gods are.

Could it be that the duel agent of Fontaine is so strong?

Not really!

The puppet said,"Is there a possibility that this water god is fake?"

The servant shook his head:"Impossible, the water god must be the real water god. Linni is there, he won't make such a stupid mistake."

The captain said:"It is really hard for me to imagine that the highest judge of Fengdan would judge the gods."

"What happened in the future is really curious."

The doctor said:"Or this water god is actually a stand-in, and the real water god is somewhere else."

He thought of this possibility after cutting a lot of slices.

The servant frowned. If this water god is a stand-in, then it means that his intelligence work has failed.

The clown said lightly:"Don't worry, you will know after reading it."

Comment area.

Clorinde:"It's ridiculous. In the future, I will challenge Lady Finina to a duel? How is this possible? What happened in the future?"

Evil God Loki:"Haha, this water god is not a fake, right? No wonder he looks so pretentious.……"

Leosli:"The evil gods from other universes know nothing, so stop talking!"

Fengyuan Manye:"How could gods surrender to humans?"

The power of gods is so terrifying.

Wuxiang's sword still frightens him to this day.

Could it be that the gap between the same gods is so big?

Lady:"Rubbish, no matter how weak the wind god Barbatos is, he dares to attack me! This water god doesn't even dare to attack, how can he be called a god?"

Venti couldn't help but touch his nose, can this trick me?

Diluk:"Executor of Solstice's Fatui, watch your tone! You looked pretty when you fled!"

Lady:"You Mond people only have a mouth left!"

I was trying to send the Heart of God back, do you think I'm afraid of you?

The Mond people and the Solstice people quarreled like this!

Master Liuyunjiefeng:"No matter how weak the gods are, their power is beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

"No matter how strong this duel agent is, he can't make Fukaros lose the courage to fight."

"The second generation of gods, it shouldn't be so weak!"

Ganyu:"Could it be that the water god is the type that is not good at frontal combat?""

Xiao:"No matter how bad they are at fighting, the lower limit of gods is also very high, and the faith of the Fontaine people is very solid. The power of the water god cannot be weak. This is really a bit ugly."

In any case, at this moment in the eyes of many people, Flinna has become a clown.

Even the four gods and a dragon king at the scene looked at her strangely.

The picture continued.

The future Flinna was also booed by the audience.

Flinna said:"Raising my hand does not mean that I surrender, but that I accept the trial"

"I'm really avoiding something."

"I'm sorry, everyone. I failed to protect the people of Baisong Town. I deserve to be judged."

Navia:"What do you mean? What happened to Baisong Town?"

She panicked. What happened in Baisong Town that made the water god willing to accept the trial?

Did the prophecy come true?

What happened to the people of Baisong Town?

Navia's eyes went dark, but she suddenly thought that this was something that would happen in the future and there was still a chance to make amends!

Funina in the picture was as exaggerated as ever. She opened her arms and said excitedly:"Cheers, applause, in this theater, the wonders that people dare not even imagine are unfolding."

She danced on the stage:"This is a bold and exciting stroke on the stage of Fontaine. The trial of the god Fucaros is about to...begin."

Everyone was silent again.

The evil god Loki:"Really? She said before that she hopes to judge gods in her country."

"Is that really what she wanted?"

Hawkeye:"Am I really crazy and even interrogating myself?"

Captain America:"Are there no normal gods?"

Iron Man:"After all, gods are not the same species as us. It would be abnormal if they were the same as humans."

"But even so, the desire to judge oneself is really crazy."

Happy Star God Aha:"This is a wonderful development. But what's more interesting is, what is the face under your mask? Haha……"

Yingmei at the scene sighed. Her future self has already arrived in Fontaine, but it seems that she has not found her brother yet.

Where are you, Kong?

What are you doing?

Then the trial began.

Everyone finally understood why the Water God was put on trial!

Because Baisong Town suffered a disaster, most of the people have melted into the sea water, and the prophecy has come true!

But at this time, Navilette and the others found that the Water God not only did nothing, but was also deliberately concealing some important things, so they planned this trial to get to the bottom of it.

Now Navilette and Clorinde finally breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that this was the reason.

We are not rebelling!

Finally, Yingmei in the picture stated the reason for the trial of Funina:"You are not a god at all, Funina."

At this moment, the audience felt that their brains were about to explode.

It was indeed a dramatic trial as the Water God said, and it was more unpredictable with each wave!

Wendy sighed:"I seem to understand now why Ms. Funina likes to watch the trial"

"I also like to watch trials like this."

Nashida nodded.

Zhongli looked at Funina and couldn't help but lift his chin again.

Lei Dianying asked:"Lord Morax, do you think Ms. Funina is a god?"

Zhongli shook his head and said nothing.

In the picture, in order to verify whether Funina is a real god, they hope that Funina can show the power of water element, even a little bit!

But Funina refused. She said that she had converted all the power of the gods into law compensation mixed energy to provide daily use for the people of Fontaine.

Fontaine has developed so well because of the law compensation mixed energy. How great is it!

But everyone didn't believe it, so the court took out the trump card.

They hope that Funina will touch and melt the original fetal sea water of the people in Baisong Town!

That Villette said to Funina:"This is just a unilateral claim made by the main prosecutor. You can refuse."

But Funina walked to the basin of the original fetal sea water and pressed her hand into it.

Then she said excitedly:"Look, my hand is still there. I am a real god, not an ordinary person who will dissolve."

Her voice already had a hint of crying.

But at this moment, no one believed her, whether it was the audience on the screen or in reality.

Because the sea water has been diluted, the threat to the human body is very small, but it will leave evidence.

That proves that she is a human.

Funina defended herself desperately on the stage, but everyone looked at her with cold eyes. Even if she said something like"If I were really a human, how dare I put my hand in that kind of sea water?", no one was willing to believe her.

At that moment, she was abandoned by the whole world and fell into the abyss of despair!

The picture froze!

Ye Bai said:"Just like that, the Cardinal of the Oracle announced the Water God.……"

"Death penalty!"

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be frozen by ice and snow, and there was a dead silence!

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