I don't know how many people in Fontaine saw this scene, covered their mouths, and silently shed tears.

Then they saw that Funina hid in her bedroom and cried alone.

Even when she was alone, she didn't dare to reveal the secret in her heart.

In the later scenes, no matter how Yingmei persuaded her, Funina didn't tell her secret, even though from her expression, she wanted to talk to someone!

All the people in Fontaine began to feel sorry for Funina.

500 years of playing the role of god, 500 years of waiting for trial, 500 years of no one to talk to, 500 years of keeping secrets, 500 years of watching the end of the world move closer every day for 500 years...

What a terrible torment!

What a terrible loneliness! What an unbearable burden!

She is not a god, she is just an ordinary person!

That"you in the mirror", why are you so cruel to let a kind girl like Ms. Funina do this kind of thing.

Can't others do it?

Must it be her?

Comment area.

Mysterious Star God Riddle:"As a mortal, since 27 can hide a 27 secret for so many years, I see the dazzling light in you."

Protective Star God Klipper:"I see the will of protection, the purity is extremely high."

Joyful Star God Aha:"This is really amazing, you have received the praise of joy."

In another world, she attracted the attention of three gods at this time!

Aizen:"I admit that my previous guess was wrong, we are completely different people"

"Ms. Fininna, as a human being, I admire your will!"

Odin:"This is something that even gods may not be able to do, but you did it, you should be proud of yourself."

Evil God Loki:"How can there be such a fool in this world? Why do you believe her so much? Aren't you afraid that she will deceive you?"

"What does the life and death of those Fontaine people have to do with you? You are not a real god!"

"Why should you, an ordinary human being, risk your life to save them? Don’t they have hands of their own?"

"You, a stupid woman, have to do everything!"

"Crazy, crazy, you must have been crazy in the past 500 years."

Now he is still the evil god Loki!

Not the Loki who was willing to sacrifice himself to save Thor, nor the Loki who became the god of stories in another story.

He couldn't imagine that someone could do this for others.

Angel King Kesha:"The gods of this world have already amazed me, and the will of the human beings in this world is as dazzling as the scorching sun."

Uchiha Madara:"An ordinary person can actually do this. I am willing to become the strongest with your will."

Queen of Winter:"This is human beings, this is the most fascinating thing about human beings. You will never know how much powerful power is contained in their weak bodies."

Paimon:"You...you...are you really the Queen of Winter? Why are you not fierce at all? The lady and the young master under you are so bad! I feel like you are a good person.……"

Young Master:"Emergency food, shut your mouth!"

Lady:"Next time I see you, I will freeze your mouth!"

Lei Movie in the live broadcast room looked at Funina and shook his head and said,"Ms. Funina, your will is really comparable to that of the gods."

Zhongli nodded and said,"I respect all justice that needs to be practiced by oneself. Madam, I recognize you as the God of Justice."

At this time, Ye Bai said,"As for the future, Ms. Fucaros, are you willing to accept my interview?"

A sigh sounded outside the live broadcast room:"What's the use if I don't accept it? Won't I be pulled over by you by force?"

"It would be better for me to come here by myself."

Fukalos finally showed herself in front of everyone, and Ye Bai let her into the live broadcast room.

Fu Nina looked at Fukalos and shed tears again:"I'm sorry, the me in the mirror……"

Fukalos hugged her and said,"It's not your fault, Funina. You have done a good job. No one can do better than you."

This is the God of Water.

Everyone stared at Fukalos. Except for her clothes, she was exactly the same as Funina.

Everyone was curious about what she wanted to do.

At this time, Ye Bai asked the question for them,"Ms. Fukalos, would you like to introduce your plan?"

Fukalos said,"Of course! After all, my plan has been ruined by you. Now I can only believe in your promise."

"So I have no room for refusal"

"I'm sorry, I deceived everyone! But this is not my purpose, my purpose is to deceive the heaven."

Zhongli couldn't help but open his eyes!

As expected, this Fukalos is not only wise, but also courageous!

Wendy smiled and said,"What an outstanding artist, you really directed an outstanding drama."

Fukalos sighed and said,"When the former water god Egoliath entrusted this prophecy to me, my head was about to explode."

"She clearly predicted that the scene would definitely happen."

"She knows better that the law of nature cannot be against him."

"So I dived into the sea alone and thought quietly for a long time, until the half shells around me started to bubble, and then I thought of the only answer."

"Only by deceiving the laws of nature can we save everyone when the prophecy comes true."

Ye Bai asked:"Why does saving Fontaine mean going against the laws of nature? Why must the prophecy come true? Where did the prophecy come from! ?"

At this moment, he was a qualified host!

Fukalos sighed again:"I used to be a follower of the water goddess Egolia, a pure water elf. Becoming a human has always been my dream, even now."

"In my eyes, human existence is a wonderful opera."

"Not only me, all pure water elves yearn to become human beings"

"So, the water goddess Egolia wanted to fulfill our wish."

"However, He did not have the power to create life. He could only steal the power of the planet's original embryonic sea and transform the pure water elves into human form!"

"And using their blood vessels, they wrapped the water of the original fetal sea into their bodies, thus creating mimic humans.……"

"This is the origin of the Fontaine people"

"Therefore, when the Fontaine people come into contact with the water of the original embryo sea again, the power in their bodies will break free and return to the embryo sea, their bodies will dissolve and turn into pure water spirits."

"This is not much different from being dead!"

"This is why the people of Fontaine will merge into the waters of the primordial embryonic sea!"

"Because Egolia created humans without permission from Heaven, the Water God and the Fontaine people were charged with the original sin of"stealing the power of the primordial sea"."

"That is why God sent down this prophecy. This is a punishment for the water god and the people of Fontaine."

"Therefore, the prophecy will definitely come true!"

At this moment, the entire Fontaine was silent.

After being a human for decades, someone suddenly told you that you are a pure water elf, you are not pure, and maybe everyone will be the same!

Your brain will crash immediately!

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