When Ye Bai first came to this world, he played a game with Tianli and Asmodeus, the ruler of space.

At that time, he put forward his own requirements. He wanted Tianli not to interfere with his behavior in this world and to cover his behavior.

Simply put, just like now, Ye Bai exposed the plan of the water god Fukaros, then Tianli cannot stop it, but must help the water god complete this plan.

At that time, Tianli did not know what the condition proposed by Ye Bai was, but when he saw the truth, he just smiled.

In Fukaros's view, it was a great thing that she deceived Tianli.

But in the eyes of Tianli, Fukaros was just a rebellious child in adolescence.

Thinking that they knew all the truths in the world, they wanted to go against their parents. When they grew up and bumped into lumps in this world, they realized that their parents' nagging was reasonable.

Of course, Tianli was angry about what Egolia did at the time, but it was just angry.

It was not to the point where it was unbearable.

In the eyes of Tianli, Teyvat is a living space that He had finally snatched for his children, that is, humans.

It is a very fragile world, with wind leaking from all sides. The outside world is very dangerous, and from time to time, there will be adventers from the sea of stars descending into this world.

Not all outsiders can be called adventers. Only those whose own power is enough to match that of an outsider in a world can be called adventers.

For example, the third adventer, and now Ye Bai...

Anyway, this is how Tianli sees Ye Bai!

In addition to the adventers, there is also the dark will in the universe that intends to destroy everything.

So Tianli used the"eggshell" to create a false sky, isolated the power of the outside world, and registered the fate of the world on it, and made its own rules.

He believes that only by operating under his own rules can the world be maintained.

However, these children who do not know the truth always think that this is a constraint on them, and always think about resisting fate.

Well, this is also normal.

Children and parents always see different things. They dare to resist, which shows that they have courage and curiosity.

He also feels relieved when he is angry.

He believed that children would always grow up. When they really grow up and see the truth of the world, they will naturally understand his good intentions.

In addition, there is the original owner of this world, the Dragon King Nibelungen. Although he was expelled from this world, he has always wanted to take back Teyvat, which is also a huge threat!

Last time, this guy broke the eggshell of Teyvat with the power of the abyss and counterattacked Teyvat, causing himself a lot of trouble.

Of course, the winner is still himself, but he was also seriously injured!

At that time, he finally repaired the broken"eggshell" with the Frost Nail, and then he had to fall asleep!

Before falling into sleep, he let the demons decide the seven winners and become the seven rulers of the world.

After all, the demons are fragments of his power. They love the world as much as he does. If they come to govern this world, the glory of order will definitely cover this world and will not deviate too much from the order he set.

Finally, he used the remains of the third adventer to create seven hearts of God and gave them to the seven rulers of the world, so that they have stronger power to fight against the threats of the world.

Egolia's behavior violated the order she had established, so of course she had to punish him.

But since she couldn't resist Ye Bai and had reached a deal with Ye Bai, she could forgive the punishment.

Of course, I had to do it myself. What's the big deal about letting a little dragon forgive the Fontaine people and your sins?

Fukaros, Fukaros!

Are you crazy?

Dragons are indigenous people, we are outsiders, we have obtained the ownership and law enforcement rights of the world!

Now, if you want to return the law enforcement rights to the dragons, isn't it equivalent to returning the knife to the enemy?

You are crazy...

Well, this silly kid's brain was originally crazy!

At that time, Tianli also had a condition that Ye Bai should help the world to resist the invasion of foreign forces.

That was a test!

Asmodeus, the ruler of space, asked Tianli how his injury was. Tianli said that his injury was almost healed, but in fact, that was just to comfort Asmodeus.

His injury was very serious, so serious that it might not heal.

So he has been waiting for someone, someone who can replace himself and protect this world.

But He didn't know when that person would appear, so He made this request to Ye Bai.

She thought Ye Bai could be that person.

But she didn't expect that this unreliable guy would actually hold a hammer and say he wanted to build a wall! ?

Are you kidding me?

The star hammer became Ye Bai's gift. After being bound by the system, Ye Bai could fully master the star hammer, know everything about it, know what power it has, and what it can do!

He threw the golden hammer inlaid with gems into the sky.

Then, the golden hammer began to grow wildly and became extremely huge, like a continent suspended in the sky. Compared with it, Sky Island was like a green bean next to a basketball!

Everyone in Teyvat saw the giant hammer and was shrouded in its shadow. They were all panicked and didn't know what Ye Bai was going to do!

At this time, Ye Bai clenched the void, and an illusory giant hand grasped the golden giant hammer, facing the sky, the false sky covering Teyvat, and smashed it hard.

A loud noise resounded throughout Teyvat!

The false sky showed cracks and then began to collapse. The people of Teyvat finally saw the true appearance of the starry sky for the first time.

They were shocked, they were terrified, and they were at a loss!

At that moment, Tianli's blood was about to solidify. She ignored her injuries, roared angrily, and madly increased her strength. Everything in the world was responding to her!

The wind was roaring, the earth was roaring, the sea was roaring, thunder and lightning roared in the sky, endless ice and snow were flying, flames rushed straight into the sky, and giant trees swayed wildly, as if the world came alive.

Endless power gathered together, and Tianli wanted to fight Ye Bai to the death.

However, at this moment, the illusory giant hand swung the giant hammer again and smashed it on Teyvat.

Tianli was desperate and crazy!

He couldn't stop it, or even shake the giant hammer!

Because Ye Bai controlled the giant hammer, and the giant hammer shared Ye Bai's current invincible state!

Everyone thought they were going to die, but after the giant hammer fell, the world of Teyvat just trembled, but was completely intact!

Only a ray of black was smashed out of the world of Teyvat. That was the power of the abyss!

At that moment, Tianli stopped, he understood!

Teyvat was like a piece of raw iron being hammered, and under the hammering of the giant hammer, the impurities were hammered out.

The impurities were the power of the abyss that penetrated into Teyvat!

Moreover, under this hammering, the world of Teyvat became more solid!

Tianli opened his mouth wide, what kind of power is this?

How can it be so magical!.

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