Ye Bai went to see the world of"Naruto" again, and he found that the time here was flowing very fast.

Uchiha Madara's high-yield varieties were developed, which made Uchiha Madara's forces get rid of their dependence on the daimyo.

And he also sold these high-yield varieties to the other five major ninja villages. No matter how much the other five major ninja villages hate Uchiha Madara, they can't resist this temptation.

Presumably, soon, every village's food will be able to get rid of its dependence on the daimyo.

What will happen then, it will be interesting!

Moreover, Orochimaru and the five major ninja village ninjutsu research departments have developed a lot of chakra props.

Many of them are used for production and construction, not for combat.

Uchiha Madara really began to develop productivity...

Ye Bai believes that he is on the right path.

Then Ye Bai's eyes turned to the world of"The Boys". Then he saw that the Homelander was fighting a bloody battle with the Butcher.

The Butcher's side was full of soldiers who took Compound No. 24 to gain short-term superpowers. There were so many of them that the Homelander could not resist no matter how strong he was! , but he was saved by Storm. Storm told Homelander the purpose of saving Homelander, hoping that Homelander would inherit the will of Shampoo Man, become the leader of super-powered people, and rule the world...

But Homelander no longer believed in Vought Company. He knew that those drugs were sold to the butcher group by Vought Company, and he had not yet discovered that the group was sent by the Ministry of Defense.

He even confronted the company.

And Vought Company also had something to say, we are businessmen, should we stop doing business just because someone is making things difficult for you?

The company makes money, and you have a share too!

At that time, Homelander was silent...

Ye Bai couldn't help but complain:"Sure enough, some people are willing to sell even the rope to hang themselves!"

"The Homelander doesn't even die, it's just dragging the plot!"

"Or maybe this is the will of the world, to protect our motherland to the death! Could it be that our motherland is the son of destiny in this world?"

Then Ye Bai's gaze turned to the world of"Bleach".

Yhwach has not woken up yet.

Soul Society knew in advance about the existence of Yhwach and the Sterncross Knights, and knew that they could seize Bankai.

Aizen is still in charge of Hueco Mundo, and although the two sides have not expressed their cooperation, they are supporting each other and have begun to try to invade the Invisible Empire.

In Ye Bai's opinion, it won't be long before Yhwach will have to wake up in advance, and the decisive battle is coming.

By then, I must go in and take a position, just like a war correspondent.

Then Ye Bai's gaze turned to the world of"Genshin Impact", and he saw Tenri sleeping again.

He saw that Yingmei was still traveling with Paimon, but their companion had an extra Kong.

Ye Bai was a little surprised:"Could it be that the Abyss Cult was disbanded because the power of the Abyss is gone?々. 々. ?"

Then he clicked on Funina's name.

He saw Funina walking on the streets of Fontaine.

When passers-by saw her, they saluted her and respected her even more than when she was the water goddess.

Finally, Funina returned home and said,"I lived like that for 500 years, thinking that I could live happily after leaving office.……"

"But suddenly I don’t know how to live."

At this time, a voice sounded:"Then let’s fall in love."

Ye Bai was stunned and found that it was the octopus doll who spoke. He remembered that this was the mysterious gift that Fu Nina had drawn!

He used the system to identify it!

"Marriage Doll: Can help you find a marriage."

The system's mysterious gift, actually gave this kind of thing!?

Damn, the system's mysterious gifts are all some improper things!

At this time, he heard Fu Nina say:"But Ye Bai left this world, no one knows when he will come back. I can't find him.……"

Wait... what's going on?

Ye Bai's mind was hot. Could it be that Fernina has taken a fancy to me?

Before, Ye Bai thought that his appearance ended Fernina's 500 years of long and painful life, and it was normal for her to have a good impression of him.

However, he didn't think in this direction. Now that he thought about it, Fernina did treat him differently from others!

"Are you in love with Funina?……"

Ye Bai slammed the table and said,"Talk!

Why not talk! ?"

After the next interview, he will go back to the world of"Genshin Impact" to play for a few days and confirm the relationship!


Three-body Universe.


Luo Ji has become a wall-facer, and he lives a happy life just by saying"this is part of the plan".

He thinks this kind of life is okay.

Then, he saw the interview notice in front of him, and he immediately thought it was something made by Zhizi. He immediately reported it to the Planetary Defense Council.

Later, he realized that it was not just him, but many people had this interview notice in front of them.

It was even on the Internet, and there was no way to find out where it came from!

At first, they also thought it was something made by Zhizi, but now it doesn't look like it.

The Planetary Defense Council has begun to look for the person who was interviewed in the notice.

Soon they locked on a Cheng Xin!

She is the aerospace technology assistant of the director of the Technology Planning Center of the Strategic Intelligence Bureau of the Planetary Defense Council.

She also has this interview notice in front of her!

And her unit is preparing the Ladder Plan, which is a project related to the Trisolarans. The people involved in the Trisolaran project encountered such a strange thing, which made the Planetary Defense Council immediately pay attention!

Protect her with the highest level of security, the same standard as the wall-facers!


At the same time, the restarted ETO, the second wall breaker Mozi, has begun to ask Proton whether this interview preview was made by him.

"¨「 ¨「 No."

Mozi said:"Lord, who is that?"

This kind of thing, in his opinion, can only be made by the Lord, humans don't have this technology!

Zhizi:"You don't need to ask more!"

The Trisolarans don't talk, but they will avoid the important points.

Because the Trisolaran world is also in an uproar now, the reason is naturally in the Trisolaran world, the same interview trailer appeared


This surprised them. Some people thought they had been discovered by the advanced civilization in the universe. This was a countdown to the attack! But some people objected. According to the principle of the Dark Forest that the advanced civilization should destroy upon discovery, it should not send such a thing to alert the enemy, but should directly destroy the world of Trisolarians.

The two sides argued endlessly.

The Trisolarians were a race with transparent minds and communicated with brain waves, but their ideas were still different.

Otherwise, the first Trisolarian operator who received Ye Wenjie's message would not have responded with"Don't answer".

However, the Trisolarians were a civilization that developed under the most harsh environment. They valued efficiency and were willing to do anything to survive.

They made a decision quickly.

Use the only spacecraft now to take away the senior officials and elites, and come back if nothing happened.

If the Trisolarian world is really gone, then catch up with the fleet that set out before...

No matter how difficult it is, the Trisolarian civilization must survive!.

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