The people on Earth were all amused when they heard Ye Bai say this. Isn't this talking about the Three-Body Civilization and us?

So this program is actually a brainstorming program! ? Do you hope to brainstorm in this kind of interview and find a way to fight against the Three-Body Civilization?

So, netizens have spoken out on the Internet, saying that they have ways to defeat the Three-Body Civilization, and it has become very lively!

The comment area has also become lively.

Thor:"That's right, a higher civilization naturally has a higher moral standard. Asgard has a very high moral standard."……"

Iron Man:"This is hilarious! Do you want to see Loki, Thanos, and the Chitauri talking again?"

"You have no morals at all!"

Quicksilver:"Haha, the United States is the most powerful and technologically advanced country in the world, what have you done to other countries?~~"

"How dare you say such a thing?"

Even after joining the Avengers, the two siblings rarely spoke to Iron Man!

As soon as they opened their mouths, they started to argue with him!

Dr. Banner:"You're right!"

Master Ancient One:"Indeed, your country has never been involved in human affairs!"

Iron Man:"……"

Angel King Kesha:"That lady is too one-sided in her view of things. There are too many high-level civilizations that don't care about human affairs."

"Sometimes the more advanced the technology is, the less it affects people"

"The most important thing is, you only communicate with someone once, what can you learn?"

"Letting a civilization you don't understand save your world, is this too naive or too stupid?"

Wanda:"Or is it desperation! Desperate to the point of seeking medical help from all directions……"

Just like why I agreed to accept Baron Strucker's transformation experiment before, it was because I knew that I couldn't kill Iron Man.

And this is my only chance, so even if I die, I have to try!

Nashida:"Light years, solar energy mirror amplification reflection effect, spacecraft, controlled nuclear fusion……"

"Is this the knowledge outside the planet? It’s too profound."

After Nashida returned to Xumi, the Xumi people directly welcomed their gods outside.

Only then did she know the fate of the great sage. As for the other sages of the great sage faction, she just exiled them to the Daocheng Forest.

She is the god of wisdom, but her wisdom is now only applicable to the planet and comes from the world tree, and the knowledge outside the starry sky is not recorded.

After the interview, you can watch the previous interview records when the second trailer is released!

Nashida went to make up for the previous interviews, but it’s the first time that there are so many things she can’t understand!

Wisdom Star God Boshizun:"The host really put forward an interesting hypothesis"

"I would like to ask to what extent is that scientifically advanced civilization?"

"Is there an imaginary energy barrier between the two galaxies?"

Ye Bai said,"They have a very deep understanding of the microscopic world. They realize that the microscopic world has an eleven-dimensional structure and can control nine of them."

"Moreover, there are no supernatural beings such as gods or super powers in both worlds, and there is no imaginary energy barrier between the galaxies!"

"The intelligence levels should not be much different."

The scientists in the comment area were all stunned.

Doctor Zhizhi Xingshen:"I am curious about the laws of this universe."

"Science comes from the cognition of the world, and the macro world is composed of the micro world."

"The more accurate our understanding of the microscopic world is, the better we will understand the world, and the more advanced our technology will be."

"Their understanding of the microscopic world has reached this level, and for such a civilization, they can only build a spaceship that travels at 1% of the speed of light!"

"So weird! Is it the same in other universes?"

Thanos:"The 11-dimensional structure of the microscopic world, the quantum realm? Even nine of the dimensional structures can be manipulated, amazing!"

"But such a civilization can only build a spaceship that flies at 1% of the speed of light?"

"I'm a little confused. Is it because the laws of the universe are different, or is it because their civilization is too biased??"

"But according to what the host said, I think the civilization with higher technology will start an expedition."

"After all, their world could be destroyed at any time. In order to survive, they would definitely occupy another civilization with less advanced technology."

"Even if it takes 400 years!"

Iron Man:"However, the technology of both civilizations will develop in these 400 years. With the advanced civilization's understanding of the microscopic world, it will definitely master quantum communication."

"So they should be able to contact their mother planet and share its technological development!"

"However, the two planets are only four light years apart, so there are definitely no resources to collect in the surroundings, and there are not enough resources on the spacecraft for technological upgrades."

"When they reach another planet after 400 years, it is possible that other people's technology will surpass theirs."

"Just like our technology, it took about 200 years for us to move from the electric age to the nuclear age, and only a few decades to the information age."

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"I think there is no solution to this problem."

Angel King Kesha:"The only solution is to improve technology, achieve superluminal flight, or master space jump, and then find a new home. If you can't do that, then you can only fight to the death."

"Let's take a gamble. The civilization with a lower technological level can't develop that fast!"

Several scientists began to brainstorm, but in their opinion, if the Three-Body Civilization doesn't solve the problem of marching time, they will do nothing!

Ye Bai said:"These two civilizations, one is the human world where I am now, and the other is the Three-Body Civilization."


Ms. Cheng Xin, can you tell them what the Three-Body Civilization did?���The class is already known to everyone!



Cheng Xin still believed that this was a prank show. She said:"The Trisolarans expanded the proton from nine dimensions to two dimensions."

"And countless circuits were carved on the two-dimensional plane, turning the proton into a supercomputer"

"Then it shrinks back to eleven dimensions, restores it to its original proton form, accelerates it to the speed of light, and launches it into our world, locking down our technology by interfering with our particle collider."

"This is called a sophon, and it can monitor all our information. We no longer have any secrets from the Trisolarans!

"At the same time, their interstellar fleet has already set off and will arrive in our world in about 400 years!"

The scientists in the comment section were furious.

Iron Man:"Impossible, absolutely impossible! How can they do this!? With this level of technology, they can't fly at the speed of light? I don't understand!"

Angel King Kesha:"I can't understand it either, with this level of knowledge about the microscopic world, they haven't mastered space jumping?"

"Is space jumping that difficult?"

Thanos:"There are definitely some problems with this universe. It shouldn't be so lame to understand the microscopic world to this extent."

The Star God of Wisdom, Boshizun:"Or it may be a defect of their universe itself.……"

Most of the viewers in the comment area were confused. What are you talking about?

So, several scientists explained these scientific theories to them.

However, many people still didn't understand!

At this time, Ye Bai said,"Come, let's take a look at the scene of the Trisolarans creating the sophon.……"

Ye Bai projected another screen, and what appeared on it was the Three-Body World!

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