Seeing the Trisolarans, who always regarded humans as ants, suddenly fell to their knees, no one in the audience outside was shouting that logic should be hanged.

They shouted Luo Ji's name frantically, and some even knelt on the ground to worship him.

The comment area exploded instantly, and the activity level soared to 90%.

Joyful Star God Aha:"I just want to grow two hands to applaud you, you are so handsome. This scene is so handsome, I must let everyone see it"

"Joy, so joyful!"

Hunting Star God Lan:"Never give up on the battle, find a chance to win in the impossible, and defeat the strong with the weak!"

"With such a will and such a strategy, this victory should be made public!"

Memory Star God Fu Li:"This will be one of the most treasured memories in this universe."

Iron Man:"I understand, this is the nuclear deterrence of the universe."

Homelander:"How many fans has he gained?"

Kong:"Can he win in this way? It seems that no matter how powerful or incredible the enemy seems, as long as you don't give up, you can always find a chance of victory."

Nashida:"What wisdom this is!"

Wisdom is not necessarily knowledge, fighting is also wisdom!

Seeing these words, Luo Ji smiled and shook his head and said:"This is not what I do, 767 is my future self."


"But he is indeed handsome."

He was now relaxed and regained his cynical look.

Now everyone knows the law of the Dark Forest, and there is no need to shoulder everything alone like his future self.

Lord, I am free!

Cheng Xin was also confused. Didn't you say you were going to interview me?

How did it become Luo Ji?

No matter how she thought about it, she felt that she had nothing to do with these things, but she still asked curiously:"Why do you say that Mr. Luo Ji is challenging two civilizations alone?"

"He was clearly challenging the Three-Body World!"

Ye Bai smiled and said,"Ms. Cheng Xin, how do you think humans will view Mr. Luo Ji from then on?"

Cheng Xin:"Savior? Hero?"

Ye Bai shook his head and said,"The world back then was very different from now."

"Although the Trisolaran fleet has not arrived, the water droplets have arrived, and there will be more to come!"

"Just a drop of water can destroy human civilization"

"Therefore, Luo Ji needs to maintain that state at all times and hold the lives of the two civilizations in his hands."

"If any abnormal movement of the water droplets threatens the transmission of information, he must press the button to send the coordinates, because if he hesitates for a few minutes, he will miss the opportunity to send the three-body coordinates to the universe."

"He must make the Trisolarans understand that if they attack, he must press the button!"

"Otherwise, humanity is doomed!"

"So from the perspective of humans, Luo Ji also controls their life and death. He is a savior, but he is also a tyrant, an anti-human terrorist!"

The cheering people outside stopped.

They only began to think about this problem at this time, and then their faces changed drastically.

To be fair, they don't want their lives to be held in the hands of one person like this.

Cheng Xin looked at Luo Ji, and suddenly there was a trace of sympathy in her eyes.

Just thinking about it makes me feel chilled. That kind of pressure is indeed not something that ordinary people can bear.

Comment area.

Tianli:"From what you said, the Trisolarans didn't give up, right? After all, they developed in such a harsh environment……"

"In order to survive, they definitely won't give up so easily."

Zhongli:"Indeed! They will definitely keep an eye on Mr. Luo Ji all the time. No matter how strong Mr. Luo Ji is, he is still an ordinary person."

"How long can he keep his mind tense? Will he sleep?"

"Facing the life and death of two civilizations, including his own, can he really maintain the state of being able to press the button of destroying everything at any time?"

The will of the gods will be worn out!

Mr. Luo Ji is just an ordinary person. He was able to live so long before because he could hibernate.

He can never hibernate in this state, so he only has a few decades to live.

It is too difficult to maintain this state for decades!

It's like Ms. Funina has been acting for hundreds of years!

Too difficult!

Also, even if his will can remain firm and unwavering, can his successor do it?

Ye Bai said:"In that state, Luo Ji was called the Sword Bearer. Until the moment before he stepped down, he maintained a perfect deterrent to the Trisolarans."

"The Trisolarians didn't even try!"

The comment section was shocked again!

The Protector Star God Clipper:"This man's will is as hard as gold."

The Hunting Star God Lan:"Under such a horrible tempering, I wonder to what extent his fighting will will be sublimated!"

If it were in this world, he would at least be an envoy, and maybe have a chance to be promoted to a star god.

Angel King Kaisha:"A mortal body is comparable to a god."

Aizen:"Mr. Luo Ji, salute to you! You and Ms. Funina made me understand how dazzling the human will can be, and I shouldn't look down on humans!"

Uchiha Madara:"What a magnanimity, what a will!"


Cheng Xin asked:"You said that there was no problem before Mr. Luo Ji stepped down. Could it be that there is a problem with the next sword holder?……"

Ye Bai sighed:"Yes, because the next Sword Holder is you, Ms. Cheng Xin."

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue, splitting the world and all the audience, even the Trisolarans! No matter how much Luo Ji felt like a devil before, no matter what, he saved human civilization by his own strength.

The profession of Sword Holder has too much power, but Luo Ji is worthy of it! But what is Cheng Xin's basis?

Moreover, this profession requires a very strong willpower to be competent.

From the previous impression, Cheng Xin is just an ordinary, beautiful, and kind lady.

How could she become a Sword Holder?

The comment area exploded again, and this time, the activity reached 100%!

Wade:"Cheng Xin is going to be the Sword Holder? Are people in the future crazy?"

Yun Tianming:"How is this possible? Cheng Xin is such a gentle and kind person, how could he be competent for this profession?"

"Isn't this just nonsense?"

Captain America:"It's impossible for humans to be so foolish."

Zhang Beihai:"It's hard to say. There are countless foolish things done in human history.……"

Tianli:"Hahaha, so you know why humans need the guidance of gods."

Iron Man:"Then why not let artificial intelligence do this sword-wielder system?"

Doctor Zhishi Xingshen:"How can humans be willing to hand over their fate to machines?"

He, who was upgraded from a machine, understands humans better than humans do!

Cheng Xin shook her head frantically:"Impossible, this is ridiculous, how can I become a sword-wielder?"

"No matter how ignorant I am, I know I can't do such a thing!"

Ye Bai sighed again:"This matter has to start with the Ladder Plan and your old classmate Yun Tianming.……".

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