[137] Aiin’s Death, Lonely Zefa (Ask for custom ~ Ask for subscription ~ Ask for flowers ~ Ask for evaluation ~ Ask for comment)

A day later.

On the sea 10,000 nautical miles away from the Golden City.

A warship just quietly stopped on the sea.

There was no movement and no presence.

A civilian ship passed by, originally wanting to accompany the warship and ensure safety.

It turned out that the ship did not react at all.

Curious, the civilian ship approached the warship.

After a long call and no answer, they chose to go on board and take a look.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it, it’s scary when you look at it.

The cabins of warships are full of naval corpses.

There are also the bodies of several naval officers.

The terrified crowd immediately reported the matter to the navy stationed in the New World.

Then a naval warship came to check it out.

This warship is exactly the warship led by Major Ain, and the entire crew, not one left, all of them are there, without exception, all died.

Including Major Ain.

The news reached the ears of Marshal Sengoku almost instantly.

Ain is dead!

No one expected that the navy and the others, who had just been rejected by Tezzolo, would find Ain so quickly.


It turned out to be a corpse.

Sengoku sat in his office chair a little dazed, and he was dumbfounded.

Things developed beyond his imagination.


The five old stars also learned the news.

Navy Headquarters,

The port of Marin Fandor, ships of the world ZF have arrived.

This thing,

Be sure to press down.

The attitude before Sengoku and Zefa, the world ZF has long been understood through Tezzolo.

At this point,

It is necessary to put an end to some bad things that can happen in the aftermath of emotional riots.


Golden City.

Within the main city.

Tezzolo looked shocked, and he also learned of Ain’s death.

He really didn’t expect Doflamingo to do this.

At such a cusp of the storm, he directly killed a lieutenant commander and a whole ship of naval soldiers.

The nature of this matter is no longer the same.

No wonder flamenco would have agreed to a billion offer so decisively.


He had premeditated it.

His purpose is to kill Ain, take revenge or something, leave it alone for the time being.

At this point all the fingers will be directed at themselves.

Because he just denied Aiin’s information in Golden City, then it is logical that Aiin’s death should have nothing to do with Golden City.

But the Navy has found the identification of the artillery pirates.

They won’t believe it has nothing to do with the Golden City.

If he directly exposed the transaction with Doflamingo, he would only prove more and more that he was nonsense before.

Ain has actually been in the Golden City all along.

Then, Ain’s death is even more inseparable from himself.

The only option is to bite Ain and never come to Golden City.


None of it has anything to do with the Golden City.


Even so, the Navy probably won’t just give up.

Tezzolo was a little angry, not angry at Ain’s death, but angry that Doflamingo had stabbed him.

Now he is already riding a tiger.


Tezzolo angrily smashed the gold cup in his hand to the ground.


Naval G-2 Branch.

“Brigadier General Tina, you let me go, I will avenge Ain!”

“You let me go!”

“Please, Brigadier General Tina!”


Binz roared furiously, only his body was already tied up by Tina’s sill.

This is the order of Lieutenant General Gumir.

Tina couldn’t bear it, but she could only do it.

In the current situation, if you can’t find evidence, then you can’t do anything to Tezzolo at all.

Bintz’s behavior only made things worse.

Thinking that Ain had died like this, Tina was also extremely angry.

In the G-2 branch, a group of Navy soldiers had been standing outside Gumir’s office for a long time, and they asked to fight.

For Major Ain, and for the dead comrades, revenge!

It’s just that

Without any order to give, Lieutenant General Gumir could not do anything.


Headquarters of the Navy.

The spokespersons sent by the Warring States, Zefa, and the world ZF are all in the naval conference room at the moment.

“Marshal of the Warring States, this is the secret order of the World ZF, should some people avoid it.”

The spokesperson of the world ZF looked at Zefa and was a little dissatisfied.

Although Zefa is a former admiral, he is now only a naval instructor, and he is simply not qualified to come to this conference room.

“You are not a five-old star, and you are not qualified to teach me to do things.”

Sengoku said coldly.

When the situation became this, the Warring States were already angry to the extreme.

Now the ZF representative of this world turned out to be so rampant, he also did not have half a good word.

“Hmph, it seems that the Navy is really becoming more and more unruly.”

The guy snorted coldly.


Zefa’s fist slammed directly on the conference table.

His entire hand turned black, and a large hole appeared directly on the conference table.

Zefa looked at the world ZF representative, and said with a killing intent in his eyes:

“If you don’t want to die, say it quickly!”

His own disciple died like this.

He wanted to avenge his disciples, and was brought to this conference room by the Warring States, and the fire could not be held back for a long time.

Feeling this intimidating momentum, the world ZF representative was a little afraid, and his attitude immediately softened a lot.

“This is so, the five old stars specially ordered that the navy must not make any large-scale actions until the cause of Major Ain’s death is ascertained, and at the same time, it must not harass any of the allies of the world ZF.”

The representative slowly finished speaking.

The heart of the Warring States sank, although the five old stars did not explicitly refer to the Golden City, but this meaning was already obvious.

Golden City is an ally of the world’s ZF, and the navy cannot harass.

“What do you say! You repeat! ”

Zefa directly became furious and grabbed the neck of the representative of the world ZF.

“I…….. I……. This is the order of the five old stars, I am just a messenger! ”

The representative of the world ZF only promised, looked at the Warring States in horror, and asked for help: “Marshal of the Warring States, it’s really none of my business!” ”

“Zefa, calm down, even if you kill him, what can you do?”

Sengoku persuaded Zefa.

Now Zefa, emotions have been suppressed to the extreme.

“Sengoku, don’t talk to me with that set of yours.”

Zefa tilted his head, glared at the Warring States, and then continued to look at the World ZF representative in front of him: “Then you explain to me, who is the World ZF ally that the five old stars are talking about?” ”

What is it called not to harass any of the allies of the world ZF.

I lost a disciple and the Navy lost a young major.

This thing,

Go to find an explanation, it turned out to be harassment.

Zefa couldn’t understand it, he looked angrily at the world ZF representative in front of him, and the force in his hand was getting bigger and bigger.


The representative’s face was flushed directly, and he couldn’t say anything if he wanted to.

“Zefa! You don’t be impulsive. ”

Seeing this scene, the Warring States directly shot and saved the world ZF representative.

The rescued world ZF representative immediately snatched the door out, it was too dangerous here.

The aura of the two former generals is not something he can stay at all.

Zefa almost killed him directly.

“Sengoku, you tell me what should I do with Ain’s death!”

Zefa looked at the Warring States, his former comrade-in-arms, the more he looked, the more he couldn’t understand.

Sengoku wanted to answer him, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn’t say anything.

Because he can’t guarantee anything.

The five old stars sent people over to spread such words, which has already shown an attitude.

Whether it was done by Tezzolo or not, nothing would come of it.

The world ZF needs the City of Gold, a naval lieutenant, it is not worth making a move on Tezzolo.

Profit is fundamental.

For them, it’s just a lieutenant commander.

It is also possible to ask for a generous pension from Tezzolo.

Over the years, the Navy has also been somewhat out of control, and it is necessary to knock it.


Zefa laughed and left the Navy conference room.

The entire naval headquarters, the atmosphere is somewhat solemn.

They also knew all about Ain’s disappearance and death.

The relationship between Zefa and Ain, everyone knows, seeing Zefa’s such a look, they are all a little unbearable.

Returned to the training base for newcomers.

Zefa stood in front of the square, a little lonely.

Did he teach the newcomers in the Navy so that they could die in vain?

Maybe I did it wrong.

The newcomers in this period also suspended training.

When such a thing happened, Zefa had no intention of teaching at all.

But they are also now all in the training square, silently standing in front of Zefa.

Zefa looked at these young faces, this man who would dedicate his life to the Navy for the first time had the idea of leaving the Navy.

(In the original work, Nakazawa left the Navy as a disappointment in the Navy, and here it is just as disappointed, so it is normal to leave.) The plot has changed, and many events in the original work will also change, it is impossible to unify the timeline, do not spray. )

Silence for a long time.

Before leaving, Zefa felt he still needed to do something.

He drove a warship directly towards the Chambord Islands.


The Warring States had long anticipated that all dock coatings in the Chambord Islands would cease operations.

Sengoku did not die and came to the Holy Land of Mary Joa again.

After three months of queuing for a boat, there was no boat for him to accompany him.

Everyone is stopping him.


Really tired.

In the cabin, he dialed Loren’s phone.

“Hey, I’m Loren.”

Loren’s voice came.

The voice gave Zefa some comfort.

Zefa’s somewhat old voice sounded: “Loren, Ain is dead.” ”


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