[150] What’s going on, how did it end up in my own hands? (Ask for custom ~ Ask for subscription ~ Ask for flowers ~ Ask for evaluation ~ Ask for comments)



It is centered on the auction hall and spreads outward.

At the moment of the explosion, almost all the buyers rushed towards the auction table.

No matter who caused the explosion, this is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters anyway.

A devil fruit is so expensive, if it can be obtained without spending money, no one is unwilling to do the business of making money for nothing.

“Saab, what are you doing!”

Kerra shouted as she looked at Saab who had sneaked out.

As soon as this riot broke out, Saab rushed straight over.

Same attention, no money anyway.

This auction is also not a good place, there are often population auctions.

Saab went to grab it, and there was no psychological burden at all.

“It’s okay, you go to the ship first, and when I get it, I’ll find you and you immediately!”

Saab replied and joined the battle directly.

“Young people are really irritable.”

Renly glanced at it and shook his head, he was not interested in participating in this kind of thing.

But chaos is a good opportunity.

Drinking by yourself is too expensive, and because of Draco’s affairs before, I didn’t work for a long time.

Renly’s wallet is empty.

Now it’s so messy, but you can go to the back of the auction to see what is valuable, and it is good to exchange it for some wine.

Previously, when Renly ran out of money, he auctioned himself off.

As long as it can be exchanged for money, Renly does not care.

At this moment, the two people around him disappeared, and Kerra looked at the chaotic situation and was angry.

But no way,

Now you can’t drag Saab’s hind legs, you can only do it according to Saab’s arrangement.

At first, it was just this little bit of people at the auction, but this movement was big, and more and more people were attracted.

The entire No. 1 area was in chaos.

When the pirates in other regions heard the news of the Devil Fruit, they all rushed over immediately.

It’s also good to try your luck.

Even those who are themselves Devil Fruit Abilities want to get it.

Whether it is for his own subordinates or sold it, it is very profitable.

A devil fruit directly caused a commotion, which is still unknown what kind of devil fruit it is.

In fact

This happens to almost every Devil Fruit auction.

Almost ten years ago, the gold fruit auctioned by Doflamingo caused a lot more movement than this.

The navy stationed in Chambord immediately began to act.

After all, Chambord is not far from the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor, and it is one of the passages to the new world, and the navy has always had troops stationed.

But the movement made by this Devil Fruit was really too big.

The navy stationed there is somewhat understaffed.


“There is a riot in auction area No. 1, all newcomers, immediately follow me and set off to maintain order on the spot!”

Lieutenant General Squirrel took many newcomers and went directly towards Area 1.

The officer in charge of stationing the navy, seeing that this was wrong, immediately contacted Vice Admiral Squirrel and asked for assistance in defense.

The squirrel did not hesitate and directly ordered.

“What happened, why are we going to maintain order?”

“I just heard that it seems that there is something to sell in auction area No. 1 today.”

“I’ve already heard, it’s a devil fruit.”

“That’s right, there was an accident on the way to auction the Devil Fruit, and now it’s in a state of looting, and it’s chaotic.”

“Lying groove, then what did we do in the past, those who dare to rob the devil fruit should be some pirates, isn’t it too difficult for us.”

“It’s hard for you to be a big-headed ghost, we are graduating for practical training this time, originally facing pirates, this is afraid, you are a fart navy.”

“No, I’m in the navy, I don’t want to catch pirates, I just want to mess around, just have food to eat, it’s too dangerous to catch pirates.”

“It’s too late for you to run now, hurry up!”


A group of naval newcomers quickly assembled, and the exchange of heads and ears was never stopped.

Loren was a little surprised to hear it.

This year’s navy, in terms of ideological consciousness, seems to be much worse than before.

It may be the after-effects of the Al Ain incident.

Zefa’s departure, for the Navy, the impact is also huge.

Loren felt that this was good, and he recognized the reality in order to better save his life.

Now the navy newcomers are more rational.

Not close from the food court to the auction area.

Lieutenant General Squirrel led the way, followed by a group of newcomers, heading directly towards the place of the crime.

Ordinary people have long begun to flee in a hurry.

Although it was just a competition for a devil fruit, this movement still reminded many people of the Draco incident not long ago.

Everyone wants to live well, but they don’t want to go through it again.


The center of the riots.

That’s fighting everywhere.

The devil fruit didn’t know where to fly, and the guys who shot the real fire were already ignoring.

“Hehe, sure enough, I will get it.”

Saab withdrew from the chaotic crowd, and he got the Devil Fruit.

Not sure what fruit it was, Saab didn’t eat it.

In order not to be discovered, he hid directly in his hat.

I have to say that his hat is just right to hide the devil fruit.

While Saab was scurrying along the way, Renly was also picking out suitable lots in the back of the auction.

Can exchange money, easy to exchange, not big things.

It’s all Rayleigh’s goal.

“All squads pay attention, immediately stabilize the situation at the scene, and if there are those who disobey, directly arrest them!”

The garrisoned navy has already begun to act.

But these pirates will definitely not be captured, and the battle has become more and more intense,

Saab dodged left and right, and soon came to the periphery of Area One.

Just when he thought he had evacuated safely.

It was Vice Admiral Squirrel and a group of naval newcomers who arrived in front of him.

“The person in front immediately stopped and was examined.”

Lieutenant General Squirrel shouted.

Now the key to chaos is the devil fruit, either it is still robbing, or it is fighting, and it has already slipped away.

When it comes out at this time, there must be a problem.

“Lying groove, is your luck so bad?”

Saab looked helpless and bumped into a vice admiral here.

Loren in a group of naval newcomers also saw Saab, and did not expect that Saab was also mixed in.

Looking at his posture, he should have obtained the Devil Fruit.

Don’t come to me.

Loren said silently in his heart, and then hid in an inconspicuous position.

Saab, on the other hand, has already fought with Lieutenant General Squirrel.

The water pipe and the saber collided together, creating a burst of sparks.

“What are you?”

Lieutenant General Squirrel looked solemn.

Saab’s age looks very young, but the feeling of this fight is very strong.

It’s not easy!

Saab ignored the squirrel, his gaze sweeping around behind the squirrel.

Although he is confident that he can beat the squirrel, he cannot guarantee how long he will fight.

Those guys in this will not react yet, if it takes a long time here, the guys inside react, and they want to leave, then it will be a little troublesome.

No way

You can’t fall in love with war, you have to break through.

“All on guard, stop him, can’t let him run!”

Lieutenant General Squirrel also saw Saab’s idea and immediately arranged for the newcomers.

All the newcomers immediately took action, took out the weapons they were wearing, and aimed them at Saab.

They are now all prospective graduates, not very different from the real navy, and may be stronger than ordinary sailors in terms of strength.

Those who can go to the headquarters of the Navy to participate in the training of newcomers are all talented.

Saab had some headaches.

The strength of the squirrel is not weak, and with these navies, he is really not very good at running.


Another slap with the squirrel, Saab stepped back.

One more glance.


It turned out to be Loren!

Sabo’s face suddenly showed a smile, and he rushed directly towards Loren.


Good guys, why did you run to me!

Loren was a little confused, and he deliberately hid it.

No way!

Lao Tzu had to hide.


Loren directly made a simple shave and ran to the other side.

Whatever you want, don’t get caught up with me.

Saab looked, this is not right, how did Loren run, is this deliberately leaving a gap for himself?

What a good guy!

“Where to run!”

Lieutenant General Squirrel shouted and rushed towards Saab again.

What a nuisance!

Saab turned directly and rushed towards Dusty.


He looked at Dusty and felt that he had just seen it, and Dusty should be able to make way for himself like Loren.


Next second.

Dusty’s knife slashed directly at Saab.

One knife flow and chop!

There is no slightest hold.

This is Dusty, and the sense of justice in her heart is quite strong.

Saab is now clearly a rioter, and she shows no mercy.

“It won’t!”

Saab dodged and managed to dodge the attack.

He really didn’t expect this Dusty to be so decisive.

What a naïve guy.

Loren smiled in his heart, Dusty is not a weak woman, as long as it is an enemy, she can strike without hesitation.


Lieutenant General Squirrel shouted.

Bang bang bang………

A dozen bullets flew towards Saab.

Saab hurriedly turned the steel pipe in his hand and blocked it all.

What to do?

It seems that there is no escape!

Someone inside had already discovered that the Devil Fruit was missing, and someone had rushed out to find Saab.

No way.

Saab’s eyes tightened, and his life safety mattered.

“Look, the fruit you want, here, I don’t want it!”

Saab directly took off the hat in his hand, and the fruit inside appeared in front of everyone.

Then, Saab threw his hat and Devil Fruit to Loren.

Meeting is fate, and if you want to eat, it’s for you.

Saab smiled at Loren, then immediately ran away.

Loren looked at the hat and devil fruit that suddenly flew in, and was also stunned for a moment.

What’s going on, how did it get into my own hands?


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