[173] With this tip, it seems that the future will not be sad (ask for custom ~ ask for subscription ~ ask for flowers ~ ask for evaluation ~ ask for comments)

The red dog confronted Zefa.

These two people, in fact, are very uncomfortable in the newcomer period.

Without him,

The philosophy is different.

Zefa back then has always adhered to the principle of not killing.

When dealing with pirates, arrest is also the main thing.

But red dogs are different.

His principle is to kill if he can, and capturing pirates and imprisoning them is just a waste of time and resources.

Not only that.

During the newcomer, the red dog killed a lot of pirates.

Zefa had been educated many times, but Akainu had never heard of it.

Because of the talent and hard work of the red dog, he was unusually strong, and he and the yellow ape were called monsters together.

Powerful monsters.

Later, Akainu rose all the way in the navy and reached the position of current general.

The two basically stopped communicating.

Right now

Zefa had already lifted the restriction of not killing, but it was the red dog that stood in front of him.

“Akainu, since you graduated, it seems that we haven’t fought each other for many years.”

Zefa looked at the red dog with a calm expression.

He knew that his actions against Doflamingo would inevitably alarm the navy, but he did not expect that it would be the red dog coming.

This guy has never been very attentive to this kind of thing.

Without any change in expression on Akainu’s resolute face, he replied:

“Zefa, you are no longer an instructor of the navy, you don’t belong to the navy, go now, I can still keep you alive, otherwise, Hugh blames me for being ruthless.”

Even in the face of the former teacher, Akainu does not have any feelings to speak of.


None of the red dogs called Zefa a teacher.

For him, Zefa, who left the Navy, is an enemy of the Navy.

The same goes for Mentor Zefa.

“Hahahaha, Chi Inu, your tone is not small, then let the old man come to see what you have grown in recent years.”

Zefa laughed.


So he fought directly with the red dog.

The battle between the former and current generals of the Navy, again the relationship between instructors and cadets.

This battle is destined to be fierce.

Even compared to the battle between Loren and the Golden Lion, it was not much to lose.

Above Dressrosa, war is raging.

In the end, it was the red dog who excelled and forced Zefa back.

But the red dog is not comfortable, Zefa’s strength is not so easy to deal with.

Doflamingo suffered heavy losses, and several senior cadres of the Don Quixote family were killed in battle.

Of course

For red dogs, none of this matters.

He was simply carrying out the order to save Doflamingo.

In his eyes, Doflamingo was not worth mentioning, let alone his subordinates.


“Golden Lion Shiji reappears in the East China Sea Rogue Town, what kind of storm will this sea thief who used to be the same name as Roger and Whitebeard set off on the sea.”

“Former Admiral Zefa, the establishment of a new naval NEO, is this a declaration of war with the World ZF?”

“A big battle broke out in Dressrosa, Zefa faced the Admiral of the Shanghai Navy Headquarters Red Dog, facing the former disciple, Zefa lost!”

“The current Admiral of the Navy Akainu defeated the former Admiral Zefa, and the strength is terrifying!”


One by one, the news came, which directly shocked the world.

Golden Lion Shiji, former general Zefa, current general Akainu, these are all famous figures who were or are famous on this sea.

For the whole world, they are the people at the top.

The battle between Akainu and Zefa let everyone know what kind of existence it is called the top combat power of the navy.

Why can the navy always stand on this sea, even if it is surrounded by the four emperors, it is still very stable.

It is the strength of the Navy.

The greatest manifestation of the strength of a force is the top combat power.

Since the four emperors stood together, the sea has appeared to be unusually stable.

Even if there are occasional cases, they are just small troubles.

Figures of the level of the Four Emperors or the Three Great Generals have not shown their true strength in front of the world for a long time.

So much so that many people have forgotten the horror of the imperial general level.

Right now.

Zefa and Akainu, a former general and a current general, re-let the world understand what a naval admiral is.


The biggest reason is strength.


At the time of the spread of these news, above the New World Whitebeard Pirates, something happened that everyone and God were angry about.

Team Four captain Saatchi was killed, and the killer was none other than Blackbeard Marshall D. Tichy of Team Two.

Whitebeard was furious.

Above the white group, there is only one rule, that is, you must never kill your companions.

This is a sin that will not be forgiven.

Except for this, Whitebeard can be forgiven for whatever he did.

But this alone can’t, because everyone above the white group is family.


Whitebeard is furious and wants to kill him himself.


Ace stood up.

“Dad, Tichy is my team, since he did such a thing, then it is up to me to personally arrest him!”

Ace volunteered.

Although Ace couldn’t believe that the gentle Blackbeard would do such a thing, in front of everyone’s eyes, the matter was a foregone conclusion.

If a member of your own team has made a mistake, it is up to you to end the matter.

Whitebeard was silent for a long time, but finally agreed to Ace’s request, although he knew that Blackbeard had been hiding on his ship for so many years, and now that he had done such a thing, he must have a great intention.

But Ace’s firm eyes, he couldn’t refuse.


East China Sea.

The golden lion Shiki has been brought back by the yellow ape, while Loren has returned to Karp’s ship.

To say that the most depressed is Karp.

The grandson became a pirate, and he wanted to go and educate.

As a result, such a thing appeared halfway down, and he had no choice but to capture the golden lion.


The man has just arrived, and the golden lion has already been solved.

This………….. It feels like you’re wandering around.

Back at Branch 153, Karp took Monka on board and pressed him to the Great Undersea Prison to advance into the city.

This is where most of the guys caught will end up for the rest of their lives.

Monka is in the 153rd branch, rampant, fighting for the identity of the navy, other civilians, such crimes must also be imprisoned in the city.

With Loren here, naturally there will be no plot of Monka cutting Karp.

About Kebi and Berumeber, Loren said a word and let them both follow on board.

The group began to go to Advance City.


The news of the Straw Hat Pirates’ defeat of the East Sea Evil Dragon Pirates came that Straw Hat Luffy had defeated the East Sea Pirates.

Straw Hat Luffy’s bounty reached 30 million berry.

Monka was also very surprised to see Luffy’s bounty.

He was arrested because of Luffy, and he originally wanted to take revenge, but now he is afraid that he has no chance at all.

“Yellow Ape, this kid, has a good strength, even the golden lion can solve it.”

Karp said a little depressed.

The grandson didn’t beat him, and the golden lion capture had nothing to do with him.

It’s really upsetting.

When he fought with the golden lion, it was only by joining forces with the Warring States to control the golden lion.

This will,

The yellow ape kid can do it alone, and Karp’s psychology is still a little unpleasant.

Although I learned from the yellow ape that the golden lion had not fought for nearly twenty years, and its strength had dropped a lot, the diaphragm should always be diaphragm.

“Lieutenant General Karp, I think the golden lion is nothing, after all, it’s just an old guy.”

Loren said from the side.

It’s not that Loren likes to belittle others, mainly because he is afraid that Karp will run over and ask about it.

Now although it is said on the surface that the yellow ape defeated the golden lion Shiji, this is not the case.

This golden lion and Karp are old acquaintances, if Karp really asks, things will be completely revealed.

So this will make Loren say that on purpose.

“Old fellow?”

Karp frowned and looked at Loren and said, “Are you talking about me?” ”


Is this old man so sensitive?

Loren was really a little confused, it turned out that Karp was a careful eye, and he could care about such a sentence.

“Absolutely not, Lieutenant General Karp said this.”

Loren quickly explained: “This golden lion, it hasn’t appeared for almost twenty years, I don’t know what to do all day, where is like Lieutenant General Karp, I have been fighting on the front line, it is definitely incomparable.” ”

People who are careful of their eyes generally like to be flattered.

Loren now directly praised Karp.

Anyway, it’s just a matter of a few words.


After hearing this, Karp’s expression was much better, and his eyes looking at Loren were also a lot smoother.

“By the way, the people of the 153 branch said that you were not there, why did no one rush to Rogue Town without notice, this is thanks to your late going, if you go early, it is to find death Do you know.”

Karp asked casually.

Because Loren appeared with the yellow ape, Karp was still quite strange at the time.

However, under the joint performance of the two actors Loren and Yellow Ape, he was deceived in minutes.

Later, when I came to the 153rd Branch of the Navy, I listened to the report of the garrison navy and felt that something was wrong.

But when I saw Luffy’s bounty, I forgot about it.

“After all, the golden lion is a former sea thief, and I think it is useless to go to more sailors of the 153 branch, so I think that one person will go over to take a look first and explore the situation.”

Loren found a random reason.

Karp was happy to be patted on the horse’s slap, and glanced at Loren and said:

“Pay attention next time, you can’t be like this!”

Loren hurriedly nodded and said, “Promise it won’t be, Lieutenant General Karp will let you go.” ”

Old man, I really can’t help but praise!

With this tip, it seems that the days ahead will not be sad.


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