[287] Empty Island, Blank One Hundred Years, Moon or God (Ask for custom ~ Ask for subscription ~ Ask for flowers ~ Ask for evaluation ~ Ask for comment)

After getting the Bundy Wald thing done, Loren did not go directly to the organ island.

He returned to the first half of the Great Voyage.

Tens of thousands of meters in the air, an island wrapped in white clouds has been suspended here.

This is the empty island.

Now the empty island, Anilu has been defeated and ran directly.

The residents of the empty island live and work in peace and contentment, and they are also very peaceful.

Loren walked on it.

Most of the empty island is white cloudy ground, as long as a small piece of it has soil.

The area covered by white clouds is the original territory of the empty island, known as Angel Island.

The part with soil was actually washed up by the currents on the island of Apayado on the ground, and is now called the Kingdom of God.

The war that lasted four hundred years before the empty island was because of the emergence of the kingdom of God.

For empty islands, soil is the most valuable asset.

Later, Anilu rules the empty island and is defeated by Luffy, and the inhabitants of the empty island come to a settlement.

In Loren’s current eyes, life is not bad.

The aborigines of the empty island have a pair of small wings on their backs, which cannot fly, just appearance.

It is said that they were originally inhabitants of the moon and arrived here for a number of reasons.

However, in addition to these aborigines, there are still some outsiders on the empty island.


Loren walked on it alone, not too obtrusive.

Loren did not disturb their thoughts either, and went directly towards the kingdom of God.

It is a sacred place for empty islands and the most heavily defended place.


For Loren, it’s like being in no-man’s land.


Loren then entered the deepest part of the realm of the empty island gods.

As soon as he arrived here, Loren sensed signs of a huge life form.

A snake.

A huge python suddenly appeared in front of Loren.

That huge body was more than a hundred times the size of Loren, and the size of a scale was half a human laughing.


The huge snake letter spat out, making a low, hoarse sound.

Two big eyes like copper bells were staring at Loren deadly.

“Nolan, can you see it?”

Loren faced such a behemoth, but he was not afraid at all.

He knew the origin of the snake.

Nolan, Lord of the Sky.

The giant python that lives on the island of the gods has always been alive.

The venom on the teeth can cause trees to shrink rapidly, and he was originally the grandson of the snake god “Kasikin” 400 years ago, and was later washed up on the empty island along with Gaya Island.

In honor of Rolando, Seth named him Nolan.

Snakes, as Loren knows, do not live by sight.

It’s just that

This One Piece’s world is Oda has the final say, so Loren doesn’t know if this big guy in front of him can see himself.

However, judging from Nolan’s performance, it seems to understand that the guy in front of him cannot be provoked, and there is no action to attack.

“I’m really convinced of myself, it’s okay to say anything to a snake.”

Loren shook her head and continued walking.

Nolan followed for a while, and finally left on his own.

Dangerous things, or don’t provoke it, it is the existence at the top of the food chain on this small island, and there is no shortage of this one to eat.


Loren then reached a cave.

Stepping into it, Loren found some murals of the ancients four hundred years ago, when the island was sent up by the current, the inhabitants at that time did not know why, thought it was a miracle, and specially commemorated the murals left.

From the large pattern above, you can simply know how Apayado came up back then.

These are all ancient histories, but this cave is Nolan’s residence, so very few people have entered.

After reading it all, Loren couldn’t help but be a little disappointed.

There wasn’t what he wanted here.

This is the history of Apayado, not the history of empty islands.

Next second.

Loren disappears from the kingdom of God.

He came to Angel Island and began a carpet search.

The text of the history or something, Loren can’t understand, but the ancestors of the aborigines of the empty island, the murals that once left on the island, can be understood by Loren.

Huge spaceships, distant planets, and figures with wings on their backs.

Loren watched all this, which was evidence that Anilu was convinced that the Empty Island natives were lunar people.

They are gods, gods who originally lived on the moon.

Loren carefully examined everything here, but there was only so much information conveyed on the mural.

Many of the murals are incomplete.

There are also some that can be artificially erased, and it is too difficult to get a glimpse of the whole picture.

But Loren also learned something different.

Loren remembers that One Piece King Gore D. Roger also visited the empty island, and not only that, but he also wrote a passage in ancient script.

[I have come here to take this article to the world. – Pirate Gore D. Roger]

This shows that Roger himself knows this ancient script.

You know, in order to cover up the truth of the disappearance of a hundred years, the world ZF even directly destroyed O’Hara, in order not to let those archaeologists leak it.

The people who wrote this script were wiped out by today’s Draco 800 years ago, and only a very small number of people such as Robin can understand historical texts.

O’Hara’s many scholars have spent a lifetime of study and research to understand, but where did Roger learn it? Or was there an archaeologist on Roger who could read ancient texts at that time?

Loren is only guessing now, maybe this has something to do with the D family.

The indigenous Shandora people on the empty island, with wings, should be descendants of the empty islanders, why did they settle in the blue sea?

The empty island has no land, so there are no mineral deposits.

The people who founded the Golden Village either came to the Blue Sea from the empty island or fled to the empty island after being wiped out by the Draco 800 years ago.

Looking at these things, Loren’s mind was a little chaotic.

The information is too complicated, and the truth of the world is far more complicated than I imagined.

In the hundred years since it disappeared, it has really touched too many things.

Could it be said that the Draco people of that year once went to war with the lunar people, and at that time, the two sides were fighting for the dominance of the earth.

Neither is an orthodox aborigine, so it is necessary to cover up the truth back then?

Loren just guessed casually, feeling that it was too complicated.

“Who are you?”

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Loren looked back and saw an old man in armor.

Gan Fawl.

The god who was once an empty island was cast out of his throne because of the appearance of Anilu, but now he is a god again.

He is a god who loves the people of the empty island, and he is also the oldest of the aborigines of the empty island now.

He was very wary of the sudden appearance of Loren.

It was not easy for the empty island to usher in peace, and he would never allow anyone to let the flames of war appear again.

To be able to appear here unconsciously, what does this person want to do?


Loren replied lightly.

Loren, who had been looking at these murals fruitlessly, was looking for someone to ask, and Gan Fore came, which was just right.

As the former and new god of the empty island, he should know a lot.

“You are the Night Emperor!”

Gan Fore’s voice changed abruptly.

Although it is on an empty island, they can also know the news on the sea.

The top war, and those famous pirates, many of them spread to the empty island through outsiders.

The name of the Night Emperor, that is thunderous.

“It should be me, there seems to be no other such name.”

Loren was still indifferent.

Gan Fore was also old and heavy, and quickly eased up.

“Night Emperor, the empty island is just a small place, there are not many resources, I think there is no need to fight.”

Gan Fore tried to calm his emotions.

The Night Emperor Loren, comparable to the existence of the Four Emperors.

It was even more terrifying than the Anilu of the past, and if he really had any ideas about the empty island, Gan Fore could foresee the beginning of another enslavement.

He couldn’t figure out what Loren thought, so he could only say so first.

Loren smiled and said, “Gan Fore, you don’t have to be so nervous, I don’t want to do anything to the empty island, otherwise I wouldn’t have come here so low-key.” ”

Gan Fore’s nervousness Loren can also understand, and the lessons of Anilu are there.

“So what do you want to do?”

Gan Fore asked cautiously.

This level of strength, he is still very cautious.

Loren said: “There is nothing, just want to know the history of the empty island, how the empty island was formed, and how did your Shandora tribe appear on the empty island?” ”

If you don’t understand, ask it, Loren has always been so direct.

Hearing Loren’s question, Gan Fore breathed a sigh of relief and came to inquire about the history of the empty island, then there should be no big problem.

The former Roger Pirate Group, as well as the Straw Hat Pirate Group that came not long ago, are all of such a nature.

“I don’t know the specifics, I only know that eight hundred years ago, the empty island officially appeared, how it appeared, and how our Shandora tribe came about, I don’t know very well, perhaps, Anilu knows.”

Gan Fore replied solemnly.

He didn’t know, he really didn’t know.


Loren muttered to herself.


This history, even the empty island, is also unknown.

In the first half of this great route, it is all ruled by the world ZF, and there is no dead end.

I have to say, there is still something.


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