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"In the case of uncertainty, please track not to do it, wait for us!"

The command of the squid captain continued to come in the communication device, Chen Hao looked at the positioning in the car navigation and was quickly close.

Chen Hao is running at the street, and the surroundings are mad whippex, but Chen Hao will not smell, will also have a rubbing from the surrounding vehicles, and there is no time to deal with it. After a good time.

Finally at 7 minutes, Chen Hao arrived at the scene, and the three cars stopped in a residential building.

"1 group, 2 groups and I entered, 3 set out outside."

The squid captain got off and the rest of the three teammates, hiding behind the bunker, quickly close to the building, they are not afraid of ordinary guns, but the energy guns still have a big threat, even the warrior of the dragon, Be careful, you can cultivate the organization of illegal transformation people, absolutely have the ability to purchase energy firearms.

Chen Hao and the pig pig opened a variety of detection equipment, and the pig pig took out her pink painted energy gun, and gave a building in front of it.

This energy gun is similar to the water gun playing with the child. It is about 40 cm long, with a weight of only 4 kilograms. The piglet does not eat, the gun body is slowly flashing, and it is magnificent.

It is the same firearm like the toy, but the power is now in any type of firearm. A energy bomb is even better than the power of the ordinary rocket. It is intelligent. The middle body will not explode, and the adjustment energy is reached. The purpose of the fire or killing, if you encounter a large obstacle, you can choose the full power mode, which is the tank to fry into scrap iron, powerful.

This great and lightweight weapon, technology is also across the time, so he is strictly controlled by Pan Long, so it is not known by the common people.

Pattern is in a warning, Chen Hao provides her protection, a pair of eagle-like sharp eyes, may exist around the sweat.

Chen Hao also wear a scientific glasses and showing various numerical symbols on the glasses. For the user's reference, Chen Hao still believes in his intuition, this is in the task of protecting Jieqika, it is confirmed that he found The bionic equipment that is unable to detect the technology glasses.

Their all armed dreases, in the face of transformation, it is an advantage, but it is here to take into account the safety of the people, so be extra care.

After several minutes, I heard the sound of the battle in the communication, and the teammates were fired, which made the pig and Chen Hao are tight, and the real test is coming.

"Killing two transformation people, the other party has homemade energy guns." Seals report in the communication channel.

It can have a self-made energy gun, which means that this organizational strength is strong, it is definitely not a "small workshop" level, and there is absolutely strong support behind it.

"Some people escape, 3 groups pay attention to blocking, if necessary, can kill!" The squid captain issued an instruction to them.

Pigs have entered the battle state, and the energy gun has been adjusted to a dot mode, which will not produce explosion, affecting innocent people.

Suddenly, the five floors suddenly opened a window, jumping down from above.

This first time caused the sorghum, her technology glasses also showed this man's personal information, marked as red danger.

There are no natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes, and normal people will not jump off the building, and have been determined by big data as "danger". The rodents have a reason for fire, she resolutely bucking the trigger.

A small white man is condensed in the muzzle, and it is necessary to launch out, more than two hundred meters, but the people who have just landed straight.

No sound, the person is like a shock, then lying directly on the ground, it is moving.

This shot is very beautiful. Although the energy gun has a shooting correction system, it can maximize the aiming, but the fire in the pig is a straight line. It is the embodiment of her own excellent shooting technology. It is worthy of the technology warrior, and the hundred and hundreds of people are the most basic. Skills.

Even if it is a transformant, there is no special shield, I don't want to live in the energy gun, so the piggy pig does not take a gun, because the energy firearms are great, but the shooting speed is a defect, and it is necessary to continue after several seconds. Shooting, the pig pigs must be guaranteed to shoot at any time, and the fighters are missing when they are critical.

Chen Hao has not moved, his current task is to protect the pig, the pig is the main attack on the two groups.

Suddenly the teammates suddenly occurred sharply, huge and noisy explosions were loud, Chen Hao could notice that the finished building was slightly vibrating, the fierceness inside the battle.

"Captain, how are you?" Xiang pig anxiously approved by contact.

"The other firepower is very hot, the gray rabbit is hurt, there are several people to escape, you are paying attention to, if you can't take them, just put them."

The squid captain is very heavy, the news of the teammates injured, and I don't know what extent, the captain let them save strength, indicating that the other's combat power is very powerful, and the two people outside them may not be able to top.

However, the pig and Chen Hao are serious, ready to meet the upcoming danger.

Suddenly, the drone in the other side of the building was shot on the back wall. He suddenly screamed, escaped from the inside, showing the red warning sign, which is the task goal to escape.


Pig pigs have been broken from the back of the bunker, and the speed of sprint is moved to the rear of the building with sprints. These people cannot escape.

Chen Hao followed, the two were trained, all of the 100 meters of a flying person, although the complex residential area could not run such a high speed, but the two were also flying, they only used it. Wrought a role in the house in half a minute.

During this time, the other party also found the air drones over, some people opened a shot to explode, have lost the opposite image, and the pig sauce in order to avoid ambush, in the corner of the building, a fish jump To narrow your own area in the air, then the muzzle is aligned.

When I was emptying, the pigs quickly observed the surroundings. She saw the three cars quickly far away. The seven goals should be escapped by three cars, which gives the chasing to increase the difficulty.

The pig is a chair, and it is necessary to reduce the level of choice of difficulties. She locked the last BMW X1 before landing, adjusted to blast mode, and then pulled the trigger.

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