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As long as you can track, Chen Hao is a group member. If the captain does not let him chase, he must listen to the instructions, teamwork, and tick the best, this is the same as the army.

"I wattered the tracking vehicle, confirmed, there were three transformation people on the car, all died, request instructions." Soon, Yan Yan reported in the team channel.

"As soon as Chen Haoyue, we are also on the road." The captain of the squid said.


The pig is on the bus, and she will go all the way, and she also cares about the injury of the gray rabbit.

"It's not a big problem, I was shocked by the explosion, the brain shock, has made the ground," said the squid captain.

So everyone is relieved, then drive to the suburbs, now Chen Hao is the focus of the squid team.

As can be seen from the previous monitoring, there are 7 people escaled from the building, including the pigs to destroy two cars, a total of five people, then the rest of the two, it is in Chen Hao chased this Volvo is there.

They are really a thief. When running, Volvo is the cheapest car, while the other two are a good car, which also makes the scented pigs think that it is a big figure, I didn't expect it. Instead, Volvo is a key person.

The squid team has a long way: "That is the important leader of the illegal transformation organization, which is that he has energy weapons, the injured gray rabbit, the voltage bomb should be his hand, but this person not only involves illegal transformation people, but also Irritancei weapons, I have already reported the director, and the director let us try to catch him, and the support forces have been coming. "

Chen Hao feels the arduousness of the task. I didn't expect this time I have encountered a big fish. This lead is not more than the simulation of those who are in the battle, those who have a computer program simulated from the enemy, with the characteristics of the dead plate, and this The enemy of the times is a live person with wisdom, it needs to be more careful.

Chen Hao's car was very stable, and sharp eyes have been staring at the car in front and not let them get away from the sight.

In the process of chasing, they have already issued the suburbs. Now they are a dense wood, which is very unfavorable, and the other party may enter the woods.

"The other party is parked!" Yan pig is reminding Chen Hao.

Sure enough, the image from the satellite map is displayed, Volvo has stopped, and two people came down and drilled into the jungle.

Chen Hao was rushed forward, and he stopped the car on the side of the road and immediately chased the jungle.

"Chen Hao, you have to be careful that they may set ambush, don't take it, we are about to come after 10 minutes." The squid captain said.


Chen Hao came into the jungle. Here is the wood-planted woods, the trees are not very thick, but the terrain is not good, in the back of the rock, there is no problem behind the two people, he darested to train too fast.

Now the satellite map is no longer working, and only its own ability.

Chen Hao opened the tracking function in the science and technology glasses, leaning against the data analysis of the electronic probe on the glasses to find the spider silk horset that the prisoner left.

"Drip! Discover the goals!"

The science and technology glasses have done, in the wild, there is really found that two rows of footprints, this footprint is hidden in the grass, and it is difficult to discover by the naked eye, and technology has decisive.

Chen Hao quickly chased the past, but when he passed a slope, his right eye suddenly jumped a few times, this is the sixth sense to war war.

Chen Hao did not hesitate to roll, listening to "", a white man wiped from him, and a straight hole will be played in several trees.

A middle-aged man in a handheld energy gun appeared, and he brought a lot of havery of Chen Hao to physiologically, he was a transformant did not run.

"It is a rookie!"

This transformation found that Chen Hao's head even the energy gun did not, suddenly showed a smile. After the energy gun can be completed, he opened a shot to Chen Hao. Chen Hao used the flexible body of the drama to escape. .

In this forest environment, it is the natural home, which can be superior.

This transformation found that the energy gun was useless to Chen Hao, and he took it up and then took out a hundred meters long black sticks.

Chen Hao's glasses reported the properties of the stick. It is a high-pressure stick. It is the enhancement version of ordinary electric batons. This is the killing of people who can electrically convert people. As long as the stick is in touch, then it is unfortunately free.

At this time, the high-pressure stick has been activated by the transformation, and the blue electric spark of "" is constantly incorporated.

Chen Hao took out the volatile dagger. The other side used the weapon. He couldn't open it. Now it is the battle of life and death. It is not that you die, you must go all out.

The transformant has been tracked, he is obviously more urgent, he thinks a few moves to solve Chen Hao, then continue to escape, there is time to handle traces, so other Yulong members can not track them.

Although the idea is good, but one and Chen Hao will play, he will be shocked, the first trick is almost in the wrist, and the volatile dagger he certainly knows, if you don't think about it, so you should scare the transformation. A cold sweat.

"Bastan! Dinn to Laozi!"

The transformation of people were anger. He has never encountered a fault since he was transformed. How can he be pressed by a lingeruette, so he is a bison.

The speed of the transformation passed the drug transformation, more than 30% of the ordinary people, can be said to be so lightning, but Chen Hao is not white, but he is the passage of the five birds, these days and simulate 3 transformation people in the game, it can be called Special training has been conducted, so it is inevitable to this real transformation.

Chen Hao used a drama, while avoiding the other's stick, with a flexible figure, surrounded by the opponent, hoping to find the opportunity, letting this person, probably can torture some intelligence.

This transformation is the physical quality, like Chen Hao, the two people encountered in Hui City, all learned fighting and shed, the number of roads were touched by Chen Hao, so Chen Hao was in the third trick. At the time, I deliberately sold a broken, this transformation people really, put high-pressure batts when knife, just smashed Chen Hao's lower abdomen, as long as in contact, high-voltage electricity can take Chen Hao to become a group.

Chen Hao saw the other party, and his mouth was slightly raised. He suddenly held a thick tree branch in his left hand, borrowed on the branches, suddenly bypass a half turn, came to the side of the transformation.

The transformation is shocked, and I am busy to avoid the opposite direction. However, this is also in Chen Hao's expectations. He first steps to use Long Yuji, which is faster than the speed of the other party, waiting to be on his dotted route.

Chen Hao's hand swaying the dagger Lisang flashed, vertical, and then a piece of object dropped on the ground.

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