I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 101: Low Crosses the Surface

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Seeing Chen Hao showing up, Tu Sensen couldn't bear it anymore, and secretly gave the attendant a secret signal.

His attendants were also familiar with the tricks of making girls, so they reluctantly returned to their car one by one, took the necessary props, and arranged them on the roadside.

The candle-shaped night lights were lighted up. The toolmen wielded glow sticks, and some used a tape recorder to play the exclusive bgm for marriage proposal. Tu Sensen held a red rose in his mouth and played the guitar.

He failed to give gifts, so he played romance.

"Wow, it's so romantic!" The eyes of a passerby girl flashed little stars. This is how Prince Charming appears in her mind.

However, Zhou Xitong frowned after seeing it, and added another point to Tu Sensen's disgust. This was to treat her as a little girl with no experience.

Indeed, this kind of sound-optical one-stop courtship method has a fatal attraction to young girls who have not been involved in the world. When such a show is on campus, few girls can resist, and will soon fall into the embrace of the suitor. .

However, Zhou Xitong has seen all kinds of high-end courtship methods, and this kind of pediatric playing handsome is like insulting her.

However, Tu Sensen still felt that his courtship style was dazzling and novel. He used this trick to soak up more than 20 student girls. He raised his head proudly and cast a proud look at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao was overwhelmed by his kindergarten style of courtship. This person is like a toad, not biting but disgusting. Chen Hao decided to teach him a lesson and tell him what is the best way of courtship.

Looking around, Chen Hao found that the light show in the high-rise buildings not far away was still going on, and advertisements from a certain manufacturer were playing on it from time to time, indicating that the advertisements in this building could be rented out, so there is a trick.

Chen Hao opened the Ten Billion Subsidy App and started searching for what he wanted in the property area.

Sure enough, he found it.

Sanya commercial circle lighting advertising space (only at night), the price is 100,000/hour, the subsidy price is 0.3 yuan/hour, and the slogan can be customized.

"That's it!"

Chen Hao immediately bought a three-hour advertising space. It was not that he didn't want to buy more, but this stopped at 12 midnight.

Then, Chen Hao entered "Hee Tong Hee Tong, Different" in the column of advertising slogans.

The reason why I did not choose to confess "I love you" is because Chen Hao understands Zhou Xitong, and she will not be moved by one thing. In this way, the window paper will be broken and the result will be lost. As long as she always realizes One's own ability, subtly, can win hearts.

So after completing the instruction, Chen Hao pointed to the distant buildings and said: "Xitong, look over there, a small gift I prepared for you." Tianping Novel Network www.xstpwxs.com

"I'm going, don't you take the light show as his own gift? Then the whole night is still a gift I prepared!"

Tu Sensen laughed after reading it, thinking that Chen Hao was nothing more than that. He couldn't help it because he was crushed by his own sound and light courtship methods, so he came out with this tactic.

However, after a few seconds, the separate light show suddenly had a unified command. Many lights all focused on the most magnificent building. On that building, there was a sudden appearance of "Xi Tong The slogan "Xitong, Be Different" was obviously prepared in advance. This one is generous, well spent, and creative. It is perfect.

And this scene was noticed by tens of thousands of people in the business circle. They were all amazed and surprised by this novel way of confession. No one has ever used light advertising to confess. This is a genius idea.

"Wow, this is romantic!"

The girl who was bewildered by Tu Sensen's lame confession just now has a peach heart in her eyes. She is completely impressed by this magnificent light show. This is the true confession a woman dreams of!

In comparison, the candle and guitar just now pierced the ground.

At this moment, the pedestrians near the commercial circle were amazed. Zhou Xitong, who has always been steady, couldn't help but move. Chen Hao's impression in her heart became complicated, and the unclear feelings were mixed in it.

The colorful lighting effects are so magnificent and beautiful in the night sky, becoming her eternal memory, which is deeply imprinted in her mind and deposited in her heart.

"Do you still like this gift?" Chen Hao asked with a smile.


Zhou Xitong was agitated and suddenly shook Chen Hao's hand. This was the first time she took the initiative to a man because she was too moved.

After all, the two have kissed each other, and now there seems nothing wrong with shaking hands.

"Together with!"

The crowds onlookers did not think it was too much to watch the excitement, and they cheered on the two protagonists. Zhou Xitong couldn't help but have a fever on his face, that was joy and shame.

Seeing that the light confession was a great success, Chen Hao saw more and more crowds around him, and this place was not suitable for hitting the iron while it was hot, so he approached Zhou Xitong’s ear and said, “There are too many people here, let’s go back to the hotel.

"Yeah." She nodded in agreement, and the two walked out side by side.

The onlookers voluntarily gave way and applauded, sending blessings to the romantic couple.

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