I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1012 Temporary Emotional Expert

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Things to shoot this, Xu Le tour, who has a work madness, immediately leave, he went to prepare, and Chen Hao went out for a week, and I also thought about other relatives, so I settled a table, of course, I was at home. The beautiful kitchen summer, the sister and some subordinate, classmates, including Xing Zhao and Qiqua male, have been present.

Friends and relatives gathered together, of course, lively, drinking the court fruit wine produced by their own enterprises, eat beautiful crescent, don't make more pleasant.

After three patrols, everyone mentioned that Chen Hao once opened in Xiaoxia Restaurant, everyone was only seen in the media, but she did not taste it because it is non-selling.

Ilo wine is exchanged in tens of billions of subsidies. It can be said that it is worth it. It can't buy a good thing, but it is a good friend. There is a good friend. Hochao, drink, how can he refuse.

Isn't it a point, it's good, so Chen Hao will bleed the bleeding, and give a bottle of Ilo. I have to drink it today.

This wine, Xia Jing, has been lucky, so she is self-evident to teach everyone to drink.

When I didn't open the bottle cap, some people still didn't accept the heart, I thought I didn't have a bottle of wine, how can I still teach? Do you have to drink?

As a result, after opening the bottle, everyone's mouth does not consciously, this wine is really not drinking. I will change a color, like the trick, I don't dare to blame.

"After each color transform, drink it is another flavor." Xia Jing is proud to introduce.

"Wonderful!" Everyone drank a bite, it is really open.

When they just tasted the wine of several colors, Xia Jing came to teach secrets: "You are optimistic, drink it between two colors, there will be a special taste of mixing, this will be more Taste. "

"It is the Joan jade liquid, but it is this?" After the Qiquan male tasted, I was surprised.

"This wine should only have a few times in the sky." Cao Rui still thought about the first poem.

Everyone tastes Eluo, it is the poetry, but Xing Zhao, this unpredictable technology home, because there is no culture, only a "lying trough" walks, a series of "lying channel" to express his to Ilo Shocked, therefore also suffered from the white eyes of Qiuquian, that means not to give her a loss.

Xing Zhao was embarrassed to scratch the brain spoon and laughed.

Chen Hao saw that he couldn't help but, it seems that this good buddy, it will be a woman in the future.

Drink a few glasses of wine, through the opportunity of going to the toilet, Xing Zhao called Chen Hao to the side, hints, please ask something.

"Is it missing?" Chen Hao asked.

"Oh, no, Hao Ge, you are not known as Dora a dream, there is no kind of medicine, the Asian man is drinking, you can talk to me in the evening ..."

Xing Zhao is originally destroyed.

To be honest, Chen Hao is really, when he is the perfume given by Siki, she has made a good thing with Zhou Xi Tong, but he is also a no heart, this kind of thing is a bit, Chen Hao is a good buddy of Xing Ze Tao, Qiuya male is a good boss, certain will not provide perfume to give him.

Chen Hao immediately educated: "The feelings can't engage in this kind of abuse, water to the can, don't move the brain, otherwise it is easy to carry your own feet."

"Yes, I am just anxious, for the sien, I have a few months, I am really uncomfortable." Xing Zhao complained to Chen Hao.

"Where are you going with her?" Chen Hao decided to help help with a rich experience.

Xing Zhao said: "You can hold hands in hand, occasionally her mood can touch a few clothes, but I don't let me take her clothes."

Chen Hao said, "" Girls are all inductive creatures, they want to compensate, they will cultivate the atmosphere, put a romantic song, tell some lingering words, you are more moving, thinking about those things Let them disgusted, and you are worried that you are in love. "

Xing Ze Tao said: "Of course, because of her body, I will talk to love, otherwise I will go to see the second yuan paper, the wife, the big eyes, the eyes,"

Chen Hao speechless, and this straight man didn't communicate. When the cannon teacher did not teach him, it is really a headache.

"Then you will prepare the wedding earlier, and you will be able to say it." Chen Hao was spit.

"I didn't say it anymore, but she said that the time is too short, she is not ready, I don't want to marry so early." Xing Ze Tao has two hands, indicating helplessness.

Chen Hao shook his head, said: "That explains the feelings, slowly use the heart to feel her."

"Hao Ge, I know that you are omnipotent, help your brother, I will give you a horse next life!"

Xing Zhao is also a mortal genius, and it is necessary to work.


Chen Hao hurriedly helped him and said: "I can't afford this gift."

The buddies said so, then this is busy is to help, but Chen Hao doesn't want to give him the perfume, just use normal way.

Chen Hao said: "This way, I arrange a company draw, deliberately let Qiu Asan's five-day tour, you will travel with her to travel together, then women usually relax, you will pick up you. That set of rogue disappointment, creating people well, when atmosphere arrived, naturally there is. "

"Hao Ge, you are so good, I am grateful for your lifetime, love you, feel the sword together!" Xing Ze Tao was very forgotten and started to be funny.

"Roll, getting more and more don't do it." Chen Hao smiled.

When he said two good buddies, he said that smile and completed this chasing woman, and then returned to the dinner table.

After a while, I suddenly heard a scream, there is a nanny girl on the dish, called "there is a mouse"!

"Is there a mouse in the villa area?"

Chen Hao is somewhat strange, you have to get together.

"Brother, you are sitting well, I am, no matter how many mice are giving you."

The flowers dance from the trip, she is most lively, there is such a talent, of course, I have to be blended.

If the speed and dexterity, the flower dance is still above him, so Chen Hao will let her catch a mouse, and a small kitty.

As a result, the flowers were coming back, and they showed everyone to everyone: "Fast, good and lovely little hamsters, who is raising?"

The flower dance hands grabs the small hamsters that have been yellow and white, and the black eye is turning, it is very lively. After seeing Chen Hao, he called.

" !"

Chen Hao surprised out, which turned out to be lost.

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